define breaks for hist2d in R - r

is there a simple way to define breaks instead of nbins for a 2d histogram (hist2d) in R?
I want to define the range for the x- and yaxis for a 2D histogram and the number of bins for each dimension.
My example:
# example data
x <- sample(-1:100, 2000, replace=T)
y <- sample(0:89, 2000, replace=T)
# create 2d histogram
h2 <- hist2d(x,y,nbins=c(23,19),xlim=c(-1,110), ylim=c(0,95),xlab='x',ylab='y',main='hist2d')
This results in this 2D histogram output 1
2-D Histogram Object
Call: hist2d(x = x, y = y, nbins = c(23, 19), xlab = "x", ylab = "y",
xlim = c(-1, 110), ylim = c(0, 95), main = "hist2d")
Number of data points: 2000
Number of grid bins: 23 x 19
X range: ( -1 , 100 )
Y range: ( 0 , 89 )
I need
X range: ( -1 , 110 )
Y range: ( 0 , 95 )
My attempt to define the xlim and ylim only extends the plot but does not define the axis range for the histogram. I know that there would be no data in the additional bins.
Is there a way to define
xbreaks = seq(-1,110,5)
ybreaks = seq(0,95,5)
instead of using nbins which divides the range from minimum to maximum into the given number of bins?
Thank you for your help

I changed the code a little bit and this version should work the with explicitly defining the breaks for both axes. First you have to load the function. Then you can give the x.breaks and y.breaks options with x.breaks=seq(0,10,0.1).
If same.scale is true, you only need x.breaks
The return value addionaly contains the number of bins and the relative counts.
Also, you can include a legend if wanted, by setting legend=TRUE. For that you need to have the package Fields
hist2d_breaks = function (x, y = NULL, nbins = 200,same.scale = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE,
show = TRUE, col = c("black", heat.colors(12)), FUN = base::length,
xlab, ylab,x.breaks,y.breaks, ...)
if (is.null(y)) {
if (ncol(x) != 2)
stop("If y is ommitted, x must be a 2 column matirx")
y <- x[, 2]
x <- x[, 1]
if (length(nbins) == 1)
nbins <- rep(nbins, 2)
nas <- |
if (na.rm) {
x <- x[!nas]
y <- y[!nas]
else stop("missinig values not permitted if na.rm=FALSE")
x.cuts = x.breaks;
y.cuts = x.breaks;
x.cuts <- x.breaks
y.cuts <- y.breaks
index.x <- cut(x, x.cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
index.y <- cut(y, y.cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
m <- tapply(x, list(index.x, index.y), FUN)
if (identical(FUN, base::length))
m[] <- 0
if (missing(xlab))
xlab <- deparse(substitute(xlab))
if (missing(ylab))
ylab <- deparse(substitute(ylab))
if (show){
image.plot(x.cuts, y.cuts, m, col = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
image(x.cuts, y.cuts, m, col = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
midpoints <- function(x) (x[-1] + x[-length(x)])/2
retval <- list()
retval$counts <- m
retval$counts_rel <- m/max(m)
retval$x.breaks = x.cuts
retval$y.breaks = y.cuts
retval$x = midpoints(x.cuts)
retval$y = midpoints(y.cuts)
retval$nobs = length(x)
retval$bins = c(length(x.cuts),length(y.cuts))
retval$call <-
class(retval) <- "hist2d"
The call of (my data) then brings the following:
brings up the following plot
2D Histogram with breaks

