BizTalk host instance unable to start - biztalk

BizTalk 2013, production server, on windows 2008 R2 64 bit all host instances failed to start,
event log:
Error code 0x80131604, Error description: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Googled a bit, there are threads saying it could be BizTalk configuration file issue, I copied one file from a non production server which works but still facing the same issue.
Any idea where to look?

This is - indeed - likely an issue with the configuration file. Most likely, the configuration file does not contain valid XML.
Try making a copy of the file and renaming that copy with an .xml extension. Than open it up in a browser or any program that includes an XML parser to see if the XML in the file is valid.
If you are unsure, try putting the XML in your question here (sanitize any senstive data before posting) and we'll take a look.
Any other errors you can see in the event log(s)?


Error in secure load of data source. An error occurred while decrypting data

I know a similar question already asked here but since given answer don't help me and my problem is kinda different I'm asking a new question.
I create data sources through admin panel -> Configure -> Datasources and it works fine. But if I restart server all created Datasources gonna missing from datasources list.
When I run ESB server I can see through logs that those datasources could not be loaded properly since ESB server is unable to decrypt sensitive data which it encrypted earlier:
DataSourceRepository Error in updating data source [remove:false] at path '/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.ndatasource/myDatasource
Error in updating data source 'myDatasource' from registry
[remove:false]: Error in secure load of data source
meta info: An error occurred while decrypting data
Although myDatasource is missing from datasources list I can still see it in registry through admin panel -> Registry -> /_system/config/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.ndatasource/myDatasource
I have the same issue. This seems to be some error introduced in 6.4.0.
6.3.0 does not exhibit this behaviour.
As a workaround, if you define the datasources in /conf/datasources/master-datasources.xml then the datasources load correctly at server startup. However this is not ideal solution as they cannot then be edited through the web console.
Alternatively you can download the registry entry , edit the password element to remove 'Encrypted=true' and change the password to be unencrypted. Then upload the edited file as a new registry entry alongside the old.
Both these methods are not feasible for production though as they leave the passwords unencrypted.
Out of interest are you running this on Windows? I discovered also on EI 6.4.0 that the Ciphertool utility will not run due to a malformed path. I suspect this might be related, but I cannot find where the malformed path is coming from it seems to be repeating the {carbon.home} element within the path :
C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0\bin>ciphertool
Using CARBON_HOME: C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0
Using JAVA_HOME: C:\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.3.0\jdk\jdk1.8.0_192
Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 51: C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0\C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0\/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.normalize(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.getPath(
at java.nio.file.Paths.get(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.utils.Utils.getConfigFilePath(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.utils.Utils.setSystemProperties(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.CipherTool.initialize(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.CipherTool.main(

WCF + Website. File is being used by another process

I'm getting this error:
Could not load file or assembly 'EntityFramework' or one of its dependencies. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070020) (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\web.config line 111)
The problem is that this works locally, but when I publish it at it gives me that error. I've no way to restart the server or anything, I just know that it works on my local server.
I'm running a WCF on the same domain that a website, I saw somewhere that this might cause an issue, like the one I'm experimenting.
I solved this by creating a Virtual Dir for my WCF instead of just having it on a subfolder of my web application.
Error 12 Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\CloudKase.exe" to "bin\Debug\Some.exe". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\Some.exe' because it is being used by another process.
I have solution for this error that go to the task manager and find some.exe to makes end task closed that first after that you can run the project without any bug.
Happy Coding :)

