Reshaping Data into panel form - r

I have data where the object name is a variable name like EPS, Profit etc. (around 25 such distinct objects)
The data is arranged like this :
EPS <- read.table(text = "
Year Microsoft Facebook
2001 12 20
2002 15 23
2003 16 19
", header = TRUE)
Profit <- read.table(text = "
Year Microsoft Facebook
2001 15 36
2002 19 40
2003 25 45
", header = TRUE)
I want output like this :
Year Co_Name EPS Profit
2001 Microsoft 12 15
2002 Microsoft 15 19
2003 Microsoft 16 25
2001 Facebook 20 36
2002 Facebook 23 40
2003 Facebook 19 45
How it can be done? Is there any way to arrange data of all variables as a single object? Data of each variable is imported into R from a csv file like EPS.csv, Profit.csv etc. Is there any way to create loop from importing to arranging data in a desired format?

Just for fun we can also achieve the same result using dplyr, tidyr and purrr.
list_of_csv <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = ".csv", full.names = TRUE)
file_name <- gsub(".csv", "", basename(list_of_csv))
list_of_csv %>%
map(~ read_csv(.)) %>%
map(~ gather(data = ., key = co_name, value = value, -year)) %>%
reduce(inner_join, by = c("year", "co_name")) %>%
setNames(., c("year", "co_name", file_name))
## Source: local data frame [6 x 4]
## year co_name eps profit
## (int) (fctr) (int) (int)
## 1 2001 microsoft 12 15
## 2 2002 microsoft 15 19
## 3 2003 microsoft 16 25
## 4 2001 facebook 20 36
## 5 2002 facebook 23 40
## 6 2003 facebook 19 45

We can get the datasets in a list. If we already created 'EPS', 'Profit' as objects, use mget to get those in a list, convert to a single data.table with rbindlist, melt to long format and reshape it back to 'wide' with dcast.
DT <- rbindlist(mget(c('EPS', 'Profit')), idcol=TRUE)
DT1 <- dcast(melt(rbindlist(mget(c('EPS', 'Profit')), idcol=TRUE),
id.var=c('.id', 'Year'),'Co_Name'),, value.var='value')
# Year Co_Name EPS Profit
#1: 2001 Microsoft 12 15
#2: 2001 Facebook 20 36
#3: 2002 Microsoft 15 19
#4: 2002 Facebook 23 40
#5: 2003 Microsoft 16 25
#6: 2003 Facebook 19 45
If we need to arrange it, use order
DT1[order(factor(Co_Name, levels=unique(Co_Name)))]


How to use a loop to create panel data by subsetting and merging a lot of different data frames in R?

