How to set up react-native integration test - integration-testing

In react-native doc, it says to check UIExploreIntegrationTest. It seems that it requires some setup on Xcode as it uses Objective C code(*.m). I'm new on Obj-C test.. May I know how to set up the integration test on Xcode?

With some guesswork I was able to nail down a few steps to get integration tests running on iOS. However I'm still figuring out how to get Android integration tests working.
Go ahead and copy IntegrationTests.js from the RN github and make a new JS file called Tests.js
Place both of these files in the root of your project. Then change IntegrationTests.js by going down and changing all of their requires to just one require statement for the file you just created require('./Tests')
Here is a basic implementation of what your Tests.js file should look like:
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var ReactNative = require('react-native');
var {
} = ReactNative;
var { TestModule } = ReactNative.NativeModules;
var Tests = React.createClass({
shouldResolve: false,
shouldReject: false,
propTypes: {
RunSampleCall: React.PropTypes.bool
getInitialState() {
return {
done: false,
componentDidMount() {
if(this.props.TestName === "SomeTest"){
async SomeTest(){
var one = 1;
var two = 2;
var three = one + two;
if(three === 3){
this.shouldResolve = true;
this.shouldResolve = false;
render() : ReactElement<any> {
return <View />;
Tests.displayName = 'Tests';
module.exports = Tests;
Here is a basic implementation of your Tests.m file (inside xcode)
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import <RCTTest/RCTTestRunner.h>
#import "RCTAssert.h"
#define RCT_TEST(name) \
- (void)test##name \
{ \
[_runner runTest:_cmd module:##name]; \
#interface IntegrationTests : XCTestCase
#implementation IntegrationTests
RCTTestRunner *_runner;
- (void)setUp
_runner = RCTInitRunnerForApp(#"IntegrationTests", nil);
- (void)test_SomeTest
[_runner runTest:_cmd
initialProps:#{#"TestName": #"SomeTest"}
Also you need to add RCTTest from node_modules/react-native/Libraries/RCTTest/RCTTest.xcodeproj to your libraries. then you need to drag the product libRCTTest.a of that project you added to Linked Frameworks and Libraries for your main target in the general tab.
^^ that path might be slightly incorrect
Then you need to edit your scheme and set an environment variable CI_USE_PACKAGER to 1
So if you do all those steps you should have a simple test run and pass. It should be fairly easy to expand after that. Sorry if my answer is slightly sloppy, let me know if you have any questions.


mmenu wordpress plugin - bind open / close events

I am using the licenced wordpress plugin version 3.1.0.
I have the menu working, but I cannot access the mmenu API to trigger the button open / close effect I would like to use. Previously I have used the mmenu core version [not WP plugin] and triggered the class changes using this:
var $menu = $("#menu").mmenu({...})
var API = $"mmenu");
API.bind("open:finish", function () {
API.bind("close:finish", function () {
Modifying the var API to use the plugin generated id fails with undefined, probably because the menu creation is managed in a different script.
var API = $('#mm-1').data("mmenu"); //'mm-1' - the plugin generated mmenu id
I have also tried to use jQuery direct on #menu-btn but it is not triggered unless I remove the #menu-btn from the mmenu settings. For example [not copied, just a rough example so please ignore syntax errors]:
all I need is to add / remove an 'is-active' class to the open menu link [id=menu-btn].
The mmenu adds a body class when opened, so added a mutation observer to check if the has the .mm-wrapper--opened class or not. If it does, add the 'is-active' class to the menu icon (which uses the .hamburger class) and if not, remove it.
if ($('body').hasClass('mm-wrapper--opened')){
const targetNode = document.body;
const config = { childList : true, attributes: true };
const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
for(let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'attributes') {
if ($('body').hasClass('mm-wrapper--opened')){
setTimeout(() => { $('.hamburger').addClass("is-active"); }, 500);
else {
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(targetNode, config);

Writing test specs for A-Frame

I'm totally new to VR and am working on a Vr space shooter in AFrame for a class project and was wondering if there is any documentation/standards for TDD in AFrame. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Build your application almost entirely in A-Frame components:
Then test the components. Just about every component in the A-Frame codebase has unit tests:
The component template in angle also has a unit test setup. (npm install -g angle && angle initcomponent for a standalone component).
The tests use Karma to spin up a real browser and execute code. It appends entities to the DOM, and attaches components with different property values, and asserts values. A basic example:
suite('foo component', function () {
var component;
var el;
setup(function (done) {
el = entityFactory();
el.addEventListener('componentinitialized', function (evt) {
if ( !== 'foo') { return; }
component =;
el.setAttribute('foo', {});
suite('update', function () {
test('bar', function () {
el.setAttribute('foo', 'bar', 10);
assert.equal(component.baz, 10); // Assert something.

