Iur BizTalk appears received duplicated messages from the partner SFTP site, we are trying to find out if it is the partner's fault posted the duplicated files or if it is BizTalk magically introduced the duplication. Unfortunately the SFTP site log was purged. In FTP adapter, it has an option to configure a log path for this kind of purpose, but it seems not available for the BizTalk SFTP adapter.
Any thought?
answer is this is not yet implemented
Logging is not available in BizTalk 2013 R2, it will however be available in BizTalk 2016.
BizTalk Server 2016 What's New
SFTP adapter supports more SFTP servers, and has more encryption ciphers and logging. It also uses WinSCP to connect to SFTP servers.
Appreciate any info or pointers that anybody might have.
I am running BizTalk 2020, attempting to set up my first SFTP send port to send a flat file to an SFTP server, using username & password authentication.
When the port is active and a file is placed in the relevant receive location, BizTalk attempts to send the file but produces an error that relates it seems to WinSCP:
The adapter failed to transmit message going to send port "XYZ" with URL "XYZ%MessageID%.csv". It will be retransmitted after the retry interval specified for this Send Port. Details:"System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void WinSCP.SessionOptions.set_SshHostKeyPolicy(WinSCP.SshHostKeyPolicy)'.
WinSCP version installed is v15.9.6.
Any ideas as to what would produce this error? How would I set an Ssh host key policy?
The version of WinSCP used by BizTalk 2020 depends on the Cumulative Update you have installed.
CU 1 = v5.17.6
CU 2 = v5.17.6
CU 3 = v5.19.2
None of them use v15.9.6, although you could try a assembly re-direct to force it to use that version, but you will have to do some testing to ensure that doesn't introduce any issues.
In earlier version of BizTalk you had to manually upgrade the WinSCP DLL in the BizTalk runtime folder as per BizTalk 2016 CU5 gotcha: upgrade WinSCP to v5.13.1, it is unclear from the CU documentation for BizTalk 2020 if it requires the same steps.
Resolved - in the send port, accept any ssh server host key = no, then entered the MD5 format host key fingerprint of the destination server.
We have oracle oledb connections in SSIS packages that are working well on windows server 2008.
We moved them to windows server 2012 and installed the needed softwares. We installed oracle client (oraoledb driver), moved tnsnames.ora, ldap.ora and sqlnet.ora to %Oracle_Home%\Network\admin path, add %Oracle_Home% and %Oracle_Home%\bin to path variable.
But on server 2012 oracle connections are giving this error ORA-12541: TNS: no listener. Where as on server 2008 same oracle connections are working fine.
Looked so much across internet but found these solutions:
Check tnsnames.ora
Check listener is running
Check path variable contain oracle home, oracle_home\bin
I don't see a problem with tnsnames.ora because same file is present on both window servers. Correct path variables are also set. Listener is also running (since SSIS on server 2008 is connecting). And I am able to ping oracle db server from both machines.
Can anyone suggest anything that we may try.
To put a formal answer in here.
Basic troubleshooting steps with SSIS:
Use the database native tools to check connectivity
In this case for Oracle that is SQLPLUS.EXE
If you have an issue with native tools then it isn't an SSIS issue
Check that you can resolve the host by using PING <hostname>.
If that doesn't work try PING <ip address>
If ping works, check the port with TELNET <host> <port>
If that doesn't work, either the service is not listening or you need to get your network guys to open the port
This goes for any network service
SQL Server (default port 1433)
a web server (default port 80 for unencrypted comms)
I want to create a VPN Connection Manager on user's PC. The connection Manager must set up 3 VPN protocols on user's PC for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
PPTP and
L2TP/IPSec and
The Connection Manager shall receive server list from our servers.
Please help me to soulve the above issue. I google it since last 2 days bit not find any approproate solution to this. So please help me in this.
You can find details on creating a VPN Connection in .NET using:
Set up VPN Connection using C#
Remote Access Server Spec
However using ASP.NET is unlikely as browsers can't instantiate a VPN connection, they are sandboxed away from that functionality. Even services like GoToMyPC have a desktop client to perform the main functionality.
However you could create the RAS file then provide a download link on a website to it.
You can find the file at:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk
The person downloading the file can then just import that and have all the set up provided.
i read here in other threads that Windows 7 does not include the SMTP service anymore, so it doesn't have a local SMTP server. all threads directed the Questioners to other, 3rd party SMTP services. The question is: is there any other way of configuring a local SMTP server yet? or is it still an open issue, and i have no choice but to use a 3rd party software?
Since Windows 7 doesn't have a smtp service only other way I could find that you could set up a Microsoft smtp server would be using "IIS6 management console" which comes after installing "Remote Server Administration Tools". From what I read you cannot install Remote Server Administration Tools on Windows 7 with SP1 but seeing your comment I guess there is a version specifically for SP1.
Using a 3rd party smtp server for production I would recommend hMailServer. It's free and recommended on a lot of posts about free smtp. Before using .net to connect to it you will need to setup Domain and Accounts for it to work.
If you just need a smtp server for testing you could use smtp4dev.
Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003/2010 compatible dummy SMTP server. Sits in the
system tray and does not deliver the received messages. The received
messages can be quickly viewed, saved and the source/structure
inspected. Useful for testing/debugging software that generates email.
I just got IIS7 set up on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine in VirtualBox. After doing so, I could not connect from any other client, though http://localhost worked. For that matter, I was unable to even ping the server.
After doing some research, I found that enabling File and Print Sharing on the server solved the problem, but surely there has to be a better way, and I would much prefer to learn to use the best method, rather than the easiest one.
What, specifically, should I do to enable both pinging of the server as well as access to the web server running on it?
Isn't it that the inbound web HTTP port is blocked by default? I'm not a server guru but can remember going to the firewall to allow it through. Should already be there.
Out of the box on Windows Server 2008/2008R2 firewall is installed and users cannot access resources or services on the server unless you configure exceptions to the firewall. There is one exception to this are services/resources on this server that you make available through the GUI tools (Initial Configuration Tasks Wizard, Server manager) - these automatically create firewall required exceptions for you.
So in your case either upon File and Print Sharing installation or upon using File and Print Sharing config wizard/Shared resource provision wizard (most likely the later) required firewall exception was created for you. The rule in question is: File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request – ICMPv4-In) - actually allows ping, but I guess Windows also uses it for network resources discovery and other things implied by the role you installed.
Nothing prevents you from not enabling File and Print Sharing and just enabling mentioned firewall exception manually.