R Conditional summing - r

I've just started my adventure with programming in R. I need to create a program summing numbers divisible by 3 and 5 in the range of 1 to 1000, using the '%%' operator. I came up with an idea to create two matrices with the numbers from 1 to 1000 in one column and their remainders in the second one. However, I don't know how to sum the proper elements (kind of "sum if" function in Excel). I attach all I've done below. Thanks in advance for your help!
m1<-matrix(c(s1,in), 1000, 2, byrow=FALSE)

Mathematically, the best way is probably to find the least common multiple of the two numbers and check the remainder vs that:
# borrowed from Roland Rau
# http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Greatest-common-divisor-of-two-numbers-td823047.html
gcd <- function(a,b) if (b==0) a else gcd(b, a %% b)
lcm <- function(a,b) abs(a*b)/gcd(a,b)
s <- seq(1000)
s[ (s %% lcm(3,5)) == 0 ]
# [1] 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210
# [15] 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420
# [29] 435 450 465 480 495 510 525 540 555 570 585 600 615 630
# [43] 645 660 675 690 705 720 735 750 765 780 795 810 825 840
# [57] 855 870 885 900 915 930 945 960 975 990
Since your s is every number from 1 to 1000, you could instead do
seq(lcm(3,5), 1000, by=lcm(3,5))
Just use sum on either result if that's what you want to do.
Props to #HoneyDippedBadger for figuring out what the OP was after.

See if this helps
x =1:1000 ## Store no. 1 to 1000 in variable x
x ## print x
Div = x[x%%3==0 & x%%5==0] ## Extract Nos. divisible by 3 & 5 both b/w 1 to 1000
Div ## Nos. Stored in DIv which are divisible by 3 & 5 both
table(x%%3==0 & x%%5==0) ## To see how many are TRUE for given condition
sum(Div) ## Sums up no.s divisible by both 3 and 5 b/w 1 to 1000


R function generating incorrect results

I am trying to get better with functions in R and I was working on a function to pull out every odd value from 100 to 500 that was divisible by 3. I got close with the function below. It keeps returning all of the values correctly but it also includes the first number in the sequence (101) when it should not. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The code I wrote is as follows:
for(i in seq(from=101,to=n,by=2)){
return (p)}else{
Here is a function that gets all non even multiples of 3. It's fully vectorized, no loops at all.
Check if n is within the range [100, 500].
Create an integer vector N from 100 to n.
Create a logical index of the elements of N that are divisible by 3 but not by 2.
Extract the elements of N that match the index i.
The main work is done in 3 code lines.
Test <- function(n){
stopifnot(n >= 100)
stopifnot(n <= 500)
N <- seq_len(n)[-(1:99)]
i <- ((N %% 3) == 0) & ((N %% 2) != 0)
Here is a vectorised one-liner which optionally allows you to change the lower bound from a default of 100 to anything you like. If the bounds are wrong, it returns an empty vector rather than throwing an error.
It works by creating a vector of 1:500 (or more generally, 1:n), then testing whether each element is greater than 100 (or whichever lower bound m you set), AND whether each element is odd AND whether each element is divisible by 3. It uses the which function to return the indices of the elements that pass all the tests.
Test <- function(n, m = 100) which(1:n > m & 1:n %% 2 != 0 & 1:n %% 3 == 0)
So you can use it as specified in your question:
# [1] 105 111 117 123 129 135 141 147 153 159 165 171 177 183 189 195 201 207 213 219
# [21] 225 231 237 243 249 255 261 267 273 279 285 291 297 303 309 315 321 327 333 339
# [41] 345 351 357 363 369 375 381 387 393 399 405 411 417 423 429 435 441 447 453 459
# [61] 465 471 477 483 489 495
Or play around with upper and lower bounds:
Test(100, 50)
# [1] 51 57 63 69 75 81 87 93 99
Here is a function example for your objective
Test <- function(n) {
if(n<100 | n> 500) stop("out of range")
v <- seq(101,n,by = 2)
na.omit(ifelse(v%%2==1 & v%%3==0,v,NA))
stop() is called when your n is out of range [100,500]
ifelse() outputs desired odd values + NA
na.omit filters out NA and produce the final results

R is not taking the parameter hgap in layout_with_sugiyama

I'm working on R on a graph and I'd like to have a hierarchical plot, based on the values in the vector S (a value for each node).
lay2 <- layout_with_sugiyama(grafo, attributes="all", layers = S, hgap=10, vgap=10)
plot(lay2$extd_graph, vertex.label.cex=0.5)
However, the paramaters hgap e vgap are not taken and the graph is really confused (even because I've got 162 nodes).
I'm doing something wrong or there is another way in which I can do a hierarchical graph?
I believe that layout_with_sugiyama is working just fine,
but you may be misinterpreting the output. Since you do
not provide any data, I will illustrate with some randomly
generated data.
grafo = erdos.renyi.game(162, 0.03)
lay2 <- layout_with_sugiyama(grafo, attributes="all",
hgap=10, vgap=10)
plot(lay2$extd_graph, vertex.label.cex=0.5, vertex.size=9)
I think the source of your question is the fact that the nodes
are a bit crowded together in the horizontal direction. But
that should be expected. Let's analyze the layout, starting
with the easy part, the vertical direction.
1 11 21 31 41
24 82 42 13 1
You can see that vgap worked. The spacing is 10 units apart.
The second line up (y=11) has 82 nodes. Unless the nodes are
tiny, 82 nodes on a single, horizontal line will overlap.
But aren't they supposed to have spacing of at least 10?
They do! Let's look at that second line.
[1] -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 230
[19] 240 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
[37] 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600
[55] 610 620 630 640 655 665 675 685 695 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800
[73] 810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 910
Looking at the whole graph, there is a slightly broader range.
[1] -65 910
None of the numbers are less that 10 apart - as requested. hgap worked too!
However, what happens when you try to plot that? If you read the part of the
?igraph.plotting help page that refers to the parameter rescale,
you will see:
Logical constant, whether to rescale the coordinates to the [-1,1]x-1,1 interval. Defaults to TRUE, the layout will be rescaled.
So the layout will be rescaled to a range of -1,1 and then plotted.
Scaled or not, you need to fit 82 nodes in a single, horizontal row,
so it is very difficult to avoid overlapping nodes.

Row wise operation on data.table

Let's say I'd like to calculate the magnitude of the range over a few columns, on a row-by-row basis.
dat <- data.frame(x=sample(1:1000,1000),
Using data.frame(), I would do something like this:
dat$diff_range <- apply(dat,1,function(x) diff(range(x)))
To put it more simply, I'm looking for this operation, over each row:
diff(range(dat[1,]) # for i 1:nrow(dat)
If I were doing this for the entire table, it would be something like:
setDT(dat)[,diff_range := apply(dat,1,function(x) diff(range(x)))]
But how would I do it for only named (or numbered) rows?
pmax and pmin find the min and max across columns in a vectorized way, which is much better than splitting and working with each row separately. It's also pretty concise:
dat[, r := do.call(pmax,.SD) - do.call(pmin,.SD)]
x y z r
1: 266 531 872 606
2: 372 685 967 595
3: 572 383 866 483
4: 906 953 437 516
5: 201 118 192 83
996: 768 945 292 653
997: 61 231 965 904
998: 771 145 18 753
999: 841 148 839 693
1000: 857 252 218 639
How about this:
# I V1
#1: 1 971
#2: 2 877
#3: 3 988
#4: 4 241
#5: 15 622
#6: 16 684
#7: 17 971
#8: 18 835
#actually this will be faster
use .I to give you an index to call with the by= parameter, then you can run the function on each row. The second call pre-filters by any list of row numbers, or you can add a key and filter on that if your real table looks different.
You can do it by subsetting before/during the function. If you only want every second row for example
dat_Diffs <- apply(dat[seq(2,1000,by=2),],1,function(x) diff(range(x)))
Or for rownames 1:10 (since their names weren't specified they are just numbers counting up)
dat_Diffs <- apply(dat[rownames(dat) %in% 1:10,],1,function(x) diff(range(x)))
But why not just calculate per row then subset later?

