Meteor update worldwide access variables - meteor

I am trying to create a count variable in Meteor that, once updated, will be reflected by anyone viewing the app online. I also do not know the proper term for this variable so I apologize for the weak description. I have just started using Meteor today.
Basically, I need to be able to display a live count of the number of messages sent through the app. I have read that using a database would be discouraged because of how often the value will be changed. Is there a way to do this?
Here's what I've tried (in isClient, wwCounter is defined as wwCounter = 0; outside of isClient):
wwCounter: function()
return Session.get('wwCounter');
And in isServer (contained within the event function sendMessage after the message is sent. The message DOES send, no troubles there):
Thank you for your time.


Displaying data from Firebase on load of Ionic app

I'm a beginner in Ionic and Firebase. To learn using ionic+firebase, I'm writing a RandomQuote app to fetch a random entry from Firebase. A reload() method is called when I click a reload button, and the random quote is displayed as expected.
However, I also want the quote to display when the app is loaded, i.e., before I click the reload button. I call the reload() method in the constructor but it doesn't work. I have tried to search for answers on the web but cannot find anything that I could understand. Not sure if I'm searching the wrong keywords or in the wrong domains.
The following is the reload() method that I put in my FirebaseProvider class and called from my home.ts:
data => {
this.oneQuote = data[Math.floor(Math.random() * data.length)];
return this.oneQuote;
Can anyone give me some hints? Or any pointer to useful books / materials for beginners will also be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Data is loaded from Firebase asynchronously. This means that by the time your return statement runs this.oneQuote doesn't have a value yet.
This is easiest to say by placing a few log statements around your code:
console.log("Before subscribing");
data => {
console.log("Got data");
console.log("After subscribing");
When you run this code, the output is:
Before subscribing
After subscribing
Got data
This is probably not what you expected. But it completely explains why your return statement doesn't return the data: that data hasn't been loaded yet.
So you need to make sure your code that needs the data runs after the data has been loaded. There are two common ways to do this:
By moving the code into the callback
By returning a promise/subscription/observable
Moving the code into the callback is easiest: when the console.log("Got data") statement runs in the code above, the data is guaranteed to be available. So if you move the code that requires the data into that place, it can use the data without problems.
Returning a promise/subscription/observable is a slightly trickier to understand, but nicer way to doing the same. Now instead of moving the code-that-needs-data into the callback, you'll return "something" out of the callback that exposes the data when it is available. In the case of AngularFire the easiest way to do that is to return the actual observable itself:
return this.afd.list('/quoteList/').valueChanges();
Now the code that needs the quotes can just subscribe to the return value and update the UI:
reload().subscribe(data => {
this.oneQuote = data[Math.floor(Math.random() * data.length)];
A final note: having a reload() method sounds like an antipattern. The subscription will already be called whenever the data in the quoteList changes. There is no need to call reload() for that.

Iron router + observechanges = repeated observechanges handler calls?

I'm attempting to use observechanges with iron router but they don't seem to be compatible at all.
Router.route('/gaming', {
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('chat', function() {
window.chatmessagesCache = new ReactiveVar;
return chat.find().observeChanges({
added: function(id, doc) {
var tmpArr;
tmpArr = chatmessagesCache.get();
return chatmessagesCache.set(tmpArr);
If I leave the route and come back to it, observechanges begins being handled as many times as I've navigated away and returned, for each new record. What's the deal?
If I use subs manager it works as expected, but I don't understand why Meteor.subscribe inside waitOn is so cache/subscription unaware when it ALREADY gets called multiple times per load. Why!? I can't decipher what's causing this behavior at all.
Also, what I'm trying to accomplish is simple. I want to let chat messages that the user's client has received remain on the page even if the chat cursor is no longer publishing them (I'm publishing the last 10 chat messages)
Iron router has reactivity built in, which means when something inside your route function is invalidated, it will repeat the function as well as anything reactive with a Router.current(). These unexpected invalidation runs are a primary reason why folks made the exodus to flow router.
To solve this, you'll want to abstract your code away from the router. You can leave the sub, but I'd suggest you remove the sub's callback from the waitOn and move it into an onRendered callback. If you don't want the history loaded in chunks, you can first do a var collectionCount = chat.find({},{reactive:false}).count() on how many docs are in the collection & then in the added callback you can do something like if (++currentCount === collectionCount) /* add stuff */ to add al the records to the history when it reaches the last record.
On a bigger picture level, consider eliminating the observeChanges & just do an #each over the chat collection in spacebars to show your messages. Fewer cycles, cleaner code.
Iron router just has no management of observations you created yet it manages subscriptions itself, hence the multiple additions.
I figured this out by using a window level variable to check if I'm observing. Even in cases when the subscription is unhooked by iron, if I go back and never re-add the handler, the original observation hook still runs (!). ALSO, if you navigate away and drop the subscription, the handler is no longer called--which is the behavior I want in this scenario (This is all very insane behavior but at least it's now predictable to me )
This is caused by the fact that subscriptions != collections and the API for observations doesn't seem to expose any metadata, unfortunately, so I don't know how the iron router maintainers would account for this. Not to mention you return iron router a subscription, not a collection.
#Matt K if you were correct, this would always be an infinite loop (which admittedly I had a bunch of while trying to solve this) but the posted code is adding too many handlers, not looping indefinitely. Thanks for the post though.
This is what I settled on
waitOn: ->
Meteor.subscribe('chat', ->
window.chatmessagesCache = new ReactiveVar(chat.find().fetch().reverse())
if !window.chatListening
window.chatListening = true
after = chat.find().count()
added: _.after(after + 1,(doc) ->
tmpArr = chatmessagesCache.get()
changed : (id, doc) ->
I really just wanted to test out a pattern of locally "disconnected" documents. I still may use subs manager because it keeps subscriptions and their handlers alive without rerunning them constantly (which was rerunning the sub handler, which was adding multiple observations)

