Upload a local website done in wordpress to an ovh server - wordpress

Given that I'm not so familiar with these kind of stuffs, I bought an ovh domain and I would like to upload my website I have developed so far in local. How can I transfer it to ovh servers?

Ovh is just an online server. You can use the method which is given in following link to transfer your word press site from local computer to online ovh server.


How to deploy a local wordpress to bluehost server using git

I have a wordpress website in localhost and a hosting plan with a domain name on Bluehost.com
My website is ready and now I wanted to go live and push my website to hosting server using Git. But in Bluehost C-panel there is no git option.
I have searched google but did not succeed to find a solution, so I came here if somebody could redirect to me to a tutorial link or give me some clues on how to do it i would be very grateful.
If you have VPS or Dedicated server on bluehost, try this manual from Bluehost FAQ:
Pretty sure, that you must manually import database (as it not included to git and can't upload automatically in mysql) and configure again wp-config.php. Also you don't say, what server you using with localhost, cause it can be different from bluehost config (for example apache / nginx / php version).

Move WordPress site from Yahoo Small Business

I am trying to move a site from Yahoo Small Business to a local hosting company. I am able to log in to the host with FileZilla.
I have also downloaded the files from YSB and have them locally. But the local hosting company gave me a test host and I cannot access cPanel to upload the files. Also, when I try to put the url.com/cpanel I get directed to the home page of the current site still listed with Yahoo. I have imported the files from my computer to the new host via Filezilla, but I'm not seeing anything and can't log in.
I am unable to change the DNS of Yahoo to the test host.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I agree with #yohoprashant that you will need to do a few work arounds until you migrate your DNS. Most hostign companies will give you a temporary URL (IP address) and which should give you access to cPanel and testing your initiatl WordPress install.
Wordpress has a great step by step that you should be able to follow once you get the basic WorkdPress install either through the download or cPanel install. Check it out here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress

Make Wordpress go online

I made a website with wordpress. The wordpress is installed with xampp. How to make it accessible for everyone? My link is When i try to access it with another pc. It failed. This site cant be reached. is your localhost address, you won't be able to access that site from another computer. To make your site live, you need to buy a domain name (you can buy it from any hosting provider company) and a hosting package.
After buying the domain and hosting plan upload your site to the server.

Hosting domain emails on Windows and Wordpress on Linux

I am looking for some help here. I have configured my domain emails on Windows hosting and it is working fine. Next I want to deploy a Wordpress application on Linux hosting under the same domain.
It is possible to have the emails in Windows hosting and have the actual web application in Linux hosting?
I already have configured the dns of both hostings in my domain account. The emails are working fine but when I try to access to my domain name, it doesn't show up the Wordpress app (it shows up the default "Under construction" page of my Windows hosting)
Anyone can give me some advice? Thanks in advance.
make sure you are edit the A record to your linux server. A/#/www should pointed to your linux server IP Address. And keep the MX to your Windows server.
For example, this is how to configure it on Godaddy https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Create-DNS-records-at-GoDaddy-for-Office-365-f40a9185-b6d5-4a80-bb31-aa3bb0cab48a
Sure, just point your DNS MX record of your domain to the Windows server (you seem to have this figured out already) and point the DNS A resource record to the IP address of your Linux server.

AWS: Wordpress install

I hope you can help.
I'm trying to setup a wordpress blog. In the past I've been using HostGator but now making the switch to AWS. However, I'm having problems with the basics.
I have created an instance and managed to login to the instance via putty.
In S3 I have created 2 buckets. lmof.uk and www.lmof.uk (following one of the AWS guides) and uploaded a php file to lmof.uk
In Route 53, I have added the Domain to the Hosted Zone, created A record and CNAME as well.
Updating my Nameservers from my register and if you visit lmof.uk it downloads the php file.
When I log into my Putty, I can't seem to find the php file anywhere. I followed this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbQSs-_d-yM but when it came to looking at my public ip address, the connection times out.
I'm sure I'm missing something fundamental, but at this stage I'm just looking to install wordpress, see the files, edit them and see the changes on the website.
you forgot to open port 80 on security groups.follow the link below
Opening port 80 EC2 Amazon web services
