How does a firewall know not to block response packets? - networking

When a firewall lets packets sent in response to a request pass, how does it know that certain packets are associated with a request sent from inside the network?
Does it keep track of TCP connections or does it use some kind of a session?
For example, my browser makes a request that goes through the firewall in the router and the firewall knows to let response packets through. On the other hand, if someone from outside makes a request to any computer inside my network, they will get blocked.

For TCP, it does keep track of connections.
For UDP, each outgoing packet creates (or refreshes) a temporary rule to forward inbound packets back to the local source of the outgoing UDP packet.


UDP hole-punch explanation

I'm trying to understand UDP hole punching and I just don't quite get it.
In concept it seems simple but when I put it into practice I can't pull it off.
From what I understand there's a public server we call the hole-punch server. A client makes a request to hole-punch server (this is public). The hole-punch server spits out a public ip and port of the client that just made the request. So long as that port is open then essentially any random client can make a request to that client using that specific port and ip ?
The issue I guess I'm having is, the client is able to make a request to the server. The server is able to send data back to the client on that public port and ip however when another client tries to send a request to that client using that same port and ip it just doesn't go through and that's what's confusing me. If the server can make the request why can't another random client make that request?
The thing to know about UDP hole-punching is that many consumer-grade Internet routers/NAT-firewalls have a policy along the lines of "block any incoming UDP packets, except for UDP packets coming from an IP address that the user's local computer has recently sent a UDP packet to"; the idea being that if the local user is sending packets to a particular IP address, then the packets coming back from that same IP address are probably legitimate/desirable.
So in order to get UDP packets flowing between two firewalled/NAT'd computers, you have to get each of the two computers to first send a UDP packet to the other one; which is a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem since they can't know where to send the UDP packet without being able to communicate; the public server is what solves that problem. Since that server is public, both clients can communicate with the server (via UDP or TCP or HTTP or whatever), and that server can tell each client the IP address and port to send its UDP packets to. Once each client has sent some initial packets to the other, it should also (in most cases) then be able to receive UDP packets from the other client as well, at which point the server is no longer necessary as a go-between.

How can data come in my network if incoming ports are closed?

On my home network router all incoming ports are closed.
How is it possible for data to come in my home network? For instance, when I make an HTTP Request, which incoming ports are the HTTP response packets using to come in?
"Incoming ports closed" means that no connection attempts are accepted from the outside. If connections are initiated from the inside then a connection state is maintained and if incoming packets match this state they are allowed through.

what packet will arrive first when send request

As some one mentioned in other forum that interviewer has asked the question given below.
I dont know exact answer but I would say HTTP request ? Any suggestion and explainations
Imagine a user sitting at an Ethernet-connected PC. He has a browser open. He types "" in the address bar and hits enter.
Now tell me what the first packet to appear on the Ethernet is .
There's no guaranteed always-correct answer, but there are a few likely possibilities.
If the client is configured for DNS over UDP, then the first packet will be a UDP datagram containing a DNS query to resolve to an IP address.
If the client is configured for DNS over TCP and the browser hasn't already got an established TCP connection to the DNS server, the first packet will be part of the connection handshake to DNS, and therefore the answer will be that a SYN packet is first out of the gate.
If the browser has been coded to maintain a long-lived TCP connection to the DNS server and assuming the DNS server has allowed the connection to stay alive, the first packet will be a DNS query, sent across the existing connection to that DNS server.
Finally, if the browser had recently visited recently and is built to do some smart local caching of DNS query results then the first packet will be a SYN to establish a new connection to Google's web server.
If you want to be glib but absolutely precise about it, drop down a layer for your answer and say, "The first packet out will be an Ethernet frame containing a payload which supports whatever higher-level protocol is needed for the browser to serve up". In fairness, the question is about the Ethernet layer...
Strictly speaking, with a completely blank slate, the first packet sent will be an ARP broadcast request ("Who has?") from the client PC attempting to discover the MAC address of its default gateway (or of its DNS server if that is on the same subnet as the client).
Interesting :) I just wiresharked it:
Client sends a SYN
Server replies with a SYN,ACK
Client sends an ACK
Client sends an HTTP GET
(like you mention in your comments the first is obviously the DNS lookup)

how to allow TCP response packets enter network and how to configure it in access-list?

What is TCP response packets?
How to meet this requirement in access-list on a router?
You probably want to look up stateful firewalling for whatever router you're using.
TCP response packets are basically any related TCP packets that come back after an initial SYN has been sent. Typically this would be either a packet with SYN+ACK set, or one with RST if the connection was refused.
Stateful firewalls keep track of not just the source and destination of individual packets, but what connection the packets belong to. By doing this they are able to distinguish between expected, legitimate replies to SYN packets (and others) and random or malicious unrequested "replies".

How does client-machine/browser handle unrequested HTTP response?

Imagine the following:
User goes to script (,
Script sends an HTTP request to some other page ( For this example, we'll say using curl.
The script sets the IP address of the request to the user's IP, via CURLOPT_INTERFACE.
I know already that the requesting script will not receive the response, as the remote-host will send any responses to the IP address given in the request.
What I am wondering is what happens to this response? Assuming the client is on a LAN that has one external address and that all traffic sent to that IP is handled by a router acting as a DHCP server, will the response even get back to the user's machine? If it did, would there be any way to ensure that it was handled by the user's browser? And if so, how would the browser handle this, typically? Would it open a new window with Google in it?
I definitely have a follow up to this question, but I am very curious what goes on at this level, before I experiment further.
The script sets the IP address of the request to the user's IP, via CURLOPT_INTERFACE.
Usually, this won't work. Your ISP knows which IP address you are supposed to have and will not forward traffic coming from "fake" IP addresses.
In particular, since you can only communicate one-way with a fake IP (since the answer won't reach you), you would not be able to establish a working TCP connection, since TCP requires a three-way handshake. Thus, you wouldn't be able to submit your web request.
What I am wondering is what happens to this response? Assuming the client is on a LAN that has one external address and that all traffic sent to that IP is handled by a router acting as a DHCP server, will the response even get back to the user's machine?
If the user's PC has an internal IP address and uses NAT, the router will not know which LAN machine to forward the packet to (since it did not see any outgoing request to which it could match that response). Therefore, the answer would be dropped.
Even if you could get the response to reach the client:
If it did, would there be any way to ensure that it was handled by the user's browser?
No. As stated above, a TCP request consists of a three-way handshake. This handshake has not been completed, so the operating system would just drop the packet.
CURLOPT_INTERFACE is for use on computers that have multiple IP addresses assigned to them, to specify which of those addresses should be used as the source IP for the connection. You can't use it to spoof some other computer's IP address. Most likely you'll either get an error, or the option will be ignored and the OS will choose a source interface automatically (the default behavior).
The response will be returned on the same TCP connection as the request.
