Monitor system resources in QT - qt

Is there anyway to monitor system resources, namely network statistics (ping, download, upload) in Windows? I've looked at a couple of similar threads and one mentions using WinPcap is the only way to do this, just wanted to get any recent answers if there are any?
I've done a ping tool utilizing Window's ping.exe which works great but struggling to get ideas for other data.


Getting started with Jupyter in the cloud

So far I've only used Jupyter on my local machine, which is way too slow. I'm completely new to using cloud services for Jupyter, or using cloud services at all for that matter. I know there are a million tutorials out there, but this is my problem: How to choose the right service from all those options (Amazon? Google? Cheaper options?)? What's the 'right way' to get started?
What I need:
I want a service where I can start up a Jupyter notebook in my browser as simply as possible. (I know next to nothing about setting up servers etc., and have very limited time to learn that if needed)
I currently have an old MacBook from 2014. The server should be at least 10x faster. (Which options do I need to pick?)
I want to do machine learning, so GPUs would be good.
My budget is about $50 per month, less would be great; a free tryout would be great too.
As I am completely new, I also need to know what pitfalls to look out for. (E.g.: Stop the machine to stop increasing the costs?)
If you could help me, or point me to a good tutorial or even a book, I'd be forever grateful.
(Sorry for the basic question. Of course I googled tutorials myself before posting this question, but as indicated above, I'm overwhelmed by the options - that's why I posted this question.)
AWS based tutorial:
GPU, CPU and pricing informations are gathered here:
You can set up a budget for cost limitation:

How to combine a Qt-GUI with ROS?

I'm currently working on a Qt-GUI with which I plan to remote control a robot. The robot is ros-controlled and equipped with multiple cameras. The topic is completely new to me and I just started learning both Qt and ROS and have some basic questions. I didn't make any progress googling around so I finally decided to post it here:
How can I connect data from ROS with Qt? So let's say I kind of want to live-stream the recordings of the cameras into my GUI. How is the general procedure there?
I've seen this ROS Qt Creator Plug-in. Is that something I want to use for this project?
Thanks a lot to everyone answering.
This is my first post here so I hope I didn't mess anything up or flouted forum regulations.
Edit 1: I am working with C++.
Edit 2: In case it helps you giving me advice; the rostopic type of the camera topic is sensor_msgs/Image.
For question 1, since the images are coming over the sensor_msgs/Image topic, using ROS with OpenCV's cv_bridge in the Qt application to receive the the incoming image stream from ROS into the Qt-GUI is a good start. There are several tutorials that cover integrating OpenCV into a Qt project. An important advice is to keep track of the image properties (size, color format, etc.), which will help in displaying the image properly in the GUI. Disclaimer: I have worked with Qt libraries on the Python side, not with C++.
As for question 2, the information for setting up, building, and running the code within the Qt-Creator can be very convenient. There are times where it is prudent to use an IDE to build, run, and debug code (to deal with memory management, segmentation faults, etc.), while other for other times running "catkin_make" or "catkin build" in the root directory when the hardware is minimal.

GeForce Experience share feature generates whitelist errors and slows performance

I'm developing an application which is previewing video feeds from a capture card and/or a webcam. I've noticed a lot of errors in my console that look like:
IGIESW [path to my.exe] found in whitelist: NO
IGIWHW Game [path to my.exe] found in whitelist: NO
These repeat each time I try to activate a preview window or switch the source feed I'm trying to preview. It actually takes a few seconds each time and it really kills the responsiveness of my application. I'm also seeing a similar slowdown in other applications which are previewing and switching between sources.
I have two nearly identical machines and I only see the errors on the machine with the NVIDIA graphics card; it doesn't happen on the machine using the built-in Intel HD graphics. This lead me to believe it was an NVIDIA setting and on a hunch I tried disabling the "Share" feature in GeForce Experience and that fixed the problem! I really need to use the screen capture capability to record my application so simply leaving it disabled isn't an option.
I searched online for information about IGIWHW and IGIESW but I really couldn't find much other than a few "my game won't work" type forum posts.
I don't see any reference to a whitelist in the Share settings nor in the online help for the NVIDIA control panel. I tried adding my path to the list of paths in the Games scanning settings but it didn't help. Does anyone know where this whitelist is setup? It's strange that even though the errors seem to indicate that my app isn't whitelisted it still works (just very slowly).
I have GeForce Experience and driver 381.65 running on Windows 10.

