I have a data.frame named sampleframe where I have stored all the table values. Inside sampleframe I have columns id, month, sold.
id month SMarch SJanFeb churn
101 1 0.00 0.00 1
101 2 0.00 0.00 1
101 3 0.00 0.00 1
108 2 0.00 6.00 1
103 2 0.00 10.00 1
160 1 0.00 2.00 1
160 2 0.00 3.00 1
160 3 0.50 0.00 0
164 1 0.00 3.00 1
164 2 0.00 6.00 1
I would like to calculate average sold for last three months based on ID. If it is month 3 then it has to consider average sold for the last two months based on ID, if it is month 2 then it has to consider average sold for 1 month based on ID., respectively for all months.
I have used ifelse and mean function to avail it but some rows are missing when i try to use it for all months
Query that I have used for execution
sampleframe$Churn <- ifelse(sampleframe$Month==4|sampleframe$Month==5|sampleframe$Month==6, ifelse(sampleframe$Sold<0.7*mean(sampleframe$Sold[sampleframe$ID[sampleframe$Month==-1&sampleframe$Month==-2&sampleframe$Month==-3]]),1,0),0)
adding according to the logic of the query it should compare with the previous months sold value of 70% and if the current value is higher than previous average months values then it should return 1 else 0
Not clear about the expected output. Based on the description about calculating average 'sold' for each 3 months, grouped by 'id', we can use roll_mean from library(RcppRoll). We convert the 'data.frame' to 'data.table' (setDT(df1)), grouped by 'id', if the number of rows is greater than 1, we get the roll_mean with n specified as 3 and concatenate with the averages for less than 3 or else i.e. for 1 observation, get the value itself.
k <- 3
setDT(df1)[, soldAvg := if(.N>1) c(cumsum(sold[1:(k-1)])/1:(k-1),
roll_mean(sold,n=k, align='right')) else as.numeric(sold), id]
# id month sold soldAvg
#1: 101 1 124 124.0000
#2: 101 2 211 167.5000
#3: 104 3 332 332.0000
#4: 105 4 124 124.0000
#5: 101 5 211 182.0000
#6: 101 6 332 251.3333
#7: 101 7 124 222.3333
#8: 101 8 211 222.3333
#9: 101 9 332 222.3333
#10: 102 10 124 124.0000
#11: 102 12 211 167.5000
#12: 104 3 332 332.0000
#13: 105 4 124 124.0000
#14: 102 5 211 182.0000
#15: 102 6 332 251.3333
#16: 106 7 124 124.0000
#17: 107 8 211 211.0000
#18: 102 9 332 291.6667
#19: 103 11 124 124.0000
#20: 103 2 211 167.5000
#21: 108 3 332 332.0000
#22: 108 4 124 228.0000
#23: 109 5 211 211.0000
#24: 103 6 332 222.3333
#25: 104 7 124 262.6667
#26: 105 8 211 153.0000
#27: 103 10 332 291.6667
Solution for above Question can be done by using library(dplyr) and use this query to avail the output
resultData <- group_by(data, KId) %>%
arrange(sales_month) %>%
mutate(monthMinus1Qty = lag(quantity_sold,1), monthMinus2Qty = lag(quantity_sold, 2)) %>%
group_by(KId, sales_month) %>%
mutate(previous2MonthsQty = sum(monthMinus1Qty, monthMinus2Qty, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(result = ifelse(quantity_sold/previous2MonthsQty >= 0.6,0,1)) %>%
select(KId,sales_month, quantity_sold, result)
link to refer for solution and output Answer
Using dplyr, I want to divide a column by another one, where the two columns have a similar pattern.
I have the following data frame:
My_data = data.frame(
var_a = 101:110,
var_b = 201:210,
number_a = 1:10,
number_b = 21:30)
I would like to create a new variable: var_a_new = var_a/number_a, var_b_new = var_b/number_b and so on if I have c, d etc.
