Use approxfun with each unique element of vector - r

I am fairly new to R and I like to understand the concept of using the "apply"-family functions to avoid loop and custom functions. Unfortunately I am failing at the very first exercise.
Here is my minimum reproducible example:
x <- data.frame(Hours=cbind(c(rep(5,5),rep(6,5),rep(7,5),rep(8,5),rep(9,5))),Price=c(cbind(seq(48,50.4, by=0.1),seq(48,52.8, by=0.2),seq(48,55.2, by=0.3),seq(48,57.8, by=0.4),seq(48,60.0, by=0.5))),Volume=seq(10000:10024))
f1 <- approxfun(x$Volume,x$Price, rule=2)
plot(x$Volume, x$Price)
curve(f1, add=TRUE)
However, I would like to perform approxfun() with every unique Hour in x$Hour.
How would I have to approach this?
Thank you for your help.

This solution was provided by bunk.
The idiom is split/apply/combine: split the data, apply the function, combine the results. R/*plyr/data.table etc has many functions to do this:
fns <- lapply(split(x, x$Hours), function(dat) approxfun(dat$Volume, dat$Price, rule=2)); plot(x$Volume, x$Price); cols <- 1; for(fn in fns) curve(fn, add=TRUE, col=(cols<<-cols+1))


Recall different data names inside loop

here is how I created number of data sets with names data_1,data_2,data_3 .....and so on
for initial
dim(data)<- 500(rows) 17(column) matrix
for ( i in 1:length(unique( data$cluster ))) {
assign(paste("data", i, sep = "_"),subset(data[data$cluster == i,]))
upto this point everything is fine
now I am trying to use these inside the other loop one by one like
for (i in 1:5) {
data<- paste(data, i, sep = "_")
however this is not giving me the data with required format
any help will be really appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Let me give you a tip here: Don't just assign everything in the global environment but use lists for this. That way you avoid all the things that can go wrong when meddling with the global environment. The code you have in your question, will overwrite the original dataset data, so you'll be in trouble if you want to rerun that code when something went wrong. You'll have to reconstruct the original dataframe.
Second: If you need to split a data frame based on a factor and carry out some code on each part, you should take a look at split, by and tapply, or at the plyr and dplyr packages.
Using Base R
With base R, it depends on what you want to do. In the most general case you can use a combination of split() and lapply or even a for loop:
mylist <- split( data, f = data$cluster)
for(mydata in mylist){
mylist <- split( data, f = data$cluster)
result <- lapply(mylist, function(mydata){
Which one you use, depends largely on what the result should be. If you need some kind of a summary for every subset, using lapply will give you a list with the results per subset. If you need this for a simulation or plotting or so, you better use the for loop.
If you want to add some variables based on other variables, then the plyr or dplyr packages come in handy
Using plyr and dplyr
These packages come especially handy if the result of your code is going to be an array or data frame of some kind. This would be similar to using split and lapply but then in a way Hadley approves of :-)
For example:
result <- ddply(data, .(cluster),
Use dlply if the result should be a list.

Basic for() loop in R

I'm new to loops and R in general. Using the "iris" datasets I need to use a for() loop and create an object called 'X.IQR' that contains the interquartile range of each of the first four columns of "iris". Could someone please provide a little insight for me here? Thank you!
Edit: Sorry forgot to include my attempts
for(row in 1:150){
for(column in 1:4){
print(paste("row =",row,"; col =",column))
I've tried this code here which is partially my knowledge and partially example code that I have learned in my class. I understand that this is a loop and I THINK that I have specified the first 4 columns as I desire I'm just not sure how to incorporate IQR here, anyone have any advice?
When selecting a subset of the data if you intend to have all the rows, as you have, you can just omit the row selection:
iris[ ,1:4]
as Richard mentioned in a comment, you can use sapply:
X.IQR = sapply(X = iris[,1:4], FUN = IQR)
sapply will apply the FUN (function) IQR to each element of the iris dataset, which corresponds to its columns.
or using apply:
X.IQR = apply(X = iris[ ,1:4], 2, FUN = IQR)
apply can do the same thing, but its a bit more code and won't always be as clean.
Read more with the excellent response here: R Grouping functions: sapply vs. lapply vs. apply. vs. tapply vs. by vs. aggregate

How to extract a parameter from a list of functions in a loop

I have a large data set and I want to perform several functions at once and extract for each a parameter.
The test dataset:
testdf <- data.frame(vy = rnorm(60), vx = rnorm(60) , gvar = rep(c("a","b"), each=30))
I first definded a list of functions:
normfuns <- list(jarqueberaTest=jarqueberaTest, shapiroTest=shapiroTest, lillieTest=lillieTest)
Then a function to perform the tests by the grouping variable
mynormtest <- function(d) {
norm_test <- res_reg <- list()
for (i in c("a","b")){
res_reg[[i]] <- residuals(lm(vy~vx, data=d[d$gvar==i,]))
norm_test[[i]] <- lapply(normfuns, function(f) f(res_reg[[i]]))
I obtain a list of test summaries for each grouping variable.
However, I am interested in getting only the parameter "STATISTIC" and I did not manage to find out how to extract it.
You can obtain the value stored as "STATISTIC" in the output of the various tests with
res_list <- mynormtest(testdf)
And correspondingly for set b:
Hope this helps.
Concerning your function fgetparam I think that it is a nice starting point. Here's my suggestion with a few minor modifications:
getparams2 <- function(myp) {
m <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(myp), ncol=3)
for (i in (1:length(myp))){
m[i,] <- sapply(1:3,function(x) myp[[i]][[x]]#test$statistic)}
This function represents a minor generalization in the sense that it allows for an arbitrary number of observations, while in your case this was fixed to two cases, a and b. The code can certainly be further shortened, but it might then also become somewhat more cryptic. I believe that in developing a code it is helpful to preserve a certain compromise between efficacy and compactness on one hand and readability or easiness to understand on the other.
As pointed out by #akrun and #Roland the function getparams2() can be written in a much more elegant and shorter form. One possibility is
getparams2 <- function(myp) {
matrix(unname(rapply(myp, function(x) x#test$statistic)),ncol=3)}
Another great alternative is
getparams2 <- function(myp){t(sapply(myp, sapply, function(x) x#test$statistic))}

Quantiles of a data.frame

There is a data.frame() for which's columns I'd like to calculate quantiles:
tert <- c(0:3)/3
data <- dbGetQuery(dbCon, "SELECT * FROM tablename")
quans <- mapply(quantile, data, probs=tert, name=FALSE)
But the result only contains the last element of quantiles return list and not the whole result. I also get a warning longer argument not a multiple of length of shorter. How can I modify my code to make it work?
PS: The function alone works like a charme, so I could use a for loop:
quans <- quantile(a$fileName, probs=tert, name=FALSE)
PPS: What also works is not specifying probs
quans <- mapply(quantile, data, name=FALSE)
The problem is that mapply is trying to apply the given function to each of the elements of all of the specified arguments in sequence. Since you only want to do this for one argument, you should use lapply, not mapply:
lapply(data, quantile, probs=tert, name=FALSE)
Alternatively, you can still use mapply but specify the arguments that are not to be looped over in the MoreArgs argument.
mapply(quantile, data, MoreArgs=list(probs=tert, name=FALSE))
I finally found a workaround which I don't like but kinda works. Perhaps someone can tell the right way to do it:
q <- function(x) { quantile(x, probs=c(0:3)/3, names=FALSE) }
mapply(q, data)
works, no Idea where the difference is.

Creating formulas in R involving an arbitrary number of variables

I'm using the library poLCA. To use the main command of the library one has to create a formula as follows:
f <- cbind(V1,V2,V3)~1
After this a command is invoked:
V1, V2, V3 are the names of variables in the dataset data0. I'm running a simulation and I need to change the formula several times. Sometimes it has 3 variables, sometimes 4, sometimes more.
If I try something like:
f <- cbind(get(names(data0)[1]),get(names(data0)[2]),get(names(data0)[3]))~1
it works fine. But then I have to know in advance how many variables I will use. I would like to define an arbitrary vector
vars0 <- c(1,5,17,21)
and then create the formula as follows
f<- cbind(get(names(data0)[var0]))
Unfortunaly I get an error. I suspect the answer may involve some form of apply but I still don't understand very well how this functions work. Thanks in advance for any help.
Using data from the examples in ?poLCA this (possibly hackish) idiom seems to work:
vec <- c(1,3,4)
M4 <- poLCA(,values[,vec])~1,values,nclass = 1)
As Hadley points out in the comments, we're making this a bit more complicated than we need. In this case values is a data frame, not a matrix, so this:
M1 <- poLCA(values[,c(1,2,4)]~1,values,nclass = 1)
generates an error, but this:
M1 <- poLCA(as.matrix(values[,c(1,2,4)])~1,values,nclass = 1)
works fine. So you can just subset the columns as long as you wrap it in as.matrix.
#DWin mentioned building the formula with paste and as.formula. I thought I'd show you what that would look like using the election dataset.
vec <- c(1,3,4)
f <- as.formula(paste("cbind(",paste(names(election)[vec],collapse=","),")~1",sep=""))
