Meteor Framework Subscribe/Publish according to document variables - meteor

I have a game built on Meteor framework. One game document is something like this:
participants : [
"weapon" : "sword"
"weapon" : "book"
I want Fighter character not to see the character of the "b" user. (and b character not to see the a's) There are about 10 fields like character and weapon and their value can change during the game so as the restrictions.
Right now I am using Session variables not to display that information. However, it is not a very safe idea. How can I subscribe/publish documents according to the values based on characters?
There are 2 possible solutions that come to mind:
1. Publishing all combinations for different field values and subscribing according to the current state of the user. However, I am using Iron Router's waitOn feature to load subscriptions before rendering the page. So I am not very confident that I can change subscriptions during the game. Also because it is a time-sensitive game, I guess changing subscriptions would take time during the game and corrupt the game pleasure.
My problem right now is the user typing
to the console and see fields of other users. If I change my collection name into something difficult to find, can somebody discover the collection name? I could not find a command to find collections on the client side.

The way this is usually solved in Meteor is by using two publications. If your game state is represented by a single document you may have problem implementing this easily, so for the sake of an example I will temporarily assume that you have a Participants collection in which you're storing the corresponding data.
So anyway, you should have one subscription with data available to all the players, e.g.
Meteor.publish('players', function (gameId) {
return Participants.find({ gameId: gameId }, { fields: {
// exclude the "character" field from the result
character: 0
and another subscription for private player data:
Meteor.publish('myPrivateData', function (gameId) {
// NOTE: not excluding anything, because we are only
// publishing a single document here, whose owner
// is the current user ...
return Participants.find({
userId: this.userId,
gameId: gameId,
Now, on the client side, the only thing you need to do is subscribe to both datasets, so:
Meteor.subscribe('players', myGameId);
Meteor.subscribe('myPrivateData', myGameId);
Meteor will be clever enough to merge the incoming data into a single Participants collection, in which other players' documents will not contain the character field.
If your fields visibility is going to change dynamically I suggest the following approach:
put all the restricted properties in a separated collection that tracks exactly who can view which field
on client side use observe to integrate that collection into your local player representation for easier access to the data
Data model
For example, the collection may look like this:
PlayerProperties = new Mongo.Collection('playerProperties');
/* schema:
userId : String
gameId : String
key : String
value : *
whoCanSee : [String]
Publishing data
First you will need to expose own properties to each player
Meteor.publish('myProperties', function (gameId) {
return PlayerProperties.find({
userId: this.userId,
gameId: gameId
then the other players properties:
Meteor.publish('otherPlayersProperties', function (gameId) {
if (!this.userId) return [];
return PlayerProperties.find({
gameId: gameId,
whoCanSee: this.userId,
Now the only thing you need to do during the game is to make sure you add corresponding userId to the whoCanSee array as soon as the user gets ability to see that property.
In order to keep your data in order I suggest having a client-side-only collection, e.g. IntegratedPlayerData, which you can use to arrange the player properties into some manageable structure:
var IntegratedPlayerData = new Mongo.Collection(null);
var cache = {};
added: function (doc) {
IntegratedPlayerData.upsert({ _id : doc.userId }, {
$set: _.object([ doc.key ], [ doc.value ])
changed: function (doc) {
IntegratedPlayerData.update({ _id : doc.userId }, {
$set: _.object([ doc.key ], [ doc.value ])
removed: function (doc) {
IntegratedPlayerData.update({ _id : doc.userId }, {
$unset: _.object([ doc.key ], [ true ])
This data "integration" is only a draft and can be refined in many different ways. It could potentially be done on server-side with a custom publish method.


How to combine data model types with document ids?

