Sharing sessions between DNN and Custom app -

I have setup a DNN website with domain
Now I require to build a custom application in and host it in
The users who have logged into DNN ( should not be prompted to login again in
Basically, I want to share the Sessions used by DNN to my custom application. Is this possible ? Need some ideas for my starting point.

If you wish to share authentication cookie, you can do so by setting same keys in the web config.
Please check Forms Authentication Across Applications
Sharing sessions is a bit more difficult if those are two different applications, and it would require some custom coding.
Maybe you can add some logic in global.asax Application_BeginRequest event to check if user authentication cookie exists (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated), and if user is authenticated, but session is NULL, just recreate needed session.


TYPO3 external authentication

We have a TYPO3 CMS to manage user base and as a portal for various user-specific information. We also have a separate C# application used for charting visualization with many of the same users with a separate admin backend . Looking to get rid of login portion application and use TYPO3 session authentication. Idea is for the user to be able to click a link within their Typo3 frontend and get directed to the application which can then authenticate with the Typo3 session and act in accordance. Just wondering if my best bet is to write something in the app to get the TYPO3 session cookie (is that possible?) or if I have to do something clunky like oauth2/other service
I would write a TYPO3 authentication service that contacts your ASP.NET app via one of known protocols (REST?) or even custom protocol and checks authentication. If it is successful, the normal TYPO3 authentication process goes on.
It is not enough to simply set a cookie during the authentication. There are other things that has to be done for the user to be "set up" as logged in.

Shared Authentication between applications

I am trying to share authentication and authorization between different web applications ( application and a MVC4 Application).
I read that you should set the machine key and those values to be the same between the sites. I have done this and the authentication is working properly.
But now in the MVC Application i want to use the Authorize attribute to make sure users can only see what the are supposed to see. This is not working.
I also checked.
When I call User.IsInRole("Admin") from the ASP.Net application(this is where the login is done) the value returned is true, but then when navigating to the MVC application the same call returns false.
It seems that the roles is not being shared across the application, is it possible to get is working or should i Create a custom Authorize Attribute ?
thanks in davance
The more applications you have, the more problematic it is to share the forms cookie. And ultimately, if two applications are on different domains ( and this won't work as you can't force your browser to submit a cookie to two different domains.
This only works if you have manual control over your forms cookie and issue it for top level domain and you have your applications in subdomains (, And this could be a serious restriction.
What you could possibly do is to externalize your authentication, i.e. create a separate web application with the sole goal to authenticate and authorize your users. You pick one of Single Sign-on protocols (WS-Federation, OAuth2, OpenID) and federate your application environment around this authentication provider.
It possibly sounds difficult, especially if this is new to you but if you invest your time, there are only benefits.

Asp.Net Login Page , What would be the best approach

I am using Asp.Net/C# and Visual Studio 2008 to build an application.Right now I want to create a login page for my application , I would like to ask you guys , what would be the best approach to it.Should I go with Forms Authentication in Asp.Net or Should I try looking at Ajax Login with Asp.Net.Which would be more appropriate.If possible please let me know some of the pros and cons of the approaches.Also could anyone suggest me some links for a good starting point.
Any suggestions are most welcome.
I think you have to go for Forms Authentication. below is advantages of it.
1) users do not have to be member of a domain-based network to have access to your application.
2) Web applications, particularly commercial sites where customers order products, want to have access to user information. Forms authentication makes these types of applications easier to create.
3) Keep personalization cookies that contain user-specific preferences and non-sensitive data separate from authentication cookies.
4)Consider reducing the cookie lifetime to reduce the time window in which an attacker can use a captured cookie to gain access to your application with a spoofed identity.
List the steps to use Forms authentication in a web application?
1.Set the authentication mode in Web.config to Forms.
2.Create a Web form to collect logon information.
3.Create a file or database to store user names and passwords.
4.Write code to add new users to the user file or database.
5.Write code to authenticate users against the user file or database.
Hope this info is helpful to you make decision
Use OAuth for login.
It has binding too..

Securing ELMAH with no admin accounts

I'm wanting to secure ELMAH in an internet facing application. The system uses Forms Authentication, but doesn't currently have any non-user accounts (e.g. Admins). The user accounts are set up in an automated fashion.
I don't really want to shoehorn any admin accounts into the system (the current DB schema for the users would be quite inappropriate for storing an admin user in), so I was thinking of corrupting the Forms authentication by checking for an SSL client certificate. If I pick all the right options in IIS, I believe I can ensure that only certificates issued by our internal CA (currently used for non-production sites needing SSL certs) will get passed through to ASP.Net.
I can then use the presence of a Valid ClientCertificate (checking IsPresent and IsValid properties of Request.ClientCertificate) to know that this is a connection from an internal user, and set the Forms Authentication cookie as "Diagnostic" or "Admin" (Or any other special username), and then secure elmah.axd using any of the usual methods suggested for doing it via Forms Authentication.
So my question is - am I overcomplicating things, missing something obvious, opening a massive security hole, etc?
Why don't you just store an admin user account credentials within Web.Config and lock down the URL using Forms Authentication anyway?
Ok, if the application is entirely internal anyway, why not secure a subdirectory of your site (e.g. or even just using Active Directory and set authorisation through IIS?

ASP.NET - Detect if user is authenticated with Active Directory?

We have a SSO solution with ADFS for logging into our web app, we also have standard setup that uses authentication with our database. I want to setup a solution that allows for both. So now I am trying to figure out, is there any way for ASP.NET to detect if a user is authenticated with Active Directory so I could do this on the fly? If user is logged in through AD, send through ADFS, else, show login screen. Any idea?
I also realize that this may not work if they are setup to use forms based authentication only after the ADFS process is started.
Yes... In IIS, enable both integrated authentication, basic, and anonymous. All the real work is done in HTTPModule that are registered in the root Web.config (e.g. in the runtime CONFIG folder). The built-in Authentication HTTPModule will set the user Principle once authenticated if authenticated via integrated credentials. You can add your own to be fired after it. If the IIdentity (e.g. User.Identity) has the IsAuthenticated set to false then you know they were not authenticated and can then redirect them. If it is set to true, you can then replace the IPrinciple with one that contains roles that are germane to your application.
