Are addTransaction and addItem totally separate from each other in Google Analytics? - google-analytics

I'm using Google Analytics with an ecommerce site and the data is being sent to GA, which is cool, and I'm looking in the Conversions > Ecommerce > Transactions section. When I click on a Transaction ID to view it, it doesn't show the individual items that I know where in that transaction but it shows the revenue. But then I noticed that further down the line, there are other Transaction ID's that when I open up, display the individual item or product info without any revenue tied to it.
It's like the data that is part of addItem is completely separate from addTransaction, even when looking at the reporting results. I assumed that the transaction was a parent element and all of the items purchased within that transaction were child elements and it would display/report that way.
Is there a way to mesh these together so that I can view the transaction ID with all of it's child items?

It sounds like you are only using ecommerce:addItem in you site code, when you also need to specify the total in an ecommerce:addTransaction tag.
If you only call ecommerce:addItem, Google will automatically create a blank transaction (with no total amount) based on the transaction_id required in addItem.
From Google's documentation:
Note: While most implementations will send both transaction and item data, you can send transactions without items, and items without transactions. If you send an item hit without a transaction, a transaction hit with only the ID will be sent automatically.
Transactions are not just the automatic sum of Items because some charges (like tax, shipping, or even "gift-wrap" for example) might need to be added to the total at the transaction level, but don't correspond to individual items.
As long as you ensure you fire both ecommerce:addItem calls and ecommerce:addTransaction calls using the same transaction id before you fire ga('ecommerce:send');, everything should show up in Google Analytics the way you are hoping.


Duplicate transaction under same transaction ID

I am having an issue tracking my transactions via Tag Manager.
I have a GA Universal Analytics Transaction tag which fires on transaction completes. All cool until here.
So I have added another tag to be able to record Checkout behaviour but suddenly I am getting double transactions for a single transaction ID.
Can an event populate the actual transactions in the Acquisition > Source/Medium data table? This second tag is an Event tag actually, so it confuses me a bit.
Sure (actually for some scenarios sending e-commerce events is even considered best practice, e.g. for product list tracking).
However this would send a transaction only when a purchase action is specified in your e-commerce variable (the one you specify in the E-commerce section in "Read data from Variable"). Unless this contains a purchase event your problem is probably elsewhere.
GA does not deduplicate transactions, so even a reload can potentially cause double transactions.
Is the screenshot you included of the second tag? If so, you'll likely want to remove or modify the ecommerce setting from that tag as GTM will populate the ecommerce reports with whatever data is in the EE Funnel Step 4 variable, even if it's the same data that has already been sent in a previous ecommerce beacon. So if EE Funnel Step 4 is sending an ecommerce purchase action and the same transaction id as your previous ecommerce beacon it would be counted twice in GA.

Google API shows duplicate rows for TransactionId's

I've got a strange problem.
I'm trying to pull out data from GA API.
metrics: ga:users
dimensions: ga:date,ga:source,ga:medium,ga:transactionId
After reviewing the data I can see that I have multiple transaction Id's.
Usually 5 to 7 duplicates per month - the same transaction ID is in two dates.
In Google Analytics there are no duplicates.
There are in the exported data + Query Explorer also shows duplicates.
Does anybody know why?
First of all, do you make sure you use unique transactionIDs for each transaction? I've seen cases where the ERP makes certain transaction or orderIDs available again after an order was cancelled.
If you look at the transactionID in GA (click in on the ID itself to drill down into it) and change to Quantity or look at the product revenue for the graph line, do they occur on two different dates?
This behaviour is often seen if you forget to prevent the transaction pixel again on things like a page refresh. Another example is if they perhaps receive an email with "Click here to view your order/transaction" and it fires again on the receipt page.

Need to remove 'test' products in Ecommerce Overview of products

I have used the Google Analytics Hit Builder to remove my test purchases on my Ecommerce sites Analytics, which has removed the Revenue ok!
But they still display on the Homepage view of my Analytics under:
'What are your top selling products?'
My question; is there any way to remove this product/text from the 'Ecommerce Overview'??
Chris H
Please see Example Image here of problem
You can remove all of your data by deleting the view and starting over, but you cannot selectively remove data.
Even sending a negative revenue with an existing Transaction ID does not actually remove anything; internally this is still stored as two transactions, so this affects your E-Commerce-Conversionrate, possibly your channel performance (unless you sent correct channel information in your second transaction) and might even be displayed as separate transactions depending on the timeframe you selected.

Multiple custom metric hits issue with GTM/GA transaction

I track eCommerce transactions with GA and GTM, and trying to create a custom metric which will count how many people are involved in each transaction.
So I created a hit-scoped custom metric and try to pass its value along with the transaction tag in GTM:
Please see screenshot here:
As we know, a transaction in GA is a series of hits: one "transaction" hit and one or more "item" hits. The problem is that GTM sends the custom metric value with ALL of the hits, not just with one. So when I use my hit-scoped metric to measure something, it's measured more than once.
For ex., in a transaction where 2 people are involved, this value (2) is send twice (once with "transaction" hit, once with "item" hit) and in the GA reports I see figure 4 (instead of 2) associated with this transaction.
I didn't find a way to ask GTM to send the custom metric just once.
Am I missing something here? Any suggestions?
You can use a separate tag with the custom metric information, which is triggered on the same event as the transactions. This will create another request to GA, which isn't the best solution in terms of performance.
Maybe you can combine this information with a tag, which is already triggered on the same page? An "all pages" Universal Analytics tag is maybe present and has the information {{QuantityOfInsured}} available at the time the "all pages analytics tag" is triggered.

Google Analytics duplicate transaction id multiple domains

I am implementing Google Analytics (via GTM) on multiple ecommerce sites. I need to record transactions to the client's google analytics account as well as to our single master analytics account, which accrues data for multiple sites.
I am wondering if there will be any issues sending duplicate transaction ids to our master google analytics's account i.e. if an order is placed on two different client sites and they happen to both be the same transaction id. Would Google Analytics recognise these as two separate transactions or would one overwrite the other?
If you send two identical transaction ids to the same account Google Analytics will add the second transaction to the first and show products for both under the same transaction id (before refund data upload became available that was actually used to cancel out unwanted transations using negative values for revenue).
However internally they will be counted as two transactions (i.e. in calculations for E-Commerce-Conversionrate etc.). Also if you set a time based second dimension (hour of day, minute index or the like) or e.g. by hostname you will see that Google untangles both transactions (so they appear added up only for timeframes that encompasses both).
To avoid this I would recommend that you use an advanced filter to add the hostname to the transaction id.
