Normally when sbt starts or "reload" gets invoked, sbt will emit a message "[info] Loading project definition from ..." and compile & load build.sbt if necessary.
My question is: is there a way to achieve the same thing or equivalent in a plugin using code? There doesn't seem to be a task called reload in Keys.scala so I wonder how sbt does it. Thanks.
UPDATE: What I want to do essentially is I want to have a build clean task that wipes out project/target and reload sbt which forces it to recompile the build config.
def doLoadProject(s0: State, action: LoadAction.Value): State =
val (s1, base) = Project.loadAction(SessionVar.clear(s0), action)
val s = if (s1 has Keys.stateCompilerCache) s1 else registerCompilerCache(s1)
val (eval, structure) = Load.defaultLoad(s, base, s.log, Project.inPluginProject(s), Project.extraBuilds(s))
val session = Load.initialSession(structure, eval, s0)
SessionSettings.checkSession(session, s)
Project.setProject(session, structure, s)
There's the command sbt flywayMigrate from The command requires use to set flywayUrl, flywayUser, and flywayPassword beforehand. It was good so far.
Now I want to be able to use sbt flywayMigrate for two different environment; Their variables should be different.
I tried to make two new commands: sbt flywayMigrateDev and sbt flywayMigrateProd. I couldn't figure out how to connect the new commands to flywayMigrate.
I tried creating a new scope. But I couldn't figure out how to wire the variables and tasks properly.
I wonder if anyone can give me an example on how to do this. I'd like to see a code example.
We can simplify the problem to:
There's the command sbt flywayMigrate that depends on flywayUrl. How do we allow the command to use different flywayUrls by calling sbt commands (or any other way is good, too)?
Thank you!
You should use config for this.
Example .sbt file contents:
// Set up your configs.
lazy val prodConfig = config("prod")
lazy val devConfig = config("dev")
// Set up any configuration that's common between dev and prod.
val commonFlyway = Seq(
// For the sake of example, a couple of shared settings.
flywayUser := "pg_admin",
flywayLocations := Seq("filesystem:migrations")
// Set up prod and dev.
inConfig(prodConfig)(flywayBaseSettings(prodConfig) ++ commonFlyway) := ""
// Or however you want to load your production password. := sys.env.getOrElse("PROD_PASSWD", "(unset)")
inConfig(devConfig)(flywayBaseSettings(prodConfig) ++ commonFlyway) := "" := "development_passwd"
Now you can run prod:flywayMigrate and dev:flywayMigrate to migrate production and development, respectively.
See the Flyway docs page for other examples.
I'd like to create a compile configuration which is the same as the default one but adds a compiler plugin. In my particular case, I want to have a "dev" configuration but with the linter plugin ( because it slows down compile times and there's no need to run it in production or continuous integration.
Now this is what I tried:
lazy val Dev = config("dev") extend Compile
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).configs(Dev).settings(
inConfig(Dev)(addCompilerPlugin("org.psywerx.hairyfotr" %% "linter" % "0.1.12")): _*)
and it should work, since when I inspect dev:libraryDependencies, it's what I expect it to be- it has org.psywerx.hairyfotr:linter:0.1.12:plugin->default(compile). Normally if I add the library with a "plugin" scope, it does work for the default settings:
libraryDependencies += ("org.psywerx.hairyfotr" %% "linter" % "0.1.12" % "plugin"
It just does not work if I add this under a different configuration, so there must be something else going on here.
This solves the problem, but not exactly in a way was asked. Here's the full build.sbt:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.psywerx.hairyfotr" %% "linter" % "0.1.14" % "test")
val linter = Command.command("linter")(state => {
val linterJar = for {
(newState, result) <- Project.runTask(fullClasspath in Test, state)
cp <- result.toEither.right.toOption
linter <- cp.find(
_.get(moduleID.key).exists(mId =>
mId.organization == "org.psywerx.hairyfotr" && == "linter_2.11"))
} yield
val res = Project.runTask(scalacOptions, state)
res match {
case Some((newState, result)) =>
result.toEither.right.foreach { defaultScalacOptions =>
Project.runTask(compile in Test,
scalacOptions := defaultScalacOptions ++ => Seq(s"-Xplugin:$p")).getOrElse(Seq.empty),
case None => sys.error("Couldn't get defaultScalacOptions")
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).configs(Test).settings(commands ++= Seq(linter))
The fact that you return unmodified state means you don't change the project settings. So if you run sbt linter, you should get your project compiled with the additional scalacOptions, but if you run compile in the same sbt session, it will not use those additional settings.