I'm working with Firestore and Typescript.
For the data models I have types definitions. For example User could be this:
interface User {
name: string;
age: number;
The users are stored in the database in the users collection under a unique name/id.
In Firebase when you query a collection, the ids of the documents are available on the document reference, and do not come with the data. In a common use-case for front-end, you want to retrieve an array of records with their ids, because you probably want to interact with them and need to identify each.
So I made a query similar to the code below, where the id is merged into the resulting array:
async function getUsers(): Promise<any[]> {
const query = db.collection("users")
const snapshot = await query.get();
const results = => {
return {, id: };
Now the problem is, that I have a User type, but it can't be used here because it does not contain an id field.
A naïve solution could be to create a new type:
interface UserWithId extends User {
id: string
And write the function like:
async function getUsers(): Promise<UserWithId[]> {}
But this doesn't feel right to me, because you would have to potentially do this for many types.
A better solution I think would be to create a generic type:
type DatabaseRecord<T> = {
id: string,
data: T
Thus keeping data and ids separate in the returning results:
const results = => {
return { data:, id: };
... and use the function signature:
async function getUsers(): Promise<DatabaseRecord<User>[]> {}
I would favour the second over the first solution, because creating new types for each case feels silly. But I am still not sure if that is the best approach.
This seems like such a common scenario but I didn't manage to find any documentation on this. I have seen developers simply write the id in the model data, essentially duplicating the document name in its data, but that to me seems like a big mistake.
I can imagine that if you don't use Typescript (of Flow) that you just don't care about the resulting structure and simply merge the id with the data, but this is one of the reasons I really love using type annotation in JS. It forces you think more about your data and you end up writing cleaner code.

How can I get other users' profiles details in meteor

I have got problem accessing the user profile details of the users other then the current user.
The goal is to display a little footer under a each of the posts in the kind of blog entries list . Footer should consist of the post and author details (like date, username etc.).
Blog entry is identified by authors' _id but the point is that I can not access
Meteor.users.find({_id : authorId});
Resulting cursor seems to be the same as Meteor.user (not 'users') and consists of one only document, and is valid for the current user ID only. For others, like authors ID, I can only get an empty collection.
The question is, if is there any way, other then next Meteor.users subscription to get authors profile (like username profile.nick etc) ???
Update: You can Publish Composite package if you want to get blog entry and user details in a single subscription. See the following sample code and edit as per your collection schemas,
Meteor.publishComposite('blogEntries', function (blogEntryIds) {
return [{
find: function() {
return BlogEntries.find({ courseId: { $in: blogEntryIds }});
// you can also do -> return BlogEntries.find();
// or -> return BlogEntries.find({ courseId: blogEntryId });
children: [{
find: function(blogEntry) {
return Meteor.users.find({
id: blogEntry.authorId
}, {
fields: {
"profile": 1,
"emails": 1
End of update
You need to publish Meteor.users from the server to be able to use it on client. accounts package will publish current user, that's why you are only seeing current user's information.
In a file in server folder or in Meteor.isServer if block do something like this
//authorIds = ["authorId1", "authorId2];
Meteor.publish('authors', function (authorIds) {
return Meteor.users.find({ _id : { $in: authorIds }});
Meteor.publish('author', function (authorId) {
return Meteor.users.find({ _id : authorId });
Then on client side subscribe to this publication, in template's onCreated function, with something like this
Meteor.subscribe('author', authorId); //or Meteor.subscribe('author', authorIds);
template.subscribe('author', authorId); //or template.subscribe('author', authorIds);
If you want to show only username (or a few other fields), you can save them in post document along with authorId. For example:
authorId: someValue,
authorName: someValue
You can use them in your templates as a field of a post.
If you have too many fields which you do not want to embed in post document, (so you want to keep only authorId), you can use publish-composite when you make your posts publication. (See example 1)
You do not need to publish all your users and their profiles.

