Multiple Arduino Interrupts on same pin - arduino

In the following code, why does ISR2 never run?
const int in = 19;
const int LED = 9;
int flag;
void setup() {
pinMode(in, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(in), ISR2, RISING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(in), ISR1, FALLING);
void loop() {
if (flag) {delay (100); flag = false;}// debounce
void ISR1(){
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
// Turn Off the motor, since, Limit Switch was engaged
flag = true;
void ISR2(){ // Limit Switch was disengaged.
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
delay(100); // Debounce, so I do not receive spurious FALLING edges from this.
Does the Arduino not allow you to attach two interrupts on the same pin even if the interrupts are programmed for different events?
In my setup, pin 19 gets a signal from a limit switch used in a motion control setup. When the limit switch is engaged, the in pin gets LOW signal. Thus, I first see a FALLING edge followed by RISING edges and FALLING edges due to mechanical bounce. I handle the debouncing correctly in this case.
However, imagine the Limit Switch was sitting in engaged state for a while, and then I reverse the motor causing the Limit Switch to disengage, this will send a RISING edge followed by FALLING and RISING edges. I need to ignore these edges since nothing is in danger. The ISR2 was written with purpose of capturing the first RISING edge when the Limit switch disengages, and then debouncing it so that the following FALLING edges are ignored. But now that ISR2 never gets called, how can I deal with this situation?
P.S. My microcontroller is ATMEGA 2650, It's a Arduino Mega board.

ISR2 never runs because there can be only one interrupt service routine for any interrupt source and you have replaced ISR2 with ISR1 as the sercice routine for this interrupt. If you reordered your code and attached ISR1 before ISR2 then you might see ISR2 run but not ISR1.
A typical microcontroller has an interrupt vector table that associates an interrupt service routine with each interrupt source. There can be only one service routine for each interrupt source. If you assign an new service routine then you're replacing the old service routine. There are not separate service routines for the rising and falling edges. Rising versus falling edge is a configuration setting for the interrupt source to determine when that interrupt should fire. The interrupt source cannot be configured to fire on both edges simultaneously.
However you may be able to reconfigure the interrupt for the other edge after you have received the interrupt for the first edge and debounced the transition. This way your code will ping-pong back and forth configuring for one ISR and then the other.

Why are you saying that it never gets called? I think that it is called, but you don't notice it because the led does not change its state (because there are bounces).
Anyway, you are NOT debouncing it correctly. Let's do an example: you hit the endstop. ISR1 gets called, so flag is true. Ok, at next loop the motor will be stopped. But... Now the switch bounces. ISR2 gets called, and the delay function in it waits for 100ms before exiting the ISR. Result: you delayed the motor stop function by 100ms.
I suggest you to read my answer here, particularly the second case. And I suggest you to use my code instead of yours, since this way you will be able to IMMEDIATELY stop the motor, without bounces nor any other kind of problems.


Arduino for TTL triggering: trigger received as soon as pinmode is defined

I've got an Arduino Uno with a shield from Zaber (X-AS01). I use one of the digital outputs from the shield to provide a 5V trigger signal (when 5V signal is received by the connected device, data acquisition starts).
However, as soon as my script is uploaded, the external device registers a trigger signal although I have not put the pin to HIGH. This behaviour is happening as soon as I declare the pinmode of the corresponding pin (see code below).
When I upload another script defining other pins and triggering them, my data acquisition device is nicely showing "waiting for trigger signal".
Start data acquisition
int acquisition = 6; // the pin data aquisition system is connected to
void setup() {
pinMode(acquisition, OUTPUT); // Declare pin as an output
void loop(){
Lacking any further information by best guess is that you're either triggering to some noise or to the falling edge that you will likely observe when you turn the pinmode to OUTPUT.
However, as soon as my script is uploaded, the external device
registers a trigger signal although I have not put the pin to HIGH.
Uploading the code involves a reset of the microcontroller.
The digital pins default to INPUT on reset. That means their state is floating. Rising or falling edges might occur at any time due to noise. Once you turn them into OUTPUTs their state defaults to LOW. Possibly causing a falling edge.
I would use a pulldown resistor on the trigger pin. That way your signal is low until you set the output state HIGH

Run non blocking steppers with serial communication on arduino

I want to drive up to 10 stepper motors at the same. All with a constant but individual speed. Meanwhile other calculations and data transfer is to be done.
All Steppers have their own driver with dir/step pin. I use AccelStepper for non blocking functions to run the steppers. It is very important that the steppers run as smooth as possible.
First I simply put the runSpeed function for every stepper in the main loop, resulting in stuttering when data was written to the serial by the arduino. I now use Timer5 of the Mega to run a function that does nothing but call all runSpeed functions every 200 µs or so. This works very good with the steppers and the rest of the code except for the serial communication. I want to send commands to the arduino but with the interrupt being active some bytes never reach the arduino. Right now I am sending a notification byte that data will be transfered, the arduino answers and stops the interrupt, receives the command and starts the interrupt again. Works like a charm except for the 0.5 s stepper pause inbetween. This is to be solved.
Now I thought about the following:
1. Making the interrupt adoptable. Means: Track alls steps on every motor and calculate when a motor has to do the next step. Make the timer interrupt at exactly that time. Of course the interrupt has to be adjusted after every step of any motor. My fear is that the time demand for the calculations would be quite high, if not too high, so that the arduino gets stuck in interrupts and does not execute other code anymore.
2. Using a second arduino which only runs the steppers in the loop so the timing is no problem and serial data can be received. However, if I want that arduino to confirm the new settings to the main arduino, then I will get short pauses again... Solution would be to switch to interrupts when sending data, else use the main loop (sending data with interrupt works, receiving has the issue).
This is my idea of how to do it. But before I put all the effort in it, I wanted to discuss this with you and ask you, if you have another, better solution that for me.
I attached an exemplary code which with which the arduino cannot receive longer texts without missing bytes.
#include "AccelStepper.h"
#include "TimerFive.h"
AccelStepper m1(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 24, 25);
AccelStepper m2(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 26, 27);
AccelStepper m3(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 28, 29);
void setup() {
void run() {
void loop() {} {
//some calculations...
if (Serial.available() > 0) Serial.println(Serial.readString());

Android Things I2C read from arduino 3v3

I try to communicate, read and write, from Arduino - slave - to RPi - master - with Android Things.
If i R/W, with a level converter, from RPi to Arduino 5v (16Mhz), everything works fine.
So i decide to eliminate the level converter, and use a 3v3 Arduino mini pro (8Mhz).
The write works fine, but when i try to read from the Arduino, the signal stops.
After the Setup to 9, 0 address, and reads to 9, the signal still low and received the data. No problem.
After the Setup to 9, 0 address, and read to 9, the signal goes high and the data stop.
I used the same example for the Slave:
#include <Wire.h>
byte RFID[20] = {9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2};
void setup() {
Wire.begin(8); // join i2c bus with address #8
Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); // register event
Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent); // register event
Serial.begin(115200); // start serial for output
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// function that executes whenever data is requested by master
// this function is registered as an event, see setup()
void requestEvent() {
Serial.println("Master ask");
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
Wire.write(RFID, 20);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
// function should be executes whenever data is received from master
// this function is registered as an event, but it's called every time the RPi
// call the Device.
void receiveEvent(int howMany) {
while (0 < Wire.available()) {
byte RTC_syn =; // receive byte
I really don't know how drives the signal high...
Someone can help me?
If i R/W, with a level converter, from RPi to Arduino 5v (16Mhz), everything works fine.
So i decide to eliminate the level converter, and use a 3v3 Arduino mini pro (8Mhz).
The write works fine, but when i try to read from the Arduino, the signal stops.
This is because level converter you had in the 5V/3.3V version does more than shift the voltage. It also acts as a nice high-impedance buffer between the two devices that helps keep the signal driven and avoids loading effects.
Without the buffer, your bus is likely experiencing a bit of loading. You can try to combat this by adding stronger pull-up resistors. The RPi3 has 1.8k pull-up resistors on the I2C lines, which generally works but can be marginal depending on the input impedance of the slave device. The Arduino Mini has pads to install I2C pull-ups but there are none by default.
The recommended pull-up resistance for a pure 3.3V I2C bus is closer to 1k, so you likely just need to add some stronger pull-ups between SCL/SDA and +3.3V. Anything you add will be in parallel to the RPi3 resistors so factor that into your calculation. For example, adding 4.7k resistors brings the effective resistance down to about 1.3k.
If you are unable to solve it with pull-ups, you can achieve the same buffer effect without level translation by using a line driver IC (random example).
If the level converter works, you should stick with it.
Communication protocols like I2C encode data into a series of logic HIGH and logic LOW signals. What does HIGH / LOW mean? It depends on the devices. For the majority of embedded devices, logic LOW will be ground, 0V.
For Arduinos and Raspberry Pis, the source voltage is different (3.3V versus 5V). This difference can lead to several potential issues.
The 5V signal is too high for the Arduino to handle, causing the Arduino to stop working or reboot
The 3.3V signal is not strong enough to be interpreted as logic HIGH. Embedded devices have circuits that round signals to HIGH/LOW, and the thresholds may not be entirely even. A 5V input may only accept 4.5V or higher, interpreting everything else as LOW or in an indeterminate state.