Xpages HTTP Web Server: Command Not Handled Exception HTTP Code: 500

I have an Xpage working properly on the test Domino server.
On production Domino server it can not be opened, Http 500 error displayed.
The two servers has different access control settings in the server document, but the signer of the application (production server) is listed in all programmability restrictions field except "Sign script libraries to run on behalf of someone else" field.
Server log
[25A4:0014-1604] 2012.11.07 14:06:30 HTTP JVM: SEVERE: CLFAD0141E: Error processing XPage request
[25A4:0014-1604] 2012.11.07 14:06:30 HTTP JVM: SEVERE: CLFAD0211E: Exception thrown
[25A4:0014-1604] 2012.11.07 14:06:30 HTTP JVM: SEVERE: CLFAD0246E: Exception occurred servicing request for: /applications/application.nsf/xpage.xsp - HTTP Code: 500
[25A4:0014-1604] 2012.11.07 14:06:30 HTTP Web Server: Command Not Handled Exception [/applications/application.nsf/xpage.xsp] CN=First Last/O=Company/C=Country Code
I have searched the net including IBM pages and forums for possible fix this error, but I have not found useable solution. Does anyone now how to fix this error?
Have a look at the latest xpages_exc_*.log file in the data/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT folder on the server for a more detailed explanation of the error.
If you don't have access to the file system on the server, then install and use the XPages Log File Reader from OpenNTF for easy access to the server log files.
I also had this problem earlier this week on a production 8.5.1 server (without extlib) and it was resolved by restarting the Domino server.
Besides server security settings etc the issue can also be related to application specific settings. E. g. Fulltext index, database properties etc. It might be a good idea to compare these things too.
Furthermore I also recommend using the Log Reader for easy access to the XPages log files...
Here I found a fix for the same problem
The resolution was discovered! We had added some Crystal Reports jar files to the C:\Lotus\Domino\jvm\lib\ext directory. It appears as if Domino and XPages did not like that. Instead, we had to put them in a directory external to Domino and then needed to reference those jar files in the "JavaUserClassesExt" line of the notes.ini.
After this was completed, Xpages worked!
I got this same error when I included the extlib.relational.library with the extlibx.library in the page generations property section of the Xpage property window. If I uncheck the relational library it works fine.

Tridion 2011 SP1 : Issue while deploying the content

We are using Tridion 2011 sp1 without any hotfix and .net web application httpupload.aspx to deploy the content in filesystem.
We monitored and found there are two issues:
1) Some time pages those are published successfully in the publishing queue are not uploaded/updated in the file system.
2) Transport package is not created for the pages which are getting failed with the error:
Deploying FailedPhase: Deployment Processing Phase failed, Could not initialize class, Could not initialize class
Also in the deployer log file and transporter log file, there is no reference to failed item transaction id.
Can anyone help me out in this?
You must have some more detail on the failure in your logs than just this.
Could not initialize StorageManagerFactory will typically point to a misconfigured cd_storage_conf.xml or a jar missing.
If you get this occasionally then there must be something that fails occasionally (like your database connection or a file system).
Please scan through your deployer and/or core logs for additional information.
I think you may have a second deployer "listening" to the same incoming directory, and that 2nd deployer is broken.
Hints of that:
You say no transport package is created. I assume you mean you can't find the transport package - it must be created in the CM otherwise it can't fail. This means "someone" picked it up
"Sometimes they're published, sometimes not" == Sometimes they're picked up by the right deployer, sometimes they're picked up by the wrong one.
No references to the transaction in the logs
Search your server for all cd_deployer_conf.xml, and go compare all your "incoming" folder settings. You can only have one deployer per incoming folder.
Try following:
1) In the windows event logs identify the path of the Deployer that is getting loaded...generally it should be define by the Tridion_Home variable but there is also a roll up logic in place and it might also get picked up the deployer path from your application config on priority if you have placed the deployer config and bin folders with in your application bin folder for processing by the Tridion Content Delivery API
2) Check if the updated SQL JDBC jar file is present in the deployer bin folder
3) Verify that you do not have jre version between to installed on CMA and/or CDA server - check for both 32-bit as well as 64-bit version

ASP.NET File IO Issue - System.UnauthorizedAccessException - stranger than you think

I am getting a strange issue where I seem to have read access, because I can
1. Get a list of files from a directory (Directory.GetFiles())
2. Load an XML document using XmlDocument instance's Load() method
But I can't use File.ReadAllText() to load a text file into memory. Gives me an System.UnauthorizedAccessException. I am not even trying to read from a network directory, just a local one. I've also used System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to check the working user which is [CompanyDomain]/[MyUserName] and this user has full access to the directory I am using. I've also checked that the directory actually exists.
My environment
1. Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
2. Visual Studio 2008
3. Just using the built in web server that launches every time i run the project.
Note: I couldn't find the IUSR_MACHINENAME user on this machine.
Any idea what steps I should take next?
One thing to assert:
the file that can be Xml Load()-ed is the very same file that cannot be ReadAlText()-ed ?
When things get odd like this, I found that turning auditing on, at the level of the directory or even of the file, often ends up pointing me towards a proper diagnostic and hence resolving the issue.
Also: In looking online reference for ReadAllText() I noted that (oddly, I think), this exception can be caused by:
path specified a file that is read-only.
Not sure why write access should be sought by this apparent read-only operation, but, maybe just try to make the file r/w-able.
<identity impersonate="true" />
