Doctrine lifecycleCallbacks strange behaviour - symfony

I have defined lifecycleCallbacks in yaml as follows:
prePersist: [setCreatedAtValue]
preUpdate: [setUpdatedAtValue]
The above has generated entities with the respective functions as follows:
* #ORM\PrePersist
public function setCreatedAtValue()
if($this->created_at == null)
$this->created_at = new \DateTime();
Which looks all fine, right? However, when I try to open the sonata admin page, I get the following error
[Semantical Error] The annotation "#ORM\PrePersist" in method AppBundle\Entity\Article::setCreatedAtValue() was never imported. Did you maybe forget to add a "use" statement for this annotation?
I have never encountered this before and a bit confused about what to do. I am using symfony 2.7.6, Doctrine ORM version 2.5.1, Sonata Admin 2.3.7
Any help will be greatly appreciated

Since you defined your callbacks using yaml, you don´t need to define them again using annotations. Just remove the comments with the #ORM\PrePersist block before the function and everything will be fine.
If you wanted to use annotations to define your doctrine properties, you would need to import them before you can use them. To do so you would need to add this line at the beginning of your file:
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

Same issue came with me.
In my case everything worked well until I did not Serialize my object in JsonResponse.
So problem was that previously I was not using that entity class (which was giving error) for sending JsonResponse, as soon as I tried to prepare JsonResponse containing that class, JsonResponse failed to serialize my class as it hadn't implemented Serializable interface.
This will happen if you will fetch objects with methods like findAll or findBy which returns Entity objects instead of php array.
So I just skipped those native methods and write doctrine query for fetching data.
You can also implement Serializable interface.


Fix circular reference in symfony when using SerializerInterface

I'm getting a circular reference error when serializing a component. Usually this can be fixed using
However, I'm using the SerializerInterface like this:
* #Route("/get/{id}", name="get_order_by_id", methods="GET")
public function getOrderById(SerializerInterface $serializer, OrderRepository $orderRepository, $id): Response
return new Response($serializer->serialize(
array('groups' => array('default')))
Is it possible to fix a circular reference error when serializing using this interface?
You totally can. Just add this in your framework config.
circular_reference_handler: App\Serializer\MyCustomCircularReferenceHandler
This handler will work globally. Make sure you register it as a service. I does not need to implement any interface. So just a class with an __invoke() will suffice. That invoke will receive the object that is being "circle referenced" as the only argument.
You can either return the id or do some really cool stuff, like creating a uri for the resource. But the implementation details are totally up to you, as long as you don't return the same object, everything will be fine.
According to the Symfony API Reference on the interface there doesn't look to be a way to execute that function or retrieve the normalizer.
Even in the Serializer, there doesn't look to be a way to retrieve the normalizer after creating the serializer.
You're best off creating the normalizer before the serializer to achieve this, rather than injecting the interface via config files. (Relevant docs link)

Doctrine EntityManagerDecorator

I've created custom decorator for EntityManager and now when I'm doing doctrine->getManager(), then I can get my custom manager class, but inside repository class I still have native EntityManager how can I fix this. Or maybe there is another way to set something inside repository classes from container?
Decorator calls getRepository on $wrapped(EntityManager) and then $wrapped pass $this inside RepositoryFactory $this == $wrapped == EntityManager
My solution is:
public function getRepository($className)
$repository = parent::getRepository($className);
if ($repository instanceof MyAbstractRepository) {
return $repository;
There are a couple of approaches:
Copy the static EntityManager::createRepository code to your entity manager class and adjust it accordingly. This is fragile since any change to the EntityManager code might break your code. You have to keep track of doctrine updates. However, it can be made to work.
A second approach is to define your repositories as services. You could then inject your entity manager in the repository. Bit of a hack but it avoids cloning the createRepository code.
The third approach is the recommended approach. Don't decorate the entity manager. Think carefully about what you are trying to do. In most cases, Doctrine events or a custom base repository class can handle your needs. And it saves you from fooling around with the internals.
One option would be to override the entity manager service classes or parameters via a compiler pass.

Symfony PageEntity->getByPath() or PageController->getByPath()?

