element-attribute-range-query fetching result but element-attribute-value-query is not fetching any result - xquery

I wanted to fetch the document which have the particular element attribute value.
So, I tried the cts:element-attribute-value-query but I didn't get any result. But the same element attribute value, I am able to get using cts:element-attribute-range-query.
Here the sample snippet used.
let $s-query := cts:element-attribute-range-query(xs:QName("tit:title"),xs:QName("name"),"=",
let $s-query := cts:element-attribute-value-query(xs:QName("tit:title"),xs:QName("name"),
return cts:search(fn:doc(),($s-query))
The problem with range-query is it needs the range index. I have hundreds of DB's in multiple hosts. I need to create range indexes on each DB.
What could be the problem with attribute-value-query?

I found the issue with a couple of research.
Actually the result document is a french language document. It has the structure as follows. This is a sample.
<doc xml:lang="fr:CA" xmlns:tit="title">
<tit:title name="SampleTitle"/>
The cts:element-attribute-value-query is a language dependent query. To get the french language results, then language needs to be mentioned in the option as follows.
cts:element-attribute-value-query(xs:QName("tit:title"),xs:QName("name"), "SampleTitle",("lang=fr"))
But cts:element-attribute-range-query don't require the language option.
Thanks for the effort.


How do I undo an ingestion in Azure Data Explorer (Kusto)?

Context: I'm following this guide: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/kusto/api/netfx/kusto-ingest-client-examples
I'm using IngestFromStorageAsync - I see that the results have an IngestionSourceId (a GUID) - but I don't know what to do with this. (this is not the extent id)
I was assuming that you could use this ID to remove all the records that were imported...
Does anyone know how to undo an ingestion?
Currently, I'm using .show cluster extents to show the extent ids, then I call .drop extent [id]. Is this the right way to undo an ingestion?
"undo"ing an ingestion is essentially dropping the data that was ingested.
dropping data can be done at the resolution of extents (data shards), and extents can get merged with one another at any given moment (e.g. straight after data was ingested).
if you know there's a chance you'll want to drop the data you've just ingested (and you can't fix the ingestion pipeline that leads to those "erroneous"(?) ingestions), one direction you could follow would be to use extent tags, to be able to identify the extents that were created as part of your ingestion, then drop them.
more information can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/kusto/management/extents-overview.
if you do choose to use tags for this purpose (and can't avoid the situations where you need to "undo" your ingestions), please make sure you read the "performance notes" in that doc.
Excerpt from documentation link:
'ingest-by:' extent tags
Tags that start with an ingest-by: prefix can be used to ensure that data
is only ingested once. You can issue an ingestIfNotExists property command that prevents the data from being ingested if there already exists an extent with this specific ingest-by: tag.
The values for both tags and ingestIfNotExists are arrays of strings,
serialized as JSON.
The following example ingests data only once. The 2nd and 3rd commands do nothing:
.ingest ... with (tags = '["ingest-by:2016-02-17"]')
.ingest ... with (ingestIfNotExists = '["2016-02-17"]')
.ingest ... with (ingestIfNotExists = '["2016-02-17"]', tags = '["ingest-by:2016-02-17"]')
Generally, an ingest command is likely to include
both an ingest-by: tag and an ingestIfNotExists property,
set to the same value, as shown in the 3rd command above.
Overusing ingest-by tags isn't recommended.
If the pipeline feeding Kusto is known to have data duplications, we recommend that you solve these duplications as much as possible, before ingesting the data into Kusto.
Attempting to set a unique ingest-by tag for each ingestion call might result with severe impact on performance.
If such tags aren't required for some period of time after the data is ingested, we recommend that you drop extent tags.
To drop the tags automatically, you can set an extent tags retention policy.

MS Project: How to set daily actual work for a task using a JavaScript Add-In?

