Adding custom buttons to send message notification using Microsoft Band SDK - microsoft-band

I have been playing with the Microsoft Band SDK and I have figured out that it is possible to create custom tile layouts and buttons along with event click receivers like ACTION_TILE_OPENED, ACTION_TILE_BUTTON_PRESSED, and ACTION_TILE_CLOSED.
However, is it possible to add custom buttons when doing send message notifications? Such that when a message is receive, the user can swipe left and see additional action buttons he/she can tap, and also tie this button to a click handler method? I have been trying to figure this out all day, but no success.
When a text (SMS) message is receive in the band, you can swipe left to see two buttons: "Dismiss" and "Reply". I was wondering if it is possible to also create this type of notification with buttons.

No, currently there are no means to customize notifications (messages or dialogs) sent to the Band.


forward inline keyboard along message in telegram

I want to create a message with telegram api that users could share(forward) it along its inline keyboard buttons.
I know with telegram api you can create a message that contains inline keyboard by adding inline_keyboard array in replay_markup of a message but when I forward this message inside telegram just the text part of the message forwards and buttons wont.
In brief I want to know is it possible to create a message with telegram api that when someone forwards this message inline keyboard of that message forwards too.
InlineKeyboardButton with "url" or "login_url" parameter can be forwarded.
Note: if there is another button in keyboard without "url" or "login_url" parameter whole keyboard woudn't be shown
You can't attach inline keyboard in the forwarded message, but you can add a “Share” button, and use switch_inline_query in inline keyboard.
For instance: Users can use #Sean_Bot TeleBot to send a photo with inline buttons, if they want to keep inline buttons, they should click “Share” button instead of directly forward.

I need different button titles for different users in telegram group

I'm going to make vote-bot based on Schulze-method, so I need to show individual buttons for every user. Is it possible?
No possible to make different inline keyboard for each user in same chat at this time.
But I think you can use a button with url parameter contain, and when user click it, your bot will receive /start vote_uniqueId. And then you can give they different keyboard to vote now. :)

Visual indication for inline buttons

Is there a way to show some visual indication that the inline button has been pressed in telegram bot.
I have a bit which send inline keyboard, and when I press each buttons it works perfectly fine, but there is a slight delay in getting response from the server. As there is no visual indication to show if a button has been pressed, it is confusing for uses to know if the button was pressed and end up pressing the same button several times.
there are different types of inline buttons in Telegram:
Opens URL (with url).
Forward a message (with switch_inline_query).
Insert query at the chat (with switch_inline_query_current_chat).
Button with action (with callback_data).
I suppose you are refering to the last type of button, in that case, if a user press a button you will get the callback_data via CallbackQuery, and that lets you modify the original message with editMessageText to add something like:
Button TEST pressed.
As an alternative way, after you got the callback response at your server, you can use Emoji for showing feedback to your users. Just edit the inline message and edit some relative emoji to the button text.

How can I receive a notification when the Action Button on the Microsoft Band is pressed?

I can create a Band tile with a text button and receive notifications if that text button is pressed. But I really would like to use the Action hardware Button on my Microsoft Band. How can I receive a notification when the Action Button on the Microsoft Band is pressed?
You cannot. Nothing in the SDKs I've seen lets you do that.
Unfortunately that is not supported by the official SDK.
But some 3rd party apps have managed to use the button by using raw Bluetooth, but you would have to reverse-engineer the protocol used by the Band.

Launch watchkit app from long custom notification content area

I'm trying to implement a feature such that users can click on the notification content area (not app icon nor action buttons) to bring the main watchkit app open. The current official way to launch the main watchkit app is to tap the app icon or action buttons in a notification scene. But I feel like the app icon is actually quite small (and hard) to tap and sometimes users are not even aware of this feature.
What I'm trying to do now is to put my notification content into a table row in the notification controller and make this row clickable. This will give user a pretty big area to tap with. Then in the click event handler I'm trying to open the main watchkit app. But I haven't figure out a way to do that (none of the general navigation methods such as presentControllerWithName works from notification controller).
Any suggestions?
