Use policy if parameter exists - wildcard

Using OpenAM: 10.0.1 and having URLs that look like:
which matches the following policy
I want to make http://domain/apps/index?Id=01 use a different policy which follows a specific authentication chaining (HOPT, required).
So I tried creating it and using the exact same URL setting the authentication chaining at the condition but OpenAM ignores it, unless the other policy is disabled.
My conclussion, if the URL matches two policies, either of them can grant access.
Any idea on how to force using a specific policy?
Thanks in advance.


Apigee rest endpoint path mapping to custom path

I have rest end point /admn_resource_manager.I have created a apigee proxy to expose this.
I dont want to expose it like this to others as I want something like /adminmanager.
Is there any way to map /adminmanager to /admn_resource_manager using Apigee.
end user would use http://someurl.apigee/adminmanager instead of http://someurl.apigee/admn_resource_manager
I explored KeyValueMapoperation and AssignMessage in Apigee.
I am not sure if these are the right option to implement map path.I didn't get any example for this either.
The way you would think to do this would be to use the Assign Message policy and use the Set -> Path element. But this policy isn't currently working as designed for rewriting the proxy's target URL. See the Assign Message Guidance for more details.
To rewrite the incoming URL to a different target URL you can use the Assign Message Policy to set the entire URL (target.url) in the Target Endpoint flow, or you can use a JavaScript callout to set it. I chose to use a JavaScript callout because it gives a lot more control when rewriting the URL.
Here is an example project on Github I put together for this you can use to see how I did it. It uses the api as the target endpoint. This proxy uses the Assign Message and JavaScript callout policies to rewrite the URL. Here's some details about it...
Proxy Endpoints
Create a proxy endpoint for each resource you are renaming.
This is where you setup the Assign Message policy to set the variables for the new path suffix.
Assign Message Policies
Set on the PreFlow of each proxy endpoint to set the targetPathSuffix and appendResourceIdToUrl (if needed) variables.
JavaScript Policy
Calls out to the URLRewrite.js file to execute the js code.
Set on the TargetEndpoints PreFlow and executes on each request
Uses the variables set in the Assign Message Policies to change the target.url variable.
I think Apigee can do it.
When I was started Apigee I have learned and try to understand from the picture below. (I think it is describe the main concept of this platform)
From your scenario,
You can specify the URL that you wants client to call maybe someurl.apigee/adminmanager or something else
Apigee is a middle also known as a Gateway. When you received the request from client, you can manage whatever you want. Of course, including pass your client to other URL like someurl.apigee/admn_resource_manager . (You just assigned new url to that request)
Because I'm not an expert as well so, you this link below can explain you more information.
Link:Using Flow Variables

What http referer should I set on the browser key of Google Maps

I've got browser key for using Google Javascript API on my Android app.
Google API will be called on html file, which is set on webview.
So I'd like to us by specifying
file:///" domain, in Webview.loadUrl()
, and so I think HTTP referer should be file:///*.
But when I set it Google API doesn't work and return IOException.
When I set nothing it works well without any errors.
But this condition is not recommended for the security reasons.
Does anyone know what I should set as HTTP referer?
According to the HTTP referrer placeholder in the console, the should indeed work.
In practice, though, this indeed doesn't seem to be the case.
It was able to solve the issue by simply setting the referrer to:
There is no single pattern that matches both cases, you can use 2 referers:*
For more information, have a look at [Registering authorized URLs](According to the HTTP referrer placeholder in the console, the should indeed work.
In practice, though, this indeed doesn't seem to be the case.
It was able to solve the issue by simply setting the referrer to:
There is no single pattern that matches both cases, you can use 2 referers:*
For more information, have a look at Registering authorized URLs).

