Is it possible to install Wordpress inside of Wordpress - wordpress

I have a question. I have a Wordpress site that I built for a client and they were acquired and the company that bought them is shuttering the website and folding it into their existing site.
My website is based on Wordpress. I want to clone the client site and run a copy to show to potential new clients. If I have and I wanted to put a Wordpress install inside of it at: or Is this possible? Are there any red flags or warnings that I should be worried about?

Yes you can do that, I have done this in serverwarrior It is an wordpress site and wooshop this is another wordpress site inside that.
Just extract the WordPress zip file inside the directory you are having your site wordpress and rename the new wordpress folder to any name you want.


Add second website to wordpress

So I'm new to wordpress, and I'm managing a company's wordpress site while building another website for this company. They have paid for many plugins and themes in their wordpress account and I would like to use them for the new website. So my question is that what do I do in order to add this website from my local host to their wordpress account.
Should I just download their wordpress file into my laptop and create a new folder in that file? If so, then what?
First things first: If you're are building another website using platform other than wordpress, then you cannot use plugins and themes.
But if you're, just download the wordpress plugins and themes from old site. And then, place those to your respective themes and plugins folder. If you are working on existing site, then you may need the existing sql file to test in the identical environments along with the data. There are many plugins which can do that for you.
And most importantly, If you are going to build a website in wordpress, you should check out the wordpress basics first.

Hosting an example WordPress site

I applied for a role and part of the application process requires me to build a WordPress site and make it live on a existing domain I own. This will assist the hiring company (example "WebCompany") to view and assess.
I have created the WordPress site locally and want to upload to my domain (e.g. with a url extension like
Would it be as simple as just FTP the WordPress site to the root directory? Or do I need to set things up differently for it to work?
I recommend to install wordpress on your url with the same version, and use this plugin, I use it and helps even if you have info in your database, and your themes, all the stuff,
and then you have to active the plugins on the web, choose permalinks options.
for the extension / what you mean really? you want wordpress on a /namefolder
because you can install wordpress in a folder and there's your extension, but if you have already wordpress installed on the public_html/ you can use multisite wordpress options.
Here is the info and I did it with this:
MultiSite Wordpress

Get working dir from site

I'm not a WordPress expert here but I got a account and a preminum version with a template but I want to download the entire directory so I can modify php files, styles etc.
How do I do this and also how do I upload it to the wordpress site itself since it's live.
Unfortunately, you cannot do that on site.
But you can edit some files from within your wordpress admin panel editor.

How to install WordPress in subdomain?

At the moment I have a WordPress installation in a subfolder of my current site ( How do I make it so that wordpress is accessible from a subdomain?
I.e. I would like wordpress to be accessible from this address:, and that all the links, posts and pages will still work flawlessly, e.g.
If it makes a difference which host one is with, I am asking specifically about 1&1.
Thank you
I am not a big fan of video tutorials, but I used this one to successfully set up a new subdomain and install wordpress.
Here is an overview of the process
Use cpanel to create the subdomain
Download the latest version of wordpress to your local drive
Upload to subdomain folder on your host
Extract the files, and move them into the subdomain folder
Use cpanel SQL Wizard to create a new data base
Make a note of the username, db name and db password
Copy wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php in the subdomain folder
Edit wp-config.php to add the username, db name and db password
Open the URL ""
Fill out the fields on the form and press "install wordpress"
After creating the a subdomain I use WP clone to create and install a backup of my live site into the new subdomain. The clone site allows me to verify updates before deploying them my public site.
Hopefully the OP has resolved this issue, but maybe this will be of use to others.
I think you have 2 options.
1) Manually:
Copy your wordpress install from the subfolder of your main domain to the subdomain's folder. Using a database editing tool (of your choice) go into the wp_options table and change the option_value of the option_name 'siteurl' and 'home'.
You might have a few other options that will need editing, but they are more often than not plugin specific.
2) A little better:
Create a new wordpress install in your subdomain. Copy your plugins, themes and uploads into it. Then, install the plugin wp-migrate-db-pro from Use this plugin to copy the database from the subfolder install to the subdomain install. This plugin will globally search and replace the URLs and Folders for you.
I've been using this plugin for a while...and it saves me hours and hours of work.
Purchase your unique URL or subdomain or wherever you want the wordpress to live from your host provider.
upload Wordpress to that root. /
Or define a custom folder for it;
NOTE: If your looking for the free (no hosting required - though less custom website friendly) wordpress with similar URL, please use version and you don't need to do anything. is different from is like google blogger and you simply create an account and they give you a URL - and free blogging area with small templates. You can transfer your free to custom -- if you would like to use wordpress hosting naming convention, consult wordpress.
If you are changing the location from your original install; to a different path or location. You should then uninstall the Wordpress that is elsewhere or previous, and reinstall at where you want it to currently live to avoid any wholes or errors, etc.
So, if now it must be at: -- work with your host provider (hopefully not godaddy) locate the root to this domain, and reinstall with a fresh latest version and you should be OK. If you have further DNS issues, please try to describe your question more clearly.

Is it possible and if so how do install wordpress as a secondary site on 1 domain

Basically I have a website that I built in html and don't want to touch but what I would like to do if its possible is install Wordpress in a sub directory on the same site sort of like a holding area to showcase a wordpress site I am working on! I tried simply adding a new directory to the domain and copying over the wordpress folder but this didnt work so im just wondering if anyone knows how to do what im looking for can they help me out please!
Any help is much appreciated!
Edit: The original website is not a wordpress site, its just a normal HTML website its not a blog or anything, I already have other HTML websites in subdirectories im just looking to have one subdirectory that uses wordpress.
For example:
main site = (Built in html)
1st subsite = (built in html)
2nd subsite = (using wordpress)
WordPress can be install in a subdirectory - by default the download will unzip into a folder called wordpress which you can rename if you would like. If you run the install from the subdirectory it should set the proper WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL values, but if not or if you currently have WordPress installed in the root and want to move it to a subdirectory, you can follow this guide to Giving WordPress Its Own Directory.