My_data %>%
.vars = c('var_a', 'var_b'),
.funs = list( new = function(x) x/(.[,paste0('number_a', names(x))]) ))
I did not get an error, but a wrong result. I think that the problem is that I don't understand what the 'x' is. Is it one of the string in .vars? Is it a column in My_data? Something else?
One option could be:
My_data %>%
transmute(across(starts_with("var"))/across(starts_with("number"))) %>%
rename_all(~ paste0(., "_new")))
var_a var_b number_a number_b var_a_new var_b_new
1 101 201 1 21 101.00000 9.571429
2 102 202 2 22 51.00000 9.181818
3 103 203 3 23 34.33333 8.826087
4 104 204 4 24 26.00000 8.500000
5 105 205 5 25 21.00000 8.200000
6 106 206 6 26 17.66667 7.923077
7 107 207 7 27 15.28571 7.666667
8 108 208 8 28 13.50000 7.428571
9 109 209 9 29 12.11111 7.206897
10 110 210 10 30 11.00000 7.000000
You can do this directly provided the columns are correctly ordered meaning "var_a" is first column in "var" group and "number_a" is first column in "number" group and so on for other pairs.
var_cols <- grep('var', names(My_data), value = TRUE)
number_cols <- grep('number', names(My_data), value = TRUE)
My_data[paste0(var_cols, '_new')] <- My_data[var_cols]/My_data[number_cols]
# var_a var_b number_a number_b var_a_new var_b_new
#1 101 201 1 21 101.00000 9.571429
#2 102 202 2 22 51.00000 9.181818
#3 103 203 3 23 34.33333 8.826087
#4 104 204 4 24 26.00000 8.500000
#5 105 205 5 25 21.00000 8.200000
#6 106 206 6 26 17.66667 7.923077
#7 107 207 7 27 15.28571 7.666667
#8 108 208 8 28 13.50000 7.428571
#9 109 209 9 29 12.11111 7.206897
#10 110 210 10 30 11.00000 7.000000
The function across() has replaced scope variants such as mutate_at(), summarize_at() and others. For more details, see vignette("colwise") or https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr/vignettes/colwise.html. Based on tmfmnk's answer, the following works well:
My_data %>%
new = across(starts_with("var"))/across(starts_with("number")))
The prefix "new." will be added to the names of the new variables.
var_a var_b number_a number_b new.var_a new.var_b
1 101 201 1 21 101.00000 9.571429
2 102 202 2 22 51.00000 9.181818
3 103 203 3 23 34.33333 8.826087
4 104 204 4 24 26.00000 8.500000
5 105 205 5 25 21.00000 8.200000
6 106 206 6 26 17.66667 7.923077
7 107 207 7 27 15.28571 7.666667
8 108 208 8 28 13.50000 7.428571
9 109 209 9 29 12.11111 7.206897
10 110 210 10 30 11.00000 7.000000
This question already has answers here:
Reshape horizontal to to long format using pivot_longer
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Thank you all for your answers, I thought I was smarter than I am and hoped I would've understood any of it. I think I messed up my visualisation of my data aswell. I have edited my post to better show my sample data. Sorry for the inconvenience, and I truly hope that someone can help me.
I have a question about reshaping my data. The data collected looks as such:
data <- read.table(header=T, text='
pid measurement1 Tdays1 measurement2 Tdays2 measurement3 Tdays3 measurment4 Tdays4
1 1356 1435 1483 1405 1563 1374 NA NA
2 943 1848 1173 1818 1300 1785 NA NA
3 1590 185 NA NA NA NA 1585 294
4 130 72 443 70 NA NA 136 79
4 140 82 NA NA NA NA 756 89
4 220 126 266 124 NA NA 703 128
4 166 159 213 156 476 145 776 166
4 380 189 583 173 NA NA 586 203
4 353 231 510 222 656 217 526 240
4 180 268 NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 NA NA NA NA NA NA 580 278
4 571 334 596 303 816 289 483 371
Now i would like it to look something like this:
PID Time Value
1 1435 1356
1 1405 1483
1 1374 1563
2 1848 943
2 1818 1173
2 1785 1300
3 185 1590
... ... ...