Generate Get Request with No User Agent

I have a website that has been experiencing errors because of null references due to poorly coded logic regarding the user agent. Basically, there has been a slew of incoming requests that contain no user agent which leads to null reference exceptions in the user agent tracking. (It contained a call to "Request.UserAgent.ToLower()) I am correcting this logic to avoid the error condition. Since I'm certain these requests are coming from specialized tools and not ordinary users, I'm also blocking empty user agents via URL rewrite rules.
I need to test both of these changes. However, I can't seem to find a user agent spoofer that will enable me to generate a simple get request with NO USER AGENT. All of the tools that I have tried will allow me to do a custom agent string, but they won't let that string be left empty and there are no options that I can find to tell it to send no user agent.
So my question is, what tools are available, for a Windows-based system, that I can use to emulate a browser request with NO USER AGENT so that I can verify that my changes are working properly?
I believe that value is coming from the request headers. If yes, just try
Fiddler. Go to composer tab (see below) - by default it adds User-Agent to the request, however when you delete it in the Composer it seems to disappear from the request.

Apigee Service Callout

I have a service callout in Apigee where instead of hardcoding the Url for the HTTPTargetConnection I want to use a variable for the value of the url.
This is giving me a 404 Not Found error but if I hardcode the same value that is passed as a queryparam it works fine and calls the target service and return a response.I am not able to find any details on this in docs.Please help me out.Thanks.
This is potentially a bug.
Please attach a policy of your own in the target.xml request part of the application which assigns the target.url variable with your variable of choice. You can use assign variable or javascript or python as you wish for this policy.
What I answered above applies for target callouts. Not service callouts. To better understand the issue I request you to post the debug.xml in a pastebin or something similar.

Detect and rewrite HTTP Basic user/password headers into custom headers with Nginx/Lua

I am working with a historic API which grants access via a key/secret combo, which the original API designer specified should be passed as the user name & password in an HTTP Basic auth header, e.g.:
curl -u api_key:api_secret
Now that our API client base is going to be growing, we're looking to using 3scale to handle both authentication, rate limiting and other functions. As per 3scale's instructions and advice, we'll be using an Nginx proxy in front of our API server, which authenticates against 3scale's services to handle all the access control systems.
We'll be exporting our existing clients' keys and secrets into 3scale and keeping the two systems in sync. We need our existing app to continue to receive the key & secret in the existing manner, as some of the returned data is client-specific. However, I need to find a way of converting that HTTP basic auth request, which 3scale doesn't natively support as an authentication method, into rewritten custom headers which they do.
I've been able to set up the proxy using the Nginx and Lua configs that 3scale configures for you. This allows the -u key:secret to be passed through to our server, and correctly processed. At the moment, though, I need to additionally add the same authentication information either as query params or custom headers, so that 3scale can manage the access.
I want my Nginx proxy to handle that for me, so that users provide one set of auth details, in the pre-existing manner, and 3scale can also pick it up.
In a language I know, e.g., Ruby, I can decode the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header, pick out the Base64-encoded portion, and decode it to find the key & secret components that have been supplied. But I'm an Nginx newbie, and don't know how to achieve the same within Nginx (I also don't know if 3scale's supplied Lua script can/will be part of a solution)...
Reusing the HTTP Authorization header for the 3scale keys can be supported with a small tweak in your Nginx configuration files. As you were rightly pointing out, the Lua script that you download is the place to do this.
However, I would suggest a slightly different approach regarding the keys that you import to 3scale. Instead of using the app_id/app_key authentication pattern, you could use the user_key mode (which is a single key). Then what you would import to 3scale for each application would be the base64 string of api_key+api_secret combined.
This way the changes you will need to do to the configuration files will be fewer and simpler.
The steps you will need to follow are:
in your 3scale admin portal, set the authentication mode to API key (
go to the proxy configuration screen (where you set your API backend, mappings and where you download the Nginx files).
under "Authentication Settings", set the location of the credentials to HTTP headers.
download the Nginx config files and open the Lua script
find the following line (should be towards the end of the file):
local parameters = get_auth_params("headers", string.split(ngx.var.request, " ")[1] )
replace it with:
local parameters = get_auth_params("basicauth", string.split(ngx.var.request, " ")[1] )
finally, within the same file, replace the entire function named "get_auth_params" for the one in this gist:
I hope this approach suits your needs. You can also contact at if you need more help.