The tricky thing here is that scalacOptions is actually a TaskKey, not a SettingKey. I don't know why is that, but to get its value, you have to run that task. One reason might be that in sbt you cannot make setting depending on a task, but you can make a task depending on a task. In other words, scalacOptions can depend on the other task value, and maybe internally it does, I haven't checked. If current answer will work for you, I can try and think about more elegant way of achieving the same result.
EDIT: modified the code to specify the scalacOptions for the linter plugin proper. Please note the plugin has to be a managed dependency, not just a downloaded jar, for this solution to work. If you want to have it unmanaged, there's a way, but I won't go into it for now. Additionally, I've taken a freedom of making it also work for testing code, for illustration purposes.
Looking at Defaults.scala in the source, it seems like the compile command is always taking the options from the compile scope. So if I'm correct, you can have only one set of compilation options!
This seems to be confirmed by the fact that scalacOptions behaves the same way, and this is also why I don't see a non-hacky answer for these similar questions:
Different scalac options for different scopes or tasks?
Different compile options for tests and release in SBT?
I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
EDIT: FWIW, one might not be able to define another scalac options profile in the same project, but you could do so in a "different" project:
lazy val dev = (project in file(".")).
settings(target := baseDirectory.value / "target" / "dev").
settings(addCompilerPlugin("org.psywerx.hairyfotr" %% "linter" % "0.1.12"): _*)
This has the disadvantage that it has a separate output directory, so it will take more space and, more importantly, will not get incremental compiles between the two projects. However, after spending some time thinking about it, this may be by design. After all, even though linters don't, some scalac compilation options could conceivably change the output. This would make it meaningless to try to keep the metadata for incremental compilation from one set of scalac options to another. Thus different scalac options would indeed require different target directories.
How can I run sequential tasks that come from a plugin such as flyway before running a test, for example if I wanted to run:
flywayClean then flywayMigrate then integrationTests, how would I do that?
The problem is that sbt doesn't really support anything with side-effects like a db.
I looked at examples of sequencing tasks here:
I've tried working through these, and I can follow the basic example, but I can't figure out how to run a task from a plugin such as flyway.
It seems like part of the problem is that flywayClean and flywayMigrate are both of type TaskKey[Unit], where the sbt-sequential examples are using Def.Setting[Task[Unit]].
sbt has so much complexity that I can't quite figure out how to resolve the Task associated with a given TaskKey and then transform that into a Setting[Task[Unit]].
I setup my sbt build to do a flywayClean, then a flywayMigrate before running the tests:
executeTests in Test := {
(executeTests in Test).dependsOn(flywayMigrate.dependsOn(flywayClean)).value
Here is how you can have a task that executes a lot of other tasks sequentially. Is this what you want to do? If the tasks are from a plugin you need to bring it into scope. If it's from an auto-plugin then pretty much all its task should be in scope without you explicitly importing them.
lazy val mtaskA = taskKey[Unit]("a")
lazy val mtaskB = taskKey[String]("b")
lazy val mtaskC = taskKey[Int]("c")
mtaskA := {
mtaskB := {
mtaskC := {
lazy val cmp = taskKey[Unit]("cmp")
cmp := {
println( mtaskB.value )
println( mtaskC.value )
My company is switching from ant to sbt to ease Scala integration into our huge Java existing code (smart move if you ask me).
After compiling, we usually post-process all the generated .class with a tool of our own which is a result of the compilation.
I have been trying to do the same in sbt and it appears more complicated than expected.