Revise the "hist2d" as follows
hist2d_range<-function (x, y = NULL, nbins = 200, same.scale = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE,
show = TRUE, col = c("black", heat.colors(12)), FUN = base::length,
xlab, ylab,range=NULL, ...)
if (is.null(y)) {
if (ncol(x) != 2)
stop("If y is ommitted, x must be a 2 column matirx")
y <- x[, 2]
x <- x[, 1]
if (length(nbins) == 1)
nbins <- rep(nbins, 2)
nas <- |
if (na.rm) {
x <- x[!nas]
y <- y[!nas]
else stop("missinig values not permitted if na.rm=FALSE")
if (same.scale) {
x.cuts <- seq(from = min(x, y), to = max(x, y), length = nbins[1] +
y.cuts <- seq(from = min(x, y), to = max(x, y), length = nbins[2] +
x.cuts <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length = nbins[1] + 1)
y.cuts <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length = nbins[1] + 1)
else {
x.cuts <- seq(from = min(x), to = max(x), length = nbins[1] +
y.cuts <- seq(from = min(y), to = max(y), length = nbins[2] +
index.x <- cut(x, x.cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
index.y <- cut(y, y.cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
m <- tapply(x, list(index.x, index.y), FUN)
if (identical(FUN, base::length))
m[] <- 0
if (missing(xlab))
xlab <- deparse(substitute(xlab))
if (missing(ylab))
ylab <- deparse(substitute(ylab))
if (show)
image(x.cuts, y.cuts, m, col = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
midpoints <- function(x) (x[-1] + x[-length(x)])/2
retval <- list()
retval$counts <- m
retval$x.breaks = x.cuts
retval$y.breaks = y.cuts
retval$x = midpoints(x.cuts)
retval$y = midpoints(y.cuts)
retval$nobs = length(x)
retval$call <-
class(retval) <- "hist2d"
This function has an additional argument "range".
The revised point is as follows.
x.cuts <- seq(from = min(x, y), to = max(x, y), length = nbins[1] +
y.cuts <- seq(from = min(x, y), to = max(x, y), length = nbins[2] +
x.cuts <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length = nbins[1] + 1)
y.cuts <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length = nbins[1] + 1)


Changing the colour of a calibration plot

I've been generating calibration plots for my cph models of survival data. However, the default setting puts the "ideal" line in grey, which makes it difficult to discriminate. I've tried to specify the colour parameters in plot(), but this obviously only changes the line for "observed". What can I pass in plot() to change the line of the "ideal" line in a calibration plot generated in rms?
Here is one option:
Let's say you have code to create a cph model of survival data and use calibrate from the rms package:
n <- 200
d.time <- rexp(n)
x1 <- runif(n)
x2 <- factor(sample(c('a', 'b', 'c'), n, TRUE))
f <- cph(Surv(d.time) ~ pol(x1,2) * x2, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, surv=TRUE,
cal <- calibrate(f, u=1.5, cmethod='KM', m=50, B=20)
This will generate a calibrate object:
R> class(cal)
[1] "calibrate"
If you are using plot on this object, you can discover the function being called in rms:
R> getAnywhere("plot.calibrate.default")
A single object matching ‘plot.calibrate.default’ was found
It was found in the following places
registered S3 method for plot from namespace rms
with value
function (x, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, legend = TRUE, subtitles = TRUE,
cex.subtitles = 0.75, riskdist = TRUE, scat1d.opts = list(nhistSpike = 200),
You can create your own function based on this function, and alter the color of the ideal line. In this case, we make the ideal line green (and revise the text labels to match):
myplot <- function (x, xlab, ylab, subtitles = TRUE, = TRUE, cex.subtitles = 0.75,
riskdist = TRUE, add = FALSE, scat1d.opts = list(nhistSpike = 200),
par.corrected = NULL, ...)
at <- attributes(x)
u <- at$u
units <- at$units
if (length(par.corrected) && !is.list(par.corrected))
stop("par.corrected must be a list")
z <- list(col = "blue", lty = 1, lwd = 1, pch = 4)
if (!length(par.corrected))
par.corrected <- z
else for (n in setdiff(names(z), names(par.corrected))) par.corrected[[n]] <- z[[n]]
predicted <- at$predicted
if ("KM" %in% colnames(x)) {
type <- "stratified"
pred <- x[, "mean.predicted"]
cal <- x[, "KM"]
cal.corrected <- x[, "KM.corrected"]
se <- x[, "std.err"]
else {
type <- "smooth"
pred <- x[, "pred"]
cal <- x[, "calibrated"]
cal.corrected <- x[, "calibrated.corrected"]
se <- NULL
un <- if (u == 1)
paste(units, "s", sep = "")
else units
if (missing(xlab))
xlab <- paste("Predicted ", format(u), units, "Survival")
if (missing(ylab))
ylab <- paste("Fraction Surviving ", format(u), " ",
un, sep = "")
if (length(se) && {
ciupper <- function(surv, d) ifelse(surv == 0, 0, pmin(1,
surv * exp(d)))
cilower <- function(surv, d) ifelse(surv == 0, 0, surv *
errbar(pred, cal, cilower(cal, 1.959964 * se), ciupper(cal,
1.959964 * se), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "b",
add = add, ...)
else if (add)
lines(pred, cal, type = if (type == "smooth")
else "b")
else plot(pred, cal, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = if (type ==
else "b", ...)
err <- NULL
if (riskdist && length(predicted)) {"scat1d", c(list(x = predicted), scat1d.opts))
if (type == "smooth") {
s <- ! + cal.corrected)
err <- predicted - approxExtrap(pred[s], cal.corrected[s],
xout = predicted, ties = mean)$y
if (subtitles && !add) {
if (type == "smooth") {
Col <- par.corrected$col
substring(Col, 1, 1) <- toupper(substring(Col, 1,
title(sub = sprintf("Black: observed Green: ideal\n%s : optimism corrected",
Col), adj = 0, cex.sub = cex.subtitles)
w <- if (length(err))
paste("B=", at$B, " based on ", at$what, "\nMean |error|=",
round(mean(abs(err)), 3), " 0.9 Quantile=",
round(quantile(abs(err), 0.9, na.rm = TRUE),
3), sep = "")
else paste("B=", at$B, "\nBased on ", at$what, sep = "")
title(sub = w, adj = 1, cex.sub = cex.subtitles)
else {
title(sub = paste("n=", at$n, " d=", at$d, " p=",
at$p, ", ", at$m, " subjects per group\nGreen: ideal",
sep = ""), adj = 0, cex.sub = cex.subtitles)
title(sub = paste("X - resampling optimism added, B=",
at$B, "\nBased on ", at$what, sep = ""), adj = 1,
cex.sub = cex.subtitles)
abline(0, 1, col = "green")
if (type == "stratified")
points(pred, cal.corrected, pch = par.corrected$pch,
col = par.corrected$col)
else lines(pred, cal.corrected, col = par.corrected$col,
lty = par.corrected$lty, lwd = par.corrected$lwd)
Then you can use your custom function with your calibrate object:

R Programming other alternatives for plot

I wonder how you can simplify these two :
plot (payroll,wins)
id = identify(payroll, wins,labels = code, n = 5)
plot (payroll,wins)
with(data, text(payroll, wins, labels = code, pos = 1, cex=0.5))
using other alternatives - pch() dan as.numeric()?
Not sure it's easier but you change pch during identification as below (taken from the R-help). Every time you click empty point change to filled-in dot.
# data simulation
data <- data.frame(payroll = rnorm(10), wins = rnorm(10), code = letters[1:10])
identifyPch <- function(x, y = NULL, n = length(x), plot = FALSE, pch = 19, ...)
xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
x <- xy$x
y <- xy$y
sel <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
while (sum(sel) < n) {
ans <- identify(x[!sel], y[!sel], labels = which(!sel), n = 1, plot = plot, ...)
if(!length(ans)) {
ans <- which(!sel)[ans]
points(x[ans], y[ans], pch = pch)
sel[ans] <- TRUE
## return indices of selected points
if(dev.interactive()) { ## use it
with(data, plot(payroll,wins))
id = with(data, identifyPch(payroll, wins))

BTYD package. error in bgnbd plotting: need finite 'ylim' values for frequency in calibration

I'm having some trouble when plotting the "bgnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration" in the "BTYD" package.
There is no NA in the dataset and other plots works without error.
Below is my code for the plots:
CustData<- read.csv("~/ltv/CustData")
> colnames(<-c("t.x","x","","")
Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log = log, ...) :
need finite 'ylim' values
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
subset of the data
I fixed for pnbd.pnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration. Repeat the same for bgnbd. If you look at the actual function for pnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration :
"" (check here)
pnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration <- function(params,, censor, plotZero = TRUE,
xlab = "Calibration period transactions", ylab = "Customers", title = "Frequency of Repeat Transactions") {
tryCatch(x <-[, "x"], error = function(e) stop("Error in pnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration: must have a frequency column labelled \"x\""))
tryCatch( <-[, ""], error = function(e) stop("Error in pnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration: must have a column for length of time observed labelled \"\""))
dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "s", "beta"), params, "pnbd.PlotFrequencyInCalibration")
if (censor > max(x))
stop("censor too big (> max freq) in PlotFrequencyInCalibration.")
n.x <- rep(0, max(x) + 1)
custs = nrow(
for (ii in unique(x)) {
n.x[ii + 1] <- sum(ii == x)
n.x.censor <- sum(n.x[(censor + 1):length(n.x)])
n.x.actual <- c(n.x[1:censor], n.x.censor)
T.value.counts <- table(
T.values <- as.numeric(names(T.value.counts))
n.T.values <- length(T.values)
total.probability <- 0
n.x.expected <- rep(0, length(n.x.actual))
for (ii in 1:(censor)) {
this.x.expected <- 0
for (T.idx in 1:n.T.values) {
T <- T.values[T.idx]
if (T == 0)
n.T <- T.value.counts[T.idx]
expected.given.x.and.T <- n.T * pnbd.pmf(params, T, ii - 1)
this.x.expected <- this.x.expected + expected.given.x.and.T