I've looked around but I can't find an answer to this!
I've imported a large number of datasets to R.
Each dataset contains information for a single year (ex. df_2012, df_2013, df_2014 etc).
All the datasets have the same variables/columns (ex. varA_2012 in df_2012 corresponds to varA_2013 in df_2013).
I want to create a df with my id variable and varA_2012, varB_2012, varA_2013, varB_2013, varA_2014, varB_2014 etc
I'm trying to create a loop that helps me extract the few columns that I'm interested in (varA_XXXX, varB_XXXX) in each data frame and then do a full join based on my id var.
I haven't used R in a very long time...
So far, I've tried this:
id <- c("France", "Belgium", "Spain")
varA_2012 <- c(1,2,3)
varB_2012 <- c(7,2,9)
varC_2012 <- c(1,56,0)
varD_2012 <- c(13,55,8)
varA_2013 <- c(34,3,56)
varB_2013 <- c(2,53,5)
varC_2013 <- c(24,3,45)
varD_2013 <- c(27,13,8)
varA_2014 <- c(9,10,5)
varB_2014 <- c(95,30,75)
varC_2014 <- c(99,0,51)
varD_2014 <- c(9,40,1)
df_2012 <-data.frame(id, varA_2012, varB_2012, varC_2012, varD_2012)
df_2013 <-data.frame(id, varA_2013, varB_2013, varC_2013, varD_2013)
df_2014 <-data.frame(id, varA_2014, varB_2014, varC_2014, varD_2014)
year = c(2012:2014)
for(i in 1:length(year)) {
df_[i] <- df_[I][df_[i]$id, df_[i]$varA_[i], df_[i]$varB_[i], ]
list2env(df_[i], .GlobalEnv)
panel_df <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by="if"), list(df_2012, df_2013, df_2014))
I know that there are probably loads of errors in here.
Here are a couple of options; however, it's unclear what you want the expected output to look like.
If you want a wide format, then we can use tidyverse to do:
results <-
map(list(df_2012, df_2013, df_2014), function(x)
x %>% dplyr::select(id, starts_with("varA"), starts_with("varB"))) %>%
reduce(., function(x, y)
left_join(x, y, all = TRUE, by = "id"))
id varA_2012 varB_2012 varA_2013 varB_2013 varA_2014 varB_2014
1 Belgium 2 2 3 53 10 30
2 France 1 7 34 2 9 95
3 Spain 3 9 56 5 5 75
However, if you need it in a long format, then we could pivot the data:
results %>%
pivot_longer(-id, names_to = c("variable", "year"), names_sep = "_")
id variable year value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 France varA 2012 1
2 France varB 2012 7
3 France varA 2013 34
4 France varB 2013 2
5 France varA 2014 9
6 France varB 2014 95
7 Belgium varA 2012 2
8 Belgium varB 2012 2
9 Belgium varA 2013 3
10 Belgium varB 2013 53
11 Belgium varA 2014 10
12 Belgium varB 2014 30
13 Spain varA 2012 3
14 Spain varB 2012 9
15 Spain varA 2013 56
16 Spain varB 2013 5
17 Spain varA 2014 5
18 Spain varB 2014 75
Or if using base R for the wide format, then we can do:
results <-
lapply(list(df_2012, df_2013, df_2014), function(x)
subset(x, select = c("id", names(x)[startsWith(names(x), "varA")], names(x)[startsWith(names(x), "varB")])))
results <-
Reduce(function(x, y)
merge(x, y, all = TRUE, by = "id"), results)
From your initial for loop attempt, it seems the code below may help
> (df <- Reduce(merge, list(df_2012, df_2013, df_2014)))[grepl("^(id|var(A|B))",names(df))]
id varA_2012 varB_2012 varA_2013 varB_2013 varA_2014 varB_2014
1 Belgium 2 2 3 53 10 30
2 France 1 7 34 2 9 95
3 Spain 3 9 56 5 5 75

Web scraping with R (rvest)

