How to drop into R shell after executing commands from file in R - r

In Python, running the interpreter with the -i flag first executes the script, then drops back into the interpreter
python -i
Hello world
>>> print("Python ftw")
Python ftw
which allows me to type commands and reach the variables after execution.
With R, this seems to be of great difficulty. I have been searching online for some time, and am surprised to see there is not so many results with the keywords "R run file shell interpreter".
With R, you can use
$ R -f myfile.R which executes and then exits the interpreter
$ Rscript myfile.R which still does the same thing.
Even worse, it does not plot when run like this and just exits without showing any signs that something has been plotted.
So, to repeat my question:
How do I make R to drop into the R shell after running commands from a file, a.k.a. a script?
Concurrently, how can I make R really plot the plots and not close them off immediately?
I can do these with Python, MATLAB, Octave, Ruby and many others, and should be able to do with R too.

I will answer your two questions separately:
How do I drop into a shell after my script has executed?
The function "browser" called with no arguments will allow to to drop into a shell on the line that it's called. Appending this to your script should do the trick.
How do I save graphics when not run in interactive mode?
First, check that there isn't a pdf file being created in your working directory. Depending on how you're running R, I believe it may be named "Rplots.pdf". Personally, however, I prefer to explicitly save graphics to a particular file, as such:
which will save the plot in a new file called temp.pdf (and will overwrite any existing file by that name, so watch out).
Functions analagous to "pdf" exist for other image formats if you would prefer that.


Is it possible to save an R script, with unique parameters used in the script, after it has run?

I'm using R for some processes, and I was wondering if it was possible to save a copy of an Rscript with the parameters in the script after it has ran - instead of args[1]. This would let the user be able to open the saved Rscript in Rstudio after the script has ran, with their argument instead of args[x] for any alterations they might want to make to plots.
For example:
Rscript plot_script.r path/to/file
Should be:
In the saved output Rscript.
Is this possible?

Run same R script from terminal with different arguments in parallel

I have an R script that's called the following way from the terminal:
Rscript myscript.R param1 param2
When the script finishes it generates an output .csv file that is saved somewhere on my server.
I want to be able to, by using tmux, on different panes, run the same script, just with different values for param1 param2.
How do I go about to do that? Really struggling to find the best way to do it.
So the best solution I managed to get to this problem was to basically start R sessions on each tmux window and from there just input the arguments and run the actual script.
Not the most practical but gets the job done.

Running R via terminal in Windows and leaving R session open

Suppose that I have a R script called test.R, stored at C:\, with the following content:
x <- "Hello Stackoverflowers"
To run it via terminal one could simply call:
Rscript C:\test.R
And as expected, the result will be:
However, what I wonder is whether there is a way to run test.R via Windows console but after that staying within the executed R session instead of closing and going back to the console cursor? That is, staying inside the R session instead of going back, in the image above, to C:\R\R-3.4.1\bin>.
For instance, when compiling Python code with python.exe I can easily accomplish a similar thing by passing the -i parameter to the python.execall.
How could I do that with R?
Add this to your .Rprofile:
if (file.exsts(STARTUP_FILE)) source(STARTUP_FILE)
and then set the indicated environment variable outside of R and then run R. e.g. from the Windows cmd line:
set STARTUP_FILE=C:\test.R
... R session ...
There are many variations of this. For example, we could make a copy of the .Rprofile file in a specific directory such as ~/test, say, and add this code to that copy
in which case R would only run test.R if R were started in that directory.

How to call Rscript from R?

I am developing a package that exposes an R interface (a bunch of functions to be used interactively) and a command line interface via Rscript. This second one works via a small launcher, for instance, at the command line:
Rscript mylauncher.R arg1 arg2 arg3
would call a function of my package.
I would like to test a couple of command lines from R. Nothing fancy, just make sure that everything runs without errors.
If I test these calls doing in an R source file:
system("Rscript mylauncher.R arg1 arg2 arg3")
How can I be sure that I called the right Rscript? In case there are multiple R installations? (which is actually the case in my setting).
Another approach would be write in the R source file:
But I don't see how to specify the command line (I would avoid the trick of overwriting the function commandArgs, because I want to test also the right tokenization of the command line). Does anybody have an idea?
How can I be sure that I called the right Rscript? In case there are
multiple R installations?
you would query R RHOME on the command-line and Sys.getenv("R_HOME") from wihthin R.
You then append bin/RScript and should have the Rscript corresponding to your current session. I still design my libraries in such a way that I can call them from R ...

How do I test if R is running as Rscript?

I have code in a single R file that I want to be able to source (i.e., to define my functions etc.) within RStudio during development, and also run using the #! /usr/bin/env Rscript syntax via the command line (actually, using Hadoop). For the latter, I need the last thing that Rscript does to be to kick off the analysis (i.e., using a call to a main() function). For the former, I don't want my main() function called. I'd like to be able to test if the code is running within Rscript (or, alternatively, within RStudio), so that I can either execute main() or not. Is this possible, please?
One solution would be to break my code into multiple files, but I'd rather avoid this if possible (to make the Hadoop stuff slightly easier).
Thanks in advance.
You could use interactive to test if R is running in interactive mode. interactive will return FALSE under Rscript and TRUE under (most?) GUIs.
