ASP.NET deployed application stops responding -

We have an ASP.NET deployed application running on IIS 7. Lately we started having problems with the website, which usually starts at high traffic times, and the issue is that the page stops loading without showing an error. It essentially continues spinning and does not load. IIS reset would usually fix the issue but we have tried everything to resolve it with no success. Below are additional information about what we have already tried.I can intentionally put the website into this state by running 25 concurrent users to the landing page after which I would have to reset iis because it would stop responding. I am thinking this might have to do with a settings in IIS. Maximum Concurrent Connection is set to the default which is 4294967295. Kind of at a lost here.
We turned on Failed log tracing on IIS. The data in the error log did not provide anything conclusive.This might be partly related to the request not failing completely hence no log was created. Most errors were collected based on time the page took to respond.
I have also looked at the app pool and host log files and found nothing out of place

25 concurrent users is nothing. What's the back end stack? There's not too many details listed here but I'd start with looking at each stage the request is in and in addition enable failed request tracing. Mike (formerly from the IIS team) has a great write up on this, in a nutshell though:
Troubleshoot hanging requests on IIS in 3 steps
View requests
%windir%system32inetsrvappcmd list requests /elapsed:30000
Enabled Failed Request Tracing (modify if not using Default Web Site of course)
%windir%system32inetsrvappcmd configure trace "Default Web Site" /enablesite
%windir%system32inetsrvappcmd configure trace "Default Web Site" /enable /path:test.aspx /timeTaken:00:00:30
Then hopefully you can find some details via
appcmd list traces | findstr "yourpage.aspx"


Some requests on IIS hang for minutes and end in a lost connection

I have an awkward issue with IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016 and ASP.Net 4.5.2 and MVC 5.2.7.
At times, certain requests do not receive a response and run for minutes, maybe 10 or so, before ending in a lost connection (PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR in Firefox on Windows, NSURLDomainError in Firefox on iOS). These are mostly POST requests. When this issue occurs, other GET requests will receive a swift response and a correct result. Normally, POST-request do no take long to be processed, typically less than 3 seconds.
Recycling the associated worker process will make the issue go away, for hours or days.
When today inspected the web server when the issue was going on, I saw little CPU usage, less than 10%, memory 56%, the worker process a modest 615 MB. I saw neither logging in the W3C log of these requests, nor in my custom application logs.
I added the Web-Request-Monitor conform How do I see currently executing web request on IIS 8, but in doing so, the the worker process probably got recycled, as the issue is not currently occurring.
There are a reverse proxy and an access manager between the internet and my web server. I suppose they can have something to do with this issue, but it certainly is related to IIS, as recycling helps.
All of this is happening on a acceptation web server running a newer version of my application. I am not aware of any big changes to the application's architecture that could be involved. Also, there will be very little traffic from other clients, if none at all.
What could be next steps to investigate this issue further?
This issue was definitely caused by log4net. However, it was not related to the log4net.Internal.Debug setting. It was caused by two application domains accessing the same log file. This occasionally resulted in concurrency issues with accessing the log file. It appeared that log4net could not properly handle this and got stuck while writing to the log file.
This log file was configured with the RollingFileAppender option. Since we also used AdoNetAppender, we decided to remove file logging all together.
I have found a probable cause. I'll report the steps I took to investigate the issue.
I activated the Worker Processes feature in IIS.
When, after a couple of days of waiting, the issue started again, I found long running requests. They all had State ExecuteRequestHandler and Module Name ManagedPipelineHandler. They had Time Elapsed of hundreds of seconds.
I also activated the Failed Requests Tracing with a rule for long running requests with a Time Taken of 1 minute.
After a couple of days, I started to receive failed request reports. The failed request all have a GENERAL_SET_RESPONSE_HEADER event as their last event.
I added additional debug logging events for each requests. When debugging in my development environment, at one point, I started to see the hanging behaviour there, on one of the new logging statements(!). The application uses log4net.
I captured a stack trace:
log4net.dll!log4net.Appender.AppenderSkeleton.DoAppend(log4net.Core.LoggingEvent loggingEvent) log4net.dll!log4net.Util.AppenderAttachedImpl.AppendLoopOnAppenders(log4net.Core.LoggingEvent loggingEvent) log4net.dll!log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Logger.CallAppenders(log4net.Core.LoggingEvent loggingEvent) log4net.dll!log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Logger.Log(System.Type callerStackBoundaryDeclaringType, log4net.Core.Level level, object message, System.Exception exception) log4net.dll!log4net.Core.LogImpl.DebugFormat(string format, object arg0)
The DoAppend method uses lock(this), which may very well cause hangs.
I also found out that the config setting log4net.Internal.Debug was set to true, which I do not want under normal circumstances and this may be related. I did not attempt to understand the log4net code, but I remember that logging initially did not work, in the acceptance environment, so the setting may very well have been set to true then, causing the issue to start.
Another indication that this is happening with log4net is that when the issue last occurred, I realized that logging of level standard, only occurs in some POST requests. I found a POST-request that does not log and requests to it where handled normally, while the other POST-requests still hung.
For now, I have set log4net.Internal.Debug to false and will wait to see what happens.
IIS recycle fix this issue doesn't mean that this is an IIS issue because all application run in .net runtime unless it is proved that the request is hang in IIS module.
So you may need to wait this issue happen again, then create a Failed request tracing rule for time-taken. Then it will tell us this issue is happening on IIS pipeline module or .net runtime.
If all request hang in .net runtime. Then you may have to capture a hang dump and do a deep analysis via WINDGB and mex extension. It will tell us what's happening there.