Hardware/Software inventory open source projects

I would like to develop a Network Inventory application that works on any operating system.
Reports on every possible resource attacehd to a network.
Reports all pertinent details of hardware and software.
Thats (and i hate to use the phrase) my "End Game".
However I am running before i can crawl here.
I have no experience of this type of development, e.g. discovering a computers hardware and software settings.
I've spent almost two weeks googling and come up short! :-(.
So I am turning to you to ask these questions:-
My first step is to find an existing open source project i can incorporate into my own code that extracts the fine grained details i am after, e.g. EVERYTHING there is to know about the hardaware and software on a single machine.
Does this project exist? or do i have to develop that first?
Have i got to write all this in C?
I am guessing getting this information about a computer is going to be easier than for printers, scanners, routers etc... e.g. everything else you would find attached to a network.
Once i have access to a single computers details i then need to investigate how i can traverse an entire newtork of printers, scanners, routers, load balancers, switches, firewalls, workstations, servers, storeage devices, laptops, monitors, the list goes on and on
One problem i have is i dont have a 1000 machine newtork to play on!
Is there any such resource available on theinternet? (is that a silly question?)
Anywho, if you dont ask you wont find out!
One aspect iam really looking forward to finding out how to travers the entire network,
should i be using TCP/IP for this?
Whats a good site, blog, usergorup, book for TCP/IP development?
How do i go about getting through firewalls?
How many questions can i ask in one go? :-)
My previous question on this topic ended up with PYTHON being championed as the language/script to go with to develop this application in.
Having looked at a few PYTHON examples they all seemed to be related to WINDOWS networks
and interrogating Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). I had the feeling you cant rely on whats in WMI, and even if you can that s no good for UNIX netwrks.
Surely there exist common code for extracting hardware and software details from a computer? Why cant i find it on the internet?
Pease help?
Theres no prizes though :-(
Thanks in advance
I would like to appologise if i have broken forum rules or not tried hard enough on my own before asking for assistance.
I just would like to start moving forward with this as its one of the best projects i have been involved with.
I am inspired by the many differnt number of challenges involved and that if i manage to produce a useful application at the end of it it would hopefully be extremely helpful to many people.
That sit
Thanks in advance
as a software vendor of a discovery solution, I can just say: Respect, that you want to start a new one :-). Just in case you are interested in what it could look like:
Now to some of our experience:
Programming Language:
I wouldn't write it in C. Use Java or .NET. Those languages have great advantages when it comes to tracking down errors or problems. For instance, in Java (and I guess also in .NET), you can see the stack trace when something is failing. For some pieces of code (e.g. WMI access), you might need to use C++ or C (e.g. access to native APIs from Microsoft). Use a native interface or a COM bridge from Java. In .NET, it should even be easier to access the Windows APIs).
well, network printers, router, and switches are actually easier to discover. They usually expose their information via SNMP. SNMP is pretty easy to use and pretty robust. Getting information from Windows (or even Unix) systems is a bit trickier. Protocols can be blocked, misconfigured, messed up... We had cases, where WMI was simply hanging when requesting data from a remote device.
Test Devices:
Since we are also a smaller company, we also do not have 1000 different devices to test with. But, there are some things that might help:
a) For SNMP devices use a SNMP simulator. We use MIMIC 9.0 from Gambit Solutions and we are pretty happy with it. You can import SNMP walks from network devices and simulate the device as if it would be in your network.
b) Secondly, use virtualization whenever possible. With VMware, you can install Windows, Linux, or even Solaris. We also use a project called GNS3 to emulate Cisco Routers, Firewalls or Juniper routers.
c)You can test the rest of the devices only, if you have a customer that helps you with testing and implementing new devices.
This are just some ideas to start with. But I have to tell you, that it is not trivial and it takes a lot of time....
Hope that you got some ideas to start with...
I don't know that it's open source, but we use Spiceworks ( here as an IT management platform. You may get some use out of exploring that.

Simulating a TWAIN Device

Our company is using some software that ONLY accepts input from an "Imaging Device" i.e. a TWAIN device (e.g. scanner).
The problem is that we are receiving our files digitally, so using an actual scanner would require us to print, scan, and shred documents that we already have on the computer, but not in the software.
I was curious if anybody has any idea of how we might be able to work around this problem in the meantime. My first thought was to find some way to trick the program into thinking we're using a scanner, via some new 'imaging device' that would just read in the file, and spit it out to the software, but I don't even know where to begin with that.
We put in a feature request, seeing as how this problem should obviously be addressed in the software itself, but the company is notorious for lagging pretty hard when it comes to updates.
The system used by scanners is called TWAIN, so you'd be looking for some sort of virtual twain driver.
A quick google search will produce several hits, I don't have any experience with the software myself so can't advise any further.
Two such providers I found via experts exchange:
OK, months late... but in case you are interested, I have a TWAIN driver framework/toolkit that might let you build this fairly easily, depending on just what your scanning app expects, and how hard it is to read images from your digital documents. It's a Microsoft Visual C++ project. No charge but you'd need our permission to redistribute a driver based on it: GenDS
The TWAIN Working Group also has a sample/skeleton driver, I think it's straight C - and used to have some rather bad bugs (Why I wrote mine ;-) but, it might have got better.
Look for the "sample data source and application" on their download page.
And of course I have a 'commercial' version of GenDS that I use to write TWAIN drivers on contract.
