Is it possible to execute tests from a dependency jar in SBT? - sbt

We have consumer driven contract tests from someone else packaged as a jar containing test specs. Now we want to execute them in our build in a submodule. But by default sbt sets the test classpath for scalatest to contain only the compilation result of src/test/scala. How can we change that to scan a test dependency jar for Suites?


How to create CorDapp jar file without redeploying nodes?

We are using Corda Version 4 for our application.
We understand that the command gradlew.bat deployNodes creates following jars -
CorDapp (contracts, states, flows)
Corda platform
When any change is made in the contract/states/flows code, we had to run the command gradlew.bat deployNodes each time. Due to this the "Corda platform" and "Dependencies" jars always get recreated and consequently increases development time.
Does Corda platform provides alternative way to Only create "CorDapp" jar file and not the remaining ones?
You can use following cmd to generate only jar files
./gradlew build
this will generate jar files in you build/lib folder

Run Spring batch with CommandLineJobRunner error impossible to find or load main class CommandLineJobRunner

I am new to Spring batch and want to run a batch with a command line using CommandLineJobRunner class, So I copied the generated jar file and CommandLineJobRunner to my Desktop and after I ran the following command:
Java -cp spring-batch-example.jar org.springframework.batch.core.launch. support. CommandLineJobRunner classpath: /jobs/file-import-job. xml simpleFileImportJob
which give this error (impossible to find or load main org. springframework. batch. core. launch. support. CommandLineJobRunner).
I think that I should deal with the classpath, I don't know how doing it.
You need to add Spring Batch jars to the classpath too, something like:
java -cp spring-batch-example.jar:lib/* classpath:/jobs/file-import-job.xml simpleFileImportJob
where lib contains Spring Batch jars and their dependencies. Note that if you are on windows, you need to use ';' instead of ':' to separate classpath entries.
I recommend to use maven shade plugin or a similar plugin to create an uber jar, or use Spring Boot and it will do it for you. In both cases, you would be able to run your job with:
java -jar spring-batch-example.jar

My robot framework jar file with dependencies after maven install command is shown as corrupt file, Kindly assist

A snapshot.jar file of robot framework and its dependencies was created in eclipse after running maven install command. But the jar file is not able to execute my robot test cases as an error throws up: corrupt jar file.
I have searched about configuring pom.xml for robot framework as suggested in How to run test cases using robot framework jar file?, but could not build a proper jar file.
The primary purpose is that the jar file should be able to execute QA test cases in any remote or other system
Can someone please assist, its very important
Most likely, you are trying to add a tar.gz robot-selenium dependency instead of a jar robot-selenium dependency.
Follow the instructions here:
And here:

SBT Plugin to modify compile and test tasks

I am in the process of creating a plugin that will modify both the compile:compile and test:test tasks. My ultimate aim is to be able to do sbt monkjack or sbt monkjack:test (either is fine). In the compile:compile scope I need to add a compiler plugin, and in the test:test scope I need to run some code after the tests have finished.
My first attempts were around trying to create a custom configuration but which to extend, compile or test, was unclear as both are needed (At the moment I have two, and I copy the CustomTest into the CustomCompile and then run monkjack:test). My second attempts were focusing on a custom task that in turn invoked (compile in Compile).value and (test in Test).value after setting various options.
I realize my knowledge of SBT tasks and how they are related/inherited/scoped is not great.
Q1. Is there a chain of tasks like in maven? In maven if you execute test, it will execute the other phases in order. So mvn clean test will automatically run prepare-sources, compile, etc etc. So in SBT if I run sbt test how are the other tasks automatically executed.
Q2. If you execute a task with a custom config, eg sbt millertime:test will that config propagate to the other tasks that run. Eg, is this the same as sbt monkjack:compile monkjack:test or the same as sbt compile monkjack:test or neither :)
Q3. How do tasks know which is their default config? If I do sbt compile how does SBT know that means sbt compile:compile?
Q4. Which is the best way to go here, a custom configuration or a new task.

Add JavaFX (of JDK8) in sbt (using the play framework)

The goal is to have a standalone Play Framework (2.2) application having an additional status window open containing some javafx (javafx-8) elements.
Since JavaFX classes are now on the default runtime classpath for an Oracle Java 8 implementation using javafx.* in my classes and compiling with sbt should just be fine.
However sbt can't find these classes and quits with
play.api.UnexpectedException: Unexpected exception[NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/application/Application]
when executing
..\path-to-play-framework-2.2\play project run
The best way to fix this problem seems to be the modification of build.sbt in the project directory. What can I do to add the missing (class) path?
Sadly JavaFX doesn't link that easily to an sbt build. You need to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable and do modifications to your build file.
Here I have a repository where this is set up. The important bit if you are using an sbt build rather than a scala build is this one:
unmanagedJars in Compile += Attributed.blank(
file(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME") + "/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar")),
fork in run := true
The reason for this is that jfxrt.jar is the archive containing the JavaFX runtime and it is not included in the classpath of an sbt project by default.
Anotherway is to set the Classpath for sbt. This can be done on the machines which can't resolve JavaFX.
