Using Nim to connect to a SQLite database [closed] - sqlite

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have recently began to explore the Nim programming language and I was wondering how to connect to a SQLite database. After reading the relevant section of the manual, my confusion has not diminished. If someone would be kind enough to provide a simple example, I would appreciate it.

Nim latest source code provide a good example. Copy the example here:
import db_sqlite, math
let theDb = open("mytest.db", nil, nil, nil) # Open mytest.db
theDb.exec(sql"Drop table if exists myTestTbl")
# Create table
theDb.exec(sql("""create table myTestTbl (
i INT(11),
f DECIMAL(18,10))"""))
# Insert
for i in 1..1000:
theDb.exec(sql"INSERT INTO myTestTbl (name,i,f) VALUES (?,?,?)",
"Item#" & $i, i, sqrt(i.float))
# Select
for x in theDb.fastRows(sql"select * from myTestTbl"):
echo x
let id = theDb.tryInsertId(sql"INSERT INTO myTestTbl (name,i,f) VALUES (?,?,?)",
"Item#1001", 1001, sqrt(1001.0))
echo "Inserted item: ", theDb.getValue(sql"SELECT name FROM myTestTbl WHERE id=?", id)


Is there a cipher method that uses 9 digit(starts with 8,9 or else) and 10 digit(only starts with 1) [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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1752462448 1933193007 1667526190 1684632419 1869767777 1886400099 1869426529 1953784163 1751999854 1953705777 808924214 943272760 825768241 858992688 876162865 808924214 959918133 892810033 825832761 808726350 1162236485 1412330081 1912602624 there is the cipher.
i tried Cipher Identifier and it says this is base36. yes i found something with it like a another cipher. i tried to decode it too but got nothing.
Example in Python for its universal intelligibility:
c = '1752462448 1933193007 1667526190 1684632419 1869767777 1886400099 1869426529 1953784163 1751999854 1953705777 808924214 943272760 825768241 858992688 876162865 808924214 959918133 892810033 825832761 808726350 1162236485 1412330081 1912602624'
b = [bytes.fromhex(
f'{int(a):08x}').decode() for a in c.split()]
Note that b is the following list (with the last element 'r\x00\x00\x00'):
['http', 's://', 'cdn.', 'disc', 'orda', 'pp.c', 'om/a', 'ttac', 'hmen', 'ts/1', '0746', '8938', '1891', '3300', '49/1', '0746', '9705', '5731', '1959', '04/N', 'EFRE', 'T.ra', 'r\x00\x00\x00']
Therefore, wee need to remove all trailing ␀ (U+0000, Null) characters (see .rstrip('\x00') in the last line of above code snippet).

R - what does this tapply() function do? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Please excuse my terrible knowledge of the language - just started looking at it a few hours ago.
I'm trying to understand this code and what it produces but quite unsure. Given that the value of inclusions is 10, why is the output what it is?
seps <- tapply(diff, nonCore, function(x) sort(x)[inclusions])
The value of diff is
The value of nonCore is
You should supply the code to construct the vectors diff and nonCore, as it is those who could help you need to do massive edits...
That said, what is happening is that your sorting the combination of the vectors according to ab and and ad. ab matches against the first 20 in diff and ad the last 20. Then you just subset the list that is created with the element number that is given by inclusion.
It's the same as running the function without [inclusion] and doing this afterwards:

Performing mass file renaming on the Lightroom database [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to perform a mass renaming of all files in the lightroom database
From: xxx_2.nef
To : xxx.nef
I.e, for each image, if the name contains _2, then remove it.
Which tables and columns would be appropriate to hit?
Ended up using sql lite to open up the .lrcat file: Ran this query to fix the issue:
update AgLibraryFile
set basename = substr(basename, 0, length(basename) -1),
idx_filename = substr(basename, 0, length(basename) -1) || '.' || extension,
lc_idx_filename = substr(basename, 0, length(basename) -1) || '.' || extension,
originalFileName = substr(basename, 0, length(basename) -1) || '.' || extension
WHERE basename like '%-2'

Is there a formatter/beautifier for NGINX config files? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I know this may sound a little stupid, but one of my NGINX config files is a piece of crap when it comes to formatting. It works and all but that's about it.
I tried to find some kind of beautifier or formatter, like but then for nginx config files instead of javascript, but no luck so far.
I hope anyone would have a suggestion. There are no requirements, as long as it can format quickly / lazily made NGINX config files!
I found a few projects which might suit your needs:
Nginx Formatter (python) by 1connect
you can get it here
Nginx beautifier (js/nodejs) by vasilevich which lets you format configs quickly in a web browser.
you can get a command line tool also on the same site to run it locally.
If your block lines end with {'s and }'s, this simple indenter could help you a bit.
It does not format all your configs, it only fixes indentation.
Original in awk (source):
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
{sub(/^[ \t]+/,"");idx=0}
{id="";for(i=idx;i<ctx;i++)id=sprintf("%s%s", id, "\t");printf "%s%s\n", id, $0}
Or rewritten in python:
INDENT = ' ' * 4
def indent(contents):
lines = map(str.strip, contents.splitlines())
current_indent = 0
for index,line in enumerate(lines):
if (line.endswith('}')):
current_indent -= 1
lines[index] = current_indent * INDENT + line
if (line.endswith('{')):
current_indent += 1
return ('\n').join(lines)
There is a fork of for nginx here:

Getting user provided data out of a database and into R [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am creating the function below. The purpose is to take in a user provided variable list from an Access database for use in other functions. I would like users to provide a list separated by commas. I have tried several different methods to loop through the provided variable list but cannot get it to operate correctly. My for loop is problematic.
db <- odbcConnectAccess2007(dbName)
for (i in 0:length(variables))
dataCollection <- sqlQuery(db, 'SELECT table.variables[[i]]
FROM table;')
}, ex=function(){
#Positive Test to retrieve specified variables from specified location
dbPath = 'z:/sites/'
dbName = 'oysterSites.accdb'
table = 'tblDataSiteOysterSamplingPlan'
variables= (nwLon, nwLat, neLon, neLat)
No need to use a loop here. You can build your query using paste:
variables= "nwLon, nwLat, neLon, neLat" ## user input string
If use give a list a variables:
variables= c("nwLon", "nwLat", "neLon", "neLat")
variables = paste(variables,collapse=",")
Then you build the query as :
query <- paste(paste("SELECT" ,variables),
"FROM table",sep='\n')
# SELECT nwLon, nwLat, neLon, neLat
# FROM table
