Espresso perform click on button located in fragment - android-fragments

I've got the following problem. I want to test my application with Espresso. Therefore I want to click a button which is part of the "Buttons" fragment, this fragment is located in a frame-layout in the MainActivity.
Ofcourse I can check if the frame-layout is displayed but I can not reach the layout of the fragment which is located into the frame-layout.
So my question is, how can I reach the layout of the fragment into the frame-layout, so I can click on a button into the fragment.
The result at the moment is a NoViewMatchException: No views in hierarchy found matching: with id:...
Thanks in advance!
Edit: The exception shows the view hierarchy
These are the methods I'm calling:
This is the frame-layout in the MainActivity for the buttons fragment:
The locations buttons is in the Buttons fragment
withId on the button id in stead of withText doesn't make sense.

The question is not very clear. It does not matter which layout you are using. Espresso can locate the element on the view hierarchy. If your case, you're getting NoViewMatchException. That means the view ( is not there when you're checking.
For debugging, you can add some wait (SystemClock.sleep(2000)) and check if it works.
If that works, you need to write the idling resource to wait for the buttons fragment to appear.


Open Additional Fragment

Is there a way to open a second Fragment Page? (ie. open multiple fragment pages at the same time)
I have a database setup and when users click a button a Fragment Page pops up so they can edit the fields. I would like to try and have a sub-menu appear for comments (so they don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen).
Something like the Menu in the Material Gallery Sample would be great.
I am currently using app.showDialog(app.pageFragments.Menu); to open the Page Fragments.
Having both Fragments open side by side would be a usable options as well.
Here is an example diagram.
Sorry for the late reply. I'll put this as an answer because I think it will get you what you need. You could implement this if you put the page fragments directly into your page, and toggled their visible property to show/hide them.
The biggest trick here is how does the first page fragment tell the second to open? That ends up being simple, just add a custom boolean property to the first fragment. Then in the base page (which contains the two fragments) bind the visible property of the second fragment to the custom property of the first fragment. Then in the first fragment, you can set that property to "true" when you want the second fragment to show, and "false" when you want it to hide.

replace fragments inside fragment displayed by the viewpager

Please see the wireframe image first.
I am using a ViewPager to display fragments inside a FragmentActivity. ViewPager gets fragments from the attached FragmentPagerAdapter
mViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
mAdapter = new HomePagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
Suppose viewpager has 3 fragments to display say Fragment1, Fragment2, Fragment3.
In the above image 'displaying fragment1' is the title for the first fragment, "Fragment1". This fragment is a list fragment and displays a list. Fragment2 and Fragment3 have their own content to display. when the user swipes on the screen, ViewPager will display the next fragment, "Fragment2".
What i want is that, when an item from the list(displayed by Fragment1) is clicked, Fragment1 should be completely replaced with some other Fragment, say Fragment4 (this is different fragment and is not returned by the attached adapter). when Fragment4 is displayed, the actionbar should change its content. whenever user works on Fragment4 and onBackPress or an action from the ActionBar, Fragment1 with the list should be displayed again. Meanwhile ViewPager should behave the same i.e on swipe, and the next fragment(in our case Fragment2) will be displayed.
basically, i want to get the same behavior as in example at :
In this example the ListFragment is displayed directly inside a FragmentActivity. I am displaying the ListFragment with a ViewPager. I want the same functionality from the above example but inside fragments displayed with ViewPager. This was very difficult to achieve before the release of Android 4.2. this version of android supports nested fragments using getChildFragmentManager() so, i see some hope.
I am trying this on my side for many days and also scanned entire stackoverflow for Q & A related to nested fragments but didn't get what i want.
So, is this possible to achieve? if yes, then how to?
This was a big problem before Android 4.2 but it seems to easier now with nested fragments, apart from ensuring the back button works. I posted my solution to your question over here:
My solution answers everything you asked apart from changing the ActionBar.