Http Error 503 in because of global.asax file

I am using godaddy for my website hosting I have used around one year without any problem,
right now I have a Http Error 503.
please look at the attached image.
I am using this request to make the website login(session state online) not logout quickly.
I have added session timeout to the web.config and i have used timer in the website.
just the request in global.asax files work fine.
Many thanks for the help
global.asax file
From the GoDaddy community:
503 Service Unavailable errors are most often caused by either your website having met its maximum concurrent connection limit or if your hosting account consumes all of its available resources.
Presumably your thread uses up too many resources. Perhaps there is even a thread limit on your application, it may not be allowed to spawn new threads.

IIS 7 W3C logs not logging call to .asmx

I have a page call it 'Service.asmx' that I'm trying to research via IIS (W3C) logs. However all traffic to that page does not appear in the logs.
Here are a few things to note:
All other traffic to the site does seem to appear in the log
other .asmx services in the same directory and application pool appear successfully in the log
All requests to the service result in 200 OK
Other traffic to the site with 200 OK shows successfully in the log
even though other hits within the application pool are successful I attempted to add the user associated with the pool to the local admins group. This did not result in a change.
I've wondered many times if I was looking in the correct log instance, however, by adding a custom response header and calling via a browser I'm sure I'm looking at the correct log as well.
I've seen several articles online referencing <httpLogging> configuration that might affect a single page, but I've full-text searched all *.config instances on the server and have found no references to this tag set at all.

