How to filter additionaasset lookup/dialog to only list assets at work order location - maximo-anywhere

I have a need to filter the list of available assets from which to choose to those assets that reside at the location of the current work order. I do not want to see assets in the list that are not at the current location.
I have located a place in the javascript
var filter = [];
filter.push({siteid: siteid});
additionalasset.lookupFilter = filter;
... which appears to let me push filters into a filter array. Would this be the ideal method to use? 1) Determine the location on the work order and 2) push an additional filter e.g.
filter.push({location: location});
I'm looking for a solution that is dynamic, such that if the user changes the location and then wants to select an asset, the available list of assets will update, based on this filter, to those assets at that location. I hope this is understandable.

This bit of code did what I needed. For some reason I can push multiple filter critera on one call to .push() but I can't .push() multiple filters separately as I was trying before.
var currLocation = workOrderSet.getCurrentRecord().get("location");
filter.push({siteid: siteid, location: currLocation});

Yes this is exactly how you should do this code wise. We had a bug (fixed in I believe) where the very first location you picked would be reused the second time you tried to select the asset. If you're still seeing the same behavior at, open a PMR and we can get you an iFix to support this.


Typo3 Extbase Repository->findAll() returns empty

I just can't findAll() make return anything even though I am able to access a specific record by findByUid().
I have taken note (and tried to workaround / set up) of the typoscript solution and the record storage page bug without any success.
I am using a dummy extension code made by the extension builder in TYPO3 (current version) for your convenience. I have tested with data manually added through the TYPO3 config ui.
Any help would be much appreciated.
All the best and thanks in advance
For 99.9 % you didn't set your storagePid properly, it has to be the PID of the page where your records are stored. Effect: findAll() uses this PID to filter the records, while findByUid(uid) ignores PID (it searches by UID wherever record is stored.
Go to the main page > Templates and make sure that you included TypoScript from your new ext, then go to constant editor and set proper PID of page with your records. Clear whole cache at the end!
Also you can debug your SQL statement like in this answer, most probably at the end of statement you'll see something like AND IN (0) which definitely means that you didn't set storagePid or you didn't clear the cache.

Extracting Requirements folder Tree structure from QC using API

I am trying to extract requirements from QC Requirement module. i could extract all requirements of a QC project but i would like to extract selected requirements only. So i need to give folder path and extract requirements accordingly.
Currently i use ReqFactory to extract Reqs from QC. Could you please help me or give me idea to extract requirmeents from selected folder path.
I tried Req Path and father id, but still it does not fulfill my need as some may have multiple sub folders under parent folders.
I assume you like to get all the child requirements of a requirement using the OTA API? The only solution I can offer is a bit clumsy. First you have to get the requirement where you want to start, e.g. "Requirements\Projects\ProjectX". How to achieve that is described in the OTA API Reference as an example of the ReqFactory object ("Find a specified requirement in a specified folder"). Or it is posted in this forum. If you know the ID of the start-requirement you can simply get the requirement with req_factory.Item(id).
When you have your requirement where you want to start, you can use the Find-method of the ReqFactory to get all its children, resp. all Requirement objects starting with the same path as the start-requirement. Here is an example-method in Ruby:
def list_all_child_requirements(start_req)
req_factory = #tdc.ReqFactory
req_path_strange_format = start_req.Field("RQ_REQ_PATH")
child_req_list = req_factory.Find(start_req.ID, "RQ_REQ_PATH", req_path_strange_format, 8)
child_req_list.each do |list_req|
puts list_req
The req_path_strange_format contains a String in the strange Quality Center notation like "AAAAAB". The Find-method starts from the start-requirement and searches all requirements which path starts with the same path as the path of the start-requirement. The parameter 8 means "starts with pattern" (described in the API Reference, Enum tagTDAPI_REQMODE). I just don't know how to access the Enum using Ruby, thats why the magic 8 is used... The Find-method returns a list with format "ID,NAME". From there it should be no problem to extract the requirements.
Doing the same directly in QC with a VAPI-XP-TEST and VB looks like that:
Dim reqPathStrangeFormat
Set reqF = tdConnection.ReqFactory
Set startReq = reqF.Item(14) ' ID of parent requirement
reqPathStrangeFormat = startReq.Field("RQ_REQ_PATH")
TDOutput.Print reqPathStrangeFormat
Set childReqList = reqF.Find(startReq.ID, "RQ_REQ_PATH", reqPathStrangeFormat, TDREQMODE_FIND_START_WITH)
For Each childReq in childReqList
TDOutput.Print childReq
This code first prints some strange string "AAAAAB" or something similiar, then a list with "ID,NAME" of the requirements.

