Meteor .versions file update - meteor

I am developing a small meteor package, and I know that, to be consistent with the builds, meteor will create a .versions file in my package when I publish it.
That's fine, and I understand that, but, as the .versions should go in my version control (git) and I would like to commit the release before publishing it, is there a way to update the .versions package before publishing?
Also, the .versions file has a reference to the package itself. Is this necessary? If I'm developing version x.y.z of a package, why do I need to update both the package.js and the .versions file to reflect x.y.z?

I don't think there's a need to add it to version control b/c I don't think the set of calculated versions means anything in a stand-alone package outside of the context of a meteor project. I'm not really sure what the file is used for at all since it doesn't show up in .meteor/packages when you install the package. It might just be nothing more than a by-product of running the solver.
So I never check .versions into version control and I haven't encountered any problems.


Is there a easy way to protect, or revert Qt source code?

I just accidentally refactored QList to QSet, and Qt faithfully did it, to all of its own sources too... (yup, that was dumb!)
Thankfully my code is source controlled, I just reverted everything, would it be feasible/sensible to make a git repo for the Qt sources too? (I have the free version so I didn't think I could modify them anyway...?)
Is there a hidden setting that will prevent its sources from being modifiable, to stop me from doing this again?
I'm currently using the maintenance tool to install a newer version of Qt, but other than update or add/remove, there wasn't a re-install option that I could see, am I missing something?
There's no point to using source code control for an install: it's not source code. It's artifacts. You already know how to protect artifacts of all sorts from modification. Proper filesystem attributes will do it just fine.
Your finished Qt installation should not be writable by you. It would be by default on Unix systems when installed using a privileged package manager. Elsewhere: you need to make it read only. If you build from source, then recursively making the install folder read-only as the last step after installation is all it takes; and since you should be already automating your Qt build, then adding the "make read-only" step is trivial.
Thankfully my code is source controlled, I just reverted everything, would it be feasible/sensible to make a git repo for the Qt sources too? (I have the free version so I didn't think I could modify them anyway...?)
Feasible? Definitely. Sensible? Perhaps, assuming that by "make a git repo" you mean "cloning the official Qt repos from Git". It depends on how many times you plan on making the same renaming mistake. :D But seriously, I think there are benefits to building Qt yourself:
You can easily debug and check the implementation of API that you're using.
You can configure Qt to skip building stuff that you're not interested in.
You can easily patch Qt if there's a bug that you know of a fix for but hasn't been merged into Qt itself yet.
There are downsides too, though. You might run into build issues if you're using configure flags that the CI doesn't use (such as a -no-foo option). It can take a while to build depending on how many submodules you have and what kind of machine you're building on.
In general, if you're not using API that's in dev and not yet released, it's probably not worth bothering.
If you're still interested, this page has instructions for building Qt from Git:
Is there a hidden setting that will prevent its sources from being modifiable, to stop me from doing this again?
Couldn't you set some permissions on the source directory? I've never had to do this, but have been bitten by it on unrelated occasions before, so I know it works. :D
I'm currently using the maintenance tool to install a newer version of Qt, but other than update or add/remove, there wasn't a re-install option that I could see, am I missing something?
Remove and add is your only option, I think. Otherwise, you can always keep a backup of the source by just copying the whole directory.

Changes made to Rocket.Chat are not included after building

I'm new to developing with Meteor and node-based apps.
I intend to create a PR for a problem i noticed in Rocket.Chat.
I git cloned the Rocket.Chat dev branch and made a change to a certain file:
After that i ran the build-script successfully. My build started, but the change is not included.
Using the Chrome Dev Tools to inspect the change, i still see the original unchanged code.
I know it's a rather generic question and i'm sure the solution is kind of stupid, but any idea why ?
Thank you.
Kind regards
It looks like the file you modified is in the packages directory. This is dealt with differently.
Check the .meteor/packages files to see if this package is referenced, if it is, then it will install the package from the atmosphere package management system.
Here the steps required to make your changes work...
1) Edit the .meteor/packages file and change the reference to rocketchat:oembed to be simply oembed
2) Edit the file packages/rocketchat-oembed/package.js and do the same thing, change rocketchat:oembed to be simply oembed
name: 'oembed',
version: '0.0.1',
summary: 'Message pre-processor that insert oEmbed widget in template',
git: ''
I think you can leave the directory names as is.
Meteor will now use your local package instead of going out to get the published version of it
In addition to #Mikkel's answer: I think you don't have to change package name, but just change its version. That should be enough for Meteor to rebuild this package from its source and you won't have any dependency issues.

Should project.lock.json file be checked into source control? (ASP.NET Core 1.0)

