Symfony querybuilder compare string when not empty - symfony

I am new to CreateQueryBuilder and I have a quite complex query with nested and->or->and condition. It almost works (thanks Patrik Karisch) but I am blocked by a simply and "stupid" question. I want to compare a string column only when the value from column or parameter is not empty. (Note: I cannot use if and add, I have to use logic inside orX).
$expr->neq('s.studentEmail', '') always returns true when the vale is '', but I am expecting false
$queryBuilder = $repo->createQueryBuilder('s');
$expr = $queryBuilder->expr();
$expr->andX($expr->neq('s.studentEmail', ''), $expr->isNotNull('s.studentEmail'), $expr->like('lower(s.studentEmail)', 'lower(:email)'),

I think you might be over complicating things. You can test your parameter outside of the query and simply skip adding the condition at all;
$qb = $studentRepo->createQueryBuilder('student');
if ($email) {
$qb->andWhere(' LIKE %:email%');
I also don't see the need for the lower functions but put them in if you like.
I started using expressions because that is the way the documentation shows but not really got comfortable with them. Very verbose. Now I just write the DQL out as shown above. Seems to work the same and is a bit easier to read.
Finally, you should define your email column to either be NOT NULL in which case all empty emails are blank strings. Or allow it to be NULL and ensure that empty strings are always entered as NULL. Mixing the two together can over complicate things.


This use of posts_where() function is not clear

I have this very short function that I do not understand at all, and the comment is laughable:
// This function makes the meta query work
function my_posts_where( $where ) {
$where = str_replace("meta_key = 'bonuses_%", "meta_key LIKE 'bonuses_%", $where);
return $where;
add_filter('posts_where', 'my_posts_where');
The meta query in question is a standard WP query with array_push($args['meta_query'],$bonusesArgs); pushing $bonusesArgs (the meta query) into it.
Without the my_posts_where function, the meta query doesn't work. And I have no idea why (and neither did the developer apparently...!)
I am hoping that someone can explain the my_posts_where function - what is it doing, I've looked all over and can't make sense of it.
Well.. all it seems to be doing is rebuilding the meta query in a different, but using LIKE instead of a direct =
Like performs a search for the value in the string, instead of a direct equality.
So it would seem that this function is completely superfluous, if the original meta query just used the compare = 'LIKE' value.
But without seeing the entire code, it'd be really tough to tell exactly what repercussions this might have. But no matter what, there are better ways to interact with a query object than running some weird str_replace on its data.

Xquery optimization

I have this xquery as follows:
declare variable $i := doc()/some-element/modifier[empty(modifier-value)];
I need to run this query on Marklogic's Qconsole where we have 721170811 records. Since that is huge number of record, I am getting timeout error. Is there any way I can optimize this query to get the result?
P.S. I cannot request amdin to increase the timeout time.
Try creating an element range index (or a path range index if the target element is not unique) and using a cts:values() lexicon lookup.
That way, the request can read the values from the range index instead of having to read each document.
You could use xdmp:spawn, create a library when you will make the query, get the documents, iterate the result collecting 1000 documents per iteration and call another xdmp:spawn to process the information from that dataset, I would suggest summarize the result to return only the information you will need to don't crash the browser, at the end should look something like this:
into the library process.xqy
function local:start-process(){
let $docs := (....)
let $temp := for $x in $docs[$start to $end]
return local:process-dataset($temp) (: Could use spawn here too if you want :)
return xdmp:spawn("collect.xqy",$temp)
compact-data function should create a file or a set of files with your data, this way the server will run all the process and in some minutes you will be available to see your data without problems.
You don't want to run something like doc() or xdmp:directory - just returns a result set that will kill you every time. You need to lower your result set by a lot.
A few thoughts:
You want to have as much done in MarkLogic's d-node, and the least work done in the e-node as possible. This is a way over-generalization, but for the most part I look at it like d-node stuff is data, indexes, lexicon work, etc. e-node stuff handles xQuery and such. So, in your example, you're definitely working out the e-node more than you need to.
You're going to want to use cts:search, as it uses indexes, not xPath to resolve your query. So, something like this:
declare variable $i := cts:search(fn:collection(),
cts:element-value-query(xs:QName("modifier"), "", "exact")
This will return document-node's, which it looks like what you were wanting with the $i[1]/../... This searches the xPath some-element for a modifier that is empty.
Please create element range index and attribute range index and use cts:search if you are familiar with marklogic it will be easy for you to write the query.

