Is there more neat design for requesting static fields in class successors? - reflection

I'm implementing network controller that sends requests to the server with integer command type id and binary serialized block of other command data. Prototype of all commands looks like:
class NetCommand {
public static var typeId; // type must be set in successors!
function new() {
public function typeGet():Int {
return Reflect.field(Type.getClass(this), "typeId");
All this mess in typeGet() function done just for access to the static variables with type ids of all successors. I can't simply write
return typeId;
because statics are not inheritable and this method will return 0 as a value of prototype's variable. Is there any neat solution? Is my solution cross-platform?
All command classes must be registered in controller class like this:
public function bindResponse(aClass:Class<NetCommand>) {
var typeId = Reflect.field(aClass, "typeId");
mBindResponse.set(typeId, aClass);
and then when new command arrives its data passes to the method that find necessary class by command id, creates instance of desired class and passes other data to it:
function onResponse(aTypeId:Int, aData:Dynamic) {
var cmdClass:Class<NetCommand> = mBindResponse.get(aTypeId);
var command:NetCommand = Type.createInstance(cmdClass, []);
command.response(aData); // this must be overriden in successor classes
Method typeGet() is used only for targeting outgoing instances and error handling with default behaviour of error command class without creating a heap of classes that differs only by typeId constant. So this method suppreses implementation of the real command id and may be overriden for example.

Why don't you simply make typeId an instance member (not static) ?


Inject multiple implementations in .NET5/6/Core

I have the service below with 2 parameters in the constructor instantiated via DI.
One of them, IOutcomeWriter, has 2 implementations.
I'd like to define at runtime which of the implementations of IOutcomeWriter to use.
This is the main service:
public class UCManagerService
: DomainService, IUCManagerService, ITransientDependency {
private readonly IUCInputReader _inputReader;
// This field can have 2 or 3 implementations.
private readonly IOutcomeWriter _outcomeWriter;
public UCManagerService(
IUCInputReader inputReader, IOutcomeWriter outcomeWriter) {
_inputReader = inputReader;
_outcomeWriter = outcomeWriter;
public async Task ExecuteAsync() {
// start processing the input and generate the output
var input = _inputReader.GetInput());
// do something
// ...
The main service is registered in the AbpModule together with with IUCInputReader and the 2 implementations of IOutcomeWriter:
typeof(AbpAutofacModule) // <= use Autofac in some way (I don't know how)
public class ProgramAppModule : AbpModule {
public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context) {
context.Services.AddTransient<IUCManagerService, UCManagerService>();
context.Services.AddTransient<IUCInputReader, UCInputReader>();
// 2 implementations of IOutcomeWriter
context.Services.AddTransient<IOutcomeWriter, OutcomeWriter1>();
context.Services.AddTransient<IOutcomeWriter, OutcomeWriter2>();
What I would like is to instantiate UCManagerService sometimes with OutcomeWriter1 and sometimes with OutcomeWriter2, according to some values in appsettings.json:
IList<JobSetting> jobsToSet = _configuration.GetSection("Jobs")
foreach (JobSetting jobToSet in jobsToSet) {
// If jobsToSet.SomeValue == 'MyValue1' following line should have to
// require a IUCManagerService using OutcomeWriter1. If it is
// 'MyValue2' it'd use OutcomeWriter2, and so on:
var service = abpApplication.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IUCManagerService>(); // ???
// do something else with service
// ...
Finally, if a tomorrow I add an OutcomeWriter3 I would just like to register it in ProgramAppModule.ConfigureServices(...) and of course use a different key in appsettings.json.
If I understand correctly, you need the IOutcomeWriter to differ based on the currently executed job. In other words, that means that you need to dynamically switch the writer based on its context.
The fact that it you need to change it dynamically, it means that is not a problem that can be solved solely using your DI configuration, because DI configurations are best kept static.
Instead, you need to mix and match a few concepts. First of all, you need a way to set the used job in the context. For instance:
// DI configuration
// Execution of a job
using (var scope = abpApplication.ServiceProvider.CreateScope())
var context = scope.GetRequiredService<JobContext>();
context.CurrentJob = typeof(MyFirstJob);
var job = scope.GetRequiredService<MyFirstJob>();
var job.Execute();
In this example, JobContext is a class that holds the data that is used during the execution of a certain job. It is registered as Scoped to allow this data to be available for multiple classes within the same scope.
Now using this new JobContext, you can build an adapter for IOutcomeWriter that can forward the incoming call to the right implementation based on its injected JobContext. This might look as follows:
public class JobSpecificOutcomeWriter : IOutcomeWriter
private readonly JobContext context;
private readonly IList<JobSetting> settings;
private readonly IEnumerable<IOutcomeWriter> writers;
public JobSpecificOutcomeWriter(
JobContext context,
IList<JobSetting> settings,
IEnumerable<IOutcomeWriter> writers)
this.context = context;
this.settings = settings;
this.writers = writers;
// Implement all IOutcomeWriter methods by forwarding them to the
// CurrentWriter.
object IOutcomeWriter.SomeMethod(object a) =>
private IOutcomeWriter CurrentWriter
// TODO: Based on the current context and the settings,
// select the proper outcome writer from the writers list.
When JobSpecificOutcomeWriter is injected into UCManagerService (or any component for that matter), it transparently allows the proper writer to be used, without the consuming class from knowing about this.
The tricky part, actually, is to now configure your DI container correctly using JobSpecificOutcomeWriter. Depending on which DI Container you use, your mileage might vary and with the MS.DI Container, this is actually quite complicated.
services.AddTransient<IOutcomeWriter>(c =>
new JobSpecificOutcomeWriter(
context: c.GetRequiredService<JobContext>(),
settings: jobsToSet,
writers: new IOutcomeWriter[]

Instantiate DbContext-derived class with Mehdime.Entity AmbientDbContextLocator

can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
I am wanting to use Mehdime.Entity from in order to manage my DBContext-derived classes in a Console Application. I am also using NInject.
The connection strings for my DBContext-derived classes are partially generated from standard app.config ConnectionStrings and also by an AppDomain value that (in my Console App case) comes in via a command line argument.
My DBContext-derived classes have their connection strings prepared using a program-implemented class which takes into account of the command line argument as follows:
public class TaskManagementDbContext : DbContext
public TaskManagementDbContext(IConnectionStringResolver csr) :
(IConnectionStringResolver basically implements GetConnectionString() which returns the connection string by using given named standard app.config ConnectionString and the command line argument.
This is fine when I use NInject to instantiate the DbContext directly but when trying to use with Mehdime.Entity, it is AmbientDbContextLocator that is doing the instantiation and it throws a MissingMethodException because it requires my DBContext-derived class to have a parameterless constructor:
public class TaskRepository : ITaskRepository
private readonly IAmbientDbContextLocator _ambientDbContextLocator;
private TaskManagementDbContext DbContext
// MissingMethodException thrown "No parameterless constructor defined for this object"
var dbContext = _ambientDbContextLocator.Get<TaskManagementDbContext>();
How should I provide a connection string to my DBContext-derived classes at run-time in this situation? I suspect I am going about this the wrong way. Thanks.
OK. I've worked out the solution and I'm putting it here for anyone else with this issue:
Create your own implementation of IDbContextFactory (see below). I put this in the same class library as my Data Access Layer (i.e. my DbContexts). You will see in my example how I "look for" a specific constructor prototype (in my case, 1 parameter of type IDbContextFactory - your's will no doubt be different). If found, get the actual parameters and invoke a new instance of your DBContext-derived class. If not found, you can throw an exception or in my case, try to call the default constructor (if exists).
using System;
using System.Data.Entity;
using Mehdime.Entity;
using Ninject;
using TaskProcessor.Common;
namespace TaskProcessor.Data.Connection
public class DbContextWithCSRFactory : IDbContextFactory
public TDbContext CreateDbContext<TDbContext>() where TDbContext : DbContext
// Try to locate a constuctor with a single IConnectionStringResolver parameter...
var ci = typeof(TDbContext).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(IConnectionStringResolver) });
if(ci != null)
// Call it with the actual parameter
var param1 = GlobalKernel.Instance.Get<IConnectionStringResolver>();
return (TDbContext)ci.Invoke(new object[] { param1 });
// Call parameterless constuctor instead (this is the default of what DbContextScope does)
return (TDbContext)Activator.CreateInstance<TDbContext>();
Create a binding in NInject so that your IDbContextFactory implementation is called:
private void AddBindings(IKernel kernel)
{ ...
Everything now falls into place.