Binning a dataframe with equal frequency of samples

I have binned my data using the cut function
breaks<-seq(0, 250, by=5)
data<-split(df2, cut(df2$val, breaks))
My split dataframe looks like
... ...
val ks_Result c
15 60 237
18 70 247
... ...
val ks_Result c
21 20 317
24 10 140
... ...
My bins looks like
> table(data)
(0,5] (5,10] (10,15] (15,20] (20,25] (25,30] (30,35]
0 0 0 7 128 2748 2307
(35,40] (40,45] (45,50] (50,55] (55,60] (60,65] (65,70]
1404 11472 1064 536 7389 1008 1714
(70,75] (75,80] (80,85] (85,90] (90,95] (95,100] (100,105]
2047 700 329 1107 399 376 323
(105,110] (110,115] (115,120] (120,125] (125,130] (130,135] (135,140]
314 79 1008 77 474 158 381
(140,145] (145,150] (150,155] (155,160] (160,165] (165,170] (170,175]
89 660 15 1090 109 824 247
(175,180] (180,185] (185,190] (190,195] (195,200] (200,205] (205,210]
1226 139 531 174 1041 107 257
(210,215] (215,220] (220,225] (225,230] (230,235] (235,240] (240,245]
72 671 98 212 70 95 25
When I mean the bins, I get on an average of ~900 samples
> mean(table(data))
[1] 915.9
I want to tell R to make irregular bins in such a way that each bin will contain on an average 900 samples (e.g. (0, 27] = 900, (27,28.5] = 900, and so on). I found something similar here, which deals with only one variable, not the whole dataframe.
I also tried Hmisc package, unfortunately the bins don't contain equal frequency!!
data<-split(df2, cut2(df2$val, g=30, oneval=TRUE))
data<-split(df2, cut2(df2$val, m=1000, oneval=TRUE))
Assuming you want 50 equal sized buckets (based on your seq) statement, you can use something like:
df <- data.frame(var=runif(500, 0, 100)) # make data
cut.vec <- cut(
breaks=quantile(df$var, 0:50/50), # breaks along 1/50 quantiles
df.split <- split(df, cut.vec)
Hmisc::cut2 has this option built in as well.
Can be done by the function provided here by Joris Meys
EqualFreq2 <- function(x,n){
nx <- length(x)
nrepl <- floor(nx/n)
nplus <- sample(1:n,nx - nrepl*n)
nrep <- rep(nrepl,n)
nrep[nplus] <- nrepl+1
x[order(x)] <- rep(seq.int(n),nrep)
data<-split(df2, EqualFreq2(df2$val, 25))

Clustering Large Data Matrix using R

I have a large data matrix (33183x1681), each row corresponding to one observation and each column corresponding to the variables.
I applied K-medoids clustering using PAM function in R, and I tried to visualize the clustering results using the built-in plots available with the PAM function. I got this error:
Error in princomp.default(x, scores = TRUE, cor = ncol(x) != 2) :
cannot use cor=TRUE with a constant variable
I think this problem is because of the high dimensionality of the data matrix I'm trying to cluster.
Any thoughts/ideas how to tackle this issue?
Check out the clara() function in package cluster which is shipped with all versions of R.
## generate 500 objects, divided into 2 clusters.
x <- rbind(cbind(rnorm(200,0,8), rnorm(200,0,8)),
cbind(rnorm(300,50,8), rnorm(300,50,8)))
clarax <- clara(x, 2, samples=50)
> clarax
Call: clara(x = x, k = 2, samples = 50)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -1.15913 0.5760027
[2,] 50.11584 50.3360426
Objective function: 10.23341
Clustering vector: int [1:500] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
Cluster sizes: 200 300
Best sample:
[1] 10 17 45 46 68 90 99 150 151 160 184 192 232 238 243 250 266 275 277
[20] 298 303 304 313 316 327 333 339 353 358 398 405 410 411 421 426 429 444 447
[39] 456 477 481 494 499 500
Available components:
[1] "sample" "medoids" "i.med" "clustering" "objective"
[6] "clusinfo" "diss" "call" "silinfo" "data"
Note that you should study the help for clara() (?clara) in some detail as well as the references cited in order to make the clustering performed by clara() as close to or identical to pam().
