How to find the assigned value to a variable inside a function on console in R - r

Suppose I have a small function in R
getsum <- function(a, b){
c <- a+b
Now when I run this function, It runs rormally. But my question is can I check the assigned value to c on console? I know that:
I can print its value within function, which will get reflected on console
I can return this value via return keyword.
I don't want any of these. My question is specifically, whether I can check the value of variables inside a function at console. I tried functionname::variablename, but it is not working

So there are a couple of answers I could give here, I'm not positive what you need it for.
(EDIT: oh, and FYI, I would avoid using "c" as a variable name, that's a function, the ambiguous value is bad. R will compensate by using the value in your current environment, but that's a stopgap measure)
The easiest would be to assign some variable:
x <- NULL
at the global environment level, and then, somewhere, during the function:
x <<- c
the double arrow assigns the value to the topmost environment.
However, this is a bit dangerous, as it's going to run as far up as it can to assign that variable. If you're after debugging, then I recommend adding:
inside the code somewhere, it will stop execution during the function and then you can run whatever you like inside the function environment.

If you want to debug your code, just use RSTUDIO is an IDE with debugging capabilities. In Rstudio setting a breakpoint inside your function and can check the value of internal variables in the right panels.


R language: changes to the value of an attribute of an object inside a function is lost after function exits [duplicate]

I'm just getting my feet wet in R and was surprised to see that a function doesn't modify an object, at least it seems that's the default. For example, I wrote a function just to stick an asterisk on one label in a table; it works inside the function but the table itself is not changed. (I'm coming mainly from Ruby)
So, what is the normal, accepted way to use functions to change objects in R? How would I add an asterisk to the table title?
Replace the whole object: myTable = title.asterisk(myTable)
Use a work-around to call by reference (as described, for example, in Call by reference in R by TszKin Julian?
Use some structure other than a function? An object method?
The reason you're having trouble is the fact that you are passing the object into the local namespace of the function. This is one of the great / terrible things about R: it allows implicit variable declarations and then implements supercedence as the namespaces become deeper.
This is affecting you because a function creates a new namespace within the current namespace. The object 'myTable' was, I assume, originally created in the global namespace, but when it is passed into the function 'title.asterisk' a new function-local namespace now has an object with the same properties. This works like so:
title.asterisk <- function(myTable){ do some stuff to 'myTable' }
In this case, the function 'title.asterisk' does not make any changes to the global object 'myTable'. Instead, a local object is created with the same name, so the local object supercedes the global object. If we call the function title.asterisk(myTable) in this way, the function makes changes only to the local variable.
There are two direct ways to modify the global object (and many indirect ways).
Option 1: The first, as you mention, is to have the function return the object and overwrite the global object, like so:
title.asterisk <- function(myTable){
do some stuff to 'myTable'
myTable <- title.asterisk(myTable)
This is okay, but you are still making your code a little difficult to understand, since there are really two different 'myTable' objects, one global and one local to the function. A lot of coders clear this up by adding a period '.' in front of variable arguments, like so:
title.asterisk <- function(.myTable){
do some stuff to '.myTable'
myTable <- title.asterisk(myTable)
Okay, now we have a visual cue that the two variables are different. This is good, because we don't want to rely on invisible things like namespace supercedence when we're trying to debug our code later. It just makes things harder than they have to be.
Option 2: You could just modify the object from within the function. This is the better option when you want to do destructive edits to an object and don't want memory inflation. If you are doing destructive edits, you don't need to save an original copy. Also, if your object is suitably large, you don't want to be copying it when you don't have to. To make edits to a global namespace object, simply don't pass it into or declare it from within the function.
title.asterisk <- function(){ do some stuff to 'myTable' }
Now we are making direct edits to the object 'myTable' from within the function. The fact that we aren't passing the object makes our function look to higher levels of namespace to try and resolve the variable name. Lo, and behold, it finds a 'myTable' object higher up! The code in the function makes the changes to the object.
A note to consider: I hate debugging. I mean I really hate debugging. This means a few things for me in R:
I wrap almost everything in a function. As I write my code, as soon as I get a piece working, I wrap it in a function and set it aside. I make heavy use of the '.' prefix for all my function arguments and use no prefix for anything that is native to the namespace it exists in.
I try not to modify global objects from within functions. I don't like where this leads. If an object needs to be modified, I modify it from within the function that declared it. This often means I have layers of functions calling functions, but it makes my work both modular and easy to understand.
I comment all of my code, explaining what each line or block is intended to do. It may seem a bit unrelated, but I find that these three things go together for me. Once you start wrapping coding in functions, you will find yourself wanting to reuse more of your old code. That's where good commenting comes in. For me, it's a necessary piece.
The two paradigms are replacing the whole object, as you indicate, or writing 'replacement' functions such as
`updt<-` <- function(x, ..., value) {
## x is the object to be manipulated, value the object to be assigned
x$lbl <- paste0(x$lbl, value)
> d <- data.frame(x=1:5, lbl=letters[1:5])
> d
x lbl
1 1 a
2 2 b
3 3 c
> updt(d) <- "*"
> d
x lbl
1 1 a*
2 2 b*
3 3 c*
This is the behavior of, for instance, $<- -- in-place update the element accessed by $. Here is a related question. One could think of replacement functions as syntactic sugar for
updt1 <- function(x, ..., value) {
x$lbl <- paste0(x$lbl, value)
d <- updt1(d, value="*")
but the label 'syntactic sugar' doesn't really do justice, in my mind, to the central paradigm that is involved. It is enabling convenient in-place updates, which is different from the copy-on-change illusion that R usually maintains, and it is really the 'R' way of updating objects (rather than using ?ReferenceClasses, for instance, which have more of the feel of other languages but will surprise R users expecting copy-on-change semantics).
For anybody in the future looking for a simple way (do not know if it is the more appropriate one) to get this solved:
Inside the function create the object to temporally save the modified version of the one you want to change. Use deparse(substitute()) to get the name of the variable that has been passed to the function argument and then use assign() to overwrite your object. You will need to use envir = parent.frame() inside assign() to let your object be defined in the environment outside the function.
(MyTable <- 1:10)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
title.asterisk <- function(table) {
tmp.table <- paste0(table, "*")
name <- deparse(substitute(table))
assign(name, tmp.table, envir = parent.frame())
[1] "1*" "2*" "3*" "4*" "5*" "6*" "7*" "8*" "9*" "10*"
Using parentheses when defining an object is a little more efficient (and to me, better looking) than defining then printing.