I want to synchronize data for actual work from a web-based application of my company with MS Project. I am currently developing an Add-In with JavaScript in order to achieve this:
The red circle in my screenshot shows the data that I want to set programmatically. However, I have no idea how to achieve this.
I understand that I can get Task GUIDs and then set task fields using the task GUID and the field ID. This way I can save the cumulative actual work, but not per day like in my screenshot.
The API Docs on the MS Office Website are rather hard to read and navigate. Any help would be apprechiated!
Let's first separate the language from the operation.
Operationally, based on your circle, you want to set work for a task to happen on individual days? This is done using timeScaleData, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/developer/office-2003/aa206255(v=office.11) . When I did something similar (in VBA), I had to (1) get an array of time scale values, then (2) walk/iterate through that array and set work to those days:
set timeScaleValsArry = myTask.Assignments(1).TimeScaleData(startDay, endDay, pjAssignmentTimeScaledWork, daily)
for a = 1 to timeScaleValsArry.Count
timeScaleValsArry[a].value = hoursToWorkThatDay
Breaking down the elements above:
myTask is the task (of type task) I want to manipulate.
Assignments is an array representing each resource assigned to the task; for my purposes, I only ever had 1 resource assigned, hence the index of (1).
TimeScaleData is the function that returns the the array starting on the day startDay (whatever you want that to be), endDay, pjAssignmentTimeScaledWork which tells this function what data we want to work with (being work, but there are alternates ), and daily which is the frequency you want to work with (for instance you can go down to minutes, or up to years).
Then the returned array timeScaleValsArry is walked, and inside the loop the daily assignment for each value is manipulated. You'd need to customize this part to meet your needs; alternatively, you don't even need to loop if you always had three days: just hard code the array indices.
As far as language, clearly this is do-able in VBA. Doing this in C# as a VSTO addin has very similar syntax. I'd presume for JavaScript (what are you using, ScriptLab?) would also have similar syntax.

Check if record already exists when doing a buffer-copy

I have a piece of code which does a Buffer-Copy method, but is there any way to check before doing the buffer copy of the record already exists? I do not want to check 'unique keys' in my data dictionary.
This is the code I have at this moment:
hQuery:QUERY-PREPARE("FOR EACH " + hBuffer:NAME + " NO-LOCK ").
It is unclear what you are trying to accomplish and why you don't want to check unique keys "in my data dictionary" or even what you mean by that.
Your example code is very sketchy and incomplete, maybe someone else can figure out what you are trying to do and why, but I am at a loss to divine the purpose behind it. The use of handles and dynamic queries is especially puzzling. There doesn't seem to be a reason for that or any need to do that.
None the less, if I were coding a routine to copy a buffer, couldn't look up unique indexes in the dictionary, and wanted to pro-actively avoid potential collisions I might write something like this:
define temp-table oLine like orderLine.
for each orderline no-lock:
find oLine of orderLine no-error.
if not available( oLine ) then create oLine.
buffer-copy orderLine to oline.
(Using static coding to keep the example simple.)
(I wouldn't really use OF - it is on my personal forbidden list, I think it is terrible from a documentation and maintenance perspective.)
I believe, as Tom has mentioned in his reply, it'd be most appropriate to have another dynamic query directed at the hDBBuffer using the BUFFER-FIELDs and BUFFER-VALUEs from hBuffer and check the NUM-RESULTS after you use QUERY-OPEN. Then delete the query for memory purposes.
But yes, you would be looking for the metadata unique keys to achieve that. I understand you don't want to do it, but it's REALLY the best way, can't stress it enough.
Now if you would really like to check for the existence of ALL the record data, look into the BUFFER-COMPARE method. You could create a second dynamic query, then cycle all records there by using buffer-compare to match the entire record you're looking at to the one you're assessing whether to create, or list the ones you wish to include or exclude. This approach is way less performatic, though, please keep that in mind.

DBpedia : Get list of Chinese universities and their adresses to populate google map?