total.probability <- total.probability + expected.given.x.and.T/custs
n.x.expected[ii] <- this.x.expected
n.x.expected[censor + 1] <- custs * (1 - total.probability)
col.names <- paste(rep("freq", length(censor + 1)), (0:censor), sep = ".")
col.names[censor + 1] <- paste(col.names[censor + 1], "+", sep = "")
censored.freq.comparison <- rbind(n.x.actual, n.x.expected)
colnames(censored.freq.comparison) <- col.names
cfc.plot <- censored.freq.comparison
if (plotZero == FALSE)
cfc.plot <- cfc.plot[, -1]
n.ticks <- ncol(cfc.plot)
if (plotZero == TRUE) {
x.labels <- 0:(n.ticks - 1)
x.labels[n.ticks] <- paste(n.ticks - 1, "+", sep = "")
} else {
x.labels <- 1:(n.ticks)
x.labels[n.ticks] <- paste(n.ticks, "+", sep = "")
ylim <- c(0, ceiling(max(cfc.plot,na.rm = TRUE) * 1.1))
barplot(cfc.plot, names.arg = x.labels, beside = TRUE, ylim = ylim, main = title,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = 1:2)
legend("topright", legend = c("Actual", "Model"), col = 1:2, lwd = 2)
There is a line:
ylim <- c(0, ceiling(max(cfc.plot) * 1.1))
Add to it, na.rm=TRUE
ylim <- c(0, ceiling(max(cfc.plot,na.rm = TRUE) * 1.1))
Run the function again, should work now

Plot multiple graphs in one figure using a loop

I need to compute the efficient frontier with different risk measure and to use a bootstrapping technique to simulate possible outcome. However, now I'm stuck: what I want to do is to generate via a loop (which will be integrated later into a function) multiple efficient frontier, each one associated to a possible future outcome, and to plot them on the same figure in such a way to see how they may change as the simulation goes on. Here is the loop that I wrote so far:
for (i in 1:B) {
idx <- sample(1:N, N, replace = TRUE)
new.x <- x[idx, ]
µ.b <- apply(X = new.x, 2, FUN = mean)
range.b[, i] <- seq(from = min(µ.b), to = max(µ.b), length.out = steps)
sigma.b <- apply(X = new.x, 2, FUN = sd)
riskCov.b[, i] <- sapply(range.b[, i], function(targetReturn) {
w <- MV_QP(new.x, targetReturn, Sigma)
sd(c(new.x %*% w))
xlim.b <- range(c(sigma.b, riskCov.b[, 1]), na.rm = TRUE)
ylim.b <- range(µ.b)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(x = riskCov.b[, i], y = range.b[, i], type = "l", xlim = xlim.b, ylim = ylim.b, xlab = "Risk", ylab = "Return", main = "Resampling EFs")
but the problem is that the elements on the x and y axis are rewriting each time the loop runs. How can this problem be solved?
I don't nknow if the optimization is correct. For ploting you can try the following:
for (i in 1:B) {
idx <- sample(1:N, N, replace = TRUE)
new.x <- x[idx, ]
µ.b <- apply(X = new.x, 2, FUN = mean)
range.b[, i] <- seq(from = min(µ.b), to = max(µ.b), length.out = steps)
#sigma.b <- apply(X = new.x, 2, FUN = sd)
riskCov.b[, i] <- sapply(range.b[, i], function(targetReturn) {
w <- MV_QP(new.x, targetReturn,Sigma=cov(new.x))
sd(c(new.x %*% w))
xlim.b <- range(c(apply(X = x, 2, FUN= sd), riskCov.b), na.rm = TRUE) *c(0.98,1.02)
ylim.b <- range(µ.b) *c(0.98,1.02)
#par(new = TRUE)
for (i in 1:B){
if (i==1) plot(x = riskCov.b[, i], y = range.b[, i], type = "l", xlim = xlim.b, ylim = ylim.b, xlab = "Risk", ylab = "Return", main = "Resampling EFs") else
lines(x = riskCov.b[, i], y = range.b[, i],col=rainbow(B)[i])
Depending on your data, you should end up with a similar plot:

Plotting error with Survplot and xlim in R

I'm plotting an incidence curve using the survplot package in R. I'm using the xlim option to limit the x-axis of my graph from 0-28. However, when I do this the x-axis will always extend to 30. The maximum potential value I have in my data is 28. Is there a way I can trim the x-axis to 28 instead of 30?
Here is my code and an example of the graph with the extra x-axis.
ylab = "Cumulative Incidence, %",
fun=function(x) {100*(1-x)},
I would attach an image, but I need 10 reputations points to do so (sorry!)
The code for survplot.rms (which has the same parameters as you are using and does exhibit the behavior you're describing) is base-R-grphics and it uses the pretty function to build the x-axis:
#[1] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
So if you want to change its behavior you will need to hack the code. It's not that hard to hack R code, but it's unclear to me whether you are ready for that adventure since you didn't even name the package from which you got the function correctly. It is a fairly long function. Experience has taught me that I need to provide newbies with a turnkey solution rather than just telling them to add a parameter and find the sections in the code to tweak. Here's how to add a 'notpretty' parameter that is used to determine whether just the max or the pretty function is used on the xlim argument:
survplot2 <- function (fit, ..., xlim, ylim = if (loglog) c(-5, 1.5) else if (what ==
"survival" & missing(fun)) c(0, 1), xlab, ylab,,
what = c("survival", "hazard"), type = c("tsiatis", "kaplan-meier"),
conf.type = c("log", "log-log", "plain", "none"), = FALSE,
conf = c("bands", "bars"), add = FALSE, label.curves = TRUE,
abbrev.label = FALSE, levels.only = FALSE, lty, lwd = par("lwd"),
col = 1, col.fill = gray(seq(0.95, 0.75, length = 5)), adj.subtitle = TRUE,
loglog = FALSE, fun, n.risk = FALSE, logt = FALSE, dots = FALSE,
dotsize = 0.003, grid = NULL, srt.n.risk = 0, sep.n.risk = 0.056,
adj.n.risk = 1, y.n.risk, cex.n.risk = 0.6, pr = FALSE,notpretty=FALSE)
what <- match.arg(what)
polyg <- ordGridFun(grid = FALSE)$polygon
ylim <- ylim
type <- match.arg(type)
conf.type <- match.arg(conf.type)
conf <- match.arg(conf)
opar <- par(c("mar", "xpd"))
psmfit <- inherits(fit, "psm")
if (what == "hazard" && !psmfit)
stop("what=\"hazard\" may only be used for fits from psm")
if (what == "hazard" & > 0) {
warning(" may only be used with what=\"survival\"") <- FALSE
if (loglog) {
fun <- function(x) logb(-logb(ifelse(x == 0 | x == 1,
NA, x))) <- TRUE
else if (!missing(fun)) { <- TRUE
if (loglog)
stop("cannot specify loglog=T with fun")
else {
fun <- function(x) x <- FALSE
if (what == "hazard" & loglog)
stop("may not specify loglog=T with what=\"hazard\"")
if ( | logt | what == "hazard") {
dots <- FALSE
grid <- NULL
cox <- inherits(fit, "cph")
if (cox) {
if (n.risk | > 0)
surv.sum <- fit$surv.summary
exactci <- !(is.null(fit$x) | is.null(fit$y))
ltype <- "s"
else {
if (n.risk)
stop("the n.risk option applies only to fits from cph")
exactci <- TRUE
ltype <- "l"
par(xpd = NA)
ciupper <- function(surv, d) ifelse(surv == 0, 0, pmin(1,
surv * exp(d)))
cilower <- function(surv, d) ifelse(surv == 0, 0, surv *