PHPUnit test if class methods were called

I have model class that calls mailer class inside one of its methods:
class someModel{
public function sendEmail($data){
$mailer = new Mailer();
return $mailer->send();
How can I test sendEmail method? Maybe I should mock mailer class and check if all these mailer methods were called in sendMail method?
Your help would be appreciated.
IMO wrapping the Mailer class does not solve the problem you're facing, which is you don't have control over the Mail instance being used.
The problem comes from creating the dependencies inside the object that needs them instead of injecting them externally like this:
class someModel{
private $mailer;
public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) {
$this->mailer = $mailer;
public function sendEmail($data){
return $this->mailer->send();
When creating the someModel instance, you must pass a Mail instance (which is an external dependency). And in the test you can pass a Mail mock that will check that the correct calls are being made.
If you feel that injecting a Mail instance is bad (maybe because there are lots of someModel instances), or you just can't change your code this way, then you could use a Services repository, that will keep a single Mail instance and that allows you to set it externally (again, in the test you would set a mock).
Try a simple one like Pimple.
I would (and have in my own code with Mailer!) wrap your instance of Mailer inside a class that you write. In other words, make your own Email class that uses Mailer under the hood. That allows you to simplify the interface of Mailer down to just what you need and more easily mock it. It also gives you the ability to replace Mailer seamlessly at a later date.
The most important thing to keep in mind when you wrap classes to hide external dependencies is keep the wrapper class simple. It's only purpose is to let you swap out the Email libraries class, not provide any complicated logic.
class Emailer {
private $mailer = new Mailer();
public function send($to, $from, $subject, $data) {
return $mailer->send();
class EmailerMock extends Emailer {
public function send($to, $from, $subject, $data) {
... Store whatever test data you want to verify ...
//Accessors for testing the right data was sent in your unit test
public function getTo() { ... }
I follow the same pattern for all classes/libraries that want to touch things external to my software. Other good candidates are database connections, web services connections, cache connections, etc.
gontrollez raised a good point in his answer about dependency injection. I failed to explicitly mention it, but after creating the wrapper the way you would want to use some form of dependency injection to get it into the code where you want to use it. Passing in the instance makes it possible to setup the test case with a Mocked instance.
One method of doing this is passing in the instance to the constructor as gontrollez recommends. There are a lot of cases where that is the best way to do it. However, for "external services" that I am mocking I found that method became tedious because so many classes ended up needing the instance passed in. Consider for example a database driver that you want to Mock for your tests, but you use in many many different classes. So instead what I do is create a singleton class with a method that lets me mock the whole thing at once. Any client code can then just use the singleton to get access to a service without knowing that it was mocked. It looked something like this:
class Externals {
static private $instance = null;
private $db = null;
private $email = null;
private function __construct() {
$this->db = new RealDB();
$this->mail = new RealMail();
static function initTest() {
self::get(); //Ensure instance created
$db = new MockDB();
$email = new MockEmail();
static function get() {
self::$instance = new Externals();
return self::$instance;
function getDB() { return $this->db; }
function getMail() { return $this->mail; }
Then you can use phpunit's bootstrap file feature to call Externals::initTest() and all your tests will be setup with the mocked externals!
First, as RyanW says, you should write your own wrapper for Mailer.
Second, to test it, use a mock:
class someModelTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testSendEmail()
// Mock the class so we can verify that the methods are called
$model = $this->getMock('someModel', array('setFrom', 'setTo', 'setSubject', 'send'));
The above code is untested, but it basically mocks the someModel class, creating dummy functions for each each function called within sendEmail. It then tests to make sure each of the functions called by sendEmail is called exactly once when sendEmail is called.
See the PHPUnit docs for more info on mocking.

