reset TCP just after receive the ACK of three-way handshake - tcp

I have a server with multiple clients. The simulated network is in heavy congestion. What I found is that the server reset some TCP connections after received the ACK segment of three-way handshake. But it doesn't happen when the network is in good condition.
What I found is that the ACK of three-way handshake is received about 3.5s later than the SYN-ACK.
Is that because the three-way handshake SYN-ACK time-out? If SYN-ACK time out, why not resend SYN-ACK.
Thank you for any suggestions.

This looks like related to SYN cookies.
SYN cookies
When a Linux host receives too much SYN traffic, it activates the SYN cookies mechanism.
When SYN cookies is enabled, a server answers to SYN by issuing a SYN-ACK segment with specific data encoded in the TCP sequence field. In that field it encodes the timestamp, the MSS and a cryptographic hash of the two endpoints (local and remote IPs and ports) plus the timestamp.
This is done so that the server does not have to store anything about the connection at this point, it simply send the answer and forget about it.
Then, when the client answer with its ACK, the server checks the hash in the ack field (the ack of the client is the sequence of the server). If it is correct, it creates the connection with the data stored in the field.
SYN cookies explain why the server does not resend SYN-ACK packets when they timeout.
But, why the reset after receiving the ACK?
Maybe clients (or server) are behind a NAT that modifies ports and the NAT also gets congested, so that it cannot link the final ACK to the previous SYN, and assigns a new source port. When the server receives it, it resets the connection (it does not matter if SYN cookies are enabled or not).
Or maybe the server process is not accepting connections at the same speed they are arriving, the kernel queue has filled and newer ones are discarded that way.


tcp syn retransmission after recieving RST?

I am using a simulator. in this simulator when a client sends a tcp syn request to a server and server responds it with RST packet (when the requesting port is close) the same client sends tcp syn retransmission to the same server (and the same port) for four times. i want to know real networks do the same? i mean in real networks if a client sends a tcp syn to a server and recieve RST , do that client sends tcp syn retransmission to that server for four times?
It totally depends on the client implementation. If you program a client to respond to a server's RST with a SYN 4 times, then that's what it will do. It might be that the server is sending an RST because it's detecting a SYN flood (if you keep on sending SYNs unsuccessfully, eventually heuristics will class it as such).
You may want to play with Scapy so you can easily write the client for these kinds of questions.

are TCP client and server in equivalent status after TCP 3_way handshake

when a TCP client wants to establish a tcp connection with a tcp server
it needs to send SYN and then ACK
while tcp server only sends SYN/ACK
so they are different
but , after the 3_way handshaking,
is this connection symmetric, namely, are TCP client and server in equal status
for example, after the 3-way handshake, usually the client send packet first,
can TCP server send packet first?
No, the procedure is not different at all, but instead of sending a SYN then an ACK in two different packets, the servers concatenate them by sending them via a single packet!
In the other hand, remember always that the client/server nomenclature is relative. The server is the party that remains in listening mode, while the client is the party that initiates the connection ...
After the establishment of the connection, both parties are equivalent (same status as you said: ESTABLISHED). For that reason, both can send the FIN statement to close the connection ...
After the connection is established, both ends are indeed "symmetric". Who sends first is decided by the underlying protocol and differes amongst them.
For example, HTTP starts with the GET <path> HTTP/1.0 command, while other protocols let the server give a greeting line first, and only then the client sends its request.
So in general, both ends are free to send their stuff first.

TCP Termination

What is happening to a TCP connection after
an end of an HTTP session?
for example, after loading a static webpage from a webserver
A HTTP session usually refers to the server is keeping an association to a specific user and could potentially be of any length (using, for instance, cookies as association tokens).
A HTTP session therefore usually contains multiple TCP sessions. For non persistent HTTP connections, every request has its own TCP session (and is closed after). For persistent HTTP connections on the other hand, multiple HTTP resources could be fetched wihtin a TCP session and either side will close it upon a reached timeout threshold on either side.
Wikipedia article on Persistent HTTP connections (Keep-Alive: true)
You can have several HTTP request in one TCP connection. So it if you refer a HTTP session as a set of HTTP requests/responses, the TCP connection will be closed.
At TCP level the closing side sends a packet with the FIN flag set, the other side acknowledges this with ACK, and immediately or eventually does his own FIN, which the first acknowledges again with ACK. It's also possible that the connection is abandonded with the RST instead of FIN flag. The port that sent the first FIN goes into the TIME_WAIT state. This is used to reject packets that arrive subsequently, that would otherwise be misinterpreted as packets of a new connection. After the timeout the port goes from the TIME_WAIT state to the CLOSED state.
Edit: Normal termination is indicated by the FIN flag.

What will happen if I send a SYN packet to the server when there has already been a TCP connection established?

The SYN packet has the same source dest IP address & port with the established connection, so what will happen in this case?
The server will silently drop the packet since it already has a connection in the ESTABLISHED state, one of the four values from (client-ip, src-port, server-ip, dest-port) must be different for the new SYN to be accepted.
The server will attempt a new connection.
in tech terms it will send a syn,ack packet and wait for the client to finish the tcp handshake
and open the connection.
will explain the process alot better than me.
the server will send some information to identify the connection in its syn,ack packet.
and that information is used to keep that connection seperate from others.
Most the time, the ports will not be the same
but when it is, it can cause problems with low grade nat routers,
They try to rewrite that ports that are used, and can get the connections confused.

Doubt in Three way handshake in TCP and Unix listen function

Connect function returns after sending the last ACK(3rd segment of 3-way handshake of initiating TCP connection). What happens if this 3rd segment is lost because listen is still waiting for ACK at server but there is no one at client to send that ACK again ?
If the client sends its ACK with a data packet, and it gets lost, the client will notice that the data hasn't been ACKd by the server and resend the packet.
If the client sends its ACK in a separate packet, and it gets lost, the server will notice that the SYN/ACK hasn't been ACKd by the client and resend the packet. Client will respond by resending the ACK.
Whether the application's connect call is still blocking at that time doesn't matter, since the ACKing is done by the OS's TCP/IP implementation.
