Symfony2 - Check if a Doctrine Entity Association has been Initialized/Loaded without Triggering Lazyload - symfony

I have an entity called foo which has an OneToMany association with an entity called bar that is accessible as $foo->getBar() (an ArrayCollection). Normally calling $foo->getBar() would trigger a Lazy Loading of associated bar entities (if they weren't joined originally).
How can I check if bar has been loaded without triggering a Lazy Load? I don't need the associated entities, if they weren't loaded originally, and I don't want them to load, I just want to know IF they were loaded.
In the fooRepository I have a method called getFooWithBar() and that has a join which loads all the bars as an ArrayCollection and returns foo with all the associated bar entities. But if I just call a simpler method like getFooById() with a simple query, the bar entities were not loaded with a join, so they are not contained in $foo.
So in another controller I have $foo, and I want to check if getBar() has associated entities loaded yet, but I do not want to trigger the Lazy Loading. If it doesn't have associated entities, I don't want them. I just need to know IF they have been loaded.
NOTE: I also do not want to turn off Lazy Loading on the entity association for all instances.
Method that Doesn't Work for Inverse side of OneToMany
I put this magic getter method in my entity:
public function __get($property) {
return isset($this->$property) ? $this->$property : null;
Which theoretically lets me check if the property is set (or if it's still the default private declaration). And this works when my entity is the owning side. But if it's the inverse side, $this->property is never set. Doctrine does some fancy stuff so that when you do getProperty() it's looking at the data somewhere else. I figured this out because this function works when it's the owning side (it returns a proxy of the associated entity), but it returns null when the associated entity is owned by the other entity.

After years of testing our code (responding to Doctrine changes) the following is the best solution we could come up with to check if an association has been loaded, WITHOUT trigger LazyLoad. None of this stuff is documented in Doctrine (unfortunately), so you have to look at the source code and/or play with the code.
The Solution
In the end there are many different types of different associations that could be loaded from *ToMany (PersistentCollection) or *ToOne associations (Proxy or direct entity). This means we need to create a method that checks for all the possibilities (that we are currently aware of in our app). We created a trait that we add to all our entities, so we can call $entity->isLoaded($propertyName) to check if it's loaded.
public function isLoaded($property)
// *ToMany Association are PersistentCollection and will have the isInitialized property as true if it's loaded
if ($this->{$property} instanceof PersistentCollection) {
return $this->{$property}->isInitialized();
// *ToOne Associations are (sometimes) Proxy and will be marked as __isInitialized() when they are loaded
if ($this->{$property} instanceof Proxy) {
return $this->{$property}->__isInitialized();
// NOTE: Doctrine Associations will not be ArrayCollections. And they don't implement isInitalized so we really
// can tell with certainty whether it's initialized or loaded. But if you join entities manually and want to check
// you will need to set an internal mapper that records when you've loaded them. You could return true if count > 0
if ($this->{$property} instanceof ArrayCollection) {
// NOTE: __isLoaded[$property] is an internal property we record on the Setter of special properties we know are ArrayCollections
return (!empty($this->__isLoaded[$property]) || $this->{$property}->count() > 0);
// NOTE: there are never any Collections that aren't ArrayCollection or PersistentCollection (and it does no good to check because they won't have isInitialized() on them anyway
// If it's an object after the checks above, we know it's not NULL and thus it is "probably" loaded because we know it's not a Proxy, PersistentCollection or ArrayCollection
if (is_object($this->{$property})) {
return true;
// If it's not null, return true, otherwise false. A null regular property could return false, but it's not an Entity or Collection so indeed it is not loaded.
return !is_null($this->{$property});

When you load your foo object, bar will be an instance of Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection. You can call the isInitialized() method on this collection to find out if has been initialized.
For Associations that are an ArrayCollection:
$initialized = $foo->getBar()->isInitialized();

If you have newest version of Doctrine, you can try extra lazy load on column.
More Extra lazy associations


How to replace EntityManager::merge in Doctrine 3?