I'm new to R and am having some trouble to create a good web scraper with R.... It has been only 5 days since I started to study this language. So, any help I'll appreciate!
I'm trying to web scraping the classification table of "Campeonato Brasileiro" from 2003 to 2021 on Wikipedia to group the teams later to analyze some stuff.
Explanation and problem
I'm scraping the page of the 2002 championship. I read the HTML page to extract the HTML nodes that I select with the "SelectorGadget" extension at Google Chrome. There is some considerations:
The page that I'm trying to access is from the 2002 championship. I done that because it was easier to extract the links of the tables that are present on a board in the final of the page, selecting just one selector for all (tr:nth-child(9) div a) to access their links by HTML attribute "href";
The selected CSS was from 2003 championship page.
So, in my twisted mind I thought: "Hey! I'm going to create a function to extract the tables from those pages and I'll save them in a data frame!". However, it went wrong and I'm not understanding why... When I tried to ran the "tabelageral" line, the following error returned : "Error in UseMethod("xml_find_all") : no applicable method for 'xml_find_all' applied to an object of class "character"". I think that it is reading a string instead of a xml. What am I misunderstanding here? Where is my error? The "sapply" method? Since now, thanks!
The code
link_wikipedia <- ""
pagina_wikipedia <- read_html(link_wikipedia)
links_temporadas <- pagina_wikipedia %>%
html_nodes("tr:nth-child(9) div a") %>%
html_attr("href") %>%
paste("", ., sep = "")
tabela <- function(link){
pagina_tabela <- read_html(link)
tabela_wiki = link %>%
html_nodes("table.wikitable") %>%
html_table() %>%
paste(collapse = "|")
tabela_geral <- sapply(links_temporadas, FUN = tabela, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
tabela_final <- data.frame(tabela_geral)
You can use :contains to target the appropriate table by class and then a substring that the table contains. Furthermore, you can use html_table() to extract in tabular format from matched node. You can then subset on a vector of desired columns. I don't know the correct football terms so have guessed the columns to subset on. You can adjusted the columns vector.
If you wrap the years and constructed urls to make requests to inside of a map2_dfr() call you can return a single DataFrame for all desired years.
years <- 2003:2021
urls <- paste("", years, sep = "")
columns <- c("Pos.", "Equipes", "GP", "GC", "SG")
df <- purrr::map2_dfr(urls, years, ~
read_html(.x, encoding = "utf-8") %>%
html_element('.wikitable:contains("ou rebaixamento")') %>%
html_table() %>%
.[columns] %>%
mutate(year = .y, SG = as.character(SG)))
You can get all the tables from those links by doing this:
tabela <- function(link){
read_html(link) %>% html_nodes("table.wikitable") %>% html_table()
all_tables = lapply(links_temporadas, tabela)
This gives you a list of length 20, named 2003 to 2022 (i.e. one element for each of those years). Each element is itself a list of tables (i.e. the tables that are available at that link of links_temporadas. Note that the number of tables avaialable at each link varies.
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
6 5 10 9 10 12 11 10 12 11 13 14 17 16 16 16 16 15 17 7
You will need to determine which table(s) you are interested in from each of these years.
Here is a way. It's more complicated than your function because those pages have more than one table so the function returns only the tables with a column names matching "Pos.".
Then, before rbinding the tables, keep only the common columns since the older tables have one less column, column "M".
link_wikipedia <- ""
pagina_wikipedia <- read_html(link_wikipedia)
links_temporadas <- pagina_wikipedia %>%
html_nodes("tr:nth-child(9) div a") %>%
html_attr("href") %>%
paste("", ., sep = "")
tabela <- function(link){
pagina_tabela <- read_html(link)
lista_wiki <- pagina_tabela %>%
html_elements("table.wikitable") %>%
i <- sapply(lista_wiki, \(x) "Pos." %in% names(x))
i <- which(i)[1]
tabela_geral <- sapply(links_temporadas, FUN = tabela, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
sapply(tabela_geral, ncol)
#> [1] 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
#sapply(tabela_geral, names)
common_names <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(tabela_geral, names))
tabela_reduzida <- lapply(tabela_geral, `[`, common_names)
tabela_final <-, tabela_reduzida)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 12
#> Pos. Equipes P J V E D GP GC SG `%`
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <int>
#> 1 1 Cruzeiro 100 46 31 7 8 102 47 +55 72
#> 2 2 Santos 87 46 25 12 9 93 60 +33 63
#> 3 3 São Paulo 78 46 22 12 12 81 67 +14 56
#> 4 4 São Caetano 742 46 19 14 13 53 37 +16 53
#> 5 5 Coritiba 73 46 21 10 15 67 58 +9 52
#> 6 6 Internacional 721 46 20 10 16 59 57 +2 52
#> # ... with 1 more variable: `Classificação ou rebaixamento` <chr>
Created on 2022-04-03 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
To have all columns, including the "M" columns:
data.table::rbindlist(tabela_geral, fill = TRUE)

R moving average between data frame variables

I am trying to find a solution but haven't, yet.
I have a dataframe structured as follows:
country City 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
France Paris 23 34 54 12 23 21
US NYC 1 2 2 12 95 54
I want to find the moving average for every 3 years (i.e. 2014-16, 2015-17, etc) to be placed in ad-hoc columns.
country City 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014-2016 2015-2017 2016-2018 2017-2019
France Paris 23 34 54 12 23 21 37 33.3 29.7 18.7
US NYC 1 2 2 12 95 54 etc etc etc etc
Any hint?
1) Using the data shown reproducibly in the Note at the end we apply rollmean to each column in the transpose of the data and then transpose back. We rollapply the appropriate paste command to create the names.
DF2 <- DF[-(1:2)]
cbind(DF, setNames(, 3))),
rollapply(names(DF2), 3, function(x) paste(range(x), collapse = "-"))))
country City 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014-2016 2015-2017 2016-2018 2017-2019
1 France Paris 23 34 54 12 23 21 37.000000 33.333333 29.66667 18.66667
2 US NYC 1 2 2 12 95 54 1.666667 5.333333 36.33333 53.66667
2) This could also be expressed using dplyr/tidyr/zoo like this:
DF %>%
pivot_longer(-c(country, City)) %>%
group_by(country, City) %>%
mutate(value = rollmean(value, 3, fill = NA),
name = rollapply(name, 3, function(x) paste(range(x), collapse="-"), fill=NA)) %>%
ungroup %>%
drop_na %>%
pivot_wider %>%
left_join(DF, ., by = c("country", "City"))
Lines <- "country City 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
France Paris 23 34 54 12 23 21
US NYC 1 2 2 12 95 54 "
DF <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE, = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)