I'm trying to get list of Chinese universities and their adresses. The minimum being the City/Town name. I will use these addresses to populate a googlemap, fiddle here.
I saw interesting code such as:
SELECT ?resource ?value
?resource a <http://dbpedia.org/class/yago/CitiesAndTownsInDenmark> .
?resource <http://dbpedia.org/property/populationTotal> ?value .
FILTER (?value > 100000)
ORDER BY ?resource ?value
Since CitiesAndTownsInChina doesn't work,
1. Where to find the exact name of the class I'am targeting ? and
2. Where to find dbpedia's operators manual ?
Note: I'am a very active user on Wikipedia, I'am well aware of all the data available there, but the dbpedia ontology/syntaxe/keywords is quite hard to get.
Personal note: queries on http://dbpedia.org/snorql/ , http://dbpedia.org/sparql/ , http://querybuilder.dbpedia.org/
(Expanding on my reply to How to find cities with more than X population in a certain country)
CitiesAndTownsInDenmark exists because people use the category http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Cities_and_towns_in_Denmark in wikipedia. Wikipedia categories are pretty loose and as a result there's a lot of variation in style, so even if a useful category exists the name may not be guessable.
In addition categories are maintained manually, and may not be consistently applied.
A good place to start is looking at the data. Visiting http://dbpedia.org/page/Beijing I see yago:MetropolitanAreasOfChina which seems promising, but if you follow that link you'll see it's not well populated.
As a consequence avoid relying on the existence of such categories and directly querying for populated places in a country. This information comes from wikipedia infoboxes, and they're much more consistent than categories. Taking Beijing as an exemplar again I found:
select ?s {
?s a <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/PopulatedPlace> ;
<http://dbpedia.org/ontology/country> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/China>
(The relevant properties and values for my query were found by copying link location in the Beijing page)
with the result:
... nearly 3000 results ...
You'll notice that position is encoded multiple times (geo:lat and long, georss:point, various dbpprop:latd longd things), and there seem to be two values excitingly. You can either simply deal with the multiple values in whichever format you prefer, or try picking just one using GROUP BY and SAMPLE.
As for a manual, almost everything I know of are academic papers, and not very useful. However the data is reasonably self documenting.
for your first question:
you can see possible classes by querying one member of your intended set of entities (ex: Shanghai).
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Shanghai> rdf:type ?type.
FILTER regex(str(?type), ".*China", "i").
} LIMIT 100
which gives this result:
dbpedia:class/yago/MetropolitanAreasOfChina [http]
dbpedia:class/yago/PortCitiesAndTownsInChina [http]
dbpedia:class/yago/MunicipalitiesOfThePeople'sRepuBlicOfChina [http]
dbpedia:class/yago/PopulatedCoastalPlacesInChina [http]
they are CamelCase versions of the categories that you will find at the bottom of wikipedia pages. I was fooled for a while by the erroneous capitalization of RepuBlic and finally saw that it contains only 4 cities, so it is of limited use for you.
so I would propose to go with #user205512 answer and get the cities by linking 2 properties.
for your second question:
I would advice you to search/ask on http://answers.semanticweb.com

Filtering a multivalued attribute in StringTemplate

I have a template which uses the same multivalued attribute in various places. I often find myself in a situation where I would like to filter the attribute before a template is applied to the individual values.
I can do this:
<#col:{c|<if(cond)><# c.Attribute2 #><endif>};separator=\",\"#>
but that is not what I want, because then there are separators in the output separating "skipped" entries, like:
I can modify it to
<#col:{c|<if(c.Attribute1)><# c.Attribute2 #>,<endif>};separator=\"\"#>
Which is almost OK, but I get an additional separator after the last number, which sometimes does not matter (usually when the separator is whitespace), but sometimes does:
I sometimes end up doing:
<#first(col):{c|<if(cond)><# c.Attribute2 #><endif>};separator=\"\"#>
<#rest(col):{c|<if(cond)>,<# c.Attribute2 #><endif>};separator=\"\"#>
But this approach fails if the first member does not satisfy the condition, then there is an extra separator in the beginning:
Can someone give me a better solution?
First, let me point out that I think you are trying to do logic inside your template. Any time you hear things like "filter my list according to some condition based upon the data" it might be time to compute that filtered list in the model and then push it in. That said something like this might work where we filter the list first:
<col:{c | <if(c.cond)>c<endif>}:{c2 | <c2.c.attribute>}>
c2.c accesses the c parameter from the first application
The answer by "The ANTLR Guy" didn't help in my case and I found another workaround. See at Filter out empty strings in ST4