Arduino servo without library

As education exercise on sending digital signals, I'm trying to code the pulse train for a servo without using the servo.h library.
The servo is a 9g micro servo. Hardware is correct, as many examples using servo.h work fine.
I have the following code. The problem is that the servo jerks around for 3 seconds rather than moving and holding still.
void loop() {
void movePulse_1000(){
Serial.print("Start movePulse_1000()\t\t");
for (int pulseCounter=0; pulseCounter<=150; pulseCounter++){
delay(20); // between pulses
Serial.println("End movePulse_1000()");
Using an analog servo, the average pulse width must be 1.5ms apart, and the duty cycle changes based on the desired position. To keep the servo where you want it, you must constantly refresh the servo data. This isn't a super simple task and that servo library is quite optimized. There's few reason not to use it.
It creates hardware timers and uses them to refresh the servos. This allows your regular code to appear to continue regularly even though it's being interrupted by the servo library to service the servos. Duty cycle, pwm frequency, and refresh rates all come into play. You'll have to look at the data sheet of the servo you are using to get the full details. But its not as simple you think and those delay/delaymicros functions you're using aren't always precise enough. That's why you would use times and overflow interrupts. Though most servos aren't too picky and you can get away with a ton of slop.
The library servo.h constantly sends pulses which means servo growling = battery consumption.
I changed your function to only rotate the servo without a timer from 0 to 180 degrees.
del = (7 * x) +500; - for my servo-pulse 500 to 1260us (calculated, not measured)
void movePulse(int x){
int del=(7*x)+500;
for (int pulseCounter=0; pulseCounter<=50; pulseCounter++){
delay(20); // between pulses

Arduino Uno - Light Switch

The function of the program I am writing is to stream incoming analog data from a sensor to a program on my computer across the USB port. For a little fun, I've decided to add a button to the program that will turn on/off a lamp. The lamp will be connected to a relay, which is connected to the arduino. I know how to go about programming it, but I want to know if this will interrupt the sensor data transfer?
I will get the current state of the light (HIGH(1) or LOW(0)) from the arduino when the button is pressed, then write to the arduino (HIGH(1) or LOW(0)) depending on the current state. I have a 5 second delay between each loop of the arduino program, for reasons related to the sensor output; however, I think I'm going to have to change this so that when the button is pressed, it is not missed by the arduino loop, or is that not possible?
I thought I read somewhere that you can't transmit/receive streaming data on the same serial which case, I will need the Mega.
You have to remember and think of the Arduino as a single threaded device. While it is doing anything it is not able to do anything else. Period! In regard to the serial port however, the buffer will still accept incoming data on RX, however if an overflow situation occurs whilst blocked, management is impossible.
See the following taken directly from the Arduino reference
Certain things do go on while the delay() function is controlling the Atmega chip however, because the delay function does not disable interrupts. Serial communication that appears at the RX pin is recorded, PWM (analogWrite) values and pin states are maintained, and interrupts will work as they should. Reference
Now in saying that when you are setting the delay to 5 seconds between loops ( delay(5000) ) you are essentially blocking it from doing anything else almost full stop.
The Arduino framework exposes a a counter ( millis() ) that basically runs from the moment of boot for roughly 50 days in increments of one (1) millisecond. See Arduino - millis()
In your application you would define (remember) what loop you were due to run & when the said loop had finished so to not allow the other loop to run until the millis() counter was a defined amount more than your count. (Remember to define the count as a long)
Then what you do is move your loops out into separate functions that will only execute if the if statement return true...
for example...
long interval = 5000; // Define interval outside of the main loop
long previousCount = 0; // Used to store milli count when finished
int loopPosition = 1;
void loop()
if ((long)millis() - previousCount >= 5000 )
// This if statement will only return true every 5 seconds (5000ms)
if (loopPosition == 1)
previousCount = millis(); // Redefine previousCount to now
loopPosition++; // Increment loop position
else if (loopPosition == 2)
previousCount = millis();
loopPosition--; // Decrement loop position
// Do Anything Here You Want
// - While ever the if statement above returns false
// the loop will move to this without hesitation so
// you can do things like monitor a pin low / high scenario.
void function_One()
// Do Your First Loop
void function_Two()
// Do Your Second Loop
The above will stop any delay you are using from blocking awesomeness, and to more of a point, almost make delay obsolete if implemented correctly under the right scenarios.
In regard to your serial data comment, like i said at the top of this article, the Arduino can only do one thing at a time. Transmitting and receiving at exactly the same time is impossible even with the Mega. In saying that a board like the 'Uno' for example is only capable of one serial interface, where as the 'Mega' is capable of four.
Best of luck....
NB- For a beginner reading this, the following tutorial / example covers what i have above in fairly simple terms and is a great building block for further awesomeness! Arduino - Blink Without Delay