How to 'stretch' the cell of a column from a data frame in R

'stretch' may not be the most suitable way to put it, but I can't come up with any other word.
I have a data frame like this :
var1 <- c(rep(0, each=9),1999,rep(0, each=9),2000,rep(0, each=9),2001)
var2 <- c(rnorm(n=30))
df1 <- data.frame(var1,var2)
What I want to do is to replace every 0 from the column var1 by the next number encountered in the column. Hence I want sthg like:
var1 <- c(rep(1999, each=10),rep(2000, each=10),rep(2001, each=10))
var2 <- c(rnorm(n=30))
df2 <- data.frame(var1,var2)
With var2 having specific and ordered values I don't want to move around.
The thing is, the data frame is 500 000 rows long, so I would like not to find the row number of every var1 different from 0.
(it's likely that such question has been asked before, but since I couldn't find another word than 'stretch'...)
One way using na.locf from zoo:
#convert zeros to NA in order to use na.locf afterwards
df1$var1[df1$var1 == 0] <- NA
#fromLast carries the observations backwards
df1$var1 <- na.locf(df1$var1, fromLast = TRUE)
> df1
var1 var2
1 1999 -0.04750614
2 1999 -0.35462388
3 1999 0.30700748
4 1999 1.09506443
5 1999 -0.61049306
6 1999 0.66687294
7 1999 0.54623236
8 1999 -0.04848903
9 1999 -0.56502719
10 1999 0.08067966
11 2000 -0.05474748
12 2000 0.27380898
13 2000 -0.21283353
14 2000 -0.89820808
15 2000 -0.18752047
16 2000 0.21827094
17 2000 0.56370895
18 2000 -1.21738551
19 2000 -0.61426847
20 2000 -1.34144736
21 2001 -0.52697208
22 2001 0.90209640
23 2001 -0.52040468
24 2001 -0.37432746
25 2001 -0.21218776
26 2001 0.88372231
27 2001 0.54274394
28 2001 0.06127087
29 2001 0.04263164
30 2001 0.52294204

Reducing rows and expanding columns of data.frame in R

I have this data.frame in R.
> a <- data.frame(year = c(2001,2001,2001,2001), country = c("Japan", "Japan","US","US"), type = c("a","b","a","b"), amount = c(35,67,39,45))
> a
year country type amount
1 2001 Japan a 35
2 2001 Japan b 67
3 2001 US a 39
4 2001 US b 45
How should I transform this into a data.frame that looks like this?
year country type.a type.b
1 2001 Japan 35 67
2 2001 US 39 45
Basically I want the number of rows to be the number of (year x country) pairs, and I want to create additional columns for each type.
base solution, but requires renaming columns and rows
reshape(a, v.names="amount", timevar="type", idvar="country", direction="wide")
year country amount.a amount.b
1 2001 Japan 35 67
3 2001 US 39 45
reshape2 solution
dcast(a, year+country ~ paste("type", type, sep="."), value.var="amount")
year country type.a type.b
1 2001 Japan 35 67
2 2001 US 39 45
Another way would be to use spread in the tidyr package and rename in the dplyr package to deliver the expected outcome.
spread(a,type, amount) %>%
rename(type.a = a, type.b = b)
# year country type.a type.b
#1 2001 Japan 35 67
#2 2001 US 39 45
