Update 10.0 to 10.1 - mariadb

What is the procedure for safe use of version 10.0 to 10.1 MariaDB?
I tried to locate a manual for this update and did not find any information or someone who did.

MariaDB has official instructions here.
In case of Ubuntu 14.04, I just had to change
deb http://nyc2.mirrors.digitalocean.com/mariadb/repo/10.0/ubuntu trusty main
deb-src http://nyc2.mirrors.digitalocean.com/mariadb/repo/10.0/ubuntu trusty main
deb http://nyc2.mirrors.digitalocean.com/mariadb/repo/10.1/ubuntu trusty main
deb-src http://nyc2.mirrors.digitalocean.com/mariadb/repo/10.1/ubuntu trusty main
in my /etc/apt/sources.list, and run:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade


Upgrading r-base from v3.6 to v4.0 Linux

I am trying to install R-base 4.0, but it keeps installing v3.6. I've tried:
sudo apt install deb https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu focal-cran40/
sudo apt-get install r-base
and v3.6, not 4.0 was installed. Next I tried:
sudo apt install deb https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu bionic-cran40/
sudo apt-get upgrade r-base
and it didn't work.
How do I upgrade to Rv4.0? I am using Pop_Os, no Ubuntu. Could that be the issue?
First off, your initial line is wrong. There is not such apt install deb command. You are supposed to edit the apt sources file by hand (though these days there may be GUI solutions to it as well).
Second, you omitted to actually use the new repo by not running sudo apt update (or equally sudo apt-get update). You must update the local indices.
Third, a preferred way is to just upgrade as you (almost) did in the second paragraph. But upgrade takes no package argument!
Fourth, this has nothing to do with Pop!OS as we are talking only about apt and apt-get here.
For completeness, I did a little blog and video about the R 3.6.* to R 4.0.* upgrade. More info here if you care.
PS Fifth, as r2evans noted in the comment, be sure to pick the right distro. I run straight Ubuntu so "focal" it is more me. You probably want R 4.0.* from the Ubuntu build matching your Pop!OS build.

How to upgrade R version on WSL?

I'm running Ubuntu in Windows Subsystem for Linux, and apt-get update isn't finding the newest versions of r-base. On Ubuntu 16.04, the newest R version it gets is 3.2.3. How do I upgrade to newer versions of R?
It turns out that the version of r-base in the default Ubuntu repository is behind the newest version of r-base from CRAN.
The solution is to add R-CRAN to /etc/apt/sources.list, using the instructions here: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu xenial-cran35/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade r-base # This upgrades r-base if it's already installed; otherwise it doesn't install it
As #DirkEddelbuettel said in his comments, this README has helpful information for how you can update your R version in a Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL) setting. For me, I updated from R 3.4 to R 4.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.
I am running bionic (I used lsb_release -a to find out), and I wanted R 4.0 so I picked the appropriate deb line (for me: deb https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu bionic-cran40/) to add to my /etc/apt/sources.list file (had to use sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list to add this line to the end). Then I ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install r-base. Now I have 4.0.2, the newest version. Just pick the particular Ubuntu/R combo that you want based on the options from the README. I hope this can help someone.

How to install newer R-packages on Debian Jessie (8.8)?

On Debian Jessie (8.8), the most up-to-date R package isn't enough for using some Jupyter-notebook functions (like rpy2), so I am trying to get R>=3.3 version. The current version is:
R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
Here is an useful link provided by a stackoverflow user: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/, but even with it, I don't know how to get the newer R-version.
Would you help me please?
Not sure if helps, but here is what I have in /etc/apt/sources.list
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 8 _Jessie_ - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20160315-14:54]/ jessie contrib main non-free
## Repositorio oficial de Debian GNU/Linux
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free
You can upgrade r package from :
1) Backports repository : (the 3.3.3 version)
Add the following line to your sources.list:
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main contrib non-free
Save then install r:
apt-get update
apt-get -t jessie-backports install r-base r-base-dev
2) CRAN repository (the 3.4.3 version)
Follow the steps described on the official documentation :
For a backport of R 3.4.3 to jessie, please add something like
deb http://<favourite-cran-mirror>/bin/linux/debian jessie-cran34/
to the file /etc/apt/sources.list on your computer. You need to substitute <favourite-cran-mirror> by one of the mirror URLs listed in the mirror list.
Secure APT
Before installing the package from CRAN repository , You need to import the singing key released by Johannes Ranke <jranke#uni-bremen.de> (see the secure-apt )
echo deb https://mirrors.sorengard.com/cran/bin/ldebian jessie-cran34/ >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key 'E19F5F87128899B192B1A2C2AD5F960A256A04AF'
apt-get update
apt-get install r-base r-base-dev

Install R latest verison on ubuntu 16.04

So I tried to install R (after repairing ubuntu on my system) using following command :
sudo apt-get install r-base-core
sudo apt-get install r-recommended
It installs R 3.2 , but the latest version of R currently available to use is R 3.4, any idea why it is not installing R 3.4 ?
I lately installed R.3.4 manually, it works fine. just curious to know why it didn't installed at the first place using the command.
Follow these steps:
Add this entry deb https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu xenial/ to your /etc/apt/sources.list file.
Run this command in shell: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E084DAB9.
Update and install: sudo apt update; sudo apt install r-base.
I wrote a post that explains each step in detail (update: also covers installing R on Ubuntu 18.04); here's the link.
It installs 3.2 because that's the default in the Ubuntu 16.04 repository. If you want the most up to date version of R for Ubuntu it's best to follow the instructions at the cran page for R on Ubuntu.
The xenial-cran35/ version of the repo does NOT work if you have a "default release" set in apt, as is the case in some distros that work on top of Ubuntu, such as Mint. For my Mint distro, there exists a file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01ubuntu inside of which it declares the Default-Release "xenial"; What this means is that, since r-base exists in the ubuntu repo at version 3.2, with release "xenial", it'll never use the 3.6 branch from the other repo, because the release name for that repo is "xenial-cran35". You need to edit that file to change the default release to "xenail-cran35", or do something more pointed using apt preference files (https://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences#A.2Fetc.2Fapt.2Fpreferences).
This is basically R's fault for having a poorly formatted repo. They should have had 2 repos, each of which had a "xenial" release folder, one url for their 3.2 branch work and one for the 3.5+ branch work. Instead they have one repo, and have bastardized the "release name" instead, which just sort of happens to work for base Ubuntu, but won't work if you have non-base configuration of apt in this way.

Installing SaltStack on RHEL 7?

I need help on installing saltstack on RHEL 7.
RHEL 7 server is from AWS Amazon.
$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo)
I'm getting an error during installation:
$ wget -O - http://bootstrap.saltstack.org | sudo sh
2014-08-04 09:41:45 (932 KB/s) - written to stdout [177548/177548]
INFO: Found function install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_7_stable_deps
INFO: Found function install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_stable
INFO: Found function install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_stable_post
INFO: Found function install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_restart_daemons
INFO: Found function daemons_running
INFO: Running install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_7_stable_deps()
ERROR: Stable version is not available on RHEL 7 Beta/RC. Please set installation type to git.
ERROR: Failed to run install_red_hat_enterprise_linux_7_stable_deps()!!!
Is this version of RHEL 7 not supported for saltstack?
Run the following commands to install from the latest develop branch:
curl -o install_salt.sh -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh install_salt.sh -M git develop
Remove the -M from the command above if you don't want to install a salt-master and only want to install salt-minion.
I have a similar problem, I tried to install it from epel 7 beta, but there's another problem, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1127348. Finally I was able to install it by combining pip and yum. I don't have the exact sequence of commands, but sth. like this should work:
yum install --skip-broken salt python-pip
pip install jinja2
I have tried installing SaltStack on CentOS 7 , which should be similar to Redhat 7, and you could try it, hope it works for you:
**[updated]** http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-2.noarch.rpm
and then you could
yum install -y salt-master
yum install -y install salt-minion
to install it.
You need to enable the rhel-7-server-optional-rpms repo in subscription-manager.