labelc <- is.list(label.curves) || label.curves
units <- fit$units
if (missing(ylab)) {
if (loglog)
ylab <- "log(-log Survival Probability)"
else if (
ylab <- ""
else if (what == "hazard")
ylab <- "Hazard Function"
else ylab <- "Survival Probability"
if (missing(xlab)) {
if (logt)
xlab <- paste("log Survival Time in ", units, "s",
sep = "")
else xlab <- paste(units, "s", sep = "")
maxtime <- fit$maxtime
maxtime <- max(pretty(c(0, maxtime)))
if (missing( <- fit$
if (missing(xlim))
xlim <- if (logt)
logb(c(maxtime/100, maxtime))
else c(0, maxtime)
if (length(grid) && is.logical(grid))
grid <- if (grid)
else NULL
if (is.logical( {
if ( <- 0.95
else <- 0
zcrit <- qnorm((1 +
xadj <- Predict(fit, type = "model.frame", np = 5, factors = rmsArgs(substitute(list(...))))
info <- attr(xadj, "info")
varying <- info$varying
if (length(varying) > 1)
stop("cannot vary more than one predictor")
adjust <- if (adj.subtitle)
else NULL
if (length(xadj)) {
nc <- nrow(xadj)
covpres <- TRUE
else {
nc <- 1
covpres <- FALSE
y <- if (length(varying))
else ""
curve.labels <- NULL
xd <- xlim[2] - xlim[1]
if (n.risk & !add) {
mar <- opar$mar
if (mar[4] < 4) {
mar[4] <- mar[4] + 2
par(mar = mar)
lty <- if (missing(lty))
seq(nc + 1)[-2]
else rep(lty, length = nc)
col <- rep(col, length = nc)
lwd <- rep(lwd, length = nc)
i <- 0
if (levels.only)
y <- gsub(".*=", "", y)
abbrevy <- if (abbrev.label)
else y
abbrevy <- if (is.factor(abbrevy))
else format(abbrevy)
if (labelc || conf == "bands")
curves <- vector("list", nc)
for (i in 1:nc) {
ci <-
ay <- if (length(varying))
else ""
if (covpres) {
adj <- xadj[i, , drop = FALSE]
w <- survest(fit, newdata = adj, fun = fun, what = what, = ci, type = type, conf.type = conf.type)
else w <- survest(fit, fun = fun, what = what, = ci,
type = type, conf.type = conf.type)
time <- w$time
if (logt)
time <- logb(time)
s <- ! & (time >= xlim[1])
surv <- w$surv
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim <- range(surv, na.rm = TRUE)
stratum <- w$strata
if (is.null(stratum))
stratum <- 1
if (! {
cl <- if (is.factor(ay))
else format(ay)
curve.labels <- c(curve.labels, abbrevy[i])
if (i == 1 & !add) {
plot(time, surv, xlab = xlab, xlim = xlim, ylab = ylab,
ylim = ylim, type = "n", axes = FALSE)
mgp.axis(1, at = if (logt)
# This is the line that was changed -----------------------
else seq(xlim[1], if(notpretty){max(xlim)}else{max(pretty(xlim))},,
# end of modifications ------------------------
labels = TRUE)
mgp.axis(2, at = pretty(ylim))
if (!logt & (dots || length(grid))) {
xlm <- pretty(xlim)
xlm <- c(xlm[1], xlm[length(xlm)])
xp <- seq(xlm[1], xlm[2], by =
yd <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
if (yd <= 0.1)
yi <- 0.01
else if (yd <= 0.2)
yi <- 0.025
else if (yd <= 0.4)
yi <- 0.05
else yi <- 0.1
yp <- seq(ylim[2], ylim[1] + if (n.risk &&
else 0, by = -yi)
if (dots)
for (tt in xp) symbols(rep(tt, length(yp)),
yp, circles = rep(dotsize, length(yp)),
inches = dotsize, add = TRUE)
else abline(h = yp, v = xp, col = grid, xpd = FALSE)
tim <- time[s]
srv <- surv[s]
if ( > 0 && conf == "bands") {
blower <- w$lower[s]
bupper <- w$upper[s]
if (max(tim) > xlim[2]) {
if (ltype == "s") {
s.last <- srv[tim <= xlim[2] + 1e-06]
s.last <- s.last[length(s.last)]