iis startup delay with aspx pages

Environment: Windows Server 2003; IIS 6, ASP.NET 2.0.50727
I'm going crazy with a brand new web server that we set up (note that this problem doesn't happen on our other web servers which have the same configuration). When loading and app the first time, the page hangs for over a full minute before showing the page in the browser. After it loads the first page, everything runs very quickly.
Note 1: You will probably say that the application is being compiled for the first time. But I've ruled that out. I put trace messages EVERYWHERE in the app and all the trace messages run within a second of requesting the page. Thus, the app compiles and runs immediately. But when the app is finished rendering the page and my last trace message is printed, nothing happens. IIS is doing something behind the scenes for a full minute before transferring the finished page along http to the user's browser.
Note 2: We found that after hitting the app the first time and things run fine, if we wait an hour then we get the delay again. Thus, IIS has something in its cache that it clears out after an hour and causes our site to stall again.
Note 3: Between each test we stop/start IIS to force it to hang upon loading the app.
Note 4: We watched the Task Manager to see if IIS was spiking and taking up a lot of resources processing something. But that wasn't it. We did see a very quick spike to 50% immediately before the browser showed the page, but for the previous 60 seconds there was only 1% usage on the server.
Note 5: On another test I created a HelloWorld.html page and this does not cause IIS to hang. Thus, it has something to do with calling the ASP.NET library the very first time it sends a rendered page across http. Also, since the app has already been compiled and runs instantly, it's just the part of that sends the rendered page to the user's browser that causes the delay.
Any ideas? We are a a loss here. All of our other web servers are setup the same way and work fine, but this is a new install. So there must be a configuration setting that was missed or maybe something needs to be installed?
If you have access to the servers, then make sure that app pool recycling is actually logged to the event logs
cscript adsutil.vbs get w3svc/AppPools/DefaultAppPool/LogEventOnRecycle
you can set it to log everything with
cscript adsutil.vbs Set w3svc/AppPools/DefaultAppPool/LogEventOnRecycle 255
See more here
Then check if there were any recycles.
App initialization, creation the worker process, threads, load the app domain and all the references dll's can take some time, that's normal, but that 1 minute delay is something else probably.
Try to precompile the app on the server and see if that helps
aspnet_compiler -m /LM/W3SVC/[site id ]/Root/[your appname]
If you want to dig deeper, you can check the event trace ETW.
logman query providers
Save the IIS /ASP.NET related Guids to a file like iisproviders.txt
logman start ExampleTrace -pf iisproviders.txt -ets -rt
LogParser "SELECT * FROM ExampleTrace" -i:ETW
logman stop ExampleTrace -ets
You can find more hereTroubleshooting appdomain restarts and other issues with ETW tracing
I would also check the w3wp.exe with procexp if it has a TCP connection time out or with Procmon for other clues.
If you have experience with windbg, then you can make a request to the app then quickly attach the debugger to the process
windbg -p [process id of the app pool]
.loadby sos mscorwks
and take it from there. If there are exceptions, process crash, etc you should be able to catch it...
Once we had a weird server issue like this and a .NET reinstall solved the problem, still not sure what was the culprit.
Could be some aspnet.config settings on this box that are different from others. Have you tried copying over their config files to this server? There appears to be certificate options along with registry modifications that you can do to remove some lag time during the initial load of a page (precompiling aside)
See here and here
One thing you might want to check on is if there are any database access going on on your page load. That might be blocking the creation of the page during initial page load. Then when the query is cached (either by the db engine or another cache mechanism like memcached), subsequent page loads work as normal.
As per your last comment,
I could stop/start IIS multiple times and the app always ran instantly. I thought it was fixed for good. But now I just tried again (it has been sitting idle for the past couple of hours) and now it is back to hanging on the first request.
This could mean that the cache has expired and thus needs to hit the database once again, causing the delay in page load.

Suddenly getting "Unable to make the session state request to the session state server"

The setup: 2 web servers and a seperate state server
I have two production web servers in a load balanced configuration. The ASP.NET web app they host shares state (like a web farm) using this line in their web.configs:
<sessionState mode="StateServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" cookieless="false" timeout="60"/> is the IP of the machine the session state service is running on (ok it's not really, changed to protect the innocent). It's a third machine (the database server, actually.
It worked fine until...
The error: website down!
Suddenly the site went down, just showing a generic error page ('turn custom errors off to see this error' or whatever).
The app's log recorded the actual error message:
An unhandled exception occurred Unable to make the session state request to the session state server. Please ensure that the ASP.NET State service is started and that the client and server ports are the same. If the server is on a remote machine, please ensure that it accepts remote requests by checking the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aspnet_state\Parameters\AllowRemoteConnection. If the server is on the local machine, and if the before mentioned registry value does not exist or is set to 0, then the state server connection string must use either 'localhost' or '' as the server name.
So it appears that the web app was unable to contact the state server (
I "tried turning if auf and then onnegen" - restarting the state server fixed the problem.
I really want know what happened and why so I can prevent it happening again.
So far all I have are two theories:
A windows update, to .net framework 4, was applied around that time on the state server. So maybe the update did something to the state service? The windows event viewer showed that .net 4 had logged a warning around then:
Updates to the IIS metabase were aborted because IIS is either not installed or is disabled on this machine. To configure ASP.NET to run in IIS, please install or enable IIS and re-register ASP.NET using aspnet_regiis.exe /i.
Some kind of temporary network problem between the prod web sites and the state server? They do sit right next to each other in the same physical rack though.
??? Any other ideas, anyone?
Anyone seen this before, or able to correct me on anything?
Has this happened since? The easy answer is that the problem was with the db server, not the web app. Are there any relevant errors in the log on the db server?
The fact that both apps threw an error indicates that a common resource was the problem. We chased a similar issue for a good solid week awhile back, and eventually found a faulty fiber channel gadget. (that's below my OSI level, not sure about the details).
Start–> Administrative Tools –> Services
Right-click over the ASP.NET State Service and click “start”
It is working fine We need to follow the steps
Had a similar issue before when our Infrastructure team tried sneaking in an install of 3.5 when they forgot to install it on our Production box. Not bouncing a server after a framework update is just going to cause all kinds of weird problems.