I am working an Symfony 2.8 based web app project which currently uses Doctrine 2. The project is basically a simple ToDo list application which can be synced with a mobile app (iOS/Android).
While reading the Update notes of Doctrine 3 I discovered, that EntityManager::merge will no longer be supported.
An alternative to EntityManager#merge() is not provided by ORM 3.0,
since the merging semantics should be part of the business domain
rather than the persistence domain of an application. If your
application relies heavily on CRUD-alike interactions and/or PATCH
restful operations, you should look at alternatives such as
I am not sure what is the best/correct way to replace EntityManager::merge?
Where do I use merge:
During the sync of the mobile apps with the web app the data is transferred as serialized JSON which is than de-serialized by JMSSerializer to an entity object. When the web app receives a ToDoEntry object this way, it can be a new ToDo-Entry (not known in the web app yet) or an updated existing entry. Either way, the received object is not managed by the EntityManager. Thus $em->persist($receivedObject) will always try to insert a new object. This will fail (due to the unique constraint of the id) if the ToDo-Entry already exists in the web app and needs to be updated.
Instead $em->merge($receivedObject) is used which automatically checks wether an insert or update is required.
Hot wo solve this?
Of course I could check for every received objects if an entity with the same ID already exists. In this case could load the existing object and update its properties manually. However this would be very cumbersome. The real project of course uses many different entities and each entity type/class would need its own handling to check which properties needs to be updated. Isn't there a better solution?
You can try to use registerManaged() method of Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork.
// $this->em <--- Doctrine Entity Manager
// $entity <--- detached Entity (and we know that this entity already exists in DB for example)
$id = [$entity->getId()]; //array
$data = $entity->toArray(); //array
$this->em->getUnitOfWork()->registerManaged($entity, $id, $data);
Of course, You can check the state of Your Entity using getEntityState() of Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork before/after perfoming needed actions.
$this->eM->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityState($entity, $assert = 3)
$assert <-- This parameter can be set to improve performance of entity state detection by potentially avoiding a database lookup if the distinction between NEW and DETACHED is either known or does not matter for the caller of the method.
While I have posted this question quite a while ago, it is still quite active. Until now my solution was to stick with Doctrine 2.9 and keep using the merge function. Now I am working on new project which should be Doctrine 3 ready and should thus not use the merge anymore.
My solution is of course specific for my special use case. However, maybe it is also useful for other:
My Solution:
As described in the question I use the merge method to sync deserialized, external entities into the web database where a version of this entity might already exist (UPDATE required) or not (INSERT required).
#Merge Annotation
In my case entities have different properties where some might be relevant for syncing and must be merged while others are only used for (web) internal housekeeping and must not be merged. To tell these properties appart, I have created a custom #Merge annotation:
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation;
* #Annotation
* #Target("PROPERTY")
final class SyncMerge { }
This annotation is then be used to mark the entities properties which should be merged:
class ToDoEntry {
* #Merge
protected $date;
* #Merge
protected $title;
// only used internally, no need to merge
protected $someInternalValue;
Sync + Merge
During the sync process the annotation is used to merge the marked properties into existing entities:
public function mergeDeserialisedEntites(array $deserializedEntities, string $entityClass): void {
foreach ($deserializedEntities as $deserializedEntity) {
$classMergingInfos = $this->getMergingInfos($class);
$existingEntity = $this->entityManager->find($class, $deserializedEntity->getId());
if (null !== $existingEntity) {
// UPDATE existing entity
// ==> Apply all properties marked by the Merge annotation
foreach ($classMergingInfos as $propertyName => $reflectionProperty) {
$deserializedValue = $reflectionProperty->getValue($deserializedEntity);
$reflectionProperty->setValue($existingEntity, $deserializedEntity);
// Continue with existing entity to trigger update instead of insert on persist
$deserializedEntity = $existingEntity;
// If $existingEntity was used an UPDATE will be triggerd
// or an INSERT instead
private $mergingInfos = [];
private function getMergingInfos($class) {
if (!isset($this->mergingInfos[$class])) {
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class);
$classProperties = $reflectionClass->getProperties();
$propertyInfos = [];
// Check which properties are marked by #Merge annotation and save information
foreach ($classProperties as $reflectionProperty) {
$annotation = $this->annotationReader->getPropertyAnnotation($reflectionProperty, Merge::class);
if ($annotation instanceof Merge) {
$propertyInfos[$reflectionProperty->getName()] = $reflectionProperty;
$this->mergingInfos[$class] = $propertyInfos;
return $this->mergingInfos[$class];
That's it. If new properties are added to an entity I have only to decide whether it should be merged or not and add the annotation if needed. No need to update the sync code.
Actually the code to handle this can be just a few lines. In background Doctrine will issue a query to search for your entity if not already in memory, so you can do the same by doing the query yourself with result cache enabled, and then just use PropertyAccessor to map the data.
See this gist for a POC

Inheritance - Sharing info between child and parent controllers

I have a custom Event Entity which has several child Entities: Problem and Maintenance (and few others but those two should be enough to describe the problem) entity classes inherit from Event entity class.
The addAction(), seeAction() and modifyAction() of ProblemController and MaintenanceController are (obviously) very similar but with some differences.
I want to have a button to display the see view of an Event, no matter if it is a Problem or a Maintenance. Same for modify.
For the add action it is a bit different: the user has to say (by clicking on child-specific button) what kind of child he want to add.
How I handle this so far
In my seeAction() and modifyAction(), I just forward the "call" depending on the type of the child:
public function seeAction(Event $event)
if($event instanceof \Acme\EventBundle\Entity\Problem){
return $this->forward('AcmeEventBundle:Problem:see', array('event_id' => $event->getId()));
elseif($event instanceof \Acme\EventBundle\Entity\Maintenance){
return $this->forward('AcmeEventBundle:Maintenance:see', array('maintenance_id' => $event->getId()));
I have no Event::addAction() but I have a Event::addCommon() which gathers the common parts of the addAction of Problem and Maintenance. Then I call this Event::addCommon() with Controller inheritance.
class ProblemController extends EventController
public function addAction(MeasurementSite $measurementSite)
$problem = new Problem();
$form = $this->createForm(new ProblemType($measurementSite), $problem);
$response = parent::addCommon($problem, $form);
return $response;
All this looks pretty ugly to me. If I want to share common things between Problem::seeAction() and Maintenance::seeAction(), I will have to call an Event function, but Event already forwarded something!! Information jumps from Parent to Child and vice versa...
I would like to know what is the proper way to manage this problem?
I looked a bit at setting Controller as a service, using PHP Traits, Routing inheritance but I couldn't extract anything clear and clean from this research...
I can see how you might end up chasing your tail on this sort of problem.
Instead of multiple controllers, consider have one EventController for all the routes along with individual ProblemHelper and MaintainenceHelper objects. The helper objects would have your add/see/modify methods and could extend a CommonHelper class.
Your controller would check the entity type, instantiate the helper and pass control over to it.

How to persist two object that have *same* objecte reference into them?

Imagine this scenario: I have an entity with some related entities that I want to update follow some logic.
public function updateRelated($foo) {
foreach($foo->getBars() as $bar) {
//modify bar attributes based on some logic
$this->entity_manager->persist($bar); //entity manager was correctly instantiated
$foo is an object composed in that way
public function retrieveFoo() {
$foo = new Foo();
$bar = new Bar();
$foobar = $this->entity_manager->getRepository('MyProject:FooBar');
return $foo;
this retrieveFoo() function is called multiple times than, I call updateRelated() (with a foreach onto retrieved foo objects, as follows).
public updateFooRelated($foo_object_array) {
foreach($foo_object_array as $foo) {
Unfortunately, some bar objects of - call it - foo1 have the same fooBar object of other bar objects of - call it - foo2 and this mess the things up because when i return to updateRealted() with the foo2 object, I had already persisted $bar and this gave me the following error
Exception caught: Entity of type
has identity through a foreign entity
MyApplication\Entity\FooBar, however
this entity has no identity itself. You have to call
EntityManager#persist() on the related entity and make sure that an
identifier was generated before trying to persist
In case of Post Insert ID Generation (such as MySQL Auto-Increment or
PostgreSQL SERIAL) this means you have to call EntityManager#flush()
between both persist operations.
Of course if I do an spl_object_has() on various fooBar objects i get that, as predictable, some of them are the same object.
So, bonus question, what happens affter persist() to entity manager managed objects?
BTW, I suppose that fetch again fooBar object will be a solution, but how can i tell entity manager (in that case the repository) to give me another object so, basically, refetch it from db or make a copy of it an starts to manage?
To avoid having these problems, I would take advantage of the ManyToOne relation you have between Foo and Bars, I assume, and only use the Foo object to rerieve and update bars inside, which is automatically done by doctrine, if you use the "cascade persist" in the relation of your entity.

Breeze: How can I create a GUID key for new entities on the client?

Using Breeze, what is the simplest way to populate a GUID key when an entity is created?
I'll assume that your entity is configured such that the client is responsible for setting the Guid key for new entities. That's the default for the Guid key of an Entity Framework Code First entity; it is as if the key property were adorned with [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None)]
The obvious approach is to set the key after creating the entity and before adding it to the manager, e.g.:
function createFoo() {
var foo = fooType.createEntity();; // Knockout implementation
This may be all you ever need.
On the other hand, you may find that you're creating new Foos in many places and for some strange reason you can't use the createFoo function. You certainly don't want to repeat that code.
You can extend the Foo entity type with id-setting behavior after which you'd be able to write:
function createFoo() {
var foo = fooType.createEntity(); // is set for you
There are two approaches to consider - custom constructor and type initializer; both are described in "Extending Entities"
You can initialize the key inside a custom constructor. Breeze calls the constructor both when you create the entity and when it materializes a queried entity. Breeze will replace the initial key value when materializing.
Here's an example that assumes the Knockout model library.
function Foo() {; // using KO
// one way to get the MetadataStore
var store = manager.metadataStore;
// register the ctor with the Foo type
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Foo", Foo);
Pretty simple. The only downside is that Breeze will generate a Guid every time it makes an entity, whether creating a new one or materializing one from a query. It's wasted effort during materialization but so what? Well, I suppose that might become a performance issue although I wouldn't assume so until I had measured it.
Suppose you measured and the repeated Guid generation is a serious problem (really?). You could set the key in a type initializer instead and only call the Guid generator when creating a new entity.
Breeze calls a type initializer after the entity has been created or materialized from query just before returning that entity to the application. Clearly you don't want to overwrite a materialized key from the database so you'll test the key value to make sure it's not real (i.e. to make sure you're fixing a created entity) before assigning it. Here's an example.
function fooInitializer(foo) {
var emptyGuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
if ( !=== emptyGuid) {;
var store = manager.metadataStore;
// register the initializer; no ctor in this example
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Foo", function(){}, fooInitializer);
Assuming you have a Guid surrogate Key on all your entities like we have in our case, you could code a createInstance factory that does the following in a very generic approach:
function createInstance(breezeEntityManager, typeName) {
var keyProperty = breezeEntityManager.metadataStore.getEntityType(typeName, false).dataProperties.filter(function (p) {
return p.isPartOfKey;
var config = {};
config[] = breeze.core.getUuid();
return breezeEntityManager.createEntity(typeName, config);
This way, you won't have to create an initializer for all your entities.

Modifying the user object with hook_user_load()

In Drupal 6 you could use code similar to the following one:
function example_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) {
switch($op) {
case 'load':
$account->fb_id ='xyz'
In Drupal 7, the documentation for hook_user_load() states the following:
Due to the static cache in user_load_multiple() you should not use this hook to modify the user properties returned by the {users} table itself since this may result in unreliable results when loading from cache.
Why do I get users and not just a user?
Is it ok to add properties to this?
You get an array of user objects because the hook is called from user_load_multiple(), which generally calls DrupalDefaultEntityController::load(), which then calls DrupalDefaultEntityController::attachLoad().
It is fine to add custom properties, but not to override the default properties that are loaded from the {users} table; as reported from the documentation, in that case you could get some problem when loading the user object from the cache, which is what the entity API normally does.
