Heatmap table (ggfluctuation function) - r

When I run this programming code, I will get this error "ggfluctuation is deprecated. (Defunct; last used in version 0.9.1)".
1-How can i fix this issue?
2-In my original data set, I have two string variables with too many levels (first variable with 65 levels and second variable with 8 levels),can I have Heatmap table for these two variables although they have different number of levels?
3-What is the best way (plot) to show the relationship between these two categorical variables in my data set?
ggfluctuation(Pm,type="heatmap")+geom_text(aes(label=Pm$value),colour="white")+ opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(size = 15),axis.text.y=theme_text(size = 15))

If you want to plot a heatmap just use geom_tile. Also, opts and theme_text are deprecated instead and have been replaced by theme and element_text respectively.
So, you could use this:
ggplot(Pm, aes(Eye, Hair, fill=value)) + geom_tile() +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size = 15),axis.text.y=element_text(size = 15))
Which outputs:
Also, just to answer all the questions yes, ggplot can handle two categorical columns with a different number of levels and also a heatmap is a nice way to show the relationship between two categorical variables such as the ones you have.

The GGally package has a ggfluctuation2 function that replaces the deprecated ggfluctuation. But it's still pretty rough (you can't even specify axis labels) and I prefer the original ggplot function. You can also try ggally_ratio.


R plotting a graph with different groups of data

I have a dataset:
I now want to plot the data on a graph with each group having a different colour:
This works fine - however, say if I have 30 groups, the task of writing the code becomes tedious. I am wondering if there is a better way of writing the code such that R will automatically plot the graph and give different colours to different groups?
Also, I wonder if there is a quick way to display a legend in the graph.
Thank you for all your help.
Try this:
The col argument in plot() stands for color. This can contain a vector of the colors you want.
Additionally, you don't have to make a column just to define the color if the color-group relationship is not that important. For example, you could make column c a more meaningful column like this:
Then to plot, use:
To add a legend:
legend('topleft',legend = levels(data[,'c']),col=1:nlevels(data[,'c']),pch=1)
Try ggplot2
ggplot(data=data, aes(x=a, y=b, colour=c)) + geom_point()

Use a categorical variable as the color for Pairs in R

I want to create a matrix plot but using one of the categorical variables as the color. I used the following code for the matrix:
It gave me the matrix plot just fine (see the output here).
Then I revised the code to:
pairs(salesintl, col=salesintl$Status)
It returns an empty matrix plot (see output here).
It is like a empty frame with no content. salesintl$status is a factor with 2 layers.
What I did wrong?
If you happy to use the ggplot world rather thn base R grahics, then:
ggpairs(salesintl, aes(color = status))
is the simplest expression I've found.
I also like that ggpairs will accept categorical variables, and gives something similar to mosaicplots (when categorical vs categorical) or boxplots (when categorical vs numeric).

How to extract coordinates to plot line segments connecting legend keys in ggplot2?

I've long puzzled over a concise way to communicate significance of an interaction between numeric and categorical variables in a line plot (response on the Y-axis, numeric predictor variable on the X-axis, and each level of the categoric variable a line of a different color or pattern plotted on those axes). I finally came up with the idea of drawing the traditional "brackets and p-values" connecting legend keys instead of lines of data.
Here is a mockup of what I mean:
mydat <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:3,function(ii) data.frame(
myplot <- ggplot(data=mydat,aes(x=b,y=y,colour=a,group=a)) +
# Plotting with p-value bracket:
myplot +
# The three line segments making up the bracket
geom_segment(x=1.2,xend=1.2,y=13.8,yend=13) +
geom_segment(x=1.1,xend=1.2,y=13,yend=13) +
geom_segment(x=1.1,xend=1.2,y=13.8,yend=13.8) +
# The text accompanying the bracket.
geom_text(label='p < 0.001',x=2,y=13.4);
This is less cluttered than trying to plot brackets someplace on the line-plot itself.
The problem is that the x and y values for the geom_segments and geom_text were obtained by trial and error and for another dataset these coordinates would be completely wrong. That's a problem if I'm trying to write a function whose purpose is to automate the process of pulling these contrasts out of models and plotting them (kind of like the effects package, but with more flexibility about how to represent the data).
My question is: is there a way to somehow pull the actual coordinates of each box comprising the legend and convert them to the scale used by geom_segment and geom_text, or manually specify the coordinates of each box when creating the myplot object, or reliably predict where the individual boxes will be and convert them to the plot's scale given that myplot$theme$legend.position returns 0.1 0.9?
I'd like to do this within ggplot2, because it's robust, elegant, and perfect for all the other things I want to do with my script. I'm open to using additional packages that extend ggplot2 and I'm also open to other approaches to visually indicating significance level on line-plots. However, suggestions that amount to "you shouldn't even do that" are not constructive-- because whether or not I personally agree with you, my collaborators and their editors don't read Stackoverflow (unfortunately).
This question kind of simplifies to: if the myplot$theme$legend.key.height is in lines and myplot$theme$legend.position seems to be roughly in fractions of the overall plot area (but not exactly) how can I convert these to the units in which the x and y axes are delineated, or alternatively, convert the x and y axis scales to the units of legend.key.height and legend.position?
I don't know the answer to your question as posed. But, another, definitely quickly do-able if less fancy approach to convey the information is to change the names of the levels so that the level names include significance codes. In your first example, you could use
levels(mydat$a) <- list("0" = "0", "1 *" = "1", "2 *" = "2")
And then the legend will reflect this:
With more levels and combos of significance, you could probably work out a set of symbols. Then mention in your figure legend the p level reflected in each set of symbols.
This might be a related way to convey the information: The figure below is produced by rxnNorm in HandyStuff here. Unfortunately, this is another non-answer as I have not been able to make this work with the new version of ggplot2. Hopefully I can figure it out soon.
My answer is not using ggplot2, but the lattice package. I think dotplot is what I would use if I want to compare a continuous variable versus categorical variables.
Here I use dotplot in 2 manners, one where I reproduce your plot, and another where
library(latticeExtra) ## to get ggplot2 theme
#y versus levels of B, in different panel of A
p1 <- dotplot(b~y|a ,
data = mydat,
groups = a,
type = c("p", "h"),
main = "interaction between numeric and categorical variables ",
xlab = "continuous value",
par.settings = ggplot2like())
#y versus levels of B , grouped by a(color and line are defined by a)
p2 <- dotplot(b~y, groups= a ,
data = mydat,
type = c("l"),
main = "interaction between numeric and categorical variables ",
xlab = "continuous value",
par.settings = ggplot2like())
library(gridExtra) ## to arrange many grid plots