premake5 adding new complex fields

I am trying to add a new premake5 field in my premake5 script but am having trouble understanding how to specify the field.kind .
I want to add a field that contains a list of (path, string ) pairs but can't work out how to specify the kind spec .
The documentation and examples are not particularly clear.
This is how I have registered my new field
premake.api.register( {
name = "mypathmappings",
scope = "config",
kind = "list:path:string", or "list:keyed:path:string"
and inside of a config scope I declare the field item like so
project myproject
mypathmappings { ["path/to/file1"] = "stringvalue1", ["path/to/file2"] = "stringvalue2"}
However when it comes to processing time I don't get what I'm expecting in the field:
function processpathmappings(cfg)
local pathmappings = cfg.mypathmappings
for path, value in pairs(pathmappings) do
--do something with the path and value but
--value is not a string as expected
Can someone explain how the complex kinds can be built up correctly from the field kinds registered in api.lua?
I get that "list:integer" specifies a list of integers but don't know how the "keyed" element works for example.
Right now, it is not possible to control the "kind" of the keys in a keyed value. The best you will be able to get with the current system is kind="keyed:string", which should give you the values (the strings) that you want, but the paths will not be processed by Premake (made absolute, etc.)
If it is feasible, you might want to flip it around to kind="keyed:path" and set the values like this:
mypathmappings { ["stringvalue1"] = "path/to/file1" }
But that relies on your string values being unique within a map.
In theory, Premake's field API could be extended to support kinds of keys; feel free to open a ticket or submit a pull request.

Trying to figure out what this line of code means

This code is from a program I use to enter and track information. Numbers are entered as work orders (WO) to track clients. But one of the tables is duplicating the WO information. So I was trying to figure out a general outline of what this code is saying so that the problem can be fixed.
Here is the original line:
What I think I understand of it so far, and I could be very wrong, is:
//No clue because don't know ~ means or using & (connects?Action)
//Display of contents(what makes it pretty) and the value inside the table at that slot
//Calling the work from the WO object
//is Assigning whatever was placed into the WO field into the left side of the statement
I'll do my best to interpret the statement, with the limited information you've provided:
wc.dll is an instruction to invoke a DLL
? is introducing a list of parameters (like a query string in HTTP)
x3~emproc~datarecord~ seems like a reference to a function in the dll
& parameter separator
ACTION=DISPLAY set the ACTION parameter to the value DISPLAY
TABLE+WORK perhaps sets a couple of flags
KEYVALUE=<%work.wo% set the KEYVALUE parameter to the value of <%work.wo%
KEYFIELD=WO set the KEYFIELD parameter to the value WO
Hope that helps.

filter functions problem

I'm working on a search component for an app I'm working on and I needed to add some filters to it. I've found an example and got the first filter working fine.
Now I'm trying to add a second filter I'm running into problems... In the example I found they use filterFunctions, but I only get an option for filterFunction, why is that?
Here's the example code
productsCollection.filterFunctions =
filterByPrice, filterByType,
filterByCondition, filterByVendor
And this is what I'm trying
acData.filterFunction = [filterByStatus, filterByDate]
but with this code I get the following error message - 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Array to an unrelated type Function.
Why am I getting this error and how would I go about add multiple filters to my Array Collection?
filterFunction must be set to a single function, not an Array or any other datatype. To combine multiple functions create one that combines them, like this:
acData.filterFunction = function(item:Object)
filterByPrice(item) &&
filterByType(item) &&
filterByCondition(item) &&
If you saw a sample that used filterFunctions plural that accepted an array, post a link. That's not anywhere in the standard Flex framework or in the new 4.0 beta afaik.
It looks like you are going to have to extend an arraycollection to make it work. this link should spell it out for you:
