woocommerce webhooks not firing - wordpress

woocommerce webhooks aren't firing at all for me, even on a fresh install. I did the following:
Create a new MySQL database
Install WP from the zip file.
Set up WP.
Install Woocommerce.
Enable REST API and create a key.
Added "Coupon created" webhook, made sure it's set to active, and set it to a publicly accessible site.
When I create a coupon, the webhook does not fire, and no entry is created in the log. I tried this with orders as well and also doesn't work.
I think it's a machine configuration problem, but not sure what to change. The machine is an EC2 instance and has all ports opened in its security group policy.
Weirdest of all is that on a different EC2 instance does work, but it's a production machine and I want to have a dev server work so I can test out things. The only config differences between the production and dev machines that I can think of are the subnets and the firewall, but I don't understand why the subnet should matter and I opened all the firewall ports on the dev machine.

what Linux distributions are you running for prod and dev?
CentOS with SELinux enabled with not allow HTTPD scripts and modules to connect to network by default.
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
If above is not valid, please identify network problems by trying connecting to AWS RDS via SSH CLI. If you can open a connection via SSH CLI, the problem will be with your application. If you can't, it will be network problem. First thing to check in that case is AWS RDS security group. For testing you can open 3306 to public.
Let me know how it goes.


Wordpress not working after changing instance type on Google Cloud Platform

I changed my VM instance from "F1-micro" to "E2-micro". When I then restarted my machine, I couldn't access my webpage using the domain name, the webpage just shows an "Error 521" code - showing that my browser is working, CDN is working but the host has an erorr. When I paste the VMs IP address into my webpage, however, it show's the "Apache2 Debian Default Page".
Can somebody please help me with this?
The Error 521 message is caused by one of two situations:
First, check whether your WordPress site’s server is down. Even if everything else is configured properly, if your WordPress site’s server is offline, Cloudflare simply won’t be able to connect.
Second, your web server might be running fine but blocking Cloudflare’s requests. Because of how Cloudflare works, some server-side security solutions might inadvertently block Cloudflare’s IP addresses.
Cloudflare is a reverse proxy, all the traffic coming to your origin server will appear as if it’s coming from a small range of Cloudflare IPs (rather than each individual visitor’s unique IP address). Because of that, some security solutions will view high traffic from a limited number of IP addresses as an attack and block them.
Please check this link out in order to fix error 521 for Cloudflare and WordPress.
Turns out this problem was caused by my having installed the Debian Apache server package and it is causing collisions between it and the Apache shipped in the stack. Bitnami Stacks are completely self-contained and run independently of the rest of the software or libraries installed on your system.
So to fix this, all I had to do was run the following commands:
sudo systemctl stop apache2
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart

How can I make mysql access public and not restricted only to localhost?

I'm trying to connect zapier to the mysql db installed with a bitnami wp site in aws, but it seems I cannot connect them if the access is only restricted to the localhost. Any idea on how to change this in order to make it work?
this is what my security group looks like:
this is what my registered targets look like:
this is the info zapier asks for in order to connect:
WARNING: These instructions suppose an important security risk. I do not recommend to open your database to the public under any circumstances
You need to edit the /opt/bitnami/mysql/my.cnf and change
Then restart mysql
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart mysql
Apart from that, you will need to open your firewall port in AWS. Here you have a guide for that

Automatic configure wordpress IP on EC2

I have installed a LAMP server on an EC2 instance. Then I created an AMI so that I can easily spin up instances in the future.
Today I went back to spin up one such instance, and to my surprise the IP in the configuration is wrong. Basically when I first installed the LAMP server, Wordpress detected the IP and configured accordingly. Now on the instance that I launched today the IP is different, but the configuration for the previous IP is still there.
Now, I know how to change Wordpress IP. My question is: How can I make this step automatic when I launch an EC2 instance from an AMI?
Instance Metadata will give you a lot of information about the current EC2 instace. You can use that + some hand-crafted shell scripts which will be triggered on boot to update configuration.
An alternative solution is to use some configuration management tool (Chef, Ansible ... ). To help you configure the application.

Configuring BIND for Ubuntu Web Server

I am looking for some assistance configuring BIND to host a DNS server on my web server.
I recently acquired a dedicated server running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I already have Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB installed and working perfectly. My knowledge of postfix & dovecot are slim, so I followed this guide: A Mailserver on Ubuntu 14.04: Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL. The good news is that I've got mail coming in and going out as expected, but have come across another issue, which is some ISP and providers are denying the mail since there is no PTR records used.
So, I'm assuming I need to install and configure BIND to set up DNS and to set up a PTR record so that my mail will reach its destinations. I've tried Google with some tutorials but none of them seem clear for my purpose.
Installing a control panel, or one of those all-in-one scripts is out of the question since I already have the web server configured. Another issue is that some of them don't work with Nginx or use a different configuration of PHP. Plus, I want to learn how to do this on my own.
You don't have to install bind. Who ever has reverse DNS authority for your IP block will typically create a reverse name for you. Just request a reverse pointer record with the mail domain name for your IP.

Editing files on Google Cloud Engine VM

I have recently setup a VM on Google Cloud to develop and host my web site/application. The setup went fine, and I even have gcloud SDK up and running. I also have Apache installed and configured. My question is how do I setup my editing environment (PHP Storm) and upload my files? They seem to have the ports for FTP and SFTP blocked.
FTP uses a clear-text protocol and is thus not recommended. To use SFTP:
Make sure you can ssh to your instance: gcutil --project=<project> ssh <instance>. This does two things: (a) makes sure that port 22 is open on your VM, and (b) propagates your private key to the instance, if it's not already there.
Configure PHP Storm to use the Key pair authentication mechanism using the key ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine to log in to the instance.
That's it.
