R is automatically rounding numbers when passed as variables - r

I have a function that passes a number to different rounding functions depending on a category. For example, if my function is applyRoundRule, and if the category is A, I might pass the number 2.415 to a rounding function that might round up from 5 with the expected result 2.42.
My problem is if I input the number directly into the function call it works fine, but if I pass in a function or variable that determines the number R appears to conduct its own rounding resulting in the wrong result, 2.41 in the above case.
For instance, if I write
applyRoundRule("A", (1 + 15/100)*2.1)
The answer is
Similarly, if write
applyRoundRule("A", signif((1 + 15/100)*(100 - 97.9),4))
I get the right answer (2.42) but in other instances I get the wrong answer, in other words without signif certain values will be wrong and with another set of numbers will be wrong.
What can I do such that R doesn't conduct it's own rounding prior to my designated rounding rules?
Edit: Please find an example of the two relevant functions
applyRoundRule <- function(categ, num){
roundVal <- switch(categ,
"A" = RoundUp(num,2),
"B" = RoundUp(num,3)
And the rounding function might be something like
RoundUp = function(x, n) {
z = abs(x)*10^n
z = z + 0.5
z = trunc(z)
z = z/10^n


Optimize within for loop cannot find function

I've got a function, KozakTaper, that returns the diameter of a tree trunk at a given height (DHT). There's no algebraic way to rearrange the original taper equation to return DHT at a given diameter (4 inches, for my purposes)...enter R! (using 3.4.3 on Windows 10)
My approach was to use a for loop to iterate likely values of DHT (25-100% of total tree height, HT), and then use optimize to choose the one that returns a diameter closest to 4". Too bad I get the error message Error in f(arg, ...) : could not find function "f".
Here's a shortened definition of KozakTaper along with my best attempt so far.
if(Bark=='ob' & SPP=='AB'){
else if(Bark=='ob' & SPP=='RS'){
p = 1.3/HT
z = DHT/HT
Xi = (1 - z^(1/3))/(1 - p^(1/3))
Qi = 1 - z^(1/3)
y = (a0_tap * (DBH^a1_tap) * (HT^a2_tap)) * Xi^(b1_tap * z^4 + b2_tap * (exp(-DBH/HT)) +
b3_tap * Xi^0.1 + b4_tap * (1/DBH) + b5_tap * HT^Qi + b6_tap * Xi + b7_tap*Planted)
HT <- .3048*85 #converting from english to metric (sorry, it's forestry)
for (i in c((HT*.25):(HT+1))) {
d <- KozakTaper(Bark='ob',SPP='RS',DHT=i,DBH=2.54*19,HT=.3048*85,Planted=0)
frame <- na.omit(d)
optimize(f=abs(10.16-d), interval=frame, lower=1, upper=90,
maximum = FALSE,
tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
Eventually I would like this code to iterate through a csv and return i for the best d, which will require some rearranging, but I figured I should make it work for one tree first.
When I print d I get multiple values, so it is iterating through i, but it gets held up at the optimize function.
Defining frame was my most recent tactic, because d returns one NaN at the end, but it may not be the best input for interval. I've tried interval=c((HT*.25):(HT+1)), defining KozakTaper within the for loop, and defining f prior to the optimize, but I get the same error. Suggestions for what part I should target (or other approaches) are appreciated!
Forestry Research Fellow, Appalachian Mountain Club.
MS, University of Maine
**Edit with a follow-up question:
I'm now trying to run this script for each row of a csv, "Input." The row contains the values for KozakTaper, and I've called them with this:
o <- optimize(f = function(x) abs(10.16 - KozakTaper(Bark='ob',
lower=Input$Ht*.25, upper=Input$Ht+1,
maximum = FALSE, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
Input$Opt <- o$minimum
Input$Mht <- Input$Opt/.3048. # converting back to English
Input$Ht and Input$DBH are numeric; Input$Species is factor.
However, I get the error invalid function value in 'optimize'. I get it whether I define "o" or just run optimize. Oddly, when I don't call values from the row but instead use the code from the answer, it tells me object 'HT' not found. I have the awful feeling this is due to some obvious/careless error on my part, but I'm not finding posts about this error with optimize. If you notice what I've done wrong, your explanation will be appreciated!
I'm not an expert on optimize, but I see three issues: 1) your call to KozakTaper does not iterate through the range you specify in the loop. 2) KozakTaper returns a a single number not a vector. 3) You haven't given optimize a function but an expression.
So what is happening is that you are not giving optimize anything to iterate over.
All you should need is this:
optimize(f = function(x) abs(10.16 - KozakTaper(Bark='ob',
lower=HT*.25, upper=HT+1,
maximum = FALSE, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
[1] 22.67713 ##Hopefully this is the right answer
[1] 0
Optimize will now substitute x in from lower to higher, trying to minimize the difference

