After install eclim cant find $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclimd file - eclim

I try install eclim using Graphical Installer by tutorial. Installation process complited without errors, but eclim not working. Not found $ $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclimd file on my eclipse root directory, but $HOME/.vim was created succesful.
Where I should look for eclimd?

I just found this thread with no solution trying to figure out the same thing.
I was able to find the launcher under:

I was just looking for a solution as I was facing the same problem to choose eclipse installation directory otherwise I was unable to proceed eclim installation. However I tried to choose different directories and finally I found the right installation directory
That worked for me I hope this will help you as well.


Installation packages no longer found after updating my Mac to 12.2.1

I'm using tcsh shell to access installation packages for my research. After a recent update, my login shell is no longer able to find where those installation files are located. I receive a prompt like this:
!! Attention: GEMC installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.2.1-clang13.0.0/gemc/2.9/gemc not found
Where GEMC is one of several installation files.
I see that it is looking in the directory Darwin_macosx12.2.1-clang13.0.0, which is not where the files are located, but rather they are located in Darwin_macosx12.1-clang13.0.0. I tried creating a symbolic link with the following command:
ln -s Darwin_macosx12.2.1-clang13.0.0 Darwin_macosx12.1-clang13.0.0
But I am still receiving the error informing me that the files are not found. I figured that I incorrectly used the symbolic link (and probably still am) so I pasted in the entire paths in the above command, and still no luck.
I am still kind of a newbie when it comes to Unix commands and navigation, so I apologize if I explained this poorly. That being said, I would really appreciate if someone could help me find a solution to this problem. Thank you in advance!

The help systems return "help provider not available"

I'm using visual studio code to program in R and I have recently had trouble using the ?func and ??func command.
When typing something like ?rnorm, the message Couldn't show help for path: /library/stats/html/Normal.html shows up. The path is there and I'm sure R is in the path environment. This is really boggling me.
When I first installed R it was working absolutely fine in VSC but now it does not work. However the function works in the R shell. When I try to navigate to the R extension and click on "Help Topics by Package" it says help provider not available.
The packages/html files are there, but VSC doesn't want to access them.
Please advise what I can do to solve this.
I solved the same issue by checking my environmental variables. The steps I followed:
I added the bin installation file (C:\R\R-4.1.3\bin in my case, or C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.3\bin) to the path in my user environmental variables. If you have an admin account, then you have to add the bin folder to the system environmental variables.
Check if you can start a R console from any terminal.
If that is positive, then in the Rpath settings for the R extension in vscode write r, or in the settings.json: "":"r"
Restart vscode. Check if the help pages are working.
Hope this helps ! Cheers.
This happened to me as well. I googled and tried different things and this works for me:
You need to provide the Rpath for the system you are using in the settings for the vscode R package. For example, for a windows machine, you need C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.3\bin\x64\R.exe there if you installed the latest R using the default settings, and similarly for other systems.
Hope it helps!

Mac OS 11.2.1 Big sur- git version control Rstudio path -unable to edit . Not able to link

I am new to Version control and this is my first attempt. I am also a novice in R. just did an online course. I have installed Git and was trying to add the Version control through Rstudio Global options. The Git executable file path shows "user/bin/git" But when I go to create a Project>version control>Git- I get an error "Git was not detected on the path" I dug deeper and ran cmd in the mac terminal- which git and got the location as "/usr/local/bin/git", I also did a $ git --exec-path and got the location as "/usr/local/Cellar/git/2.30.0/libexec/git-core" I understand the executable path is somewhere else. I understand that I need to change the path but Rstudio is not allowing the changing of the path, and I am unable to edit the path to "/usr/local/Cellar/git/2.30.0/libexec/git-core" from "user/bin/git". I tried manually entering but that doesnt work, I browsed through the file s and sub folders and selected the executable file location , but it still doesnt change. Please help.
Welcome to stackoverflow: You can find a step by step support on the official support site of rstudio. Here you get detailed instructions on how to use version control with RStudio:

Error while loading the Code Generator toolbox in Scilab

I installed Scilab 5.5.2 on Windows 10, and then installed the Scilab Code Generator toolbox.
However, when I start Scilab, the following message appears and I can't use the toolbox. This problem occurs for every toolbox.
Start Scilab Code Generator
Version: 0.9.20190122
Load macros
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'xcos_code_generator-0.9.20190122':
File "C:\Users\光\AppData\Roaming\Scilab\SCILAB~1.2\atoms\x64\XCOS_C~1\09E129~1.201\macros\names" does not exist or read access denied.
(光 is my username.)
I suppose the problem comes from "\Scilab\SCILAB~1.2" in the middle of the file path. In my computer, the only folder in "Scilab" is "scilab-5.5.2", so indeed the software cannot find the file it's looking for.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I need to use the toolbox at work soon, so any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Note: I'm not using the latest Scilab 6.0.2 because it fails to work on my computer. It closes immediately after I open it.
I solved the problem by myself.
It was my user name "光" that caused the problem. I found people saying that user names in full-width characters such as Japanese sometimes cause problems like this.
The solution is to create another user account with a name in half-width characters and install Scilab in that account. (Just changing the full-width user name doesn't work because it doesn't change the filenames that already exist.)
I couldn't find the solution until today because I was searching for solutions only in the context of Scilab, not in the context of software in general.
I hope this answer helps someone.
I'm not sure why you are using an outdated version of Scilab. The latest version is 6.0.2 on Windows. If the newer version doesn't work properly then that's the problem you need to fix first. To test your Scilab installation you may run it in the terminal. Find the installation folder. For me, it is C:\Program Files\scilab-6.0.2\bin the on cmd go to the path and run Scilex.exe. If not uninstall everything and install it in a proper way. My recommendation is to uninstall the old Scilab you already have. Then:
Install Chocolatey package manager
Open PowerShell as Admin and run choco update all -y, once in a while update your packages this way.
run choco install Scilab -y
then open the Scilab software
run the atomsInstall("xcos_code_generator") in the console
runt the atomsLoad("xcos_code_generator") to make sure your package is installed properly. You should see this as a result:
--> atomsInstall("xcos_code_generator")
Scanning repository ... Done
ans =
!xcos_code_generator 0.9.201901 user SCIHOME\atoms\x64\xcos_code_generator\0.9.201901 I !
--> atomsLoad("xcos_code_generator");
Start Scilab Code Generator
Version: 0.9.20190122
Load macros
Load help
Load demos

dart_api.h not found when build library dart_sqlite

As i ask before, to use dart-sqlite, I must install dart-ext:sqlite first. But every time I try to build it, I found error= Can not found dart_api.h. how to fix it?
I install it on ubuntu 12.04.
Thank you
It sounds like you didn't follow the build instructions:
Either edit to point to the SDK, or set the environment variable DART_SDK.
Once you correctly point DART_SDK to the dart-sdk directory of your local Dart installation, the build system will find $DART_SDK/include/dart_api.h just fine.