How to format Alfresco'API parameter activityFilter in servce user activities feed ?

I need to use that api :
What I don't know is how to format activityFilter parameter ? What kind of things can I filter ? I'd like to set a max number of results, is it possible ?
I don't know where to find the documentation.
Thank you.
I don't know where/if the list is documented, but it isn't hard to find out the values you are looking for...
The first place to go is the Web Script Index, which is:
From there you can find that web script, click on its ID, and see its declaration, any accompanying documentation, and, often, the code of the web script controller.
In this case, the controller is Java-based, so you can get its class and go look at that in the source.
Often, that's not convenient. So the next thing to do is to realize that Alfresco Share makes use of the same web script. If you turn on Firebug and go to the Alfresco Share Global Dashboard you can see the activity feed dashlet. As you change the second dropdown (the one that defaults to "all items") you will see your browser doing GETs against that web script. By choosing the various choices available in the dashlet, you'll see that the values it uses to filter activities are:
You can pass more than one of these at-a-time to the web script by separating each with an escaped comma (%2C).
There may be more filters available, but those are the ones used by the activity feed dashlet on the global dashboard.

Nested REST Routing

Simple situation: I have a server with thousands of pictures on it. I want to create a restful business layer which will allow me to add tags (categories) to each picture. That's simple. I also want to get lists of pictures that match a single tag. That's simple too. But now I also want to create a method that accepts a list of tags and which will return only pictures that match all these tags. That's a bit more complex, but I can still do that.
The problem is this, however. Say, my rest service is at, I want to be able to make the following calls:{ID} - Should return a specific image - Should return a list of image IDs.{TAG} - Should return a list of image IDs with this tag.{TAG}/{TAG} - Should return a list of image IDs with these tags.{TAG}/{TAG}/{TAG} - Should return a list of image IDs with these tags.{TAG}/{TAG}/{TAG}/{TAG}/{TAG} - Should return a list of image IDs with these tags.
So, how do I set up a RESTful web service projects that will allow me to nest tags like this and still be able to read them all? Without any limitations for the number of tags, although the URL length would be a limit. I might want to have up to 30 tags in a selection and I don't want to set up 30 different routing thingies to get it to work. I want one routing thingie that could technically allow unlimited tags.
Yes, I know there could be other ways to send such a list back and forth. Better even, but I want to know if this is possible. And if it's easy to create. So the URL cannot be different from above examples.
Must be simple, I think. Just can't come up with a good solution...
The URL structure you choose should be based on whatever is easy to implement with your web framework. I would expect something like:,tag2,tag3,tag4
Is going to be much easier to handle on the server, and I can see no advantage to the path segment approach that you are having trouble with.
I assume you can figure out how to actually write the SQL or filesystem query to filter by multiple tags. In CherryPy, for example, hooking that up to a URL is as simple as:
class Images:
def index(self):
return [cherrypy.url("/images/" +
for x in mylib.images()] = True
def default(self, *tags):
return [cherrypy.url("/images/" +
for x in mylib.images(*tags)] = True
...where the *tags argument is a tuple of all the /{TAG} path segments the client sends. Other web frameworks will have similar options.

Drupal: retrieve data from multiple node types in views 2?

...or, in other words, how to create a simple join as I would do in SQL?
Suppose I want the following information:
Just as an example:
a person's full name
a person's hobbies.
His full name is in a (content profile) node type 'name_and_address' and his hobbies are in 'hobbies'.
In SQL, I would link them together by node.uid.
I've seen a bit about using relationships, but that goes with user-node-refs.
I just want the same user from one content-type and the other.
Now how could I get his name and his hobbies in 1 view?
There is a how to here does this do the job?
If not...
Views can be extended with custom joins, filters etc. If you are lucky there will be a module for this already. Some modules even provide their own views plugins.
You can write your own views plugins, although the documentation is a little fragmented.
The other thing that should be noted is that views isn't always the answer. Sometimes writing a custom query and display handler will do what you want with much less hassle.
Look at the relationships section of the view. This allows you to relate (ie join) different types of content (ie tables). It's not especially intuitive to someone used to SQL, but this video explains much of it.
You could use views_embed_view() in your template files to manually specify where they appear (and by extension render one view right below another).
You could override this function in a custom module (modulename_embed_view($name, $display_id)) in order to selectively edit what data is allowed out to the page.
function modulename_embed_view($name, $display_id) {
if (strcmp($_GET['q'], 'node/123') === 0) {
$view = views_get_view($name);
$view2 = views_get_view('second view');
$output = $view['some element'] . $view2['element'];
return $output;
I know that this is very much a hack - I just wanted to show how one might use php to manually render and modify views in your template files.