I tried:
calling our postprocessor with fullRunTask. Works fine but we would like to pass "products.value" to look for the .class files and it does not work
another and even better solution would be to extend compile (compile in Compile ~= { result => ...). But I did not found how the code after "result =>" can call our postprocessor
we are looking at other solutions: multiple projects, one for the postprocessor, one for the rest of the code and this would clean but because the source code is entangled, this is not as easy as it seems (and we still would have the first problem)
Any help?
I would just write a simple plugin that runs after the other stages. It can inspect the target folder for all the .class files.
You could then do something like sbt clean compile myplugin in your build server.
This is the approach taken by the proguard plugin[1]. You could take a look at that as a starting point.
Finally, I found a solution after reading "SBT in Action" and other documents. It is very simple but understanding SBT is not (at least for me).
name := "Foo"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.11.0"
fork := true
lazy val foo = TaskKey[Unit]("foo")
val dynamic = Def.taskDyn {
val classDir = (classDirectory in Compile).value
val command = " Foo "+classDir
(runMain in Compile).toTask(command)
foo := {
foo <<= foo triggeredBy(compile in Compile)
The sample project contains a Foo.scala with the main function
I'd like the ScalaDoc I generate with sbt to link to external libraries, and in sbt 0.13 we have autoAPIMappings which is supposed to add these links for libraries that declare their apiURL. In practice though, none of the libraries I use provide this in their pom/ivy metadata, and I suspect some of these libraries will never do so.
The apiMappings setting is supposed to help with just that, but it is typed as Map[File, URL] and hence geared towards setting doc urls for unmanaged dependencies. Managed dependencies are declared as instances of sbt.ModuleID and cannot be inserted directly in that map.
Can I somehow populate the apiMappings setting with something that will associate an URL with a managed dependency ?
A related question is: does sbt provide an idiomatic way of getting a File from a ModuleID? I guess I could try to evaluate some classpaths and get back Files to try and map them to ModuleIDs but I hope there is something simpler.
Note: this is related to, but that question differs by linking to the scaladoc for the standard library, for which there is a well known File scalaInstance.value.libraryJar, which is not the case in this instance.
I managed to get this working for referencing scalaz and play by doing the following:
apiMappings ++= {
val cp: Seq[Attributed[File]] = (fullClasspath in Compile).value
def findManagedDependency(organization: String, name: String): File = {
( for {
entry <- cp
module <- entry.get(moduleID.key)
if module.organization == organization
jarFile =
} yield jarFile
findManagedDependency("org.scalaz", "scalaz-core") -> url("")
, findManagedDependency("", "play-json") -> url("")
YMMV of course.
The accepted answer is good, but it'll fail when assumptions about exact project dependencies don't hold. Here's a variation that might prove useful:
apiMappings ++= {
def mappingsFor(organization: String, names: List[String], location: String, revision: (String) => String = identity): Seq[(File, URL)] =
for {
entry: Attributed[File] <- (fullClasspath in Compile).value
module: ModuleID <- entry.get(moduleID.key)
if module.organization == organization
if names.exists(
} yield -> url(location.format(revision(module.revision)))
val mappings: Seq[(File, URL)] =
mappingsFor("org.scala-lang", List("scala-library"), "") ++
mappingsFor("com.typesafe.akka", List("akka-actor"), "") ++
mappingsFor("", List("play-iteratees", "play-json"), "", _.replaceAll("[\\d]$", "x"))
(Including scala-library here is redundant, but useful for illustration purposes.)
If you perform mappings foreach println, you'll get output like (note that I don't have Akka in my dependencies):
This approach:
Allows for none or many matches to the module identifier.
Concisely supports multiple modules to link the same documentation.
Or, with Nil provided to names, all modules for an organization.
Defers to the module as the version authority.
But lets you map over versions as needed.
As in the case with Play's libraries, where x is used for the patch number.
Those improvements allow you to create a separate SBT file (call it scaladocMappings.sbt) that can be maintained in a single location and easily copy and pasted into any project.
Alternatively to my last suggestion, the sbt-api-mappings plugin by ThoughtWorks shows a lot of promise. Long term, that's a far more sustainable route than each project maintaining its own set of mappings.