How to compile realm-cocoa with source code - realm

Our company's svn cannot allow single file larger than 40mb, realm framework needs 140mb+,so how can I build realm-cocoa with source code on github?

You could instead use the dynamic framework, which is a lot smaller (28,5 MB), through being already linked, but you won't be able to support iOS 7 in that way.
Alternatively I would recommend using a dependency manager like CocoaPods, which helps you with the setup and integration. But as a Core Member of this project, I'm obviously biased in that regard.
If that shouldn't be available for you, then you could theoretically use SVN externals to checkout the realm-cocoa repo (GitHub supports SVN transports), add the Realm.xcodeproj to your Xcode project, set the iOS framework target as dependency target of your app target and link to Realm.framework. But please not that this is not an officially supported way of integration.


Artifactory - Concept of File Versions

I'm currently starting with JFrog Artifactory. Up to now I have only been working with source code control systems not with binary repositories.
Can someone please tell how the versioning of files is done in Artifactory?
I have been trying to deploy a file, then change it and deploy it again.
The checksum has changed, so it's the new file. But it seems that the old version is gone.
So it looks like there are no version of files. If I want that do I have to do it in the filename?
I found versions related to packages.
But I was thinking to use it for other files as well.
Thanks for your help
Artifactory, unlike a VCS system, is not managing a history of versions for a given path. When you deploy an artifacts over an existing artifact, it will overwrite it (you can block this by configuring the right permissions).
If you wish to manage permission for generic artifacts (ones which are not managed by a known package manager like npm, Maven etc.), there are a couple of options you can take:
Add the version as part of the artifact name, for example
Add the version as part of the artifact path, for example /foo/1.0.0/
Combine the 2 above approaches, for example /foo/1.0.0/
Use an existing package management tool which is flexible enough to handle generic packages. Many people are using Maven to manage all types of packages beyond Java ones (it comes with its pros and cons)
From the Artifactory point of view there are a couple of capabilities you can leverage:
Generic repositories - aimed at managing proprietary packages which are not managed by a known package manager
Custom repository layout - can be used to define a custom layout for your generic repository and assist with tasks like automatic snapshot version cleanup
Properties - can be used to add version (and other) metadata to your artifacts which can used for searching, querying,resolution and more
Lastly, Conan is another option you should consider. Conan is a package manager intended for C and C++ packages. It is natively supported in Artifactory and can give you a more complete solution for managing your C libraries.

.NET Framework Dependency appxmanifest

I am in process of prepping my Windows Desktop app for upload to the MS Store. I have a (fully functional) MSI installer for my app and attempted to use the Desktop App Converter (DAC) but experienced an error and have not gotten past it yet. So I decided to give manual package (appx) creation a try and it went well since I was able to install my app using the package I created. But I have a question about how to handle my .NET Framework dependency in the package. My MSI Installer has the '.NET Framework version 4.7.1' as a prerequisite so that it gets downloaded and installed (from MS, if not already installed). My question is how to handle the prerequisite in my package. I'm assuming it would go in the AppxManifest.xml under Dependencies where I currently have (note I removed the brackets so my code would display here)...
TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MinVersion="10.0.14316.0" MaxVersionTested="10.0.16299.309" /
...but I am unsure of the syntax to add .NET Framework 4.7.1 so that it gets properly installed (if not already there) on target systems for my app.
If the app has 4.7.1 as a prerequisite, they will need to set their minversion to 16299 (Fall Creators Update).
In general, you cannot redist .NET with your app package, as it comes with the OS. But if you require a specific version, you need to make sure the minversion matches the update of Win10 that includes that specific version. You could use this table to look it up: .NET Framework Versions and Dependencies.

Qt Installer Framework Uninstaller

Is there any script or example of Qt installer framework for "Un-installer"? I want to remove some folders using the maintenance tool.
According to the official documentation for Qt installer framework, the "uninstall" part is simply built in. Running the maintenance tool after install will provide the end user with the option of removing components or the entire package.
So for each component you have previously specified in your configuration, it will automatically show up as something that you can un-install.
Here is the screenshot from the documentation for reference:

Realm support for Swift 3

So I updated to swift 3.0 and now my projects with realm 1.0.2 all give me an error.
RealmSwift compiled with older version of Swift language (2.0) than previous files (3.0)
I also tried to build a net new project and still get the build error, so I know it is not a conversion issue on the Swift side.
I found several Swift 3.0 beta users and tried to run the script to update my version to 3.0 and several other options. The last few posts appeared to use Cocoa Pods - which I don't currently use. Is that the supported fix path?
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't tried it yet, but here is what should work.
Essentially, the compiler gives you a description of what went wrong. The framework was compiled with Swift 2.0, while your project or other files were compiled with Swift version 3.0 (which means you made the switch after upgrading to the new version of Xcode.
To fix this, you need to use the Realm framework compiled with a Swift 3.0 compiler. Since the Realm team doesn't yet provide a precompiled version compiled with Swift 3.0, you have to do so yourself. To do that, go to their Github repository, and follow the instructions in the README under "Building Realm":
Building Realm requires Xcode 7.3.
Building Realm documentation requires jazzy
Once you have all the necessary prerequisites, building
Realm.framework just takes a single command: sh build.
You'll need an internet connection the first time you build Realm to
download the core binary.
This should generate the Realm framework with the current compiler version, which you then just have to use to replace your current Realm framework with. After that, everything should compile as it used to.
As stated before, I don't know if this actually works, as I haven't tried it yet. I don't exactly know if Swift 3.0 is supported by Realm yet or if there are any other issues you could run into. So please let me know how this works out!

How to Integrating Source tree with Spring tool suite

I just want to use source tree which installed on windows machine . But my requirement is to integrate source tree into spring tool suite and need to access source tree from STS ..
How do i do that .. any help Appreciate.
Source-tree seems to be a standalone Windows app that functions as a client for git or mercurial. So I don't think you can 'integrate' STS or Eclipse with sourcetree. However...
Eclipse and STS already has tooling for 'git' called 'egit' which is installed by default. So if you are using git, then there is nothing to do as Eclipse 'egit' already provides git integration. Egit works fairly well and I use it myself.
For Mercurial there are also integration options available. For example:
MercurialEclipse. You can install these on top of STS (or Eclipse). I don't know how good it is as I haven't used it myself. You can also do a google search to try and find more Eclipse plugins that support Mercurial.
