Meteor http get retrieving only a subset of headers - meteor

In my Meteor (1.2) application, I make a client-side HTTP.get call over https to a remote server supporting CORS.
var getUrl= "https://remoteserver/;'GET', getUrl , {}, function (error, response) {
console.log (response);
Now, the issue is that set-cookie string is present in HTTP headers of the response of such HTTP call in Chrome's DevTools' Network tab.
However when I call console.log (response) , they're not included. Actually only these 3 properties are printed in response['headers']:
Digging more in, I found out on Meteor Docs that
Cookies are deliberately excluded from the headers as they are a security risk for this transport. For details and alternatives, see the SockJS documentation.
Now, on the linked SockJS docs, it says that
Basically - cookies are not suited for SockJS model. If you want to authorise a session - provide a unique token on a page, send it as a first thing over SockJS connection and validate it on the server side. In essence, this is how cookies work.
I found this this answer about sockJS but it looks outdated an not specific to Meteor.
The remote server expects me to use cookie-set header, so I have no choice. Also, for established scalability reasons, the must be done client-side (server-side was not an issue at all)
What solution / workaround can I adopt?

This package looks to be designed to help in situations like this, though I have not used it:


how to fix the bug found during SOAPUI security testing

I was doing a automation testing on my web application with SOAPUI, I have found a bug which is http method fuzzing basically it means "HTTP Method Fuzzing
An HTTP Method Fuzzing Scan attempts to use other HTTP verbs (methods) than those defined in an API. For instance, if you have defined GET and POST, it will send requests using the DELETE and PUT verbs, expecting an appropriate HTTP error response and reporting alerts if it doesn't receive it.
Sometimes, unexpected HTTP verbs can overwrite data on a server or get data that shouldn't be revealed to clients."
Can anyone knows how I can solve this issue or how I block the HTTP request other than GET or POST which may remove this bug.
I am using Node.js and express for my web application.
Please check the images:
Image 1
Image 2

Sec-Fetch-Mode instead of Preflight

I created login FE and finished it.
And as per usual my goto for ajax was Axios. My code is as follows.
const baseUrl = http://localhost:5000/project/us-central1/api
{ },
headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic auth...'
).then(r => console.log(r).catch(e =>console.log(e));
Now when i try to send request to my local firebase cloud function.
I get a 400 bad request.
after checking the request, I was wondering why it wasn't sending any preflight request, which it should do(to the best of my knowledge) but instead I saw a header named Sec-Fetch-Mode. I searched anywhere it's a bit abstract. And I can't seem to figure anything why my request still fails.
Is there anything Im missing in my config of axios?
My FE is running on a VSCode Plugin named live server(
Also, my firebase cloud function has enabled cors
// cloud function expres app
origin: true
Any insights would be very helpful.
The OPTIONS request is actually being sent, because you are sending a cross-origin request with an Authorization header which is considered as non-simple. It doesn't show in developer tools because of a feature/bug in Chrome 76 & 77. See Chrome not showing OPTIONS requests in Network tab for more information.
The preflight request is a mechanism that allows to deny cross-origin requests on browser side if the server is not CORS aware (e.g: old and not maintained), or if it explicitly wants to deny cross-origin requests (in both cases, the server won't set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header). What CORS does could be done on server side by checking the Origin header, but CORS actually protects the user at browser level. It blocks the disallowed cross-origin requests even before they are sent, thus reducing the network traffic, the server load, and preventing the old servers from receiving any cross-origin request by default.
On the other hand, Sec-Fetch-Mode is one of the Fetch metadata headers (Sec-Fetch-Dest, Sec-Fetch-Mode, Sec-Fetch-Site and Sec-Fetch-User). These headers are meant to inform the server about the context in which the request has been sent. Based on this extra information, the server is then able to determine if the request looks legitimate, or simply deny it. They exist to help HTTP servers mitigate certain types of attacks, and are not related to CORS.
For example the good old <img src=""> attack could be detected on server side because the Sec-Fetch-Dest would be set to "image" (this is just a simple example, implying that the server exposes endpoints with the GET method with unsafe cookies for money operations which is obviously not the case in real life).
As a conclusion, fetch metadata headers are not designed to replace preflight requests, but rather to coexist with them since they fulfill different needs. And the 400 error has likely nothing to do with these, but rather with the request that does not comply with the endpoint specification.
You are missing a dot on your spread operator, this is the correct syntax:
{ }
Note the three dots before “data”.
Please see the use of spread operators with objects here:

Which http request headers are required for client?

Which of the http request headers are required for a client to get the correct response from server?
Does it depend on server back-end?
I've come up with situations in which setting all request headers(just like browser does) gave me improper responses and i had to cross some out.
If all request headers are required, does it mean http helper libraries in programming languages set some default values? If not, is there a better solution than error-and-trail?

Custom response headers not sent by server (Rails Devise)

I'm trying to retrieve 3 response headers (Rails Devise Auth Headers: uid, client, access-token) in every request to a Rails Server.
Using Postman (http client) it's working.
With OkHttp (java http client) the headers just don't show up in the client (i've checked using Wireshark).
When i'm in debug mode it just work...
The additional headers with postman are due to postman sending an Origin header and the server is replying with CORS headers, i.e. Access-Control-.... These headers are send within the normal HTTP header, i.e. not after the response.
But these access control headers are only relevant when the access is done from a browser because they control the cross origin behavior of XHR. Since you are not inside a browser they should be irrelevant for what you are doing. What is relevant are the body of the response and some of the other headers and here you'll find no differences. Also irrelevant should be if multiple requests are send within the same TCP connection (HTTP keep-alive done by postman) or with multiple connections (OkHttp) because each request is independent from the other and using the same TCP connection is only a performance optimization.
If you really want to get these special headers you should add an Origin header within you OkHttp request. See the OkHttp examples on how to add your own headers. But like I said: these access control headers should be irrelevant for the real task and there should be no need to get to these headers.
There is a property "config.batch_request_buffer_throttle" in the file "config/initializers/devise_token_auth.rb" of the Rails Project. We changed it from 5 seconds to 0 seconds.
It is a property to keep the current token available for that amount of time to the following requests.
As the original documentation: "Sometimes it's necessary to make several requests to the API at the same time. In this case, each request in the batch will need to share the same auth token. This setting determines how far apart the requests can be while still using the same auth token."
So when we did the request using Postman or in Java Debug the 5 seconds was running allowing Devise to generate new tokens then retrieve them to the client.

In what use cases is a web service likely to receive OPTIONS requests other than CORS?

I have recently implemented a CORS IDispatchMessageInspector applied through a BehaviorExtensionElement for services within a large project I am working on to allow for CORS support (arising from calling REST WCF web services from jQuery Ajax calls).
The current implementation intercepts all OPTIONS method calls to an endpoint with the CORS behavior specified and responds with the appropriate headers (and a 200). As it stands the service will expect to see OPTIONS requests only in the case of CORS requests, however I cannot guarantee that this will always be the case.
In the interests of future proofing and extensibility, what are the most common reasons for OPTIONS requests outside of CORS? Are there plans to extend the use of such requests in future WC3 specs (as this seems to suggest)? Are there any use cases that I should attempt to allow for?
It's the other way around.
A CORS preflight request will be an OPTIONS request including an Origin and Access-Control-Request-Method request header, by which you can recognize it as such.
Any other OPTIONS request is just that, and can be sent by any client for any reason.
WebDAV clients are known to use OPTIONS to probe for support for protocol levels and method support (see RFC 4918).