k <- tim < xlim[2]
tim <- c(tim[k], xlim[2])
srv <- c(srv[k], s.last)
if ( > 0 && conf == "bands") {
low.last <- blower[time <= xlim[2] + 1e-06]
low.last <- low.last[length(low.last)]
up.last <- bupper[time <= xlim[2] + 1e-06]
up.last <- up.last[length(up.last)]
blower <- c(blower[k], low.last)
bupper <- c(bupper[k], up.last)
else tim[tim > xlim[2]] <- NA
if (conf != "bands")
lines(tim, srv, type = ltype, lty = lty[i], col = col[i],
lwd = lwd[i])
if (labelc || conf == "bands")
curves[[i]] <- list(tim, srv)
if (pr) {
zest <- rbind(tim, srv)
dimnames(zest) <- list(c("Time", "Survival"),
rep("", length(srv)))
cat("\nEstimates for ", cl, "\n\n")
print(zest, digits = 3)
if ( > 0) {
if (conf == "bands") {
polyg(x = c(tim, rev(tim)), y = c(blower, rev(bupper)),
col = col.fill[i], type = ltype)
else {
if (exactci) {
tt <- seq(0, maxtime,
v <- survest(fit, newdata = adj, times = tt,
what = what, fun = fun, = ci,
type = type, conf.type = conf.type)
tt <- v$time
ss <- v$surv
lower <- v$lower
upper <- v$upper
if (!length(ylim))
ylim <- range(ss, na.rm = TRUE)
if (logt)
tt <- logb(ifelse(tt == 0, NA, tt))
else {
tt <- as.numeric(dimnames(surv.sum)[[1]])
if (logt)
tt <- logb(tt)
ss <- surv.sum[, stratum, "Survival"]^exp(w$linear.predictors)
se <- surv.sum[, stratum, "std.err"]
ss <- fun(ss)
lower <- fun(cilower(ss, zcrit * se))
upper <- fun(ciupper(ss, zcrit * se))
ss[is.infinite(ss)] <- NA
lower[is.infinite(lower)] <- NA
upper[is.infinite(upper)] <- NA
tt <- tt + xd * (i - 1) * 0.01
errbar(tt, ss, upper, lower, add = TRUE, lty = lty[i],
col = col[i])
if (n.risk) {
if (length(Y <- fit$y)) {
tt <- seq(max(0, xlim[1]), min(maxtime, xlim[2]),
by =
ny <- ncol(Y)
if (!length(str <- fit$Strata))
Y <- Y[, ny - 1]
else Y <- Y[unclass(str) == unclass(stratum),
ny - 1]
nrisk <- rev(cumsum(table(cut(-Y, sort(unique(-c(tt,
range(Y) + c(-1, 1))))))[-length(tt) - 1]))
else {
if (is.null(surv.sum))
stop("you must use surv=T or y=T in fit to use n.risk=T")
tt <- as.numeric(dimnames(surv.sum)[[1]])
l <- (tt >= xlim[1]) & (tt <= xlim[2])
tt <- tt[l]
nrisk <- surv.sum[l, stratum, 2]
tt[1] <- xlim[1]
yd <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
if (missing(y.n.risk))
y.n.risk <- ylim[1]
yy <- y.n.risk + yd * (nc - i) * sep.n.risk
nri <- nrisk
nri[tt > xlim[2]] <- NA
text(tt[1], yy, nri[1], cex = cex.n.risk, adj = adj.n.risk,
srt = srt.n.risk)
text(tt[-1], yy, nri[-1], cex = cex.n.risk, adj = 1)
text(xlim[2] + xd * 0.025, yy, adj = 0, curve.labels[i],
cex = cex.n.risk)
if (conf == "bands")
for (i in 1:length(y)) lines(curves[[i]][[1]], curves[[i]][[2]],
type = ltype, lty = lty[i], col = col[i], lwd = lwd[i])
if (labelc)
labcurve(curves, curve.labels, type = ltype, lty = lty,
col. = col, lwd = lwd, opts = label.curves)
if (length(adjust))
title(sub = paste("Adjusted to:", adjust), adj = 0, cex = 0.6)
invisible(list(adjust = adjust, curve.labels = curve.labels))
environment(survplot2) <- environment(rms:::survplot.rms)
Tested with the first example in rms::survplot using xlim=c(0,26) and xlim=c(0,28). Needed to assign the environment because otherwise you get this error:
Error in Predict(fit, type = "model.frame", np = 5,
factors = rmsArgs(substitute(list(...)))) :
could not find function "rmsArgs"