R for loop with panel data for z-score calculation

I am currently working on creating some functions in RStudio with a dataset on roughly 100,000 individuals that are observed from 2005-2013. I have an unbalanced panel with two variables of interest - lets call them x and y for the sake of simplicity.
The function I am specifying takes the form of:
z = (mean(x) + mean(y)) / sd(x)
As noticeable, it is a normal z-score measure that is often used as a normalisation technique during the pre-processing stage of model estimation.
The goal of specifying the function is to compute z for each individual i in the dataset whilst taking into account that there are different periods T = 1,2...,t observed for the different individuals. In other words, in some cases I have data from 2008-2013, and for others I have data from say 2006-2010.
At the moment I have specified my function as follows:
z1 <- function(x,y) {
(mean(x) + mean(y))/sd(x)
when I execute it as:
I only get one number as an output representing the calculation from the total number of observations (about 150,000 rows). How should I edit my code to make sure I get one number for each individual in my dataset?
I am assuming that I must use a for loop that iterates and computes the z score for one individual at the time, but I am not sure how to specify this when writing my function.
It's returning a single value because the mean(x), mean(y) and sd(x) are all numeric values and you're not asking it to do anything else.
The following code simulates two (vectors) and does what (I think it is) that you want. It would help if were more descriptive though on your task.
x <- rbinom(100,3,(2/5))
y <- rpois(100,2.5)
f <- function(mvL,mvR){
answer = NULL;
vector <- readline('Which?: ')
if (vector=='Left'){
for (i in 1:length(mvL)){
answer[i] = mvL[i] - ((mean(mvL) + mean(mvR)) / sd(mvL));
for (i in 1:length(mvR)){
answer[i] = mvR[i] - ((mean(mvL) + mean(mvR)) / sd(mvL));
return (answer);

Z-transform of a function in R language

I have a function f(x) that gives me results in time domain. I want to get the z-transform of that function so that I can compare both. I know this would be easy to calculate in MATLAB. However, I'm wondering if there is a way to do it in R by a package or writing a code from scratch. The reason for using R because I have done most of the required work and other calculations in R.(Plus R is free)
I searched and found some suggestions to use scale. However, I think it has to do with data not the function. Also, I found a package GeneNet which has a function called z-transform. However, it gives a vector of numbers. I want to get the z-transform as function of z.
By definition z-transform calculated from :
Update for simplicity:
if we have f(x)= x, where x= 0,1,2,3,4,....100. I want to get the z-transform for the given function f(x).
Based on the above definition of z-transform and by substitution:
x(z) = SUM from n=0 to n=100 of (Xn) *(Z ^-n)
for n=0 => x(z)= (0) (Z^-0)
for n=1 => x(z)= 0 + (1) (z^-1)
for n=2 => x(z)= 0 + (1) (z^-1) + (2) (z^-2)
Any suggestions?
Seems like you've got two problems: calculating f(x) = x XOR 16, and then computing the z-transform of the result.
Here's an (updated) z-transform function which will work on a defined x optionally an arbitrary n vector (with the default assumption that n starts at 0 and goes up by one for each value of x). It now returns a function that can be used to evaluate various z values:
ztransform = function(x, n = seq_along(x) - 1) {
function(z) sum(x * z ^ -n)
my_z_trans = ztransform(x = 0:100, n = 0:100)
my_z_trans(z = 1)
# [1] 5050
my_z_trans(z = 2)
# [1] 2
my_z_trans(z = 3)
# [1] 0.75

Numerical precision problems in R?

I have a problem with the following function in R:
test <- function(alpha, beta, n){
result <- exp(lgamma(alpha) + lgamma(n + beta) - lgamma(alpha + beta + n) - (lgamma(alpha) + lgamma(beta) - lgamma(alpha + beta)))
Now if you insert the following values:
betabinom(-0.03292708, -0.3336882, 10)
It should fail and result in a NaN. That is because if we implement the exact function in Excel, we would get a result that is not a number. The implementation in Excel is simple, for J32 is a cell for alpha, K32 beta and L32 for N. The implementation of the resulting cell is given below:
So this seems to give the correct answer, because the function is only defined for alpha and beta greater than zero and n greater or equal to zero. Therefore I am wondering what is happening here? I have also tried the package Rmpf to increase the numerical accuracy, but that does not seem to do anything.
tl;dr log(gamma(x)) is defined more generally than you think, or than Excel thinks. If you want your function not to accept negative values of alpha and beta, or to return NaN, just test manually and return the appropriate values (if (alpha<0 || beta<0) return(NaN)).
It's not a numerical accuracy problem, it's a definition issue. The Gamma function is defined for negative real values: ?lgamma says:
The gamma function is defined by (Abramowitz and Stegun section 6.1.1, page 255)
Gamma(x) = integral_0^Inf t^(x-1) exp(-t) dt
for all real ‘x’ except zero and negative integers (when ‘NaN’ is returned).
Furthermore, referring to lgamma ...
... and the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function ...
(emphasis in original)
gamma(-0.1) ## -10.68629
log(gamma(-0.1)+0i) ## 2.368961+3.141593i
log(abs(gamma(-0.1)) ## 2.368961
lgamma(-0.1) ## 2.368961
Wolfram Alpha agrees with second calculation.