How would i tend to get there? I have looked up some things about wide to longformat, but it doesn't seem to do the trick. Am reletively new to Rstudio and Stackoverflow (if you couldn't tell that already).
Kind regards, and thank you in advance.
Here is a slightly different pivot_longer() version.
dw %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -PID, names_to =".value", names_pattern = "(.+)[0-9]")
# A tibble: 9 x 3
PID T measurement
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 1 100
2 1 4 200
3 1 7 50
4 2 2 150
5 2 5 300
6 2 8 60
7 3 3 120
8 3 6 210
9 3 9 70
The names_to = ".value" argument creates new columns from column names based on the names_pattern argument. The names_pattern argument takes a special regex input. In this case, here is the breakdown:
(.+) # match everything - anything noted like this becomes the ".values"
[0-9] # numeric characters - tells the pattern that the numbers
# at the end are excluded from ".values". If you have multiple digit
# numbers, use [0-9*]
In the last edit you asked for a solution that is easy to understand. A very simple approach would be to stack the measurement columns on top of each other and the Tdays columns on top of each other. Although specialty packages make things very concise and elegant, for simplicity we can solve this without additional packages. Standard R has a convenient function aptly named stack, which works like this:
> exp <- data.frame(value1 = 1:5, value2 = 6:10)
> stack(exp)
values ind
1 1 value1
2 2 value1
3 3 value1
4 4 value1
5 5 value1
6 6 value2
7 7 value2
8 8 value2
9 9 value2
10 10 value2
We can stack measurements and Tdays seperately and then combine them via cbind:
data <- read.table(header=T, text='
pid measurement1 Tdays1 measurement2 Tdays2 measurement3 Tdays3 measurement4 Tdays4
1 1356 1435 1483 1405 1563 1374 NA NA
2 943 1848 1173 1818 1300 1785 NA NA
3 1590 185 NA NA NA NA 1585 294
4 130 72 443 70 NA NA 136 79
4 140 82 NA NA NA NA 756 89
4 220 126 266 124 NA NA 703 128
4 166 159 213 156 476 145 776 166
4 380 189 583 173 NA NA 586 203
4 353 231 510 222 656 217 526 240
4 180 268 NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 NA NA NA NA NA NA 580 278
4 571 334 596 303 816 289 483 371
cbind(stack(data, c(measurement1, measurement2, measurement3, measurement4)),
stack(data, c(Tdays1, Tdays2, Tdays3, Tdays4)))
Which keeps measurements and Tdays neatly together but leaves us without pid which we can add using rep to replicate the original pid 4 times:
result <- cbind(pid = rep(data$pid, 4),
stack(data, c(measurement1, measurement2, measurement3, measurement4)),
stack(data, c(Tdays1, Tdays2, Tdays3, Tdays4)))
The head of which looks like
> head(result)
pid values ind values ind
1 1 1356 measurement1 1435 Tdays1
2 2 943 measurement1 1848 Tdays1
3 3 1590 measurement1 185 Tdays1
4 4 130 measurement1 72 Tdays1
5 4 140 measurement1 82 Tdays1
6 4 220 measurement1 126 Tdays1
As I said above, this is not the order you expected and you can try to sort this data.frame, if that is of any concern:
result <- result[order(result$pid), c(1, 4, 2)]
names(result) <- c("pid", "Time", "Value")
