Page Layout Scrolls Off The Screen - css

Having a problem with this site, The page looks OK but you'll notice you can scroll to the right. Not sure what's causing this. I thought it would be a weird issue that I'm missing. Any ideas?

Go to your style.css file, find .calc class and remove right:-900px;

The issue is in the CSS associated with the following code:
<div class="textwidget">
<a class="calc" href="">Injury Claim Calculator</a>
It shows that the calc class is getting the following property. This is causing for the link to be placed 900px to the right and therefore causing you to be able to scroll to the right.
right: -900px;
Removing the above code from the CSS will fix the site.

Add overflow:hidden to the .textwidget element in the sidebar; it's child element .calc is positioned relative and as a result it's flying off the screen, forcing the scrollbar to appear.


Unwanted space between body and footer

Made a Wordpress installation, styled a blog.
The Blog
The problem:
I have a fixed footer and a scrollable main page. No matter what I seem to do, there's always a space from like 10px between the footer and the main body.
I've inspected with Firebug, went through the CSS and the html. I gave the main div margin and padding and even a border-bottom.. but does not seem to help. It changes something, but the space still remains.
Of course, I could set the padding from the footer to bottom 10px, but then I would have unwanted space beneath the footer.
I can't really post any code here, since this is Wordpress and I honestly wouldn't know what code you could need, since I don't know where the problem is.
Thanks everyone in advance!
It's the margin bottom on element
<div id="page" class="hfeed site">
from this style:
body .site {
margin-bottom: 3.42857rem;
Removing this style gets rid of the space (and as far as I can see doesn't cause any other display issue with the site.
You can find these kind of issues by using the Developer Tools in your browser (the Firebug plugin for Firefox for example) and just right-clicking on the area with the issue and exploring and dynamically editing or disabling the styles that are applied to an element.
Well if you really want to remove the gap between the body and the footer, Just get the rid of height:40px that you've set in the footer CSS.
This is only i can do without code!
Hope this will help.
Here is the screen-shot
Just remove the height:40px rule from style.css (row 771)
on your style.css line 121 add this table { float: left; }

Footer DIV keeps jumping to top of page

I am developing a small site:
(It's within a folder of my own site on my server)
I would like the footer div to follow on from the content at the end of each page ie: NOT to stick to the bottom of the viewport. I have managed this on all pages except it isnt working on the homepage - as per link above. I have spent a good day trying to fiddle with over:hidden etc but I'm not having any luck. I've a feeling it's something to do with the fact that the homepage uses a fullscreen image.
Bring the contents outside #header you are missing </div> after header. Remove position: fixed; from #homepage_content add z-index:-1 to #bg
i have replicated your html in jsfiddle. and set the background in css background: url.
footer seems to be in the bottom.
Ok, i think i know what you are looking for.
Move the #homepage_content outside of the #header by removing the </div> after <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->. Instead add a </div> just before the first clear div.
Change the css code of #homepage_content to position: relative; or just remove the position: fixed.
I think you are looking for a transparent background color of the #homepage_content, right? To do this you must remove the bakcground-color of #homepage_wrapper and instead put white background-color on the #header div.
Hope it fixes it.

Horizontal scrollbar on browsers suggests white space to the right of my site, what's causing it?

I've been developing this site for a while and suddenly today I noticed that the horizontal scrollbar on my browser was showing and was allowing the site to be scrolled an inch or two to the right.
The whole site is only 960px wide and my screen resolution is 1680px so clearly it should fit with plenty of space.
The site still displays exactly the same but the scrollbar is annoying me. I've tried adding borders to everything using the * selector in CSS but nothing seems to be protruding that extra inch. I've also used the Google Chrome console to highlight different sections of the site but none of them are causing the problem.
Every browser shows the same problem, do you have any explanations?
This is the site in question:
remove the position:relative in your #body-wrapper style around line 31 of your CSS and use margin-top:50px instead of top:50px
if you must keep the position:relative you can also just apply an overflow:hidden to your wrapper to remove whatever overflow may be there, but there are some inherent dangers in doing so.
Upon further inspection, I've discovered that your .right div is the issue. For some reason, its being floated to the right is causing your problems.
The problem comes form your JS. if you disable it, it works perfectly.
More precisely with the facebook button:
div#body-wrapper > div#site-title > div.right > div.fb-root > div
setting this to overflow: hidden, fixes the problem
I had a similar issue. There was nothing that seemed to exceed the width but still there was a scroll bar at the bottom.
My structure of page was:
<div id='appContainer'>
<div class='page'>
<div>All the content along with "Youtube video"
which meant there was
an iframe within my page,
some other stuff like *sharethis buttons,
Which meant i had to add a few scripts.</div>
<div>more stuff</div>
<div>more fancy stuff</div>
<div>some more stuff with shadows and floating elements</div>
I'm not sharing the CSS as there was nothing other than box-shadows at the outer levels and top-margin.
Although i'll share how the problem got fixed.
I gave the
<div class='page'></div>
overflow: hidden;
This fixed the scroll issue for me.
Although the fix was just to find the right parent and give it the above CSS
I still would like to know the root cause for the scroll. Kindly share that knowledge if you have it.

Facebook Send/Like button CSS overlapping

I have following problem. I've integrated facebook send/like buttons to my website and when i click send, it overlaps with the underlying div.
Since I'm really no CSS guru, i would like that you point me in to a direction where i can find a solution for this problem.
Thank you
the problem is that the div with class box-center & div with class box have the css property overflow: hidden; so anything that's bigger then the div when is loaded will not be shown
but the problem if you remove that is that the box above will be messed up. But that can be resolved by adding (just before closing the div):
<div class="clear"></div>
and in css
.clear {clear:both}
edit: This should give you a better picture (for a bigger preview ->

problem with template: negative margins on float

i'm having a very strange problem with the wordpress template.
i'd like to place 2 divs besides each other like this:
<div style='float:left;'>
left div
<div style='float:right'>
right div
normally this works as it should - both divs should stick directly to each other -
but something in the style.css (which uses css reset) causes the right div to overlap the left div with ~ 5pixels.
i searched the whole .css for it but couldn't find out :((
it's just a fact that it must be something with the default css.
anyone knows what is causing this - some fix?
Do either of your divs have widths? Give them a width, float BOTH left and add margin-right to the first div.
Make sure your width + margin doesn't add up to more than the surrounding div. For example if your surrounding div is 600px your boxes shouldn't be more than width:290px; a margin-left:20px; on the left div.
Also, you can use Firebug or any other web development broswer tool to check to see what styles in your stylesheet/s are affecting your divs.
Float both left or use inline-block. You can also just float the first one left.
I would highly recommend that you (if you don't already have it) download FireFox and install the Web Developer Toolbar plugin. This plugin is GREAT for tracking down problems like this. Under the CSS portion of this toolbar when you're viewing the page with the issue you can select to "View Style Information". Then just click on the divs that are the issue on the page. Off to the left you should see a little window pop up that shows all the styling that is affecting those divs and what css source they are coming from. With CSS if you rely on "bug" fixes to fix things that aren't really bugs then you'll just cause more headache later on in most cases.
I think the problem is probably with parts further on in your code. May I suggest clearing the floats:
<div class="clear"></div>
.clear {
clear: both;
The code you have posted would work fine, but I expect you have more divs or containers or something somewhere which is messing it up.
Total width = margin_width + border_width + padding_width+ width of the box + (the same for the other box).
Make sure you have width defined for both floating device. The best way is to debug the code by hitting F12. You can do it FireFox, IE,Chrome or Safari but usually you have to enable this option yourself.
