Use Google Analytics service with API key - google-analytics

I'm trying to make requests to Google Analytics, from my server. Thus, I'd like to avoid using Oauth.
One way to perform requests without authenticating is by using an API_KEY with this kind of URL :{ GA_TABLE_ID}&key={API_KEY}&metrics=ga%3Asessions&start-date=30daysAgo
But I have no idea of how to create such an API_KEY.
I tried creating one in the Google Developers Console but I always get the following result with this key :
{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"required","message":"Login Required","locationType":"header","location":"Authorization"}],"code":401,"message":"Login Required"}}
Is it possible I have to link my Google Analytics project with my Google Developers Console someway ?


gmapsdistance - which API is needed? [duplicate]

I've started getting this error from a Google Maps widget within a CMS I use:
This API key is not authorized to use this service or API. Places API error: ApiTargetBlockedMapError
The error message provides a helpful link to this page, which includes the following text:
ApiTargetBlockedMapError Error
The Maps JavaScript API has not been authorized for the used API key.
Please check the API restrictions settings of your API key in the
Google Cloud Platform Console.
See API keys in the Google Cloud Platform Console. For more
information, see Using API Keys.
I know Google has tweaked this API in the past, so I went to the console and checked the permissions given for the key I am using. It includes these four permissions, include the Maps JavaScript API permission:
Geocoding API
Maps Embed API
Maps JavaScript API
Maps Static API
The only part not working is the address auto-complete. When I change to Don't Restrict Key mode so the key works with all services, it works fine. Any idea which service checkbox I might be missing? I'm wondering if Google is just displaying the wrong error.
Any ideas?
This is what I did. Updated.
Make sure you have enabled all the next Google Maps Services
If you have key restrictions, make sure you add the services like the next image..
Restart the project. It worked.
It turns out that Google has tweaked their permissions settings without updating the error. I had to give access to the Places API as well for the autocomplete to function.
I've submitted a PR to the CMS widget's documentation:

Get access to clients data using API

Is it possible to make a platform where client can sign up and log in using their Google accounts, and accept that their Google Analytics data will be used for calculations.
They should accept the use only once, and then the program should download and process the Google Analytics data every day.
Please point me in the correct direction for documentation
Yes, you need to create a project in Google Cloud Platform, then go to : API and Services > Library > Google Analytics API. (This is to get analytics from an user). Then you need to create a project inside Firebase, allowing email authentication and you will be able to do your task.

How do i tell Openrefine to fetch some data trough the google and facebook API (Grel)

I have a list of around 500 foundations and companies and i need to fetch more data like address, description, lat long, email or phone number, from the google and FB APIs I have found something more or less like this, but it won't work in OpenRefine, i need some help please.
I think it is possible to do beacause there is an addon called spotlight for spreadsheets that is able to fetch Google URLs and Lat Long,formatted_address,name,rating,email,geometry&key=YOURKEY
I have created the FB and Google places and google staic map API already. I have tried different queries, but it won't work unless it is in GREL
From the error "This API project is not authorized to use this API" the first thing to check is that you have enabled the Places and/or Geocoding API in the Google Developer console, and you have setup an API Key and that it is showing as a credential for the Places API and/or the Geocoding API
Next step, take OpenRefine out of the equation and check you can get a simple API call working in your browser - using one of the Google Places API examples:,formatted_address,name,rating,opening_hours,geometry&key=<INSERT YOUR API KEY HERE>
If that gives you the same error, you know the issue is not with OpenRefine.
If you are still having problems in OpenRefine make sure you are creating URLs in OpenRefine that are valid for the appropriate Google API based on the documentation for that API and that you are using the correct API key.

Google Maps APIs sometimes requires domain verification?

I maintain a WordPress store locator plugin, and this week someone told me it wasn't working anymore. Eventually he fixed it by verifying his domain in the API Console.
That this was a solution to some APIs of Google Maps not working was new to me, and it's also the first time someone told me they fixed it this way.
The problem is that I can't find any information in which scenario verifying your domain fixes a Google Maps API related problem. I read through the Geocode API / Google Maps JavaScript API / Google Places API Web Service pages, but no where do I see something about the need to verify your domain ( I could of course have missed it ).
Does anyone know when you need to verify your domain if you want to use the Google Maps APIs? Normally it works fine without doing it, but in his case it wasn't, and I really like to know what he could possible have done to make it a requirement.
You shouldn't need to verify the domain for using Google Maps API.
You need to generate one API Key for your app so you can use it when you call the Google Map JavaScript API like this:
<script src="" async defer></script>
Substitute the value YOUR_API_KEY for the one that Google generated for you.

Accessing Google analytics api using api key

I'm trying to implement Google analytics API using API key to make it available without authorization. But i can get examples using CLIENT ID in google developer console itself. Can anyone help me with an example using api key?
It is not possible to access Google Analytics API with the API key. You must use Open Authentication.
If you are trying to access your own data you can use a service account. Create new credentials choose Service Account.
You can then take the service account email address:
Add it as a user at the ACCOUNT level it is very important that it be at the ACCOUNT level it wont work other wise. Your application with then be able to access your Google Analytics data with out a log in.
Without knowing what language you are working with I cant give you any examples.
If as you say you are planning on doing this with JavaScript then you will have to go with Oauth2 and request access. There is no way to use a Service account with JavaScript.
There for I strongly recommend that you find a server sided programing language to do this in. Even if it did work with JavaScript you would end up running out of quota on the API before to long.
Google Analytics' EmbedAPI will allow you to display your Google Analytics via javascript, and users will be able to log in on page.
You will still need to get your clientAPI, but then users will be able to login independently.
The javascript code is described in the dev guide and a sample is below:
<script> {
// Step 3: Authorize the user.
var CLIENT_ID = 'Insert your client ID here';{
container: 'auth-button',
clientid: CLIENT_ID,
The API limit should be no problem, its 50,000 calls per day.