I would like to return the page Entity from the method: getByPath($path). I just would like to know where this method should be in the script. Inside the controller or inside the entity class?
In my opinion the entity "Page" shouldn't have a function called "getByPath()" since an entity should only contain database information of one entity, which can be get or set by getters and setters. And this "getByPath" function is not just a getter or setter it requires me to run the entitymanager within the entity. Am I right?
So am I right that I should make a PageController and create the "getByPath()" (which will return the page object) function there? Or would anyone create that function inside the entity class?
I would like to know what the nicest way is to accomplish this.
Thanks in advance.
You should put that function inside a custom repository for the Page entity
While the Entities are the objects you are storing, the Repository is the class that provides methods to access/load those objects, eg when you call $em->getRepository('Entities\Page')->find($page_id);, you call the find() method on your Page repository and it's its job to find it for you.
Doctrine provides a default repository for each entity (with the various find*() methods, ...), but you can provide a custom one where you can add your own method, such as getByPath().
Symfony 2 - Database and Doctrine - Custom Repository Classes
Doctrine 2 - Custom repository

With Symfony 2.2 and Doctrine 2.2.* I can't save manyToMany relations with cascade: persist

I try to use Doctrine casecade feature tu automagicaly save relations between two entities, and it does'nt seem to work.
I've made a demo here :
So I use the doctrine fixture to make my demo.
you need to create de database (app/console doctrine:database:create), migrate the tables (app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate) and then, load the fixtures (app/console doctrine:fixtures:load). The third fixture (src/Demo/MyBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/TagsNewsFixtures.php) is adding all tags entities to all the news. And if you go to the database, you will see that no relation was save in the news_tag table... I think my relation are well defined in my mapping (Resources/config/doctrine/News.orm.yml and Tag.orm.yml) and the cascade property is set.
Someone can find the problem with this code? I search everywhere (stackoverflow too) and I've done everythings everyone said... it should work...
Thanks to save my life (and my entities relations, ha!)
The problem is in fixtures loading order - TagNewsFixtures is loaded first, therefore no tag nor news are in database at that time. Try forcing load order using ordere
namespace Acme\HelloBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\AbstractFixture;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\OrderedFixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
class LoadData extends AbstractFixture implements OrderedFixtureInterface
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
// ...
public function getOrder()
return 1; // the order in which fixtures will be loaded
I found the problem.
The "joinTable" preperty need to be on the News side and news use the "inversedBy" property, no the MappedBy (that's the tag). So it work. And to add news to a tag (do the inverse, then), we need to specify in the Tag entity to add the tag to the news... I don't understand why Doctrine doesn't do that by default... weird...

How to auto complete methods from Symfony 2 DI in netbeans

I am starting to develop with symfony 2 and it uses a lot dependency injection. I would like to know if is there any way that makes netbeans detect the type of object based on the string and auto complete with their methods?
For example, $this->container->get('doctrine') returns a Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry instance. In the container, the key doctrine corresponds to Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry.
Something like it, could be useful for zendframework 2 also.
I don't want to create new methods in the controller and nor use /* #var $var Symfony...*/, I would automatic detection.
As far as I know, there's no way for an IDE to detect the type of the object your container returns. My solution is to wrap those calls to the container into private getter functions. IMHO this improves code readability as well – especially, if you do this call more than once per class.
* #return \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry
private function getDoctrine()
return $this->container->get('doctrine');
The IDE "PhpStorm" permits to suggest "use" declarations.
And this IDE propose specific features for Symfony2 and Drupal !
edited by JetBrains :
Not free but power full enough to reduce time developpement time (and time is money...)
Enjoy : )
$foobar= $this->get('foobar'); //returns mixed
/* #var \MyNamespace\FooBar $foobar*/
$foobar= $this->get('foobar'); //returns mixed
/* #var FooBar $foobar*/
You can do this with eclipse PDT:
$foobar= $this->get('foobar'); //returns mixed
/* #var $foobar \MyNamespace\FooBar*/
( Walk around ) When comes to Symfony services:
Instead of
$doctrine = $this->container->get('doctrine');
$doctrine = $this->getDoctrine();
As you can see, Symfony allows you to access most of it services directly from $this variable. NetBeans will know what auto completion to use.
Lets have a look why this works (inside Controller class)
It is possible because Controller class imports Registry class with USE statement,
use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry;
and then in method comment annotation it declares the returning object type with
* #return Registry
If you call $this->container->get('doctrine'); directly then auto completion will be get omitted and you will have to use whats below.
( Answer ) No magic auto completion works so far. Use Php Storm (it does what you request). For those who pick to stick with NetBeans you need to use manual annotation like in example below:
We can point NetBeans to a class it should be using for auto completion.
1) In terminal from project directory search for service you want to import:
php bin/console debug:container
If you know what you looking for use this instead:
php bin/console d:container | grep doctrine
doctrine --------------------------------------------------------
2) If this is not a service use get_class() PHP build in function to get class name of the object it particular variable. Or use reflection class. It's up to you.
3) Once you know the class name declare USE statement for better readability
use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry;
4) Now wen we know what is the class name of the object instance in particular variable we are ready to inform NetBeans about what we know by using comment annotations so that it can enable auto completion.
* #var $doctrine Registry
$doctrine = $this->container->get('doctrine');
Now auto completion is enabled. Type
then press Ctrl+Space. See the image below:
