Meteor stopped running template `rendered` functions - meteor

Im trying to run some jquery code after the template renders. But it's not working. When I run the code in the console manually, it works. Here's the js :
restricted: function() {
return !Meteor.user();
authInProcess: function() {
return Meteor.loggingIn();
canShow: function() {
return !!Meteor.user();
Template.PanelLayout.rendered = function() {
$(document).ready(function() { // This is the code I want to run
Template code :
<template name="PanelLayout">
{{#if restricted}}
{{> NotFound}}
{{#if authInProcess}}
{{> spinner}}
{{#if canShow}}
{{> PanelMainNav}}
<main id="panel-content">
{{> Template.dynamic template=content }}
Im not sure but I think it's because I have added the if else statements to load the content only when the user is logged in? How can I fix this?

Probably it's because rendered function is called after document is ready, therefore your hook document.ready won't work, you should remove it, so it will look like this(also rendered function is deprecated, use onRendered instead):
Template.PanelLayout.onRendered(function() {


Flow Router Footer Flashes to Top Before Data Loads

I'm loading a grid of data with flow router, but when I view the page the footer always flashes to the top before the data loads. What is the best way to fix this?
Here is the route:
AdminRoutes.route('/dashboard', {
name: 'adminDashboard',
action() {
BlazeLayout.render('AppLayout', {page: 'AdminDashboard'});
Here is the js file:
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating'
import Stores from '../../../../api/stores/stores.js'
import './AdminDashboard.html'
Template.AdminDashboard.onCreated(function() {
var self = this;
self.autorun(function() {
stores: function () {
return Stores.find();
Here is the html layout file:
<template name='AppLayout'>
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{> Header }}
{{> Template.dynamic template=page}}
{{> Footer }}
Here is the dashboard html file:
<template name='AdminDashboard'>
<div class='admin-dashboard-page'>
<section class='stores-grid'>
{{#each stores}}
<div class='store'>
<h2 class='store-name'>{{name}}</h2>
<a href='/admin/dashboard/{{link}}' class='store-button'>Edit</a>
I'd try displaying the footer AFTER .stores-grid loads. Create a reactiveVar with a handler that is set to true when your data is loaded and return it's value on a helper, then wrap the footer in an if block on your template.
It would be something like the following...
First create a reactiveVar with a value of false:
Template.AdminDashboard.onCreated(function() {
this.isDataLoaded = new ReactiveVar(false);
var self = this;
self.autorun(function() {
Set the value to true when the collection is loaded:
stores: function () {
let data = Stores.find()
if(data) {
return data ;
dataLoaded: function () {
return Template.Instance().isDataLoaded.get();
Finally, wrap your footer so it's only displayed after data is loaded:
<template name='AppLayout'>
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{> Header }}
{{> Template.dynamic template=page}}
{{#if dataLoaded}}
{{> Footer }}
A simple fix would be to set a minimum height on the div your content will be loaded into, pushing the footer down while the content loads. This may or may not work for you, depending on what the expected height of your content will be.
You could also install a loading screen/animation to hide the footer while the data loads.

Rendering Template in Meteor and Iron Router depending on value in document

I am trying to render a template depending on a value of a field in a document.
I tried using a switch case in a helper but the return value comes out incorrect.
<template name="unitsList">
{{#each units}}
{{> unitItem}}
units: function() {
return Units.find({}, {sort: {name: 1}});
<template name="unitItem">
unitType: function() {
var unitType = this.unitType;
case 'first': return "{{pathFor 'unitPageFirst'}}";
case 'second': return "{{pathFor 'unitPageSecond'}}";
I'm either going about this the wrong way or missing something elementary...
I've cut out a lot of code to focus on the problem.
Any ideas on how to get this working, or any suggestions on how to do it better?
You can't return uncompiled Spacebars strings from JS at execution time.
You can either use Router.path to get the path for your routes within your template helper :
unitType: function() {
var unitType = this.unitType;
case 'first':
return Router.path('unitPageFirst', this);
case 'second':
return Router.path('unitPageSecond', this);
Or you can use plain Spacebars by declaring template helpers to check against the unitType.
<template name="unitItem">
{{#if unitTypeIs 'unitTypeFirst'}}
{{#if unitTypeIs 'unitTypeSecond'}}
unitTypeIs: function(unitType){
return this.unitType == unitType;
Have a look at Rendering Templates in the Iron-router guide, specifically the this.render('xyz'); statement

How to make a session variable reactive?

I'm running Meteor 0.5.7, and trying to display a bootstrap alert message when user clicks submit.
return Session.get("success");
'click .submit' : function (event, template) {
if (condition) {
Session.set("success", true);
// hide warning, show success
} else {
Session.set("success", false);
// hide success, show warning
Template.form.rendered = function () { $('.alert').hide();};
{{> page}}
<template name='page'>
{{> form}}
<template name='form'>
<!-- Show Alerts Above Form -->
<div class="alert alert-success" id="valid_form">..</div>
<div class="alert" id="invalid_form">..</div>
{{#if isSuccessful}}
When the user INITIALLY clicks submit and the condition is not met, they have to click submit again in order to get the warning message. All other times the logic works.
I've looked at this - How does Meteor's reactivity work behind the scenes?, and re-read the Meteor docs on reactive programming parts, but something is still amiss.
Shouldn't the else statement in the client default to a session variable of success == false, and the handlebar template pick it up immediately in the {{else}} block? SLightly confused. Thanks,
The answer to my question appears to be that changing return Session.get("success") to return Session.equals("success",true) in the handlebar registered helper did the trick. From what I'm reading, it has less "invalidations"? - not sure what that's suppose to mean atm, but it's a start!
If your purpose is to hide/show the relevant alerts on a condition, you can just do this instead:
Template.form.rendered = function() {
// hide all alerts when elements are rendered
'click .submit' : function (event, template) {
if (condition) {
// hide warning, show success
} else {
// hide success, show warning
{{> page}}
<template name='page'>
{{> form}}
<template name='form'>
<div class="alert alert-success" id="valid_form">..</div>
<div class="alert" id="invalid_form">..</div>

Content wrapped in currentUser re-rendering when user updated

I'm using Meteor and having an issue where my content is being re-rendered when I don't want it to.
I have my main content wrapped in a currentUser if statement which I feel is fairly standard.
{{#if currentUser}}
{{> content}}
The problem with this is my content template is being re-rendered when I update my user object. Is there any way around this? I don't reference users anywhere inside the content template.
Thank you!
Here's a sample app to replicate my problem:
<title>Render Test</title>
{{> userUpdate}}
{{#if currentUser}}
{{> content}}
<template name="userUpdate">
<input id="updateUser" type="button" value="Update User Value" />
User last update: <span id="lastUpdated">{{lastUpdated}}</span>
<template name="content">
<p>Render count: <span id="renderCount"></span></p>
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.startup(function() {
Session.set("contentRenderedCount", 0);
Template.content.rendered = function() {
var renderCount = Session.get("contentRenderedCount") + 1;
Session.set("contentRenderedCount", renderCount);
document.getElementById("renderCount").innerText = renderCount;
}; = {
"click #updateUser": function() {
Meteor.users.update({_id: Meteor.userId()}, {$set: {lastActive: new Date()}});
Template.userUpdate.lastUpdated = function() {
return Meteor.user().lastActive;
if (Meteor.isServer) {
'update': function () {
return true;
I should've explained this example a little. After creating a user, clicking the Update User Value button, causes the render count to increment. This is because it's wrapped in a {{#if currentUser}}. If this is if is removed, you'll notice the render count remains at 1.
Also, you'll need to add the accounts-ui and accounts-password packages to your project.
Meteor will re-render any template containing reactive variables that are altered. In your case the {{currentUser}} is Meteor.user() which is an object containing the user's data. When you update the users profile, the object changes and it tells meteor to re-calculate everything reactive involving the object.
We could alter the reactivity a bit so it only reacts to changes in whether the user logs in/out and not anything within the object itself:
Meteor.autorun(function() {
return Session.get(input);
Your html
{{#if session "meteor_loggedin"}}
{{> content}}

Cannot read property '_liveui' of null

I'm getting client side errors(console.log ones) but my app works(I can add users)
The error is the following:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_liveui' of null
The project is in my repo:
What is happening?
Meteor has updated its API a bunch since this question was asked, so the original code no longer runs directly.
Using jQuery.html to insert the results of rendering a template is not the normal approach. It is better to use the handlebars template include functionality.
For example, replace:
hello = Meteor.ui.render(function(){
return Template.hello();
{{> hello}}
To render different things depending on the state of the application, use the 'Session' object to conditionalize includes. For example:
<template name="foo">
{{#if showNewUserDialog}}
{{> newUserDialog}}
other stuff
<template name="newUserDialog">
some stuff
and = function () {
return Session.get('showNewUserDialog');
'click #new_user': function () {
Session.set('showNewUserDialog', true);