Disable UIPageViewController when ModalViewController opened

I am totaly new to this site, but I already like it :-)
I found it by searching for a question about the UIPageViewController.
I have a normal UIPageViewController App, in which I open a ModalViewController for setting up some settings...
Now the Problem: :-)
If I click on the done Button on the right side of the ModalView, to dismiss it, the PageViewController turnes the page, because he thinks that he is meant by that click ;-)
Can I disable the PageViewController GestureRecognizer as long as I have a ModalView opened?
Is there a method to disable and later his recognizer?
thank you for your help in advance...
cu Matze
It seems odd that your UIPageViewController would steal touches from a modal view presented over it. Unless, perhaps, you are embedding the modal view within the content of the UIPageViewController?
To answer your question -- you can easily disable the page view controller's gesture recognizers by enumerating its gestureRecognizers property (an NSArray):
for (UIGestureRecognizer *gr in [self.pageViewController gestureRecognizers]) {
[gr setEnabled:NO];
Re-enable them later with setEnabled:YES.
In iOS 6 UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll has been added. UIPageViewControllers that use this transition style return no gesture recognisers in the array returned by gestureRecognizers. Presumably page view controllers with this transition style use an underlying, private UIScrollView instance (it behaves just like a UIScrollView with paging enabled), although I haven't checked this.

Show alert if moving on without saving in Flex?

Functionnaly :
On one of my components of my application, I have an editing/lock system. When a user starts editing, he locks the file so other users cannot edit it.
Problem scenario : When the user activates "edition mode" and leaves screen, I would like to show a alert with two options : save changes, or discard changes.
There are different ways to exit screen :
There is a List on the left side containing other possible editabel data. A click changes the data in my component.
There is a menubar on top leading to other screens.
The edition component is embedded in a Tab navigator. When changing tabs, the alert has to show.
Closing browser.
Do I have to catch all of these events and plug at all those places?
Is there any kind of focusout mecanism?
The answer to the first question is: YES.
You need to watch all possible exit events that could harm the currently edited data.
Well, the problem is now how to manage this properly. Using an MVC framework you would trigger the appropriate commands from your components:
CHANGE_TAB (new tab)
CHANGE_SCREEN (new screen)
Each command then checks if the currently edited tab has been saved or not. If not, it displays the Alert. Else, if there are no changes, it allows the list, the screen chooser and the tab bar to continue.
So your components (list, screens, tabs) need to implement some kind of rollback or preventDefault mechanism. Generally, changing their state must be allowed by a central validator (in MVC the command).
In the case of the list: I would suggest that the list is not selectable by mouse click but only programmatically. You set a listener on the list item click event. If the command allows setting of a new item it will notify the list. In MVC usually by sending an async message that gets received by the list's mediator. [[And even more correct: The command would set some model properties (e.g. currentListItem) and the model than sends an async message.]]
Edit: For the browser close event, you need to call a JavaScript expert.

Autorotate with a UINavigationController

I am a little unclear on how to rotate views that are sitting on a UINavigationController.
I have overridden the UINavigationController object with one of my own that overrides:
(void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation { return YES; }
I have one view on the stack on the controller and that view is loaded from a xib with two views in it. I want to switch from portrait to landscape. Normally I would handle this by changing the view from within the nib files of the view itself. Do I have to implement the rotational code within the Navigation Controller or just within my view code?
That willAnimate code is what I'm used to using in the view itself, but I'm still not seeing the view being changed, and I'm thinking it may be that I need to access the view in the NavigationController and change that, or even override the same method in the Navigation Controller and do my view switching there.
Any suggestions? I've never actually done this before and just found out the TabViewControllers and NavigationControllers are both portrait mode only by default.
Turns out it wasn't possible to change the view because I was trying to changes the RootView on the Navigation Controller. I got around this by placing my own pseudo root view controller that never gets seen in the root spot on the Navigation stack. I overrode a few of the navigation controls to account for this so the functionality would continue the same and I'd be able to change my desired perceived root view as I needed to.
A start in the right direction can be found in this link:’s-root-view-controller/
