Swapping the default blog and shop sections in Woocommerce - wordpress

I have installed the latest version of Wordpress. I then installed the latestest version of Woocommerce.
When my website loads up it displays the blogs on www.example.com and the shop products on www.example.com/shop. This seems to be the default configuration for these 2 setups.
However, my main site is a shop and not a blog. The blogging part is extra. So what I would like to see is the shop on www.example.com, and everything related to shop under this URL structure, and the blogging part I would like to see under www.example.com/blog and everything related to blogging I need under this URL structure.
I'm not sure how to "switch" the 2 URLs around? All that I did was create a Blog page.

From your Wordpress admin area go to 'Settings' > 'Reading'. There you will see a section called 'Front page displays', set Front page to your main shop page, and your Posts page to your new Blog page.


How to go from a worpress blog to a worpress website

I've initialize a wordpress blog, but it was an error because i'm looking for a wordpress website initialization.
How can i go from a worpress blog initializing to a wordpress website ?
They are one and the same, the only difference is setting a static home page.
After creating your home page you go to "Setting > Reading" and change the option "Your homepage displays" to static, in the dropdown under "Homepage" select the page you want to use.

Wordpress Shop And Blog

I am using wordpress shop plugins also blog pages but right now I want to make a new wordpress site and in this site I only want to show wordpress blog but it show blank page.I think because of plugins missing in new installation.One thing more I m using same database for both wordpress site.
Can any one please guide me?

how do i move a wordpress blog to a wordpress site with a blog

Client had a flat file php site and wanted a blog, so I installed wordpress stand along blog. Now they want to convert then entire site to Wordpress. The current blog is in a subdirectory called "blog". I would like to create a blog page called "blog" on the new site and import the posts that are in the WP standalone blog installation.
Can I just take the SQL statements and insert them as autoincrements in the new database. How do I import the tags and categories. What about the author number? It will be painstaking, but I don't want to cut and paste a hundred blog posts.
Install WordPress in root http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress .
Create a page called Blog with the slug of /blog/. Set that as your posts page in Dashboard>>Settings>>Reading.
Export your posts,categories, authors and images from the current blog via http://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Export_Screen and then import them http://codex.wordpress.org/Importing_Content into the new WP site. You should be able to keep the same structure to your permalinks.
Then, if needed, create static pages to match the current php pages and cut/paste the content into them.
Why wouldn't you just make the primary site URL point to the blog site? Or take a full backup of the blog site and restore it on the main server in doc root? Then add your pages content right in the current blogging site? You can point both www.whateversite.com/blog/ to the posts (blog page) or even blog.whateversite.com to the same.
Seems like a LOT of extra work to setup a new WordPress install then go to a current WordPress install and export the blog posts then re-import just the blog posts.
If you absolutely have a great reason for not just using the current WordPress install and building on that then I suggest you spend the $15 and get VaultPress from the Automattic group and backup the blog site. Then use the restore to alternate URL feature to clone it to a brand new WordPress installation you've started at the new main site. It will restore the content and replace inline URLs for you which is a HUGE time saver.
I've moved / cloned multiple sites this way. It is by far the easiest method, especially if your in-blog URLs need to change from blog.blah.com to www.blah.com.

Wordpress url and folder structure

I'm working on migrating a static site to a new one based on Wordpress as a work platform.
The old site contains static html pages and a separate folder for the blog.
As a result I get the following URLs www.mysite.com / blog / category-name / post-number-one.
On the new site, WordPress turns the URL into www.mysite.com / category-name / post-number-one, removing the blog/ part.
For the sake of SEO, I must keep these urls like the old site. Is there a way using Wordpress to maintain this structure for blog posts only?
Yes, in the Wordpress admin, go to the Settings Tab, then the Permalinks menu. There will be a section called "Category base". Add "blog" there.
That should make it so the blog the categories are prefixed with /blog/category-name/post-number-one.
I had a similar issue. Basically I was running two Wordpress installations. One for pages and one for blog. Long story behind that.
But I eventually I needed to merge the WP installations.
In my case I also needed to go to Settings -> Reading and set the Posts page to "Blog", which was an empty page I named Blog also. This made it so the blog would be viewed at http://mydomain/blog/. I'm not sure if you wanted that too.
But yeah for the categories, you just need to add "Category base" under the permalinks setting.
in your general settings, you can set a subfolder as your url, which can be hard to debug when you have problems, in my experience.
the other is that if you go into your clean urls settings page, you probably can simply add a string before your other %params%

Magento - Integrating Wordpress into Magento for the homepage

I currently have a Magento store where I'm using a CMS page as the homepage. I want to integrate my wordpress blog (hosted on the same server) into this CMS page. It would show the latest blog post and preferably have the comment function available on the front page. The first thing I considered was using the Wordpress Loop on the Magento CMS page, but it doesn't seem like it allows PHP.
One other thought I had was to create the homepage using modules or blocks. To be honest, I've never created a module or block so I'm not all that familiar with what is involved. The CMS page that I had created is simply an image slider/carousel (nivo-slider) and some photos with links. None of the content actually needs to be done with CMS, it just needs to be presented within my Magento theme/framework. All homepage updates will be handled by myself, so I can bypass the CMS system all together and just update modules if it turns out that the modules solution will allow me to have both the Wordpress blog and nivo-slider on the same page.
Any thoughts?
One thing you can try is setting wordpress as the main site and style it to match your magento styling. Then the visitor will have a streamlined experience from a UI standpoint. One gotcha would be if you want comments open on Wordpress then you'd have 2 accounts you'd have to reconcile for wordpress and magento.
I found the solution at Part 2 of the following link:
Here's a quick summary of the steps (for a full explanation, click the link above):
1) Create a bare-bones WordPress theme file that skips all of the styles, header, and footer and just displays content.
2) Create a page in WordPress that uses your new bare-bones template.
3) Create a template file in Magento to embed your newly created WordPress page into a Magento page.
4) Place the block based on your new template on the Magento CMS page you want the blog content to display on
The FishPig extension now supports this functionality so you achieve this by following these steps:
Upgrade to the latest version of FishPig's WordPress Integration
Login to your Magento Admin and go to WordPress > Settings Blog / Plugins
Find the Layout option and set 'Blog as Magento Homepage' to Yes
Save the page and voila, you have it: WordPress as your Magento homepage using your Magento theme in under 2 minutes
You will be wanting the Fishpig integration:
Not only is it free, it is also actively maintained.
You can also do an Apache redirect for the root/home page to a wordpress page of your choosing. In that way you don't have to have the problem of adding something to the Magento homepage and maybe have something fancy in Wordpress.
hopefully i've understood your question!
the following article may be of help to you (it outlines how to use the fishpig extension and to pull out the latest posts as part of a magento block on your homepage):
adding recent posts to magento homepage
You can also use blog extension of magento.
You can get it free form magento site http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/aheadWorks/extension/1516/blog-extension-by-aheadworks