Setting a generic delegate to a class-level variable

I bumped into an additional question that I needed in regards to this: Using an IEnumerable<T> as a delegate return type
From the above solution, the following was suggested:
class Example
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
//a method to pass to "someMethod<T>"
private IEnumerable<string> methodBeingCalled()
return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
//our main program look
static void Main(string[] args)
//create a new instance of our example
var myObject = new Example();
//invoke the method passing the method
Notice that in someMethod, the delegate "method()" is called. Is there anyway to set a class-level delegate that is called later on?
class Example {
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//this fails because T is never provided
private GetGridDataSource<T> getDS;
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
getDS = method;
public void anotherMethod() {
Depending on what you are trying to achieve and where you have flexibility in your design, there are a number of options. I've tried to cover the ones that I feel most probably relate to what you want to do.
Multiple values of T in a single instance of a non-generic class
This is basically what you seem to want. However, because of the generic nature of the method call, you'll need a class level variable that can support any possible value of T, and you will need to know T when you store a value for the delegate.
Therefore, you can either use a Dictionary<Type, object> or you could use a nested type that encapsulates the class-level variable and the method, and then use a List<WrapperType<T>> instead.
You would then need to look up the appropriate delegate based on the required type.
class Example {
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//this works because T is provided
private Dictionary<Type, object> getDSMap;
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
getDSMap[typeof(T)] = method;
//note, this call needs to know the type of T
public void anotherMethod<T>() {
object getDSObj = null;
if (this.getDSMap.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out getDSObj))
GetGridDataSource<T> getDS = getDSObj as GetGridDataSource<T>;
if (getDS != null)
Single value of T in a single instance of a non-generic class
In this case, you could store the delegate instance in a non-typed delegate and then cast it to the appropriate type when you need it and you know the value of T. Of course, you'd need to know T when you first create the delegate, which negates the need for a generic method or delegate in the first place.
Multiple values of T in multiple instances of a generic class
Here you can make your parent class generic and supply T up front. This then makes the example you have work correctly as the type of T is known from the start.
class Example<T> {
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//this works because T is provided
private GetGridDataSource<T> getDS;
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
getDS = method;
public void anotherMethod() {
if (getDS != null)
You either need to make the type generic as well, or use plain Delegate and cast back to the right type when you need to invoke it. You can't just use T outside a generic context - the compiler will think you're trying to refer to a normal type called T.
To put it another way - if you're going to try to use the same type T in two different places, you're going to need to know what T is somewhere in the type... and if the type isn't generic, where is that information going to live?

Is it possible to remove properties from a dynamic class?

I have a dynamic ActionScript Class that is used to send parameters to a WebService. Some of these parameters are always present, so they are public properties of the Class:
public dynamic class WebServiceCriteria
public var property1:int;
public var property2:String;
public var property3:String;
public var property4:String;
But, I am also adding properties at runtime that can change over time:
criteria.runTimeProperty = "1";
I'm not very familiar with using dynamic classes, so I was wondering if it is possible to "remove" the new property. Let's say the next time I call the WebService I don't want that property sent - not even as a null. How can I remove it from the Class instance without creating a new instance each time?
I believe all you'd need to do is this:
delete criteria.runTimeProperty;
delete criteria["runTimeProperty"];
Either should do the same thing.
See the delete documentation for specifics.