How to honour user privacy settings in Meteor

I have a set of users defined like this:
location:'Home Address',
privacy: {
emails:0 } //Location and emails are private and should not be disclosed
My question is how can I publish this user's record for other users to view, taking into account the profile privacy settings. In this example, I have set the privacy for location and emails to zero with the intention that this information is not published for this user.
I would like to publish it using the standard method:
Meteor.publish("usersWithPublicEmails", function () {
return Meteor.users.find();
But I cannot see a way to specify the selector or fields in such a way that only public information will be published.
I have tried adding additional publications of the form:
Meteor.publish("allUsers", function () {
return Meteor.users.find( {}, {fields:{username:1}} );
Meteor.publish("usersWithPublicEmails", function () {
return Meteor.users.find( {"profile.privacy.emails":1}, {fields:{username:1, emails:1}} );
but the selector does not seem to be returning the emails as I expected. I am looking for optimal way to do this from a performance point of view.
Mongodb is not a relational database so whenever I want to join or query based on metadata I remember I have to do things differently. In your case I would make a separate Collection for user privacy if I wanted to query on user privacy. In addition, if I cared about performance I probably would never want "all of x", I would just want enough to show the user, thus paginate. With these two ideas in mind you can easily get what you want: query based on privacy settings and performance.
Privacy = new Mongo.Collection("privacy");
Whenever we want to add privacy to an account:
emails: 1,
userId: account._id,
Then later, one page at a time, showing ten results each page, tracking with currentPage:
Meteor.publish("usersWithPublicEmails function (currentPage) {
var results = []
var privacyResults = Privacy.find({"emails":1}, {skip: currentPage,
limit: 10});
var result;
while (privacyResults.hasNext() ) {
result =;
results.append(Meteor.users.find({_id: result.userId});
return result;
I didn't test this code, it may have errors, but it should give you the general idea. The drawback here is that you have to keep privacy and users in sync, but these are the kinds of problems you run into when you're not using a relational database.
Mongodb has a way to do this kind of reference lookup with less code, but it still happens on demand and I prefer the flexibility of doing it myself. If you're interested take a look at Database references
That's because you have a typo in your publish function's fields object, instead of email you've typed emails
So the correct function would be:
Meteor.publish("usersWithPublicEmails", function () {
return Meteor.users.find( {"profile.privacy.emails":1}, {fields:{username:1, email:1}} );
Furthermore, you're already publishing all usernames in your allUsers publication, therefore, in order to add the missing data for relevant public users, you'll just need this:
Meteor.publish("usersWithPublicEmails", function () {
return Meteor.users.find( {"profile.privacy.emails":1}, {fields:{email:1}} );
and Meteor will automatically merge those records for you.
A simple solution in the end. I had missed the additional subscription in my router:
Router.route('/users', {
name: 'userList',
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe('allUsers') &&
data: function(){
return Meteor.users.find();
A basic mistake:-(

How do I use the results of a subscription for additional subscriptions at the route level?

I have a template that displays documents from three different collections Cars, CarPaints, and CarPaintTypes. I know I need all these upfront at the Router level. The template will show a Car document, all the CarPaints that reference that Car, and all the CarPaintTypes that reference the returned CarPaints respectively (think nested list). The route to the template takes an id from the URL that represents Car._id.
Both the Cars collection and CarPaints collection make use of the Car._id as a field (it's the native _id of the Cars collection and a field in the CarPaints collection) so that's easy. However, the CarPaintTypes uses the CarPaint._id as a reference to what CarPaint it belongs to.
So I have three publications:
Meteor.publish('car', function(carId) {
return Cars.find({_id: carId});
Meteor.publish('carPaints', function(carId) {
return CarPaints.find({carId: carId});
Meteor.publish('carPaintTypes', function(carPaintId) {
return CarPaintTypes.find({carPaintId: carPaintId});
My route looks like:
this.route('car', {
path: '/car/:_id',
waitOn: function() {
return [Meteor.subscribe('car', this.params._id),
Meteor.subscribe('carPaints', this.params._id)];
// Can't figure out how to subscribe to or publish
// the carPaintTypes using all the results of what gets
// returned by 'carPaints'
My question is CarPaintTypes doesn't have the Car._id as a field, just the CarPaint._id to reference to a CarPaint document. Where and how I do take the results of the subscription to carPaints and pass each carPaint document that's returned to a subscription to carPaintTypes? Or is there a way to combine them all in the publication? Is it better to do it later on in my helpers? I figure since I know what I need at the route level, all the subscription calls should be in the route code.
You can grab all 3 cursors inside Meteor.publish method and simply return them:
Meteor.publish('carThings', function(carId){
var carPaint = CarPaints.findOne({carId:carId});
return [
Cars.find({_id: carId}),
CarPaints.find({carId: carId}),
CarPaintTypes.find({carPaintId: carPaint._id});
On client:
this.route('car', {
path: '/car/:_id',
waitOn: function() {
return [Meteor.subscribe('carThings', this.params._id)]
With Kuba Wyrobek's help, I figured it out. For what I was trying to achieve, the publish looks like this:
Meteor.publish('carThings', function(carId){
var carPaints = CarPaints.find({carId: carId}).fetch();
return [
Cars.find({_id: carId}),
CarPaints.find({carId: carId}),
CarPaintTypes.find({carPaintId: {$in: _.pluck(carPaints, "_id")}})
I didn't get that you could do manipulations inside your publication blocks. This is super cool and flexible. Thanks for your help.

