I'd like to override the disallowMultipleVarDecl property in linter-jscs. I tried doing the following in .jscsrc:
"preset": "airbnb",
"esnext": true,
"requireTrailingComma": null,
"disallowMultipleVarDecl": false
I've quit (not x-ed out) Atom and re-opened it multiple times, and I'm still getting an error:
How can I override this disallowMultipleVarDecl property?
How can I in my .eslintrc.js file set what global variables are uesed, eslint-plugin-import is returning an error -> 3:30 error Unable to resolve path to module 'config' import/no-unresolved. Another way would be to ignore 'config' I guess?
Kind regards
If I set
'import/no-unresolved': 'off'
then obviously it's working but not as intended, I want the rule to exist just not for global variables.
You can define globales like this
"globals": {
"foo": true
I am trying to enable default MFA for Openstack user using Python keystoneclient API
I have sample API curl command from Openstack documentation, where you update the "options" attribute of user account with JSON object
"user": {
"options": {
"multi_factor_auth_enabled": true,
"multi_factor_auth_rules": [
["password", "totp"]
when I am trying to update the same in Python code I am getting below error
keystoneauth1.exceptions.http.BadRequest: Invalid input for field 'options': u'{ "multi_factor_auth_enabled": true,
"multi_factor_auth_rules": [["password", "totp"]]}' is not of type
Failed validating 'type' in schema['properties']['options']:
my code is like this
MFA_dict = '{ "multi_factor_auth_enabled": true, "multi_factor_auth_rules": [["password", "totp"]]}'
user = keystone.users.update(user_id, options=MFA_dict)
Never mind I figured it out.
MFA_dict was string, so I had to just remove single quotes and make the object dictionary.
and make lower case true into uppercase True to make it boolean
MFA_dict = { "multi_factor_auth_enabled": True, "multi_factor_auth_rules": [["password", "totp"]]}
When minifying meteor app, safari on IOS 10 throws the following error
SyntaxError: Cannot declare a let variable twice: 't'.
I have tried to remove standart-minifier and added abernix:standart-minifier as it was recommended on this comment - they work fine on all the other browsers but on safari ios10 it crashes.
Do you have any recommendations?
Thanks a lot
I ended up removing minify packages as it was mentioned here however it definitely not a long-term solution.
The solution to this ios10 safari bug is
Problem is caused by minify default option
to solve the problem
find these files
then find the following lines and change it as "safari10:true"
if (options.mangle) {
options.mangle = defaults(options.mangle, {
cache: null,
eval: false,
ie8: false,
keep_classnames: false,
keep_fnames: false,
properties: false,
reserved: [],
safari10: true,
toplevel: false,
}, true);
I installed Sublime Text 3. I installed Package Control, R-Box, SendText, SendCode, sublimeREPL, and 1337 Color Scheme. To test that REPL R is working I ran the code:
The output was
That's the correct location.
What I want to do is send code from one window to REPL R and have it evaluated. It originally would send code to the REPL R window and I could run the code but I wanted to be able to have it run automatically. I tried looking on forums for ideas and changed some settings. Now it will not send code to REPL R.
Here are my settings:
Preferences --> Package Settings --> R-Box --> Settings:
// enable auto completions
"auto_completions": true,
// show popup hints
"show_popup_hints": true,
// path to Rscript, for example
// (mac, linux): "/usr/local/bin/Rscript"
// (windows): "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-x.y.z\\bin\\Rscript.exe"
"rscript_binary": null,
// additional paths to PATH variable
"additional_paths": []
"prog": "Cmder",
Preferences --> Package Settings --> SendText --> Settings---> Default:
// Uncomment the program you want send text to:
"program": "Terminal.app",
// "program": "iTerm",
// "program": "tmux",
// "program": "screen",
// It might be necessary to explicitly set path (usually /usr/bin
// or /usr/local/bin) to tmux and screen. Uncomment below and specify
// the correct path:
// "tmux": "/usr/local/bin/tmux",
// "screen": "/usr/local/bin/screen"
Preferences --> Package Settings --> SendText --> Settings---User:
"prog": "Cmder",
Preferences --> Package Settings --> SendCode--> Settings:
"prog": "Cmder",
Preferences --> Package Settings -->SublimeREPL--> Settings---Default:
// default_extend_env are used to augment any environment variables
// that should be visible for all subprocess repls launched within
// SublimeREPL. This is a very good place to add PATH extension
// once "PATH": "{PATH}:/home/username/mylocalinstalls/bin" or whatever
"default_extend_env": {},
// Specify whether to move repls to a different Sublime Text group (frame)
// immediately on opening. Setting this to true will simply move it to
// the 'next' group from the one that was in focus when it was opened
// (one down with row layout, one to the right with column and grid
// layout). Alternatively, you can set this to the index of the group in
// which you want all repls to be opened (index 0 being the top-left group).