Debugging within a namespace

I frequently need to debug a function in one of my R packages, and find it convenient to add test code and print statements throughout the code. Then the function is a method inside a package, running tests from the console will use the package-stored old version of the function and not the new test version. I often resort to something like cat *.r > /tmp/package.r and then source('/tmp/package.r') to override all functions, which allows the test function to be prioritized. But this doesn't work when I have .Fortran or similar calls within the package.
Is there an elegant way to debug with function overrides within the correct version of a local package?
Regardless of your IDE, you can reload your package under development with devtools:
This should load it to your R session (RStudio has buttons and keyboard shortcuts for this too)
This is an extension of my comment above. As said in the comment checkout this guide for more detail.
To inspect calls dynamically during calls, editing functions and adding code can be done using the trace(func, edit = TRUE) method. However it is not the recommended methodology for doing so in any programming language. It is however recommended to instead perform debugging. Luckily debugging in R is simpler than many other languages. Some of the most noticeable methods for debugging in R is obtained using
debug(func) or debugonce(func)
I'll ignore trace's main usage, and only pass over it briefly in conjunction with browser.
Take this small example code
x <- 3
f <- function(x){
x <- x ** 2
Now if we wanted to "go into" this function and inspect what happens we can use the debug method simply by doing
debug(f) # alt: debugonce(f)
and the following shows in the console
debugging in: f(x)
debug at #1: {
x <- x^2
We see 2 things: The original call in line 1, the function debugged including a function-line-number (#1) with the body in the function (potentially truncated). In addition the command has changed to Browse[n] (where n is a number), indicating we are in the debugger.
At this point nothing has run so in the "environment" tab in Rstudio we can see x | x. Note that x is still a promise (its value is delayed until used or changed). If we execute x we get the value [1] 3 and we see the environment change to x | 3 (it has been forced, and is no longer a promise).
Inside the debugger we can use the following commands to "walk through" the function
n to move to the "next line"
s to move to the "next line", or if the current call is a function, "step" into the function (debug this function)
f to move forward until the next break (with the added utility that if you are in a loop you stop at "loop end".
c to move until next break point or end of function (without breaking at end of loops).
Q to exit immediately
It you click n for example you will see
debug at #2: x <- x^2
printed in the console. This indicates the line that is executed next. Notice the value of x in the environment and run n again, notice the value changed from x | 3 to x | 9 and
debug at #3: x
is printed. This being the last line pressing n again will exit the function and print
exiting from: f(x)
[1] 9
Once you're done debugging you can run undebug(f) to remove the breakpoint and stop the debugger from activating.
This is a simple function, easy to debug, but the idea for more complex functions are the same. If you are in a long loop you can use f to skip to the end of the loop, similar to pressing n a bunch of times. Note that if you hit an error at any point it will exit automatically when the error occurs and you'll have to walk back to the point again or alternatively use browser.
In the case where you have a function like
f2 <- function(x){
x <- x + 2
you can further step into the nested function call f(x) by using the s command while the line is printing
debug at #3: f(x)
or by using debug(f2) and debug(f) in conjunction. Both will give the same result (try it out!).
Now in many cases you might hit a bug or debug many lines (potentially thousands). In this case, you might have some "idea" where you want to start, and this might not be the start of the function. In this case you can use browser(). This basically sets a breakpoint. Whenever browser() is hit, it will stop and start the debugger (similar to debug(f) and calling f(x) but at a specific point). Try for example
f3 <- function(x){
x1 <- f(x)
x2 <- f2(x)
c(x1, x2)
and you'll notice see
Called from: f3(x)
printed (if you have run undebug(f2) and undebug(f) first).
Lets say it is not your function but a function within a namespace, well then we can even add the breakpoint ourself at run-time. Try for example calling
trace(f3, edit = TRUE)
and you will see an editing window pop up. Simply add browser() at the desired spot and click save. This edits the function within the namespace. It will be reverted once R is closed or alternatively you can remove it with another call to trace(f3, edit = TRUE).