How to publish a view/transform of a collection in Meteor?

I have made a collection
var Words = new Meteor.Collection("words");
and published it:
Meteor.publish("words", function() {
return Words.find();
so that I can access it on the client. Problem is, this collection is going to get very large and I just want to publish a transform of it. For example, let's say I want to publish a summary called "num words by length", which is an array of ints, where the index is the length of a word and the item is the number of words of that length. So
wordsByLength[5] = 12;
means that there are 12 words of length 5. In SQL terms, it's a simple GROUP BY/COUNT over the original data set. I'm trying to make a template on the client that will say something like
You have N words of length X
for each length. My question boils down to "I have my data in form A, and I want to publish a transformed version, B".
UPDATE You can transform a collection on the server like this:
Words = new Mongo.Collection("collection_name");
Meteor.publish("yourRecordSet", function() {
//Transform function
var transform = function(doc) { = new Date();
return doc;
var self = this;
var observer = Words.find().observe({
added: function (document) {
self.added('collection_name', document._id, transform(document));
changed: function (newDocument, oldDocument) {
self.changed('collection_name', oldDocument._id, transform(newDocument));
removed: function (oldDocument) {
self.removed('collection_name', oldDocument._id);
self.onStop(function () {
To wrap transformations mentioned in other answers, you could use the package I developed, meteor-middleware. It provides a nice pluggable API for this. So instead of just providing a transform, you can stack them one on another. This allows for code reuse, permissions checks (like removing or aggregating fields based on permissions), etc. So you could create a class which allows you to aggregate documents in the way you want.
But for your particular case you might want to look into MongoDB aggregation pipeline. If there is really a lot of words you probably do not want to transfer all of them from the MongoDB server to the Meteor server side. On the other hand, aggregation pipeline lacks the reactivity you might want to have. So that published documents change counts as words come in and go.
To address that you could use another package I developed, PeerDB. It allows you to specify triggers which would be reactively called as data changes, and stored in the database. Then you could simply use normal publishing to send counts to the client. The downside is that all users should be interested in the same collection. It works globally, not per user. But if you are interested in counts of words per whole collection, you could do something like (in CoffeesScript):
class WordCounts extends Document
name: 'WordCounts'
class Words extends Document
name: 'Words'
triggers: =>
countWords: #Trigger ['word'], (newDocument, oldDocument) ->
# Document has been removed.
if not newDocument._id
length: oldDocument.word.length
count: -1
# Document has been added.
else if not oldDocument._id
length: newDocument.word.length
count: 1
# Word length has changed.
else if newDocument.word.length isnt oldDocument.word.length
length: oldDocument.word.length
count: -1
length: newDocument.word.length
count: 1
And then you could simply publish WordCounts documents:
Meteor.publish 'counts', ->
You could assemble the counts by going through each document in Words, (cursor for each)
var countingCursor = Words.find({});
var wordCounts = {};
countingCursor.forEach(function (word) {
wordCounts[word.length].count += 1;
wordCounts[word.length].words = wordCounts[word.length].words || []
create a local collection,
var counts = new Meteor.Collection('local-counts-collection', {connection: null});
and insert your answers
var key, value;
for (key in wordCounts) {
value = object[key];
length: key,
count: value.count,
members: value.words
Counts is now a collection, just not stored in Mongo.
Not tested!