// Activating this option will NOT automatically change your layout/create
// a new group if it isn't open.
"open_repl_in_group": true,
// Persistent history is stored per REPL external_id, it means that all python
// REPLS will share history. If you wish you can disable history altogether
"persistent_history_enabled": true,
// By default SublimeREPL leaves REPL view open once the underlying subprocess
// dies or closes connection. This is useful when the process dies for an unexpected
// reason as it allows you to inspect it output. If you want. Setting this
// to true will cause SublimreREPL to close view once the process died.
"view_auto_close": false,
// On POSIX system SublimeText launched from GUI does not inherit
// a proper environment. Often leading to problems with finding interpreters
// or not using the ones affected by changes in ~/.profile / *rc files
// This command is used as a workaround, it's launched before any subprocess
// repl starts and it's output is parsed as an environment
"getenv_command": ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c", "env"],
// Some terminals output ascii color codes which are not currently supported
// enable this option to filter them out.
"filter_ascii_color_codes": true,
// Where to look for python virtualenvs
"python_virtualenv_paths": [
"~/.virtualenvs", // virtualenvwrapper
"~/.venv" // venv.bash https://github.com/wuub/venv
// Use arrows for history navigation instead of Alt+[P|N]/Ctrl+[P|N]
"history_arrows": true,
// standard sublime view settings that will be overwritten on each repl view
// this has to be customized as a whole dictionary
"repl_view_settings": {
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": false,
"auto_indent": false,
"smart_indent": false,
"spell_check": false,
"indent_subsequent_lines": false,
"detect_indentation": false,
"auto_complete": true,
"line_numbers": false,
"gutter": false
// this settings exposes additional variables in repl config files, especially
// those related to sublime projects that are not available through standard API
// WARNING: this will switch your build system back to Automatic each time a REPL
// is started so beware!
"use_build_system_hack": false,
// IP address used to setup autocomplete server in sublimerepl.
// changing this is usefull when you want to exclude one address
// from proxychains/tsocks routing
"autocomplete_server_ip": "",
// Mapping is used, when external_id of REPL does not match
// source.[xxx] scope of syntax definition used to highlight
// files from which text is being transfered. For example octave
// repls use source.matlab syntax files and w/o this mapping text transfer
// will not work
"external_id_mapping": {
"octave": "matlab"
// If set to true, SublimeREPL will try to append evaluated code to repl
// output before evaluation (e.g. Ctrl+, f)
"show_transferred_text": true,
// If set to true repl view (tab) that receives text for evaluation will
// be brought to front after text transfer. Note: This will not fire if repl
// is in the same tab group as the view from which the code is sent.
"focus_view_on_transfer": true
Preferences --> Package Settings -->SublimeREPL-->Settings--- User:
"default_extend_env": {"PATH": "{PATH};R:\\R_WD\\R\\R-3.4.2\\bin\\x64"},
"show_transferred_text": true
I noticed that the comments said to uncomment or add code but I can't seem to edit the code in those locations.
Any help is appreciated. If there is any clarification needed, I'm happy to provide more info.
This is how I changed the code to get it to work:
I changed "Preferences --> Package Settings --> SendText --> Settings---User:" from:
"prog": "Cmder",
{"r" : {
"prog": "cmder",
{ "rscript_binary" : "R:\\R_WD\\R\\R-3.4.2\\bin\\Rscript.exe"
All the other user settings code that was:
"prog": "Cmder",
I changed to:
{"r" : {
"prog": "cmder",
I can now send the code to be automatically evaluated with the default option.
I'm trying to compile my js files using closure compiler, but it's giving me this error:
ERROR - goog.getMsg() function could be used only with MSG_* property or variable
my closureCompiler options are:
closureCompiler: {
options: {
compilerFile: 'temp/compiler.jar',
compilerOpts: {
compilation_level: 'ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS',
//compilation_level: 'WHITESPACE_ONLY',
language_in: 'ECMASCRIPT6',
language_out: 'ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT',
formatting: 'PRETTY_PRINT',
externs: ['src/js/compiled/react-extern.js'],
warning_level: 'verbose',
summary_detail_level: 3,
output_wrapper: '"(function(){%output%}).call(window);"',
create_source_map: 'src/js/compiled/output.js.map',
manage_closure_dependencies: true,
use_types_for_optimization: null,
debug: true
execOpts: {
maxBuffer: 999999 * 1024
compile: {
//src: 'src/js/debug/**/*.js',
src: [
dest: 'src/js/compiled/compiled.js'
I believe I'm missing a flag, but I don't which one to write ?
You can't include goog.getMsg() in your code.
It has to be:
var MSG_SOMETHING = goog.getMsg('something');
and use the MSG_SOMETHING instead.
Google Closure Compiler enforced that, so you could write all your variable in one file and send this one to get translated.