Meteor - How do I automatically redirect user to page when data changes

I am writing a Meteor app that takes in external data from a machine (think IoT) and displays lots of charts, graphs, etc. So far so good. There are various pages in the application (one per graph type so far). Now as the data is being fed in "real-time", there is a situation (normal) where the data "set" gets totally reset. I.e. all the data is no longer valid. When this happens, I want to redirect the user back to the "Home" page regardless of where they are (well, except the home page).
I am hoping to make this a "global" item, but also don't want too much overhead. I noticed that iron:router (that I am using) has an onData()method but that seems a bit -- high overhead -- since it's just one piece of data that indicates a reset.
Since each page is rather "independent" and an user can stay on a page for a long time (the graphs auto-update as the underlying data changes) , I'm not even sure iron:router is the best approach at all.
This is Meteor 1.0.X BTW.
Just looking for a clean "proper" Meteor way to handle this. I could put a check in the redisplay logic of each page, but would think a more abstracted (read: global) approach would be more long-term friendly (so if we add more pages of graphs it automatically still works) ..
This is a job for cursor.observeChanges
Set up a collection that servers as a "reset notification" that broadcasts to all users when a new notification is inserted.
On Client:
criteria = {someCriteria: true};
query = ResetNotificationCollection.find(criteria)
var handle = query.observeChanges({
added: function (id, user) {
Whenever a reset happens:
notification = { time: new Date(), whateverYouWantHere: 'useful info' }
ResetNotificationCollection.insert notification
On insert, all clients observing changes on the collection will respond to an efficient little DDP message.

Meteor Deps.Autorun know when data has been fully fetched

Is there a way to know when data has been initially fully fetched from the server after running Deps.autorun for the first time?
For example:
Deps.autorun(function () {
var data = ItemsCollection.find().fetch();
Initially my console log will show Object { items=[0] } as the data has not yet been fetched from the server. I can handle this first run.
However, the issue is that the function will be rerun whenever data is received which may not be when the full collection has been loaded. For example, I sometimes received Object { items=[12] } quickly followed by Object { items=[13] } (which isn't due to another client changing data).
So - is there a way to know when a full load has taken place for a certain dependent function and all collections within it?
You need to store the subscription handle somewhere and then use the ready method to determine whether the initial data load has been completed.
So if you subscribe to the collection using:
itemSub = Meteor.subscribe('itemcollections', blah blah...)
You can then surround your find and console.log statements with:
if (itemSub.ready()) { ... }
and they will only be executed once the initial dataset has been received.
Note that there are possible ocassions when the collection handle will return ready marginally before some of the items are received if the collection is large and you are dealing with significant latency, but the problem should be very minor. For more on why and how the ready () method actually works, see this.
Meteor.subscribe returns a handle with a reactive ready method, which is set to true when "an initial, complete snapshot of the record set has been sent" (see
Using this information you can design something simple such as :
var waitList=[Meteor.subscribe("firstSub"),Meteor.subscribe("secondSub"),...];
var waitListReady=_.every(waitList,function(handle){
return handle.ready();
console.log("Every documents sent in publications is now available.");
Unless you're prototyping a toy project, this is not a solid design and you probably want to use iron-router ( which provides great design patterns to address this kind of problems.
In particular, take a moment and have a look at these 3 videos from the main iron-router contributor :

Find out all the Queries listening on a Meteor.js Collection

In Meteor, is it possible to count/find out the all the queries that are currently listening to a particular Collection?
I am trying to create a function which does: Whenever the number of users listening on a particular query (eg: myCollection.find({color:'red'}) becomes non-zero, execute a function whenever documents are changed/added to a second Collection anotherCollection.
When/how is the find method called? If it's called when someone hits a button on the page, for instance, simply increase a serverside variable that will increase when that happens. To decrease this variable when the user leaves the page, listen to the window.onbeforeunload event and decrease the count when it happens.
Alternately, if you have a login system, assign a boolean value such as online to each user. When they log in, make their online status true with the following code. if(Meteor.user()){Meteor.user().online=true;}. Make sure an onbeforeunload sets their online status to false when they leave. Then, do something like Meteor.users.find({online:true}).size() to get the amount of users online.
Basically, rather than update when myCollection.find({color:'red'}) is called, put that in a function. For instance:
Session.set('browsing', false);
function findColor(c){//Alerts the server when the user attempts to get a color.
//This is presuming they don't use the plain MongoDB command.
//Your button/however you're finding the color should use this command
if(!Session.get('browsing'))//if it's already true, don't increase the count
Session.set('browsing', true);
return myCollection.find({color:c});
window.onbeforeunload = function(){'decBrowsing');};
var browsing = 0;
incBrowsing: function(){browsing++;},
decBrowsing: function(){browsing++;}
I haven't tested this, but I hope it works for you. You didn't provide too many details on your problem, so feel free to comment below if you or I need to clarify something.