Using ASP.NET Core 1.0, is it best practice to check in the project.lock.json file into source control?
Short answer: No, project.lock.file should not be checked into source control - you should configure the version control system to ignore it (i.e. add it to .gitignore if you're using git).
Long answer: The project.lock.json contains a snapshot of project's whole dependency tree - not just packages listed in "dependencies" sections, but also all resolved dependencies of those dependencies, and so on. But it is not like ruby's Gemfile.lock. Unlike Gemfile.lock, project.lock.json doesn't tell dotnet restore which exact versions of packages should be restored - it simply gets overwritten. As such, it should be treated like a cache file and never be checked into source control.
If you check it into version control, then most probably on other machine:
dotnet will think that all packages are restored, but in fact some packages might be missing and the build will fail, without hinting the developer to run dotnet restore
project.lock.json will be overwritten during dotnet restore and in most cases will be different than the version stored in source control. So it will be modified in almost every commit
project.lock.json will cause conflicts during merge
Actually you do want to commit your project.lock.json in git sometimes.
Checking your project json
For the exact reasons that, it shows you the dependencies you have used. Say:
Me as a developer works on an application, i hate every time updating packages so i add a package dependency to nuget package X = 1.*
I restore package i get version 1.2.4
The package maker just made a very stupid mistake, he broke something while just trying to make a fix and release 1.2.5
Person 2 checks out (or even worse release build kicks in).
Person 2 restores and gets version 1.2.5
Person 2 runs your application and find the application is broken.
Person 2 starts debugging and thinks there must be a bug in the software.
At this step 7 Person 2 could have seen in git that his lock file was changed and a newer version of a library has been downloaded, Which has not been tested by any of the other developers!
Downsides of checking in this file is you might get allot of merge conflicts on continues updates of packages.
Alternative solution
Use only hard version dependencies (this is quite hard though for nuget). And only manually update to newer version once in a while.
This doesn't work if you build a library for other people to use, since you pin them to a certain version of your dependencies.
Dependencies of dependencies still get resolved automatically so if you don't specify them yourself you can't guarantee there version on dotnet restore
If you want to avoid 'Works on my machine' quotes and the hell of constantly manually updating to newer version: Checking the project.lock.json.
And also build a CI/Release build check to test if this file wasn't changed compared to git, before you release (If your software is very critical)!
If this is not a problem and also automatically updating (to a potentially broken package) is not a big problem, you might not want to commit your project.lock.json.
No, it is just a lock file, really you should never check it in when a lock file exists (except if the program who locked it wants to check it into source control, in that case, exclude your lock file!).

How To Clean a Development Build of a Meteorjs App?

There are two command line programs to start/stop/manage your meteor app. There is meteor and there is mrt. As of the latest build (0.8.2 or so) it's really not clear what the difference is between these two, if any. Both seem to support the argument "help" like meteor help and mrt help. The output of both seems to be the same to me.
Sadly, I do not see a "clean" argument available when I check the help for either of these. What do I need to do if I want to achieve a clean build? One that would
Blow away all packages and re-install them
Blow away any compiled templates
Blow away all Sass/Less compiled output
I ask this because I find myself in some kind of dependency Hades right now and want out now.
Meteor is still in a pre-release state. So the idea of packages is (still as of this post) not officially supported, though it will be soon. The meteor community stepped in to build their own way to use 3rd party packages and this is what meteorite does.
Most of the commands you give to meteorite are eventually passed to meteor which is why you see the same output.
The only (main difference is) mrt add which checks for packages first.
These two will be merged very soon (there is a branch on meteor on github called packaging which seeks to achieve this)
The idea of 'clean' isn't really there in meteor because most of the stuff is based on hot code reloads, so when a file changes its completely scrapped/(cleaned) and rewritten.
If you change a bit of code it will rebuild all this unless you have a syntax error.
Nonetheless if you want to 'clean' the build from everything you would have to do this in two steps (the meteor part and the meteorite part)
This erases some stuff in the hidden .meteor folder
meteor reset
Delete everything in ~/.meteorite/packages
Delete all symlinks only in your projects /packages folder. Be careful not to delete the folders because these will have been put in by you/whoever made your project and wouldn't be from atmosphere or meteor
Then run mrt update to reinstall all the atmosphere packages from scratch

Updating MiniProfiler.MVC3 NuGet package after editing MiniProfiler.cs in App_Start

In the MiniProfiler.MVC3 NuGet package, it creates a file in App_Start that is used to control MiniProfiler settings (the SqlFormatter to use, modifications to the ViewEngines, when to start MiniProfiler, etc.).
There are a lot of TODO comments in this file talking about how to change the code to perform how you want. This is great, but when the NuGet package is updated, it will see that I've changed the file and not pull down the updated version. The problem here is that I lose any updates to that file, and depending on what else updated in the package, making it unusable (for example, when upgrading MiniProfiler.MVC3 from version 1.9 to version 2.0.1 after modifying MiniProfiler.cs in App_Start, the project will no longer build because of needed changes to that file in the 2.0.1 version).
What is the best way to handle this? Should I create my own file in App_Start and not modify the one in the NuGet package, ensuring that I will always get the full update when upgrading to the latest version of the NuGet package?
You could backup the file in App_Start, update it, then merge the files manually, or using a merge tool. You'd probably end up doing this anyways if you're using source control.
Quick-and-dirty: create the file you want. Then copy over/merge every time you upgrade with nugget. Or with every compile. The added build time is negligible.
Slightly better: use the precompile event in visual studio and compare the files. If they differ - either copy over or tell the user. I can't figure out a way to show a message box, or similar, on the top of my head but one could always create a new file with a compilation error and some text nearby "discrepancy in the xxx file".
try using mercurial queues. You can get your code to the point you want (excluding the file you refer to), and then commit. Make changes to your file, and push it to a queue. Make sure to exclude it from any future updates (manually), and then when you want to update your package, pop it off your code base. This will make it look like it used to, and run the nuget update. Then you can push the queue back to the code, and your changes will re-applied. It might take a bit of fiddling, but worth a look.
For reference:
