I am trying to identify correlated explanatory variables and eliminate. I'm using Sapply to apply the regression to the variables I am interested in, and manually deleting the ones with FIVs > 10. However, when I try to reproduce this to quickly run for many vifs, I cannot manage to get my regression script to run with a pasted formula object containing the the names I want to keep. Below:
regressiondata <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=9,nrow=100,runif(900,1,100)))
colnames(regressiondata) <- c("indep1","indep2","indep3","indep4","var1","var2","var3","var4","var5")
vifs1_model <- sapply(regressiondata[,indep_variables],function(x) vif(lm(x~var1+var2+var3+var4+var5,
data = regressiondata,
vifs1 <- rowMeans(vifs1_model)
formula_variables <- paste(names(vifs1),collapse="+")
final_model <- t(round(sapply(regressiondata[,indep_variables],
function(x) lm(x ~ formula_variables,data=regressiondata,na.action=na.exclude)$coef),2))
when I run "final_model" I get this error:
Error in t(round(sapply(regressiondata[, indep_variables], function(x) lm(x ~ :
error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 't': Error in model.frame.default(formula = x ~ formula_variables, data = regressiondata, :
variable lengths differ (found for 'formula_variables')
I think you have a couple of issues:
You are using sapply over a dataframe when it looks like you simply want to sapply over the vector of independent variable names
Your last nested call to lm seems to mix expressions and strings
Here is my walk through. Your code refers to some missing objects so I have added in some lines I think you left out
library(car) # for fiv()
regressiondata <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=9,nrow=100,runif(900,1,100)))
colnames(regressiondata) <- c("indep1",
indep_variables <- names(regressiondata)[1:4] # object did not exist
I broke out the anonymous functions for clarity:
f1 <- function(x) {
data = regressiondata,
Now your regressions
vifs1_model <- sapply(regressiondata[,indep_variables], f1)
vifs1 <- rowMeans(vifs1_model)
formula_variables <- paste(names(vifs1),collapse="+")
I named this function that pulls the coefficients and handed lm a character vector (string) with the whole formula:
getCoefs <- function(x) {
lm(paste(x, "~", formula_variables), data=regressiondata,
Now, just sapply over the vector of names, then transpose and round:
final_model <- sapply(indep_variables, getCoefs)
final_model <- t(round(final_model ,2))
Here is a dplyr way of doing things. The bulk of the work is done by the sub_regression function, which conducts a regression, filters independent variables by vif, and then redoes the regression
sub_regression = function(sub_data_frame)
lm(independent_value ~ var1+var2+var3+var4+var5,
data = sub_data_frame ,
na.action="na.exclude") %>%
vif %>%
Filter(function(x) x <= 10, .) %>%
names %>%
paste(collapse = " + ") %>%
paste("independent_value ~ ", .) %>%
as.formula %>%
lm(. , sub_data_frame, na.action="na.exclude") %>%
coefficients %>%
round(3) %>%
as.list %>%
data.frame(check.names = FALSE)
matrix(ncol=9,nrow=100,runif(900,1,100)) %>%
data.frame %>%
setNames(c("indep1","indep2","indep3","indep4","var1","var2","var3","var4","var5")) %>%
gather(independent_variable, independent_value,
indep1, indep2, indep3, indep4) %>%
group_by(independent_variable) %>%
Seems no one is able to tackle this, so I re-ask:
I would like to use an external function from sjstats package within my own function.
The external function takes 4 arguments as like: https://strengejacke.github.io/sjstats/reference/weighted_sd.html
weighted_mannwhitney(data, x, grp, weights, ...)
A simple call to that external function can be done like this.
weighted_mannwhitney(c12hour ~ c161sex + weight, efc)
I have built a simple function below, which currently only works when provided with data as input - adding arguments produces errors.
I would like to be able to pass on some arguments (data, x, grp, weights) to the internally called external functional, so I can change those arguments for different datasets.
The Question
My attempts at generalizing the function are not successful, can anyone show me how I can do this? I show how I would like to call the generalized function below.
library(sjstats) # has weighted Mann-Whitney function which I would like to automate within own function
efc$weight <- abs(rnorm(nrow(efc), 1, .3))
# Own working function
own_funk <- function(data, ...) {
# Weighted MannWhitney Test p-value
res <- data %>%
~sjstats:::weighted_mannwhitney.formula(.x ~ c161sex + weight, data)$p.value[[1]]
) %>%
#round(., 3) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
pivot_longer(-rowname) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=rowname, values_from=value) %>%
rename("Outcome" = 1, "P-value" = 2) %>%
Call to own working function
How I would like to call the function
# NB: The x can take on many variables
own_funk(data = efc, x = c(c12hour,e17age), grp = c161sex, weights = weight)
Somewhat similar to #snaut's solution I'd use map to loop over your x columns/formulas. The difference mainly is that we probably don't want to hard code the variables within the function and rather pass these as an argument to the function.
library(sjstats) # has weighted Mann-Whitney function which I would like to automate within own function
# Own working function
own_funk <- function(data, x, grp, weights) {
# Weighted MannWhitney Test p-value
formula <- paste0(x, " ~ ", grp, " + ", weights)
res <- map2(.x = formula,
.y = x,
.f = ~ data |>
summarize(!!sym(.y) := sjstats:::weighted_mannwhitney.formula(as.formula(.x), data = data)$p.value[[1]]) %>%
#round(., 3) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
pivot_longer(-rowname) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=rowname, values_from=value) %>%
rename("Outcome" = 1, "P-value" = 2) %>%
as.data.frame()) |>
own_funk(data = efc, x = c("c12hour", "e17age"), grp = "c161sex", weights = "weight")
Which gives:
Outcome P-value
1 c12hour 0.006806572
2 e17age 0.187765467
sjstats:::weighted_mannwhitney.formula is clearly meant for interactive use and not for programming. sjstats:::weighted_mannwhitney.default seems to be more suited for programming, but still does something with unqouting variable names that I did not quite figure out.
What I do most of the time when I have to use functions created to be used in an interactive way for programming is to create a temporary column with a fixed name and then rename the columns I want to iterate over to that column.
This is what I have done in my solution. I also don't use summarise and across but instead use map_dfr to iterate over the column names and output rows of a tibble.
I did not quite understand what you want to archive with the pivot_longer and pivot_wider but I'm sure you can format the output of my solution to your needs.
library(sjstats) # has weighted Mann-Whitney function which I would like to automate within own function
efc$weight <- abs(rnorm(nrow(efc), 1, .3))
# Own working function
own_funk <- function(mydata, ...) {
# Weighted MannWhitney Test p-value
c("c12hour", "e17age"),
tmp_data <- mydata %>%
rename(tmp_col = {column})
variable = column,
`P-value`=sjstats:::weighted_mannwhitney.formula(tmp_col ~ c161sex + weight, data=tmp_data)$p.value[[1]]
I have a long function that uses a dataframe column name as an input and am trying to apply it to several different column names without a new line of code each time. I am having issues with tidyselect within the function called by map. I believe the issue is related to defusing, but I cannot figure it out. A toy example using mtcars data is below.
This works correctly with map:
sum_dplyr <- function(df, x) {
res <- df %>% summarise(mean = mean({{x}}, na.rm = TRUE))
sum_dplyr(mtcars, disp)
map(names(mtcars), ~ sum_dplyr(mtcars, mtcars[[.]])) # all columns -> works fine
While this gives the error "Must subset columns with a valid subscript vector" when feeding the function through map:
sel_dplyr <- function(df, x) {
res <- df %>% dplyr::select({{x}})
sel_dplyr(mtcars, disp) # ok
map(names(mtcars), ~ sel_dplyr(mtcars, mtcars[[.]])) # all columns -> error
What am I missing here ? Many thanks !
It may be better to correct the function to make sure that it takes both unquoted and quoted. With map, we are passing a character string. So, instead of {{}}, can use ensym with !!
sum_dplyr <- function(df, x) {
x <- rlang::ensym(x)
res <- df %>%
summarise(mean = mean(!!x, na.rm = TRUE))
Similarly for sel_dplyr
sel_dplyr <- function(df, x) {
x <- rlang::ensym(x)
res <- df %>%
dplyr::select(!! x)
and then test as
map(names(mtcars), ~ sel_dplyr(mtcars, !!.x))
sel_dplyr(mtcars, carb)
I have a customized function that takes a list of variables, and for each variable it chooses another variable within the dataframe to create a fitted value between two variables. I would like to print the summary of regression output when I run this in dplyr. It would be easier to see the function below to understand what I try to achieve.
The Customized Function
prisma_fn_add_fitted_fam <- function(d, vars){
for(i in 1:length(vars)){
varname <- gsub(paste0(str_extract(vars[i], "[0-9]+")[[1]], '.', sep = ''),"7.",vars[i])
lag <- gsub(paste0(str_extract(vars[i], "[0-9]+")[[1]], '.', sep = ''),"6.",vars[i])
d <-
d %>%
set.name(vars[i], 'xyz') %>%
set.name(lag, 'wxy')
s <-
lm(xyz ~ wxy, d)
d <-
d %>%
modelr::add_predictions(s) %>%
rename(!!varname := pred) %>%
set.name('xyz', vars[i]) %>%
set.name('wxy', lag)
print(summary(s)) # It does not print.
I have a massive dataframe where I need to create "lagged" variables and compare them with former time points. As this process needs to be variable, I've chosen to write my own functions which create these lagged variables (not included here).
As I use GLM's, I want to use the stepAIC function and before I start writing tenth of "lag01 + lag02..." I wanted to create another function (modelfiller) which creates these strings according to my parameters and then I use string2lang to make them expressions.
This mostly works but there is one issue which I cannot get my head around.
As you can see in the reprex full.model can be created when I only use y~x+lag01+lag02. If I use modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag") at location 1 and 3 it also works. But the moment I put modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag") at location 2 in the code (within the stepAIC glm) it creates the following error message:
Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `GLM_AIC`.
x object '.x' not found
i Input `GLM_AIC` is `purrr::map(...)`.
i The error occurred in group 1: group = "a".
I have also tried as.formula with & without eval, but it caused the same issue.
group <- c(rep("a", 10), rep("b", 10), rep("c", 10))
order <- c(seq(1:10), seq(1:10), seq(1:10))
x <- c(runif(30))
y <- c(runif(30))
df <- data.frame(group, order, x, y)
df <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::arrange(group, order) %>%
dplyr::mutate(lag01 = dplyr::lag(x, n=1),
lag02 = dplyr::lag(x, n=2)) %>%
modelfiller = function(depPar, maxlag, indepPar, str) {
varnames = list()
for (i in seq(1:maxlag)) {
varnames[i] = paste0(str, stringr::str_pad(i, width = 2, pad = "0"))
varnames = paste0(varnames, collapse="+")
varnames = paste(indepPar, varnames, sep = "+")
return(paste(depPar, varnames, sep = "~"))
full.model <- df %>%
tidyr::nest(- group) %>%
# Perform GLM calculation on each group and then a step-wise model selection based on AIC
GLM = purrr::map(
data, ~ lm(data = .x,
# Location 1 - Working
str2lang(modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag"))
GLM_AIC = purrr::map(
data, ~ MASS::stepAIC(glm(data = .x,
# Location 2 - NOT Working
str2lang(modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag"))
,direction = "both", trace = FALSE, k = 2,
scope = list(
lower = lm(data = .x,
y ~ 1),
upper = glm(data = .x,
# Location 3 - Working
str2lang(modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag"))
The issue is that glm stores the name of the variable used to reference the data, and stepAIC then attempts to retrieve this name and evaluate it to access the data, but gets confused about which environment the variable was defined in. To demonstrate, I'm going to simplify your code to
mdl <- str2lang(modelfiller("y", 2, "x", "lag")) # This is your y~x+lag01+lag02
dfn <- df %>% tidyr::nest( data = c(-group) ) # First step of your %>% chain
glms <- purrr::map( dfn$data, ~glm(data = .x, mdl) ) # Construct the models
# Examine glms to observe that
# Call: glm(formula = mdl, data = .x) <--- glm() remembers that the data is in .x
# but stepAIC is not properly aware of where .x
# is defined and behaves effectively as
MASS::stepAIC( glms[[1]] ) # Error: object '.x' not found
Option 1
One workaround is to manually construct the expression that contains the data and then evaluate it:
glm2 <- function(.df, ...) {
eval(rlang::expr(glm(!!rlang::enexpr(.df),!!!list(...)))) }
glms2 <- purrr::map( dfn$data, ~glm2(data = .x, mdl) ) # Same as above, but with glm2
MASS::stepAIC( glms2[[1]] ) # Now works
Changing glm to glm2 in your problematic spot makes your code work too. The down side is that the Call: then remembers the entire data frame, which can be problematic if they are very large.
Option 2
Another alternative is to replace the purrr call with a for loop, which helps maintain the calling frames assumed by stepAIC, thus guiding it to where the data is defined
# This fails with Error: object '.x' not found
purrr::map( dfn$data, ~MASS::stepAIC(glm(data=.x, mdl), direction="both") )
# This works
for( mydata in dfn$data )
MASS::stepAIC(glm(data=mydata, mdl), direction="both")
The advantage here is not needing to store the entire data frame inside the call. The disadvantage is that you effectively lose access to what purrr does to streamline the code.
I have an issue where after replicating data for a training and testing set, I'm showing a large amount of memory allocated to my user in Rstudio, but not being used in my R session. I've created a small example to reproduce my situation :)
This code runs a bunch of model, based on different formulas, algorithms, and parameter sets that I give it. It is a function, but I've created a simple script for reprex.
# set my inputs
data <- mtcars
formulas <- c(test1 = mpg ~ cyl + wt + hp,
test2 = mpg ~ cyl + wt)
params = list()
methods <- "lm"
n <- 20 # num of cv splits
mult <- 10 # number of times I want to replicate some of the data
frac <- .25 # how much I want to cut down other data (fractional)
### the next few chunks get the unique combos of the inputs.
if (length(params) != 0) {
cross_params <- params %>%
map(cross) %>%
map_df(enframe, name = "param_set", .id = "method") %>%
} else cross_params <- NULL
methods_df <- tibble(method = methods) %>%
list %>%
append(cross_params) %>%
reduce(left_join, by = "method") %>%
# wrangle formulas into a split dataframe
formulas_df <- tibble(formula = formulas,
name = names(formulas)) %>%
# split out the data into n random train-test combos
cv_data <- data %>%
crossv_kfold(n) %>% # rsample?
mutate_at(vars(train:test), ~map(.x, as_tibble))
# sample out if needed
cv_data_samp <- cv_data %>%
mutate(train = modify(train,
~ .x %>%
split(.$gear == 4) %>%
# take a sample of the non-vo data
modify_at("FALSE", sample_frac, frac) %>%
# multiply out the vo-on data
modify_at("TRUE", function(.df) {
map_df(seq_along(1:mult), ~ .df)
}) %>%
# get all unique combos of formula and method
model_combos <- list(cv = list(cv_data_samp),
form = formulas_df,
meth = methods_df) %>%
cross %>%
map_df(~ bind_cols(nest(.x$cv), .x$form, .x$meth)) %>%
unnest(data, .preserve = matches("formula|param|value")) %>%
{if ("value" %in% names(.)) . else mutate(., value = list(NULL))}
# run the models
model_combos %>%
# put all arguments into a single params column
mutate(params = pmap(list(formula = formula, data = train), list)) %>%
mutate(params = map2(params, value, ~ append(.x, .y))) %>%
mutate(params = modify(params, discard, is.null)) %>%
# run the models
mutate(model = invoke_map(method, params))
mem_change(rm(data, cv_data, cv_data_samp))
Now after I do this, my mem_used comes out to 77.3mb, but I'm seeing roughly double that (160Mb) allocated to my R user. This really explodes when my data is 3 Gb, which is my real-life case. I end up using 100Gb and tying up a whole server :(.
What is going on and how can I optimize?
Any help appreciated!!!
I figured this out! The issue was that I was converting my series of modelr resample objects to tibbles and that was exploding the memory even though I was subsequently sampling them down. The solution? Write methods for dealing with resample objects so that I never have to convert resample objects to tibble. These looked like:
# this function just samples the indexes instead of the data
sample_frac.resample <- function(data, frac) {
data$idx <- sample(data$idx, frac * length(data$idx))
# this function replicates the indexes. I should probably call it something else.
augment.resample <- function(data, n) {
data$idx <- unlist(map(seq_along(1:n), ~ data$idx))
# This function does simple splitting (logical only) of resample obejcts
split.resample <- function(data, .p) {
pos <- list(data = data$data, idx = which(.p, 1:nrow(data$data)))
neg <- list(data = data$data, idx = which(!.p, 1:nrow(data$data)))
class(pos) <- "resample"
class(neg) <- "resample"
list("TRUE" = pos,
"FALSE" = neg)
# This function takes the equivalent of a `bind_rows` for resample objects.
# Since bind rows does not call `useMethod` I had to call it something else
bind <- function(data) {
out <- list(data = data[[1]]$data, idx = unlist(map(data, pluck, "idx")))
class(out) <- "resample"
Then I just converted to a tibble in the same purrr closure in which my model is run for that CV. Problem solved! My memory usage is VERY low now.