Wordpress redirection loop - wordpress

Where can I change manually the website url that is in Settings>General
in wordpress panel?
I have an issue.
I had one wordpress website in the url
and i wanted to transfer it to
So i packed the files from first domain server
and unpacked them to the second domain server
also did with the DB. Changed the wp-config.php with the new DB user pass and database.
Then when i tried to go to the "tfeditor.com/test1/"
it redirected me to the previous server.
I went to the previous wp admin panel and changed the HOME and URL to the new domain name "tfeditor.com"
and now im in a redirect loop whenever i want to go to tfeditor.com/test1/wp-admin it takes me to the previous domain with this path
I login with my username and then it takes me to
Someone can help me with this please?

As I wrote here.
Simple checklist for wordpress migration is:
edit database table wp-options and options siteurl and home there
edit wp-config.php (DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD a DB_HOST)
use this replace script to replace all other occurences of absolute paths for relative path, it is enough to replace your old site name http://yoursite.com with an "/"


Wordpress and temporary access url

I hope everybody is well.
I have to set up a new Wordpress site, but this is the first time I need to setup the website "before" the domain name is registered.
I have webspace on shared webhosting and I can setup the Wordpress site using a temporary subdomain for my shared hosting, but this will mean setting up the Wordpress site using the temporary access url instead of the proper domain name that will be done next week.
If I setup the Wordpress site using the temporary url, once the domain name is registered, is simply changing the website address in the Wordpress General settings adequate or will I need to update the database too?
Is there a plugin that will do the above?
Thanks in advance if anyone can assist.
You can proceed and start setting up your WordPress site to start designing, ones you've completed and domain name is registered like you've said, you can:
Backup your File Manager files to a local storage Highlight the content, right click, and click compress then download.
Navigate to the root folder of the now newly registered domain(public_html), and upload the files you downloaded above.
Go to the wp-config.php file, highlight and select edit.
Just before a line with this words /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
Add the lines below then save and close.
example.com is the new domain.
Now go back to your WordPress site to update the links. Yes, their is a plugin to update links, a lot of them but search for 'Velvet Blues Update URLs' using the plugins-> Add new.
After installing and activating the plugin,go to Tools -> Update urls, enter your old (subdomain) and new (root domain) URLs and in Step 2, check all options except Update All GUIDs.
Click the Update URLs Now button to proceed.
Check out under FaQs of your hosting provider if they've indicated a method on how users can move sites from subdomain to main domain.

Unable to login to Wordpress after domain name change

I bought a new domain name from GoDaddy and changed the domain name of blog which was hosted in BlueHost. Now I am unable to login to my blog in Wordpress. With my new domain url,
newdomain.com/wp-login.php, I reach the page where I need to enter my username and password. Once I enter the details and press Submit it redirects back to my old domain and gives an "This site can't be accessed error" page
Can some one please suggest how I can overcome this problem as I very new to Wordpress.
Try adding the following lines in wp-config.php file:
Just replace values with the URL of your new domain.
If that doesn't work, check this tutorial on other different ways to fix this issue, among them
a detailed step by step guide on how to modify those values in a database (solution already mentioned by Ingo Seidel answer).
You need to change The Domain Name in the WordPress
Database. Login to your Provider And search for MySQL myadmin. Open
Your Database and find the dataset "siteurl" and change that
Old one to the new

Redirect shows ip instead of url

I know this question is placed many times, except my situation is different and couldn't find the right answer.
I have a wordpress installed on a path bij direct admin on 123.456.11.11/path.
My domain is registered by a other company and i did a redirect to the ip/path. That was working fine but i had to turn the mask function off because otherwise it wouldn't open a secure https location.
Now the site and the https location is working fine except that it's showing the IP instead of the URL. I wanted to add an A record by the domain hosting but i can't set an A record to a path.
The question is how can i show the url without the mask function and the Wordpress installed on a path?
Thanks in advance!
It is possible that when running the wordpress installation wizard, the url you were using had the I.P address rather than the domain name, i.e http://123.456.11.11/path instead of http://yourdomain.com/path
During the installation process Wordpress saves the url used in the options table and uses it as the base url for future operations e.g. when you create a new post or page, or use the site_url() function to generate a link.
If this is the case, assuming you retained the default table prefix, you will have to edit the wp_options table (using phpmyadmin) and update siteurl and home from the ip based url to the domain name url.
Don't forget to include the path.
This means, using your example:
change the url from
If you had created posts and pages you will have to update their paths also. They are found in the wp_posts table.

Moving WordPress from subdomain to main domain

I’ve read the WordPress Codex instructions regarding moving WordPress, but none of the information provided seems to apply to my exact situation and I have a couple of questions before I go and break things.
I have a main domain on which my old wordpress site is currently running (e.g - example.com) I wanted to change the layout of the website but at the same time wanted to keep my main site running so made a subdomain (beta.example.com) and created my new wordpress website on this.
Now I want to make my beta website the main website (i.e make beta.example as example.com) and remove the main website, how do I go about that?
I am using cpanel and both my folders are in the public html directory
Thanks in advance.
Step 1: Backup: Always backup the files / database of the site(s) you choose to work with
Step 2: Move files: Delete the contents of example.com's document root and move the contents of blog.example.com to example.com
Step3: Change home/site-url: The daabase mght have other hard coded urls too. So changing the home / site url alone will not be enough and a full database search-replace is needed.
I would not recommend using notepad++ or any text editor to change the website url as it has a great chance to break the layout of the website and I have seen it may times happen. I always use and recommend you to use the Database Search and Replace Script from here
Download the version 2.1.0 to the document root of the website as search.php
Now call the script via your browser (as domain.com/search.php). The script autopopulates the database details. The rest of the instructions there are self explanatory to follow.
Step 4: Finishing up: Check the .htaccess file that there are no redirects to the blog.example or similar redirects. If yes, remove them and replace with the default .htaccess wordpress rules.
That should do it.
Steps are below:-
Make a new folder into your root in Cpanel and move your old domain(example.com) files to the new folder as a backup
Move your subdomain (beta.example.com)folder's files into root in cpanel
rename your ht access file it will automatically created when your WordPress run into the browser.
Into your PHPMyAdmin create new database (like new_database)
Download your subdomain database and open it into editor something (like notpad++)
Into notpad++ press crt+f, from tabs click to replace, into find section put beta.example.com and into replace with section put example.com then save it make sure you do not use HTTP, https or www when performing the replacing task.
Now goto your WordPress directory wp-config file and change your database name with newly created one username and password too.
Visit example.com/wp-admin login there with your login details you were using to login into beta.example.com/wp-admin.
Into deshboard->setting click to permalinks and select %%postname%%
Thanks, I hopes it will work for you as example.com

Wordpress 3.0.3. How To Change Main Site

I have moved a WPMu site to a new host, and upgraded to WP 3.0.3. Things are going pretty easy, except the previous website had a different URL as the main website installation. Now that I have moved the install, I don't need the previous URL as the main site but need to make a new URl as the main site. Where do I go about changing this? I've changed the entire database by changing the previous URL to the new URL, and the wp-config is set up correctly with new URL and htaccess has no mention of it. I'm running out of places to look on where to change the URL.
Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
Steps to change site URL in Wordpress
Replace new site url with old site url in exported database sql file (use Notepad++ for fast search and replace)
Change site url in wp-config file
Change database information (db name, host, username, password) in wp-config file
Change site url in .htaccess file