leading to the final result
> head(result)
pid Time Value
1 1 1435 1356
13 1 1405 1483
25 1 1374 1563
37 1 NA NA
2 2 1848 943
14 2 1818 1173
tidyverse solution
dw %>%
pivot_longer(-PID) %>%
mutate(name = gsub('^([A-Za-z]+)(\\d+)$', '\\1_\\2', name )) %>%
separate(name, into = c('A', 'B'), sep = '_', convert = T) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = A, values_from = value)
Gives the following output
# A tibble: 9 x 4
PID B T measurement
<int> <int> <int> <int>
1 1 1 1 100
2 1 2 4 200
3 1 3 7 50
4 2 1 2 150
5 2 2 5 300
6 2 3 8 60
7 3 1 3 120
8 3 2 6 210
9 3 3 9 70
Considering a dataframe, df like the following:
PID T1 measurement1 T2 measurement2 T3 measurement3
1 1 100 4 200 7 50
2 2 150 5 300 8 60
3 3 120 6 210 9 70
You can use this solution to get your required dataframe:
iters = seq(from = 4, to = length(colnames(df))-1, by = 2)
finalDf = df[, c(1,2,3)]
for(j in iters){
tobind = df[, c(1,j,j+1)]
finalDf = rbind(finalDf, tobind)
finalDf = finalDf[order(finalDf[,1]),]
The output of the print statement is this:
PID T1 measurement1
1 1 1 100
4 1 4 200
7 1 7 50
2 2 2 150
5 2 5 300
8 2 8 60
3 3 3 120
6 3 6 210
9 3 9 70
Maybe you can try reshape like below
setNames(data, gsub("(\\d+)$", "\\.\\1", names(data))),
direction = "long",
varying = 2:ncol(data)
My data (crsp.daily) look roughly like this (the numbers are made up and there are more variables):
103 201 19951006 8.8 100 823
103 203 19951006 7.9 200 1002
1004 10 19951006 5 277 398
2 5 19951110 5.3 NA 579
1003 2 19970303 10 67 NA
1003 1 19970303 11 77 1569
1003 20 19970401 6.7 NA NA
I want to sum VOL and SHROUT by groups defined by PERMCO and date, but leaving the original number of rows unchanged, thus my desired output is the following:
103 201 19951006 8.8 100 823 300 1825
103 203 19951006 7.9 200 1002 300 1825
1004 10 19951006 5 277 398 277 398
2 5 19951110 5.3 NA 579 NA 579
1003 2 19970303 10 67 NA 21 1569
1003 1 19970303 11 77 1569 21 1569
1003 20 19970401 6.7 NA NA NA NA
My data have more than 45 millions of observations, and 8 columns. I have tried using ave:
or sapply:
The problem is that it takes an infinite amount of time (like more than 30 min and I still did not see the result). Another thing that I tried was to create a variable called "group" by pasting PERMCO and date like this:
and then apply ave using crsp.daily$group as groups. This also did not work because from a certain observation on, R did not distinguish anymore the different values of crsp.daily$groups and treated them as a unique group.
The solution of creating the variable "groups" worked on a smaller dataset.
Any advise is greatly appreciated!
With data.table u could use the following code
dt <- as.data.table(crsp.daily)
dt[, VOL.sum := sum(VOL), by = list(PERMCO, date)]
With the command := u create a new variable (VOL.sum) and group those by PERMCO and date.
permco permno date price vol shrout vol.sum
1 103 201 19951006 8.8 100 823 300
2 103 203 19951006 7.9 200 1002 300
3 1004 10 19951006 5.0 277 398 277
4 2 5 19951110 5.3 NA 579 NA
I have this "d" data frame that has 2 groups. In real life I have 20 groups.