Letting a user use a compiled RequireJS Widget after it has loaded

I'm writing a JS Widget using RequireJS. After finishing the widget I'm compiling it with r.js and Almond. All goes well - but I couldn't find an easy way to let the user use the widget without using RequireJS himself - as the widget code loads async (RequireJS uses AMD).
What I'm doing now is busy waiting for the widget code to load and using it only after detecting it has loaded. This is not very user-friendly.
Is there a way to let just do something like this?
var widget = new Widget();
instead of doing busy wait like:
count = 0;
function loadWidget() {
if (typeof Widget != 'undefined') {
var p1 = new Widget();
} else {
if (count > 10) {
console.log('Failed to load the Widget');
return false;
setTimeout(loadWidget, 50);
$(document).ready(function() {
my build.js
name: './lib/almond.js',
out: './deploy/sdk.min.js',
baseUrl: '.',
optimize: 'uglify2',
mainConfigFile: 'sdk.js',
include: ['sdk'],
wrap: true
Code on the web page (assume no other script tags on page):
<script src="mywidget.js" data-main="scripts/sdk" id="mywidget"></script>
No sure if the 'data-main' is really required as the js is compiled.
You need to follow the instructions provided with Almond. To summarize the essential points what is in the doc there, what you need in your build config the following configuration:
wrap: {
startFile: 'path/to/start.frag',
endFile: 'path/to/end.frag'
And the start.frag should be:
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], factory);
} else {
root.Widget = factory();
}(this, function () {
and the end.frag:
return require('main');
The end fragment calls require in its synchronous form, which is really synchronous in this case (and not the pseudo-synchronous sugar that can be used by RequrieJS itself).
I've tried this before. It works.

Theme Development: Adding custom handle bar helpers

For the techno theme I wanted to make custom hb helpers and configuration available to users. To do this I applied an override to the [ghost root]/index.js.
The code below searches for index.js in the current theme folder and runs it.
var ghost = require('./core'),
errors = require('./core/server/errorHandling');
.then(function (param) {
var settings = require('./core/server/api').settings;
.read({key: 'activeTheme', context: {internal: true}})
.then(function (result) {
try {
require('./content/themes/' + result.value + '/index')();
catch (e) {
//No custom index found, or it wasn't a proper module.
.otherwise(function (err) {
errors.logErrorAndExit(err, err.context,;
The theme level index.js injects custom blog variables (from a config file) and hb helpers.
var hbs = require('express-hbs'),
_ = require('lodash'),
downsize = require('downsize'),
blogVariable = require('../../../core/server/config/theme');
module.exports = function() {
//This block allows configuration to be available in the hb templates.
var blogConfig = blogVariable();
var config = require('./config') || {};
blogConfig.theme = config;
////Custom hb helpers////
hbs.registerHelper('excerpt', function (options) {
return new hbs.handlebars.SafeString(excerpt);
An example of using the custom blog variables is below.
<ul class="list-inline">
<li><i class="fa fa-fw fa-github"></i>
Is there a better way to do this in Ghost 0.4.2? I do not like having users override the ghost core index.js file.
There is a blog post explaining how to do this only by modifying the config.js file, and adding a file to the root directory. I agree with the author that this is more likely to be update-proof.
To the top of config.js
And add helpers to your helpers.js file like so:
var hbs = require('express-hbs');
module.exports = function(){
hbs.registerHelper('json', function(context) {
return JSON.stringify(context);
Unfortunately not, there was a post about this a little while ago on the forums, however you can add your own helpers.js file to the core folder for example...
var hbs = require('express-hbs')
// quick function for an example
registerHelper = function(){
hbs.registerHelper('ifNthItem', function(nthItem, currentCount, offset, options) {
if((currentCount+ offset)%(nthItem) == 0) {
return options.fn(this);
} else {
return options.inverse(this);
module.exports = registerHelper;
Then just link this into the index.js
var when = require('when'),
bootstrap = require('./bootstrap'),
scopa = require('./helpers');
At least this way your not modifying the core index.js but the helpers.js instead.

Modernizr: define is undefined when including 'videoautoplay' custom test

When I include the custom test videoautoplay ( the build throws the error 'define is undefined' (see screenshot).
Any idea how to fix this?
I believe you are trying to include a modernizr 3.0 test when the grunt-modernizr plugin is only compatible with modernizr 2.7.1. It's a bit confusing!
Work is being done in a different branch to make grunt-modernizr compatible with modernizr 3.0.
Here are the 2.7.1 feature detects:
It looks like video-autoplay is not there, so you might need copy the detect from 3.0 and adapt it to work with 2.7.1 and include it as a custom test. Use this simple detect as a reference.
I had the same issue, and wrote a custom script that translates the new 'test' into the 2.8.3 format, hope it helps:
(function( ){
var timeout;
var waitTime = 200; // Too short will not work.
var elem = document.createElement('video');
var elemStyle =;
// skip the test if video itself, or the autoplay
// element on it isn't supported
if (! || !('autoplay' in elem)) {
Modernizr.addTest('videoautoplay', false);
elemStyle.position = 'absolute';
elemStyle.height = 0;
elemStyle.width = 0;
try {
if ( ) {
elem.src = 'data:video/ogg;base64,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';
else if ( ) {
else {
Modernizr.addTest('videoautoplay', false);
catch (e) {
Modernizr.addTest('videoautoplay', false);
elem.setAttribute('autoplay', ''); = 'display:none';
// docElement.appendChild(elem);
function testAutoplay(arg) {
elem.removeEventListener('playing', testAutoplay, false);
var result = arg && arg.type === 'playing' || elem.currentTime !== 0;
Modernizr.addTest("videoautoplay", result);
// wait for the next tick to add the listener, otherwise the element may
// not have time to play in high load situations (e.g. the test suite)
setTimeout(function() {
elem.addEventListener('playing', testAutoplay, false);
timeout = setTimeout(testAutoplay, waitTime);
}, 0);
