R data frame issue - non-numeric headers - r

This is definitely a rookie question but I'm not finding an answer for this (maybe because of my wording) so here goes:
I'm reading a data frame into R studio (csv file) that has 24 columns with headers. There are only numbers in these columns (they're essentially concentrations of several chemicals). It's called all. I need to use them as numeric vectors. When I read them in and type
I get
When I type
I get
I think this is because R interprets the header as a factor. I also tried reading in a table without headers and with headers=FALSE, but R renames it to V1, V2 etc so the result ends up being the same.
I need to work with functions where I invoke something like all[2:24]. How can I go about to make R either "not see" the header or remove it altogether?
Thanks for the answers!
PS: the dataframe I am using (without headers - if it had headers, it would just have names instead of V1, V2, etc) is something like this:

This is a subset from the first column, not the first row.
all[,1]) #subset first column
The following is subset of first row
all[1,]) #subset first row (headers of df not included)
To give columnames
colnames(all) <- c("col1","col2")

Your assumption is wrong. You have a data.frame and all[1] does list subsetting, which results in a data.frame, which is not a vector, and not a numeric vector in particular.
You should study help("[") and An Introduction to R.


Finding a character variable in a column

I have a huge data frame df, with many columns. One of the columns named id_nm happens to be a character with values such as: aksh123dn.Ins
returns character
I need to lookup all those values which have the id_nm say aksh123dn.Ins
I used:
this returns the entire df which isn't the case in reality
also tried:
still getting the same answer
I think its possibly because it is a character string. Please help me with this. TIA

R function for identifying values from one column in another?

I have two different data frames, each of them consisting of a list of "genes" and a list of "interactors" (other genes). Is it possible with R to check if there any "genes" from one list that are also present in any of the columns of "interactors" from the other data frame, and vice-versa?
I am quite new in R, so perhaps there is an easy way to perform this, but I don't even know how to look for it.
Thanks in advance!
please can you show a sample of your data?
In any case, I guess the following is what you need:
df_common<-data.frame(df[which(df$genes %in% df$interactors),])
it is checking which elements in the column "genes" in the data frame df are also present %in% the column "interactors" in the same data frame
Is it this what you are looking for? if not, please paste input and desired output

Why does R think my imported vector of characters are numbers?

This is probably a basic question, but why does R think my vector, which has a bunch of words in it, are numbers when I try to use these vectors as column names?
I imported a data set and it turns out the first row of data are the column headers that I want. The column headers that came with the data set are wrong ones. So I want to replace the column names. I figured this should be easy.
So what I did was I extracted the first row of data into a new object:
names <- data[1,]
Then I deleted the first row of data:
data <- data[-1,]
Then I tried to rename the column headers with the "names" object:
colnames(data) <- names
However, when I do this, instead of changing my column names to the words within the names object, it turns it into a bunch of numbers. I have no idea where these numbers come from.
You need to actually show us the data, and the read.csv()/read.table() command you used to import.
If R thinks your numeric column is string, it sounds like that's because it wrongly includes the column name, i.e. you omitted header=TRUE in your read.csv()/read.table() import.
But show us your actual data and commands used.

What's the easiest way to ignore one row of data when creating a histogram in R?

I have this csv with 4000+ entries and I am trying to create a histogram of one of the variables. Because of the way the data was collected, there was a possibility that if data was uncollectable for that entry, it was coded as a period (.). I still want to create a histogram and just ignore that specific entry.
What would be the best or easiest way to go about this?
I tried making it so that the histogram would only use the data for every entry except the one with the period by doing
newlist <- data1$var[1:3722]+data1$var[3724:4282]
where 3723 is the entry with the period, but R said that + is not meaningful for factors. I'm not sure if I went about this the right way, my intention was to create a vector or list or table conjoining those two subsets above into one bigger list called newlist.
Your problem is deeper that you realize. When R read in the data and saw the lone . it interpreted that column as a factor (categorical variable).
You need to either convert the factor back to a numeric variable (this is FAQ 7.10) or reread the data forcing it to read that column as numeric, if you are using read.table or one of the functions that calls read.table then you can set the colClasses argument to specify a numeric column.
Once the column of data is a numeric variable then a negative subscript or !is.na will work (or some functions will automatically ignore the missing value).

Strangeness with filtering in R and showing summary of filtered data

I have a data frame loaded using the CSV Library in R, like
mySheet <- read.csv("Table.csv", sep=";")
I now can print a summary on that mySheet object
and it will show me a summary for each column, for example, one column named Diagnose has the unique values RCM, UCM, HCM and it shows the number of occurences of each of these values.
I now filter by a diagnose, like
subSheet <- mySheet[mySheet$Diagnose=='UCM',]
which seems to be working, when I just type subSheet in the console it will print only the rows where the value has been matched with 'UCM'
However, if I do a summary on that subSheet, like
it still 'knows' about the other two possibilities RCM and HCM and prints those having a value of 0. However, I expected that the new created object will NOT know about the possible values of the original mySheet I initially loaded.
Is there any way to get rid of those other possible values after filtering? I also tried subset but this one just seems to be some kind of shortcut to '[' for the interactive mode... I also tried DROP=TRUE as option, but this one didn't change the game.
Totally mind squeezing :D Any help is highly appreciated!
What you are dealing with here are factors from reading the csv file. You can get subSheet to forget the missing factors with
subSheet$Diagnose <- droplevels(subSheet$Diagnose)
subSheet$Diagnose <- subSheet$Diagnose[ , drop=TRUE]
just before you do summary(subSheet).
Personally I dislike factors, as they cause me too many problems, and I only convert strings to factors when I really need to. So I would have started with something like
mySheet <- read.csv("Table.csv", sep=";", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