To find the distance between two roots in R

Suppose I have a function f(x) that is well defined on an interval I. I want to find the greatest and smallest roots of f(x), then taking the difference of them. What is a good way to program it?
To be precise, f can at worst be a rational function like (1+x)/(1-x). It should be a (high degree) polynomial most of the times. I only need to know the result numerically to some precision.
I am thinking about the following:
Convert f(x) into a form recognizable by R. (I can do)
Use R to list all roots of f(x) on I (I found the uniroot function only give me one root)
Use R to to find the maximum and minimum elements in the list (should be possible once I converted it to a vector)
Taking the difference of the two roots. (should be trivial)
I am stuck on step (2) and I do not know what to do. My professor give a brutal force solution, suggesting me to do:
Divide interval I into one million pieces.
Evaluate f on each end points, find the end points where f>=0.
Choose the maximum and minimum elements from the set formed in step 2.
Take the difference between them.
I feel this way is not very efficient and might not work for all f in general, but I am having trouble to implement it even for quadratics. I do not know how to do step (2) as well. So I want to ask for a hint or some toy examples.
At this point I am trying to implement the following code:
for(i in 1:100){
root_intervals <- function(f, interval, n = 1e6) {
xvals <- seq(interval[1], interval[2], length = n)
yvals <- f(xvals)
ypos <- yvals > 0
x1 <- which(tail(ypos, -1) != head(ypos, -1))
x2 <- x1 + 1
## so all the zeroes we can see are between x1 and x2
return(cbind(xvals[x1], xvals[x2]))
at here everything is okay, but when I try to extract the roots to Y[i,1], Y[i,2] by
Y[i,1]=(ri<-root intervals(function(x)(x/(a*x+b))^{9/2}*(1/((1-a)+a*(1-a)/b*x))^4-0.235505, c(0,40),n=1e6)[1]
I found I cannot evaluate it anymore. R keep telling me
Error: unexpected symbol in:
Y[i,1]=(ri<-root intervals"
and I got stuck. I really appreciate everyone's help as I am feeling lost.
I checked the function's expression many times using the plot function and it has no grammar mistakes. Also I believe it is well defined for all X in the interval.
This should give you a good start on the brute force solution. You're right, it's not elegant, but for relatively simple univariate functions, evaluating 1 million points is trivial.
root_intervals <- function(f, interval, n = 1e6) {
xvals <- seq(interval[1], interval[2], length = n)
yvals <- f(xvals)
ypos <- yvals > 0
x1 <- which(ypos[-1] != head(ypos, -1))
x2 <- x1 + 1
## so all the zeroes we can see are between x1 and x2
return(cbind(xvals[x1], xvals[x2]))
This function returns a two column matrix of x values, where the function changes sign between column 1 and column 2:
f1 <- function (x) 0.05 * x^5 - 2 * x^4 + x^3 - x^2 + 1
> (ri <- root_intervals(f1, c(-10, 10), n = 1e6))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -0.6372706 -0.6372506
[2,] 0.8182708 0.8182908
> f1(ri)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -3.045326e-05 6.163467e-05
[2,] 2.218895e-05 -5.579081e-05
Wolfram Alpha confirms results on the specified interval.
The top and bottom rows will be the min and max intervals found. These intervals (over which the function changes sign) are precisely what uniroot wants for it's interval, so you could use it to solve for the (more) exact roots. Of course, if the function changes sign twice within one interval (or any even number of times), it won't be picked up, so choose a big n!
Response to edited question:
Looks like your trying to define a bunch of functions, but your edits have syntax errors. Here's what I think you're trying to do: (this first part might take some more work to work right)
my_funs <- list()
for(i in 1:100){
my_funs[[i]] <- function(x){(x/(a*x+b))^{9/2}*(1/((1-a)+a*(1-a)/b*x))^4-0.235505}
Here's using the root_intervals on the first of your generated functions.
> root_intervals(my_funs[[1]], interval = c(0, 40))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.8581609 0.8582009
[2,] 11.4401314 11.4401714
Notice the output, a matrix, with the roots of the function being between the first and second columns. Being a matrix, you can't assign it to a vector. If you want a single root, use uniroot using each row to set the upper and lower bounds. This is left as an exercise to the reader.