d= data.frame(group = c(rep("A",10),rep("B",10),"A"), value = c(seq(1,10,1),seq(101,110,1),10000))
group value
1 A 1
2 A 2
3 A 3
4 A 4
5 A 5
6 A 6
7 A 7
8 A 8
9 A 9
10 A 10
11 B 101
12 B 102
13 B 103
14 B 104
15 B 105
16 B 106
17 B 107
18 B 108
19 B 109
20 B 110
21 A 10000
I'd like to add 2 columns, "Upper" and "Lower" that are calculated at the GROUP below level. Since there are only 2 groups I can add the columns manually like this:
d= data.frame(group = c(rep("A",10),rep("B",10),"A"), value = c(seq(1,10,1),seq(101,110,1),10000))
d$upper = ifelse(d$group=="A", quantile(d$value[d$group=="A"])[4]+ 2.5*IQR(d$value[d$group=="A"]), quantile(d$value[d$group=="B"])[4]+ 2.5*IQR(d$value[d$group=="B"]) )
d$lower = ifelse(d$group=="A", quantile(d$value[d$group=="A"])[4]- 2.5*IQR(d$value[d$group=="A"]), quantile(d$value[d$group=="B"])[4]- 2.5*IQR(d$value[d$group=="B"]) )
group value upper lower
1 A 1 21 -4.0
2 A 2 21 -4.0
3 A 3 21 -4.0
4 A 4 21 -4.0
5 A 5 21 -4.0
6 A 6 21 -4.0
7 A 7 21 -4.0
8 A 8 21 -4.0
9 A 9 21 -4.0
10 A 10 21 -4.0
11 B 101 119 96.5
12 B 102 119 96.5
13 B 103 119 96.5
14 B 104 119 96.5
15 B 105 119 96.5
16 B 106 119 96.5
17 B 107 119 96.5
18 B 108 119 96.5
19 B 109 119 96.5
20 B 110 119 96.5
21 A 10000 21 -4.0
But when I have 20 or 30 columns whats the best way to add these columns without doing a loop?
Groupwise operations can easily be done using dplyr's group_by function:
d <- data.frame(group = c(rep("A",10),rep("B",10),"A"), value = c(seq(1,10,1),seq(101,110,1),10000))
d %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(upper=quantile(value, 0.75) + 2.5*IQR(value),
lower=quantile(value, 0.75) - 2.5*IQR(value))
This splits the data frame by the "group" variable and then computes the "upper" and "lower" columns separately for each group.
I have the following data.table:
Month Day Lat Long Temperature
1: 10 01 80.0 180 -6.383330333333309
2: 10 01 77.5 180 -6.193327999999976
3: 10 01 75.0 180 -6.263328333333312
4: 10 01 72.5 180 -5.759997333333306
5: 10 01 70.0 180 -4.838330999999976
117020: 12 31 32.5 310 11.840003833333355
117021: 12 31 30.0 310 13.065001833333357
117022: 12 31 27.5 310 14.685003333333356
117023: 12 31 25.0 310 15.946669666666690
117024: 12 31 22.5 310 16.578336333333358
For every location (given by Lat and Long), I have a temperature for each day from 1 October to 31 December.
There are 1,272 locations consisting of each pairwise combination of Lat:
1 80.0
2 77.5
3 75.0
4 72.5
5 70.0
21 30.0
22 27.5
23 25.0
24 22.5
and Long:
1 180.0
2 182.5
3 185.0
4 187.5
5 190.0
49 300.0
50 302.5
51 305.0
52 307.5
53 310.0
I'm trying to create a data.table that consists of 1,272 rows (one per location) and 92 columns (one per day). Each element of that data.table will then contain the temperature at that location on that day.
Any advice about how to accomplish that goal without using a for loop?
Here we use ChickWeights as the data, where we use "Chick-Diet" as the equivalent of your "lat-lon", and "Time" as your "Date":
dcast.data.table(data.table(ChickWeight), Chick + Diet ~ Time)
Chick Diet 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 21
1: 18 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2: 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA
3: 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA
4: 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5: ... 46 rows omitted
You will likely need to lat + lon ~ Month + Day or some such for your formula.
In the future, please make your question reproducible as I did here by using a built-in data set.
First create a date value using the lubridate package (I assumed year = 2014, adjust as necessary):
df$datetext <- paste(df$Month,df$Day,"2014",sep="-")
df$date <- mdy(df$datetext)
Then one option is to use the tidyr package to spread the columns:
Lat Long 2014-10-01 2014-12-31
1 22.5 310 NA 16.57834
2 25.0 310 NA 15.94667
3 27.5 310 NA 14.68500
4 30.0 310 NA 13.06500
5 32.5 310 NA 11.84000
6 70.0 180 -4.838331 NA
7 72.5 180 -5.759997 NA
8 75.0 180 -6.263328 NA
9 77.5 180 -6.193328 NA
10 80.0 180 -6.383330 NA