Evernote search grammar: how to search based on names of attachments - evernote

I want to get all the notes that have a non "common" type with specific name.
For instance I want all the notes that have attached a file named "my.cnf"

You can search for
... to search for all notes with an file called "my.cnf" attached.


How to provide drop-down list of a specific resource types to choose from with ARM template

I'm trying to create an ARM template which queries the list of resources (i.e. Cosmos DB instances) in the selected resource group so the user can pick from the list. I then want to use the selected resource to get a property and use it elsewhere in the template.
I don't want the user to have to know the resource name and type it in, rather I'd prefer to produce a list to choose from.
I've tried using a parameter type of string or array along with the [list(resourceId('<id>', resourceGroup().name, '<date>')] but it doesn't produce a drop-down list.
Is this even possible?

Ignore Turkish Characters On Firestore Query

I have a .net app that uses Firestore as a database and It's using Firestore Query to find some data. The problem is data fields that include Turkish characters but if someone uses my app and wants to search for data and if don't use Turkish characters, the query can not find this data.
For example, if I want to search my name on my app and my name is saved like "Ertuğrul" and if the user searches like "Ertugrul", the query can not find it. I need it to find it. Is there a way to do that?
My code that uses query is here:
QRef = DataBase.Collection("CollName").Document("DocName").Collection("CollName")
.WhereGreaterThanOrEqualTo("NameSurname", $"{NameSurname}")
.WhereLessThanOrEqualTo("NameSurname", $"{NameSurname}\uF7FF");
Firestore queries always return documents where a particular field holds a perfect match. If you want to be able to search for "Ertuğrul" as well as for "Ertugrul", then besides the "NameSurname" field you should consider adding a new field called "NameSurnameWithoutSpecialCharacters" and store each name without those Turkish characters.
When a user searches, simply verify if the searched term contains "special" characters. If it does, search on the "NameSurname", otherwise search on the newly created field.

Cognitive Services Text Moderation Custom Lists

Is the listid functionality working for Text Moderation? I created a list and validated that it exists. However when I used the listid in text moderation, the terms from the list are not detected. I also tried using a non-existent listid in the call and no error was returned.
The list is made of simple chars "abc, def, ghi, ijk" and I modified the sample text on the Console page to include these terms. I turned off autocorrect to prevent these 'words' from being modified.
Steps to create and use custom lists of terms:
Use API to create list that will return a list Id
Use API to add terms to this list identified by its Id
Set the list identifier to listId query parameter on ProccessText/Screen API

Querying for exact match in Kibana

In my Kibana, when I search my document I need to look for exact match:
In my document I have a field named message.
So If I search (Using Kibana) something like:
message: "Provider replied with error code 2006"
I get all the documents that have one instance of those words.
I would like to have exact match.
I am running Kibana: 5.3.2. and Elasticsearch is 5.3.2
In Elasticsearch are two Types of "Strings".
They are typically used for filtering (Find me all blog posts where status is published), for sorting, and for aggregations. Keyword
fields are only searchable by their exact value.
See the docs
field to index full-text values, such as the body of an email or the description of a product. These fields are analyzed, that is they are passed through an analyzer to convert the string into a list of individual terms before being indexed.
See the docs
Sometimes it is possible to access to the Keyword by adding ".keyword" to your field. So try this one:
message.keyword: "Provider replied with error code 2006"
Otherwise you have to check your mapping and change it to Keyword.

Getting a list of salesforce reports with the 'unique name' and not just the user label

Get a manipulatable list of Salesforce reports is already a little bit convoluted, requiring login to the site and then downloading /servlet/servlet.ReportList, which is an xml file containing a list of reports. For each report you get the folder name, the name (user label), the id and whether it is public. However two fields are missing - the "unique" name and the description. The unique name is important here, as Salesforce allows any number of reports, even in the same folder, to have the same name/label. This means the only way to tell them apart is by the unique name.
Is there any way to get a list of reports that includes both the unique name and the id? (or failing that the description and the id?)
The Metadata API supports Reports.
Included are the "name"and "fullName" fields. The latter is the unique ID for a Report.