Plotting content from multiple data frames into a single ggplot2 surface

I am a total R beginner here, with corresponding level of sophistication of this question.
I am using the ROCR package in R to generate plotting data for ROC curves. I then use ggplot2 to draw the plot. Something like this:
inputFile <- read.csv("path/to/file", header=FALSE, sep=" ", colClasses=c('numeric','numeric'), col.names=c('score','label'))
predictions <- prediction(inputFile$score, inputFile$label)
auc <- performance(predictions, measure="auc")#y.values[[1]]
rocData <- performance(predictions, "tpr","fpr")
rocDataFrame <- data.frame(x=rocData#x.values[[1]],y=rocData#y.values[[1]])
rocr.plot <- ggplot(data=rd, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_path(size=1)
rocr.plot <- rocr.plot + geom_text(aes(x=1, y= 0, hjust=1, vjust=0, label=paste(sep = "", "AUC = ",round(auc,4))),colour="black",size=4)
This works well for drawing a single ROC curve. However, what I would like to do is read in a whole directory worth of input files - one file per classifier test results - and make a ggplot2 multifaceted plot of all the ROC curves, while still printing the AUC score into each plot.
I would like to understand what is the "proper" R-style approach to accomplishing this. I am sure I can hack something together by having one loop go through all files in the directory and create a separate data frame for each, and then having another loop to create multiple plots, and somehow getting ggplo2 to output all these plots onto the same surface. However, that does not let me use ggplot2's built-in faceting, which I believe is the right approach. I am not sure how to get my data into proper shape for faceting use, though. Should I be merging all my data frames into a single one, and giving each merged chunk a name (e.g. filename) and faceting on that? If so, is there a library or recommended practice for making this happen?
Your suggestions are appreciated. I am still wrapping my head around the best practices in R, so I'd rather get expert advice instead of just hacking things up to make code that looks more like ordinary declarative programming languages that I am used to.
EDIT: The thing I am least clear on is whether, when using ggplot2's built-in faceting capabilities, I'd still be able to output a custom string (AUC score) into each plot it will generate.
Here is an example of how to generate a plot as you described. I use the built-in dataset quakes:
The code does the following:
Load the ggplot2 and plyr packages
Add a facet variable to quakes - in this case I summarise by depth of earthquake
Use ddply to summarise the mean magnitude for each depth
Use ggplot with geom_text to label the mean magnitude
The code:
quakes$level <- cut(quakes$depth, 5,
labels=c("Very Shallow", "Shallow", "Medium", "Deep", "Very Deep"))
quakes.summary <- ddply(quakes, .(level), summarise, mag=round(mean(mag), 1))
ggplot(quakes, aes(x=long, y=lat)) +
geom_point(aes(colour=mag)) +
geom_text(aes(label=mag), data=quakes.summary, x=185, y=-35) +
facet_grid(~level) +

ggplot2 - possible to reorder x's by value of computed y (stat_summary)?

Is it possible to reorder x values using a computed y via stat_summary?
I would think that this should work:
stat_summary( aes( x = reorder( XVarName , ..y.. ) ) )
but I get the following error:
"Error: stat_summary requires the following missing aesthetics: x"
I've seen a number of your posts, and I think this may be helpful for you. When generating a plot, always save it to a unique variable
Create your plots without regard for ordering at first, until you're comfortable just creating the plots. Then, work your way into the structure of the ggplot objects to get a better understanding of what's in them. Then, figure out what you should be sorting.
plot1 <- ggplot() + ...
You can push plots to the viewport by typing out the object name that you've saved them to:
Creating a ggplot object (or variable) allows you the opportunity to review the structure of the plot. Which, incidentally, can answer a number of the questions that you've been having so far.
It is still fairly simple to reorder a plot after you've saved it as a variable/object, albeit with slightly longer names:
plot$data$variable_tobe_recoded <- factor(...)