R: Enriched debugging for linear code chains

I am trying to figure out if it is possible, with a sane amount of programming, to create a certain debugging function by using R's metaprogramming features.
Suppose I have a block of code, such that each line uses as all or part of its input the output from thee line before -- the sort of code you might build with pipes (though no pipe is used here).
f1(args1) -> out1
f2(out1, args2) -> out2
f3(out2, args3) -> out3
fn(out<n-1>, args<n>) -> out<n>
Where for example it might be that:
f1 <- function(first_arg, second_arg, ...){my_body_code},
and you call f1 in the block as:
f1(second_arg = 1:5, list(a1 ="A", a2 =1), abc = letters[1:3], fav = foo_foo)
where foo_foo is an object defined in the calling environment of f1.
I would like a function I could wrap around my block that would, for each line of code, create an entry in a list. Each entry would be named (line1, line2) and each line entry would have a sub-entry for each argument and for the function output. the argument entries would consist, first, of the name of the formal, to which the actual argument is matched, second, the expression or name supplied to that argument if there is one (and a placeholder if the argument is just a constant), and third, the value of that expression as if it were immediately forced on entry into the function. (I'd rather have the value as of the moment the promise is first kept, but that seems to me like a much harder problem, and the two values will most often be the same).
All the arguments assigned to the ... (if any) would go in a dots = list() sublist, with entries named if they have names and appropriately labeled (..1, ..2, etc.) if they are assigned positionally. The last element of each line sublist would be the name of the output and its value.
The point of this is to create a fairly complete record of the operation of the block of code. I think of this as analogous to an elaborated version of purrr::safely that is not confined to iteration and keeps a more detailed record of each step, and indeed if a function exits with an error you would want the error message in the list entry as well as as much of the matched arguments as could be had before the error was produced.
It seems to me like this would be very useful in debugging linear code like this. This lets you do things that are difficult using just the RStudio debugger. For instance, it lets you trace code backwards. I may not know that the value in out2 is incorrect until after I have seen some later output. Single-stepping does not keep intermediate values unless you insert a bunch of extra code to do so. In addition, this keeps the information you need to track down matching errors that occur before promises are even created. By the time you see output that results from such errors via single-stepping, the matching information has likely evaporated.
I have actually written code that takes a piped function and eliminates the pipes to put it in this format, just using text manipulation. (Indeed, it was John Mount's "Bizarro pipe" that got me thinking of this). And if I, or we, or you, can figure out how to do this, I would hope to make a serious run on a second version where each function calls the next, supplying it with arguments internally rather than externally -- like a traceback where you get the passed argument values as well as the function name and and formals. Other languages have debugging environments like that (e.g. GDB), and I've been wishing for one for R for at least five years, maybe 10, and this seems like a step toward it.
Just issue the trace shown for each function that you want to trace.
f <- function(x, y) {
z <- x + y
trace(f, exit = quote(print(returnValue())))
giving the following which shows the function name, the input and output. (The last 3 is from the function itself.)
Tracing f(1, 2) on exit
[1] 3
[1] 3

R: IF object is TRUE then assign object NOT WORKING

I am trying to write a very basic IF statement in R and am stuck. I thought I'd find someone with the same problem, but I cant. Im sorry if this has been solved before.
I want to check if a variable/object has been assigned, IF TRUE I want to execute a function that is part of a R-package. First I wrote
FileAssignment <- function(x){
x <- parse.vdjtools(x)
} else { print("Nope!")}
I assign a filename as x
I run the function
I use print("yes!") and print("Nope!") to check if the IF-Statement works, and it does. However, the parse.vdjtools(x) part is not assigned. Now I tested the same IF-statement outside of the function:
FILENAME1 <- parse.vdjtools(FILENAME1)
This works. I read here that it might be because the function uses {} and the if-statement does too. So I should remove the brackets from the if-statement.
FileAssignment <- function(x){
x <- parse.vdjtools(x)
else { print("Nope!")
Did not work either.
I thought it might be related to the specific parse.vdjtools(x) function, so I just tried assigning a normal value to x with x <- 20. Also did not work inside the function, however, it does outside.
I dont really know what you are trying to acheive, but I wpuld say that the use of exists in this context is wrong. There is no way that the x cannot exist inside the function. See this example
# All this does is report if x exists
f <- function(x){
cat("Found x!", fill = TRUE)
# All will be found!
Investigate file.exists instead? This is vectorised, so a vector of files can be investigated at the same time.
The question that you are asking is less trivial than you seem to believe. There are two points that should be addressed to obtain the desired behavior, and especially the first one is somewhat tricky:
As pointed out by #NJBurgo and #KonradRudolph the variable x will always exist within the function since it is an argument of the function. In your case the function exists() should therefore not check whether the variable x is defined. Instead, it should be used to verify whether a variable with a name corresponding to the character string stored in x exists.
This is achieved by using a combination of deparse() and
if (exists(deparse(substitute(x)))) { …
Since x is defined only within the scope of the function, the superassignment operator <<- would be required to make a value assigned to x visible outside the function, as suggested by #thothai. However, functions should not have such side effects. Problems with this kind of programming include possible conflicts with another variable named x that could be defined in a different context outside the function body, as well as a lack of clarity concerning the operations performed by the function.
A better way is to return the value instead of assigning it to a variable.
Combining these two aspects, the function could be rewritten like this:
FileAssignment <- function(x){
if (exists(deparse(substitute(x)))) {
} else {
In this version of the function, the scope of x is limited to the function body and the function has no side effects. The return value of FileAssignment(a) is either parse.vdjtools(a) or NULL, depending on whether a exists or not.
Outside the function, this value can be assigned to x with
x <- FileAssignment(a)

Get variables that have been created inside a function

I have created a function (which is quite long) that I have saved in a .txt file.
It works well (I use source(< >) to access it).
My problem is that I have created a few variables in that function
myfun<-function(a,b) {
Var2=Var1 + ..
Now I want to get those variables.
When I include return() inside the function, its fine: the value comes up on the screen, but when I type Var1 outside the function, I have an error message "the object cannot be found".
I am new to R, but I was thinking it might be because "myfun" operates in a different envrionment than the global one, but when I did
environment: R_GlobalEnv>
environment: R_GlobalEnv>
It seems to me the problem is elsewhere...
Any idea?
I realize this answer is more than 3 years old but I believe the option you are looking for is as follows:
myfun <- function(a,b) {
Var1 = (a + b) / 2 # do whatever logic you have to do here...
Var2 <<- Var1 + a # then output result to Global Environment with the "<<-" object.
The double "<<-" assignment operator will output "Var2" to the global environment and you can then use or reference it however you like without having to use "return()" inside your function.
If you want to do it in a nice way, write a class and than provide a print method. Within this class it is possible to return variables invisible. A nice book which covers such topics is "The Art of R programming".
An easy fix would be save each variable you need later on an list and than return a list
(as Peter pointed out):
return(list(VAR1=VAR1, .....))
